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Everything posted by Mrcucubaux

  1. 16384 in joc, nu puncte alea care le-a "hack-uit" Viral-One
  2. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa jucati jocul 2048 si sa incercati sa castigati niste btc. Se plateste la fiecare sfarsit de luna. Nu stiu daca merge chat-engine. Daca functioneaza va rog sa ma anuntati Non-ref: 2048 Ref: 2048
  3. Lasa l bai frate. //nvm nu stiu la ce m am gandit cand am spus asta Oricum nu se mai merita daca trimiti 25 str, inainte se trimiteau 1000
  4. Pentru ca acum le verifica
  5. Intra cine vrea, iese cine poate
  6. Femeia asta ori e prea buna la suflet, ori e proasta
  7. Mai sunt si cutii gratis si acolo poti sa pici credite sau btc sau chiar nimic. Nu stiu, poate e teapa, eu o continui sa incerc
  8. Trebuie doar sa faci credite si sa deschizi alte cutii, cu btc sau cu credite in ele. Deocamdata nu am castigat nimic, sper ca voi sa iesiti cu ceva. Ref Instantri.ch - Open boxes, Win Bitcoins Non-ref Instantri.ch - Open boxes, Win Bitcoins
  9. Origin Game Time is back! It’s time to team up with your friends in Battlefield 4. The massive first-person shooter has joined our Game Time program. New recruits can now download Battlefield 4 to their Origin Game Library and get one full week -- that's 168 hours -- of non-stop action. All Origin users have until August 14 to add Battlefield 4 Game Time to their Origin Game Library. Origin Game Time for Battlefield 4 is currently rolling out across the world over the next few hours. If you don’t see it available in your area yet, you will soon. You’ll be able to grab Battlefield 4 on Origin Game Time until August 14 at 10:00 AM PT, but once you’ve snagged it, you can download the game and start your 168 hour Game Time clock whenever you want. Game Time for Battlefield 4 is the entire experience, available to play for one entire week. Go ahead, use your 168 hours of Game Time to complete the single-player campaign. Then jump into multiplayer and join your friends in 64-player warfare until the sun comes up… again and again and again. Your Game Time clock runs in real-time, whether you're in the fight or taking a break. but your progress and Origin Achievements will be saved if you want to keep your career going after your Game Time ends – buy the game and you’ll pick up right where you left off. It’s easy to start your Game Time. Simply add the game to your game library and download the game. Don’t worry about the download times: Your Origin Game Time clock will not begin until you’ve launched the downloaded game for the very first time. For those already in the Battlefield 4 fight, the new influx of Game Time recruits means new squadmates to team up with and new enemies to attack. You won’t be waiting long for your next fight. Level up and start scoring the awesome load-outs. See you on the Battlefield! Sursa. Reddit Deci, sansa buna sa il incercati.
  10. Am facul cam 100 de lei cu stellari astia doar intr-o zi. Problema e ca acum dau astia foarte putin atellari la inregistrare, iti da si 200 doar. Plus ca preturile au cam scazut.
  11. Acolo l-am vazut si eu, mersi de post!
  12. Ok, imi cer scuze ca ti-am luat din timp. ><
  13. Stiati de asta ? http://www.academiadepolitie.ro/root/studii/admitere/subiecte/images/tumblr_lzs8ra1Z7o1qatn9jo1_400.gif
  14. Mai nou trebuie sa astepti sa verifice, au incercat unii cred sa faca mai multe conturi si sa-si trimite stalarii pe ei. Probabil de aceea trebuie sa astepti cam o zi sa-ti bage stellari si dupa poti sa continui cu pasul 4.
  15. 1 Signup at https://launch.stellar.org/#/register 2 Confirm your Facebook. 3 Confirm your recovery E-mail. 4 Send 1000 stellars to someone to complete the steps. Use my address if you want to : Mrcucubaux (You will get 1000 Stellars back anyway) 5 Sign-up on https://justcoin.com/?r=F3JEL (https://justcoin.com/ non ref) then deposit them (You don't have to confirm where you live or who you are, that's for a bank account) 6 Trade them into bitcoin and withdraw the BTC to your address
  16. Ai dreptate dar daca intrii in fiecare ora si dai un roll nu obosesti. Daca tot faci asa intr-o luna sa zicem scoti macar ceva.
  17. FreeBitco.in - Win free bitcoins every hour! FreeBitco.in - Win free bitcoins every hour! Referal Introduceti captcha si dupa dati roll. Se fac cam greu dar daca picati numere mari e foarte ok si e foarte usor de folosit.
  18. Ce moda mai e si asta cu data de inregistrare?
  19. Eu am primit email in primele 4/5 sec. Multumesc ca ai postat.
  20. Pe filelist nu te prinde, in cateva ore am facut 2tb upload si nu am patit nimic.
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