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  1. Cum n-am mai deschis un topic aici de multi ani, si am terminat serialele, si n-am somn, m-am gandit sa impartasesc cu voi optimizarile ce le folosesc pentru a imbunatati timpul de raspuns si viteza internetului. Este vorba de setari si configurari ce se aplica routerului, si este necesar ca routerul sa va permita conectarea prin ssh ca root pentru a le aplica. Eu folosesc https://www.synology.com/en-us/products/RT2600ac dar sunt convins ca ca sunt si alti producatori ce au routere cu linux destul de accesibil pentru a implementa optimizarile. Stiu nu e AX, luna viitoare scot cei de la Synology unul AX. Oricum tutorialul se aplica la fel si la AX si AC. Cand apare wifi 6e in Romania, poate fac o continuare. La routerele Synology parola setata la userul Admin, este parola de root. Valorile ce le gasiti in continuare au fost optimizate pentru o viteza maxima permisa de isp de 940Mbps, dar pana la 2.5Gbps nu ar trebui sa fie necesare modificari semnificative. De asemenea puteti aplica aceste setari si pe servere linux vor aduca imbunatatiri semnificative fata de default. 1. /etc/rc.local Este posibil sa nu functioneze configurarile exact asa cum le prezint eu aici pe routerul vostru, de aceeea inainte de a le scrie in fisiere pentru a deveni persistente, faceti setarile la run-time, si adaptatiile daca este necesar, sau omitetile daca nu se aplica la voi (nu aveti binarele respective/variabilele de kernel, ajustati caila catre ele) 2. /etc/sysctl.conf Ca sa aplicati configurarile fara reboot folositi sysctl -p, sau sysctl -w nume_variabila=valoare. Indepartati variabilele daca primiti eroare, unele pot sa lipseasca din versiunea de kernel pe care o aveti. 3. Wifi Alegem canalul: Primul pas este scanarea de spectru, sunt multe aplicatii pentru asta, scopul este sa identificati canalul cel mai putin folosit pe 2.4/5Ghz sau daca este folosit retelele ce emit pe acel canal sa aiba o putere cat mai mica. - pe 2.4Ghz sunt 3 canale ce nu se suprapun (non overlapping channels), 1, 6 si 11, ideal este sa alegem unul dintre acestea. Daca toate sunt libere, alegeti 11. - pe 5Ghz, cautam sa ne ferim de canalele cu DFS obligatoriu, astfel ne orientam catre benziile U-NII-1 si U-NII-3, daca avem noroc sa locuim in US/Canada (sau routerul crede asta), as recomanda canalul 161. Dar cum locuim in Romania si e 5000 lei amenda daca setezi alta tara si mergi pe un canal aiurea (in ideea in care avem vreo UM in apropiere, bruiem ceva, ei fac sesizare la ANCOM si ne bate ANCOM la usa, putin probabil), iar routerul nu ne lasa sa folosim 161 pe Romania, m-as uita la 40-44, daca este liber. Daca ai un router capabil, si intamplator locuiesti in Australia, routerul iti va permite 4W puterea in U-NII-3, cea mai mare din lume acceptata pe wifi, dar majoritatea routerelor suporta ±1W maxim. Channel width: Marimea canalului este importanta, cu cat este mai mare, cu atat incap mai multe date, deci avem viteza mai mare. - pe 2.4Ghz, eu merg pe width de 40Mhz - pe 5Ghz, routerul meu stie sa mearga pe un width de 80+80 Mhz, practic foloseste 2 canale, am ales un canal din U-NII-1 si unul U-NII-3 (cand locuiam in US), ambele cu un width de 80Mhz, bine si deviceurile din caza trebuie sa stie 80+80 Mhz, sau 160Mhz, cel mai probabil suporta doar 80Mhz, ceea ce e good enough oricum. Alte setari: DTIM 4 - mai mic scade viteza si timpul de raspuns, si se consuma mai multa baterie, mai mare e opusul, optimul este 4. Dar puteti face A/B testing si vedeti ce vi se potriveste mai bine. Multicast translation - on AMPDU - on EXTENDED NSS - on U-APSD - off MU-MIMO - on, ideal 4x4, dar si 2x2 ar trebui sa fie suficient. PMF support - off, apare un overhead ciudat si pare buggy, daca la voi se comporta la fel si on si off, e o idee buna sa ii dati on. La fel si WPA 3. IGMP Snooping - on Orice setare de power saving, off! Downgrade usb 3.0 device to reduce interference to 2.4 Ghz signal - on Allow auto-switch to DFS channels - off WPS - off (security) Daca routerul suporta guest, si nu folositi reteaua in mod curent, opriti guest. La criptarea retelei alegeti