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Everything posted by alynut

  1. Cum se porneste cel pentru linux ?
  2. Nu s-a eftinit, este 200 de ron cu tot cu tva . em @ cand deschidem laptopul dupa zece minute se restarta sau iar daca ,eu cand deschid laptopul imi apare pres f1 to continue si daca nu apasam f1 si lasam asa nu se inchidea statea toata ziua deschid dar cand se deschidea si aparea windows-ul se restarta ,dar acum l-am vandut si am ramas cu HDD-ul care l-am cumparat si nu am ce face cu el .
  3. Ce tari ai ? Accepti si plata sms ?
  4. Salut am avut laptopul stricat l-am dus la reparat si mi-au spus ca este de la hard disk, am fost la emag mi-am luat un hard disk pentru laptop l-am bagat am pornit laptop-ul si tot imi face probleme l-am dus iar la aia si mi-au spus ca este din placa si am cumparat hard disk degeaba . Cine este interesat de unul nou ,am dat 199 ron pe el il dau cu 150 ron am cuponul si garantie 24 luni . Bucuresti . Acesta este . Hard Disk Laptop WD Blue WD3200LPVT 320GB, 5400rpm, 8 MB, SATA 2 - eMAG.ro
  5. Vreau sa cumpar vnc windows india sau rusia ,dar am intrebat de ce este chiar asa scump ,poate el are vnc-uri mai bune ca cei lanti nu stiu .
  6. How to get a FREE Minecraft server! Specs 4GB RAM 64 Player Slots Monthly 24/7 FTP File access MultiCraft access! Now, first off, you want to head over to this link - https://minecrafthost.ca/free-trial-offer Yes, it says trial offer, but that is what we are exploiting. I will be teaching you how to get this for 1 full month instead of 14 days. Second step is to use this Fake Identity Generator. This will generate a fake name, creditcard and everything you need to disappear off the face of this earth. But that's not what we're doing... Yet. When you sign up for the trial offer, it should ask for creditcard details, put the fake ones in and they will work. The only real information you will need to give is your Minecraft Username and e-mail address. You give your Minecraft Username for them to auto-op you. You give your e-mail address for them to send all of the details to you. Once you have signed up, you will either be given an error, or a page saying you succeeded. Either way, your new server details will be sent to you! You now have a fully dedicated 4GB Minecraft server with 64 slots! Repeat this process each month to keep your server up, although it will be a different IP and everything. Remember to back-up your files also. Have fun with your new Minecraft server! Don't forget to say thanks! If you already knew this, good for you. Don't post in this thread if that's the case!
  7. Hidden Content Autor :Führer TUTORIAL ON HOW TO BOOST ANY PC GAME's PERFORMANCE 1. Prepare the game you want to play with high FPS... 2. Download "Game Booster v 3.0" from this Link Razer Game Booster Free Download, Speed Up PC for Top Gaming Performance 3. Install Game Booster v 3.0 and Launch it. 4. You'll notice 2 new icons: 1st="Game Booster" and 2nd=Switch to gaming mode ... 5. First method is simple : Launch the shortcut name "Switch to gaming mode" and start your game... Second method is perfect : Launch game booster and click "Configure" button Now select all unnecessary programs and services... Now click Apply and click "Add" button and add your game exe. Click "Boost & Launch" to start your game... Enjoy playing last games with super boosted FPS... Read more : http://www.ztuts.com...l#ixzz2BamND8py
  8. Ai vnc windows ? Tari - India / Rusia ? Si de ce sunt asa scumpe ?
  9. Sunt foarte vechi ... Am probat jumatate din ele si nu merg sunt prea vechii .
  10. Am zis ca nu e tranzactia mea aia . Am sa-mi iau si eu cand atasez cardul de paypal .
  11. Nu. De un prieten care si-a cumparat domeniu, am vrut sa-mi iau si eu dar imi trebuie cardul atasat de paypal .
  12. Pe un an se face inregistrarea . Reinoirea este 8 $ .
  13. http://www.networksolutions.com/domain-name-registration/PS-domains.jsp?siteid=8&promo=NCDISC0041 Dovada :
  14. Multumesc ,a mers sa decodez un nokia 3120 , am si un nokia E3 si nu merge adica nu are pentru E3 .
  15. Da am instalat dar nu imi apare in C:\Documents and Settings\[uSER]\My Documents\iMacros\Macros
  16. Cum sa dau F8 ? am apasat pe F8 da nu apare nimic .
  17. Eu nu gasesc iMacros\Macros am intrat in C:\Documents and Settings\[uSER]\My Documents\iMacros\Macros Dar nu este
  18. Nu il mai contrazice atat ,chiar merge am bagat si eu in hostpixel si am cumparat ceva si dupa 10 minute am primit emal de la ei si mi-au suspendat contul si serverul .
  19. Si mie mi-au suspendat contul de la hostpixel pentru frauda .
  20. alynut

    Vand domenii

    Hmm un domeniu .info la 1and1 era 0.99 $ din cate imi aduc eu aminte iar tu il dai cu 2 euro .
  21. Cine are nevoie de cont il poate folosi pe al meu, eu nu il mai folosesc . User name: aalynutzz Password: JISIKoGGGv P.S - nu schimbati parola lasa-ti sa descarce si alti de pe el daca cineva schimba parola am sa o resetez iar
  22. alynut

    Vand domenii

    Unde sunt inregistrate ? si cand expira ?
  23. Un site de gamehost rien[dot]ro Poti schimba email-ul la contu de la rien ?
  24. Ia vezi aici .
  25. alynut

    Free roots

    Nu am reusit sa decryptez ...
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