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Everything posted by ehd

  1. ehd

    antena question

    stie cineva la ce folosea treaba de mai jos ? a functionat sau poate sa functioneze? X.E.H Algo.calmin 687474703a2f2f616e74656e61706c61792e726f2f616a6178732f656d6265646c6976653f6368616e6e656c69643d3233313132332532372532382532393a3b32333131323326636d643d6d6174612b692b6772617361266865696768743d3234302677696474683d323430 ----------- 687474703a2f2f616e74656e61706c61792e726f2f762f30356956414f774a6f74622f2e2e2e2f2e2e2e2e2f2e2e2e2e2e2f20323030204f4b0d0a687474703a2f2f616e74656e61706c61792e726f2f762f30356956414f774a6f74622f2e2e2e2f20323030204f4b0d0a687474703a2f2f616e74656e61706c61792e726f2f762f30356956414f774a6f74622f2e2e2e202034303320666f7262696464656e
  2. am si eu cam 6000 de tel + adrese le dau gratis lui livestyle. only Ro, clienti magazin online
  3. Stie cineva cum pot sa pun videoclipuri pe iPhone 3GS si 4 fara sa folosesc iTunes?
  4. Am discutat cu un avocat si legea se pare ca este de partea lui... nu cum ziceti voi: Legea 676/2001 privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal: Legi internet Expunerea datelor neintentionata private este o infractiune grava si detinatorii site-urilor sunt obligati de lege sa protejeze aceste date. Un site din Cluj a platit anul trecut 50.000 lei amenda pentru sqli si refuzul securizarii dupa instintarea autoritatilor din domeniul telecomunicatiilor.
  5. in afara de wikipedia unde gasesc ceva care sa ma ajute sa invat arhitectura ITIL si cum sa beneficiezi de punctele slabe ale ei? Vad ca esti in domeniu.
  6. Daca NSA are metoda de decriptare a cheilor inseamna ca are tot globul la picioare.
  7. bun si ai primit o renumeratie ?
  8. Exista o lege care obliga cei care detin site-uri sa securizeze datele din baza de date? Ieri m-a contactat un prieten ca mi-a gasit datele nr. tel, cnp, nr. carte verde, adresa tot pe un site de turism, acum eu ce sa fac , nu fac nimic prietenul se pricepe la sqli si altele dar nu cred ca altcineva va putea accesa acea baza de date nu? Nu a folosit programe a tastat chestia aia cu union in browser si dupa cateva incercari a afisat si numele meu. I-am zis ca nu are voie sa faca asta pentru ca este ilegal, si el mi-a raspuns ca ilegal este insecurizarea site-ului. Ce sa cred conform legii?
  9. Millions of mobile phones could be at risk from hackers according to new research identifying vulnerabilities in the encryption used by Sim cards. Just by sending a specially designed text, security analysts were able to remotely download malware onto handsets. Although often thought of as just providing a mobile phone’s number, Sim cards (it stands for subscriber identity module) often store users personal data and are the mark by which carriers authenticate individual users. “With over seven billion cards in active use, Sims may well be the most widely used security token in the world,” says German security expert Karsten Nohl, the individual responsible for uncovering the flaw. “The cards protect the mobile identity of subscribers, associate devices with phone numbers, and increasingly store payment credentials, for example in NFC-enabled phones with mobile wallets.” Nohl’s research covered the different systems of encryption used to secure Sim cards, with one particular standard named DES (Data Encryption Standard) identified as particularly insecure. Dating back to the 1970s DES has long been considered insecure, with Nohl’s method allowing the encryption to be cracked “within two minutes on a standard computer”. By sending a text containing a specially designed binary code Nohl was able to trick phones into authenticating him as their network provider. Once this protocol had been established Nohl could then remotely download software onto the phone allowing him to send texts, access voicemail and even receive reports on the phone’s physical location. “These capabilities alone provide plenty of potential for abuse,” said Nohl. “This allows for remote cloning of possibly millions of SIM cards including their mobile identity (IMSI, Ki) as well as payment credentials stored on the card.” Speaking to the BBC Nohl suggested that about one in eight of all Sim cards are vulnerable to the hack, and that Africa-based users were particularly at risk. He did, however, say that network operators would be quick to secure their software. Nohl will give full details of his method at a Black Hat security conference on July 31st but has already provided industry body GSMA with all of his research. "Karsten's early disclosure to the GSMA has given us an opportunity for preliminary analysis,” said a GSMA spokeswoman. "It would appear that a minority of Sims produced against older standards could be vulnerable." "There is no evidence to suggest that today's more secure Sims, which are used to support a range of advanced services, will be affected". Sim cards hacked: A single text that unlocks millions of mobiles - Gadgets & Tech - Life & Style - The Independent
  10. daca chiar doriti sa aveti rezultate nu spargeti zidurile nici nu "impamantati" tevi de cupru, nu incercati sa schimbati nulul cu faza ca nu are importanta, sau sa va mai prinda cu baypass pe langa contor, nu se merita cred eu. intelegeti cum functioneaza dispozitivul de mai jos mai intai... cumparati-va unul ca nu este scump, testati-l, desfaceti-l si vedeti cum lucreaza sincer eu prefer sa dau spaga la cei de la enel
  11. CPU Voltage Control with c# wmi - c# / c / c++ / assembly - Retrieving Voltage Information? - Stack Overflow
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