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  1. Am folosit metoda asta pe un site nou, am indexat in google peste 5000 de link-uri. Puteti sa trimiteti doar 200 de link-uri intr-o zi (de pe un cont), in maxim o zi doua apar toate link-urile in google. Nu stiu daca voi fi penalizat in timp, nu va recomand sa o folositi daca aveti site-uri vechi. -------------------- STEP 1: Setting up the Indexing API: creating a service account and JSON key Let's start by setting up access in the Indexing API console. Go to Google Cloud Platform and create a service account there. Here you can enter the desired project name or leave the suggested one. We leave the location as it is, editing is optional. We continue to create a service account: you should see the following window in front of you (you will have a different project name): 1. Next, enter another arbitrary name. 2. Assign the role of this account - Owner. Next, create a new key and download it to your computer. STEP 2: The ready key is needed to run the scanning script (download the script from Github). The script will be in the form of a folder, one of the files of which will be called service_account. Next, you need to replace the content of the service_account file with the content of your downloaded JSON key. As a result, the service_account file in the script folder will look something like this: The script is ready. Now it needs to be linked to Google Search Console. STEP 3. Linking the script to the Google Search Console To do this, assign the client_email from our JSON key as the full owner. This is how it looks in Google Search Console: It remains only to enable the use of the Index API in our project. To do this, follow the link. Select a service account and enable the API. Our script is now ready to use. STEP 4 For work we need node.js, download here. After installation, run PowerShell on your computer and enter the command "npm install requests" WE are completely ready to work Running the script: How to start: In the script folder (which you downloaded from Github and added the JSON key), find the urls. Enter up to 100 addresses to be scanned there. In total, you can send 200 addresses per day, so create two packets of 100 each. Call PowerShell. You enter the command "node index.js". Wait a few seconds and see the answer 200 OK.
    2 points
  2. O poveste interesanta de citit despre cum am reusit sa avem acces la banii tuturor la cel mai mare Hackathon din Europa de Sud-Est;) https://medium.com/@kelyany/how-we-managed-to-hack-the-biggest-southeast-europe-hackathon-8ac658774af6
    1 point
  3. Absolut! Oricum, ne-am gandit sa mai lucram la el si poate sa-l facem si de vanzare. In alea 3 zile am vrut sa ne focusam pe implementare si idee mai mult, designul l-am lasat la urma.
    1 point
  4. Ideea noastra a fost sa facem un smartwatch mic, scalabil si usor de folosit. Alta e cand mergi cu un laptop intr-un starbucks si pornesti terminalul. Noi am vrut sa fie ceva care sa nu ofere nici dubii:) L-ai pornit, ti-ai bagat mana-n buzunar si astepti rezultatele pe serverul web. Treaba cu imprimanta a fost un bonus la care nu ne-am asteptat:))
    1 point
  5. Fain si felicitari. Proiecte asemanatoare s-au reusit si cu Raspberry PI cu baterie proprie, Kali ARM, Wifi dongle, si plimbatul prin birouri sa descoperi imprimante care asteapta prin bluetooth ca cineva sa se conecteze la ele. Oricum bravo!
    1 point
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