AES, pentru ca e hw accelerated. Alegeti pe 2.4Ghz N only, si 5Ghz AC/AX only, ca sa va asigurati ca fortati device-urile sa folosesca cele mai rapide protocoale de wifi, daca sunt device ce nu functioneza corect reveniti la o setare mai permisiva. Daca routerul suporta 802.11v aka Smart Connect, puteti, si recomand, sa folositi acelasi nume si la 2.4Ghz si la 5Ghz si routerul va negocia protocolul cel mai bun suportat de device, tinand cont si de calitatea semnalului pentru a avea cea mai buna acoperire si un plus de simplitate. + Folositi un doh dns, daca suporta routerul, sau macar un cloudflare dns, are datacenter si la otopeni si peers locale - . Firewall: Mtu probing se foloseste de icmp (ping), pentru a identifica valoarea optima, astfel este important sa acceptati icmp pe ipv4 si ipv6. Blocati orice port ce nu are ce cauta in afara, eu de exemplu, prefer sa folosesc un port non-default pentru vpn server, din care mai apoi sa am access la interfata routerului si alte chestii. Locatia fizica: Recomand sa identificati locul de unde, din pozitia routerului puteti vedea usile la toate camerele (sau cat mai multe), un hol, sa va asigurati ca nu sunt obstacole (pereti mai ales de beton, frigider, etc..) in jurul routerului, este ideal sa fie situat la o inaltime de 2m, prins pe perete (preferabil), daca folositi wifi cu precadere dintr-o anumita camera cautati o pozitie cat mai aproape de camera care sa respecte cele de mai sus. Daca pui routerul sub pat, de sub pat o sa ai putere maxima :))). Este adevarat ca semnalul ocoleste/trece prin obstacole doar ca fiecare obstacol scade semnificativ puterea, daca punem routerul pe jos, in mod automat va intalni semnificativ mai multe obstacole, si daca prin dreptul lui trec persoane, o sa apara spike-uri, nu ne dorim asta, de aceea inaltimea de 2m este optima. Performante obtinute: Inainte de a face aceste optimizari aveam 300-400 mbps, cu spike-uri mari. Dupa, am 650-666 pe orice device Apple mai nou de 2019 (testat cu: iPhone X, 12, MacBook Pro 16'' M1 pro/M1 max), si 800-900 Mbps pe deviceuri Apple 2017-2019 (chiar 2014) (testat cu: MacBook Pro 16'' 2014, 2019, Intel-based), au pus placi de retea mai slabe pe 5Ghz cu 2/mimo in loc de 3 cum era pana in 2019 pe device recente, probabil ca sa faca o economie de baterie/de cost de productie, naiba stie. https://support.apple.com/ro-ro/guide/deployment/dep2ac3e3b51/web Cert este ca routerul duce mai mult decat deviceurile ce le folosesc. Daca routerul este capabil AX la 2 mimo atat pe partea de router cat si de client estimez o viteza de 750-800Mbps, ceea ce e destul de bine. Update, screenshoot facut din qbittorrent, de pe un MBP M1 Pro, pe WIFI: Sper sa va fie de folos! Have fun! PS: daca am facut vreo greseala, o sa o corectez zilele urmatoare, am inceput sa scriu la 23 si e 03
    6 points
  2. RaidForums hacking forum seized by police, owner arrested By Ionut Ilascu April 12, 2022 The RaidForums hacker forum, used mainly for trading and selling stolen databases, has been shut down and its domain seized by U.S. law enforcement during Operation TOURNIQUET, an action coordinated by Europol that involved law enforcement agencies in several countries. RaidForum’s administrator and two of his accomplices have been arrested, and the infrastructure of the illegal marketplace is now under the control of law enforcement. 14-year old started RaidForums The administrator and founder of RaidForums, Diogo Santos Coelho of Portugal, aka Omnipotent, has been arrested on January 31 in the United Kingdom and is facing criminal charges. He has been in custody since the arrest, pending the resolution of his extradition proceedings. The U.S. Department of Justice today says that Coelho is 21 years old, which means that he was just 14 when he launched RaidForums in 2015. Three domains hosting RaidForums have been seized: “raidforums.com,” “Rf.ws,” and “Raid.Lol.” According to the DoJ, the marketplace offered for sale more than 10 billion unique records from hundreds of stolen databases that impacted people residing in the U.S. In a separate announcement today, Europol says that RaidForums