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  1. Learn the Principles of Object-Oriented Programming Downloads Video: WMV | MP4 | WMV (ZIP) Audio: WMA | MP2 | MP3 | MP4 | AAC Code: C++ |
    1 point
  2. Acum 1 saptamana am achizitionat un ethernet shield pentru arduino pe care am dat 80 de lei de pe okazii.A costat destul de putin doarece este o clona chinezeasca dar isi face treaba foarte bine ca si una originala,una originala la magazinele de profil costa aproape dublu. Ieri m-am gandit ce sa fac cu aceasta placuta si cu arduino.Si doarece am mai avut un LCD 16X2 printr-un sertar acesta a costat 25 de lei ,m-am gandit sa fac un client care sa preia datele despre vreme pentru urmatoarea zi si sa le afiseze pe ecran ,acesta fiind independent fata de calculator. Am impartit acest tutorial in doua parti: 1)Partea hardware 2)Partea software 1)Partea hardware Shieldu se conecteaza foarte usor la placuta arduino ca in imaginea urmatoare http://www.elechouse.com/elechouse/images/product/Arduino%20Ethernet%20Shield/2.jpg Apoi partea cu lcd-u.Un lcd normal foloseste o conexiune paralela cu 6-7 fire digitale si pentru ca internet shieldu foloseste si el 4 fire m-am gandit la o conexiune cu 3 fire pentru ecranul lcd.Pentru a realiza conversia dintre o conecsiune paralela si una pe 3 fire am folosit un register shifter 74hc409.Am gasit pe situl oficial arduino o schema pentru register shifter si care arata cam asa: http://playground.arduino.cc/uploads/Code/LCD3wiresSchematic_new.jpg Este foarte simplu de realizat si foarte ieftin un integrat 74hc409 am gasit pe tme.ro (un site care importa piese electrice) la pretul de 2.78 lei pentru 5 bucati.Pe unele lcd-uri 16X2 este necesar sa aplicati GND la pinul 16 pentru a fi iluminat. Dupa am conectat in loc de pini 10,11,12 ca pe schema pini 5,6,7 la arduino deoarce 10,11,12 sunt ocupati de shieldul internet;) 2)Partea software Pentru a prelua prognoza meteo m-am folosit de serviciu wheater de la yahoo.Api-ul lor este foarte usor de folosit Yahoo! Weather - Galati, RO furnizand un document XML cu datele despre vreme pe 5 zile pentru galati (ROXX0009 acesta este codul lor pentru orasul galati).Apoi m-am gandit ca daca fac o cerere GET http pe arduino v-a trebui sa procesez acele date XML astfel incat pe ecran sa apara numai "ziua starea vremii si valorile minime si maxime in grade celsius" iar aceasta necesita memorie mai multa doarece v-a trebui sa lucrez cu pointeri iar acest lucru v-a incetini si solicita procesorul arduino.La aceasta problema am gasit o solutie foarte simpla si anume un script PHP care sa preia documentul XML de pe wheter.yahoo.net in proceseaza si sa afiseza in urma cereri GET numai datele de care am nevoie.Acesta arata cam asa: $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->load('http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?p='.$_GET['cod'].'&u=c'); $channel = $doc->getElementsByTagName("channel"); $a=array(); $i=0; foreach($channel as $chnl) { $item = $chnl->getElementsByTagName("item"); foreach($item as $itemgotten) { $describe = $itemgotten->getElementsByTagName("description"); $description = $describe->item(0)->nodeValue; $a[$i]=$description; $i++; } } $split1=explode("<b>Forecast:</b>",$a[0]); $split2=explode("<BR />",$split1[1]); $split3=explode("<br />",$split2[1]); //determinam temperatura minima si maxima $tem=explode(" High: ",$split3[1]); $tem_m=explode(" Low: ",$tem[1]); echo $tem[0].$tem_m[1]."-".$tem_m[0]."C"; si l-am urcat pe un host. Acum si codul pentru arduino. Schema logica ar arata astfel: 1)Initializeaza Shieldul internet 2)Se conecteaza la hostul cu scriptul php 3)In cazul in care se poate conecta sa trimita o cerere GET 4)Primeste rezultatele intr-un buffer (un vector) 5)Apoi sa afiseze pe ecran numai datele despre vreme fara Headere //Includem librariile necesare #include <SPI.h>//Pentru shield #include <Ethernet.h>//Pentru shield #include <LCD3Wire.h> //Pentru lcd // Arduino pins #define LCD_LINES 2 // numarul de linii pe care le are lcd-u al meu are 2 dar exista si lcd-uri cu 3 sau 4 linii #define DOUT_PIN 6 // Dout pin #define STR_PIN 7 // Strobe pin #define CLK_PIN 5 // Clock pin LCD3Wire lcd = LCD3Wire(LCD_LINES, DOUT_PIN, STR_PIN, CLK_PIN); //Specificam pini de iesire pentru LCD byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };//Adresa mac a placutei de retea lasati asa in cazul in care nu o aveti specificata pe spate IPAddress server(0,0,0,0);//Adresa ip catre hostul unde este urcat scriptul EthernetClient client;//initializam clientul char ar[400];//Bufferul unde pastram datele int i=0,afisate=0;//i este un contor iar afisate tot un contor