had more than 500,000 users and “was considered one of the world’s biggest hacking forums”. “This marketplace had made a name for itself by selling access to high-profile database leaks belonging to a number of US corporations across different industries. These contained information for millions of credit cards, bank account numbers and routing information, and the usernames and associated passwords needed to access online accounts” - Europol Taking down the forum and its infrastructure is the result of one year of planning between law enforcement authorities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Portugal, and Romania. It is unclear how long the investigation took but the collaboration between law enforcement agencies allowed authorities to paint a clear picture of the roles different individuals had within RaidForums. The European law enforcement agency shared few details in its press release but notes that the people that kept RaidForums running worked as administrators, money launderers, stole and uploaded data, and bought the stolen information. Coelho allegedly controlled RaidForums since January 1, 2015, the indictment reveals, and he operated the site with the help of a few administrators, organizing its structure to promote buying and selling stolen goods. To make a profit, the forum charged fees for various membership tiers and sold credits that allowed members to access privileged areas of the site or stolen data dumped on the forum. Coelho also acted as a trusted middleman between parties making a transaction, to provide confidence that buyers and sellers would honor their agreement. Members become suspicious in February Threat actors and security researchers first suspected that RaidForums was seized by law enforcement in February when the site began showing a login form on every page. However, when attempting to log into the site, it simply showed the login page again. This led researchers and forums members to believe that the site was seized and that the login prompt was a phishing attempt by law enforcement to gather threat actors' credentials. On February 27th, 2022, the DNS servers for raidforums.com was suddenly changed to the following servers: jocelyn.ns.cloudflare.com plato.ns.cloudflare.com As these DNS servers were previously used with other sites seized by law enforcement, including weleakinfo.com and doublevpn.com, researchers believed that this added further support that the domain was seized. Before becoming the hackers’ favorite place to sell stolen data, RaidForums had a more humble beginning and was used for organizing various types of electronic harassment, which included swatting targets (making false reports leading to armed law enforcement intervention) and "raiding," which the DoJ describes as "posting or sending an overwhelming volume of contact to a victim’s online communications medium." The site became well-known over the past couple of years and it was frequently used by ransomware gangs and data extortionists to leak data as a way to pressure victims into paying a ransom, and was used by both the Babuk ransomware gang and the Lapsus$ extortion group in the past. The marketplace has been active since 2015 and it was for a long time the shortest route for hackers to sell stolen databases or share them with members of the forum. Sensitive data traded on the forum included personal and financial information such as bank routing and account numbers, credit cards, login information, and social security numbers. While many cybercrime forums catered to Russian-speaking threat actors, RaidForums stood out as being the most popular English-speaking hacking forum. After Russia invaded Ukraine, and many threat actors began taking sides, RaidForums announced that they were banning any member who was known to be associated with Russia. Sursa: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/raidforums-hacking-forum-seized-by-police-owner-arrested/
    1 point
  3. Hackers: https://breached.co/index.php ---------------------------------------------
    1 point
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