pentru a numare numarul de caractere scrise pe lcd void setup() { lcd.init();//initializam lcd-u lcd.clear();//Eliberam ecranul Ethernet.begin(mac);//Deschidem shieldul cu macul specificat delay(1000);//ii dam o secunda ca shieldu sa se initializeze corect lcd.print("Ma conectez..");//scriem pe ecran un mesaj if (client.connect(server, 80)) {//In cazul in care ne putem conecta lcd.clear();//Eliberam ecranul pentru urmatorul mesaj lcd.print("connected");//scriem ceva //Facem cererea GET client.println("GET /test.php?cod=ROXX0009 HTTP/1.0");//inlocuiti test.php cu numele scriptului pe care l-ati pus si ROXX0009 cu codul orasului dorit acesta il luati de pe weather.yahoo.com client.println("Host: host.com");//Inlocuiti host.com cu numele hostului dumnv client.println();//Trimitem nimic pentru a termina cererea GET } else { lcd.clear() lcd.print("connection failed");//Conexiunea nu s-a putut realiza } } void loop()//Functia loop se repeta { if (client.available()) {//In cazul in care avem date de primit char c = client.read();//citim caracterul ar=c;//Il stocam in buffer cu indicele i i++;//incrementam contorul } //In cazul in care nu mai avem date de primit si clientul s-a deconectat if (!client.connected()) { lcd.clear();//Eliberam ecranul for(int j=160;j<=226;j++){//Parcurgem bufferul de la indicele de la care porneste mesajul cu prognoza meteo pana la sfarsit afisate++;//Numaram cate caractere am afisat if(afisate==16){//Daca am afisat 16 caractere scriem un nou rand lcd.print("-"); lcd.cursorTo(2,0); } if(afisate==32||ar[j]=='\0')//Daca am afisat 32 de caractere sau am ajuns la un caracter null break;//Ne oprim lcd.print(ar[j]);//Afisam caracaterul pe ecran } client.stop();//Clientul se opreste for(;;)//Face nimic pentru totdeauna pana dati reset la cod ; } } Aici aveti un demo:https://vimeo.com/70244345
    1 point
  3. 1.WIRESHARK NETWORK FORENSICS Description This session was recorded at Sharkfest 2013, UC Berkeley, CA Join Laura Chappell in this session as she examines a slew of malicious traffic, customizes Wireshark to detect these problems faster, and extracts relevant information using command-line tools. You'll learn how Wireshark can be used as network forensic software and how it helped detect various successful/unsuccessful breaches in a recent project. Laura Chappell is the founder of Chappell University and the co-founder of Wireshark University with Gerald Combs. Long-time, well-known Wireshark evangelist and author of the best-selling "Wireshark Network Analysis: Official Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Study Guide" and numerous other industry books, Ms. Chappell began her career as a network analyst in 1991 when Novell acquired the LANalyzer product. She has worked with numerous analyzer products since then but, in 1999, decided to focus her analysis time working exclusively with the open source Ethereal (now known as Wireshark) network and protocol analysis tool. Laura developed the Wireshark Certified Network Analyst Program and manages the Wireshark University Authorized Training Partner Program and the Wireshark University Authorized Instructor Program. 2.USERS ASK THE EXPERTS Description Come to this session if you want the chance to experience a lively exchange of information between the Wireshark developer and user communities. Moderated by long-time Wireshark User and Enthusiast Chris Bidwell, you will have the opportunity to ask questions of Gerald Combs, the creator of the Ethereal and Wireshark open source projects, and core developers actively engaged in the product and help influence the development direction of the Wireshark project. Chris Bidwell is a Network Engineer for an IT services company in the UK implementing low-latency IT systems for use in investment management. Chris is also a veteran Wireshark user and lively advocate for the open source project. 3.UNDERSTANDING ENCRYPTION SERVICES USING WIRESHARK Description This session was delivered at Sharkfest 2013 - UC Berkeley, CA Many people equate cryptography with confidentiality, but today we use cryptographic algorithms to validate authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of information as well. In this session Larry will use Wireshark to sniff a number of SSL handshakes, using different browsers, to explain how algorithms are negotiated and keys exchanged. The hardest part about encryption, key management will also be discussed including a description of PKI standards, using Wireshark to illustrate certificate signing and revocation using both Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP). Larry started his IT career in 1984 as a technician for MicroAge, cutting his teeth on IBM PC-based networks and Netware 86. After four years in the 90s working for CGI/IBM as a senior network consultant designing and supporting IPX, SNA and TCP/IP-based network solutions, Larry founded InterNetwork Defense, an information security training and consulting company, where he currently teaches CEH, CISM and CISSP training classes. Larry is also the co-author of the cryptography section for the CEH official study guide. 4. ATTACK TRENDS AND TECHNIQUES Description This session was recorded at Sharkfest 2013 - UC Berkeley, CA The bad guys just keep getting better! They're constantly changing their tactics and inventing new techniques to cause you harm, damage your data, and make your resources unavailable. Why do they do this? What motivates someone to—let's call it what it is—commit computer-related crimes? How have they changed and improved? What kinds of attacks are popular now and why are they so effective? What might we expect to see in the future? We'll help you understand the latest in attacker trends and techniques, so that you can plan appropriately and implement effective processes and technologies to mitigate threats. Steve Riley is a Technical Director in the Office of the CTO at Riverbed Technology. His specialties include the performance and security aspects of enterprise and cloud computing. Steve has a long career of public speaking, having participated in hundreds of events around the world. He is co-author of Protect Your Windows Network, contributed a chapter to Auditing Cloud Computing, has published numerous articles, and conducted technical reviews of several data networking and telecommunications books. At Riverbed, Steve concentrates on high-performance architectures that span multiple clouds, public and private; advises field teams and customers about secure deployments; and contemplates the future of networking. Before Steve joined Riverbed, he was the cloud security strategist at Amazon Web Services and a security consultant and advisor at Microsoft; in both capacities, he developed patterns and practices for secure deployments and operations. Steve is a member of the Kubuntu Team (which maintains Ubuntu's KDE-flavored distribution) and is a global moderator of its community forum. Besides lurking in the Internet's dark alleys and secret passages, he enjoys freely sharing his opinions about the intersection of technology and culture. 5.TRACE FILE SANITIZATION Description This session was recorded at Sharkfest 2013 - UC Berkeley, CA PCAPng is the new default capture file format, and it comes with new challenges when trying to remove sensitive information. Most tools do not support the format yet, and converting pcapng files to pcap to do it isn't helping either. We will take a look at the tools available and compare their functionality. 6.Inside the TCP Handshake Description All TCP streams begin with the handshake, yet so often its power to determine fault in low throughput, connection failures, and hideous user experience streams is unrecognized. If you can capture the handshake in Wireshark, troubleshooting time is greatly minimized. This session will cover the handshakes from the single required option to the complex option combinations, and how they affect the subsequent conversation. Both live capturing and trace files will be used in the session so bring your laptops! 7.Keynote: Musings Of An Early Networker Description At Sharkfest 2013, Mr. Seifert discussed in his keynote session the original DEC-Intel-Xerox Ethernet development and the evolution of network standards over the past 30 years. From early battles between Ring, Star, and Bus topologies through the market war among Ethernet, Token Ring, and ATM, he provides insight into why some technologies succeed and others fail. As a test of that insight, he revisits his 2001 proclamation of "Stupid Network Ideas" to see where he was right and where he wasn't. Recorded at Sharkfest 2013, UC Berkeley, CA. 8.Deep Dive Packet Analysis Session
    1 point
  4. Salutare , Daca vreti sa vedeti showurile care se fac in privat pe cam4.ro fara sa platiti ,trebuie sa aveti instalat internet download manager sau orice alt program care extrage streamul de pe userul respectiv.Exemplu de utilizator : rtmp:// Conditia ca sa poti vedea ce face in privat e sa va uitati inainte de a intra in privat(atunci nu mai puteti extrage linkul de la stream). Nu stiu cat de util e ,de aia am si postat la off-topic. PS: se poate folosi player-ul simple TV pentru a rula streamul. Have Funk!
    1 point
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