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Everything posted by begood

  1. @Nytro Nu bem moka, ci venim si plecam moca din tara -> Bucuresti.
  2. suntem 3 SPONSORI. pentru cei care nu pot sa ajunga din tara, va rog contactati-ma fara rusine.
  3. asa am crezut si eu la defcamp...si au fost peste 60
  4. http://www.electronics-lab.com/blog/?p=15121
  5. Ce tot le plangi de mila copilasilor ? Tot ce ai zis mai sus decurge, in mod normal, din faptul ca din ce in ce mai multi prosti au acces la tehnologie, implicit forumuri si alte medii de socializare/comunicare. Inainte doar oamenii cu cap aveau acces la informatia "din culise", hai sa zicem inainte de <= 2008, iar abundenta de materiale video de tip tutorial (si nu numai) care dau mura-n-gura metode "de a sparge laptopu' lu' bunica" a umplut comunitatile de inapti, analfabeti, frustrati si alte cele. Hai facem un mic experiment. Dezactiveaza optiunea de quick reply din forum sa vedem daca nu cumva lungimea medie a mesajelor va creste, iar numarul acestora va scade semnificativ, iar calitatea medie va creste. Daca e cum intuiesc eu, rezulta ca exact solutiile aduse pentru a veni in favoarea comoditatii omului, sunt contra-productive si nu fac altceva decat sa scada productivitatea, creativitatea. PS : vezi lungimea mesajelor de pe nosecurity si calitatea lor vs. lungimea reply-urilor de pe RST si calitatea lor.
  6. ce relevanta are daca il rulezi in sandbox sau nu ? daca are stealer tot iti ia datele virtualbox / vmware !
  7. http://www.stiintasitehnica.com/cel-mai-puternic-laser-din-lume-ar-putea-rupe-esatura-spa-iului-va-fi-construit-in-marea-britanie_860.html ce cacat are forumul ca nu pot da copy paste ?
  8. Can anything travel faster than light? You may think it's a cosmic limit imposed by Einstein's special theory of relativity, but that's actually not the case. In this One-Minute Physics episode, animator Henry Reich shows how you can break the speed of light in your backyard, without violating any laws of physics. If you enjoyed this video, check out our previous One-Minute Physics episodes to find out, for example, why there is no pink light or why light slows down in glass. VIDEO : New Scientist TV: One-Minute Physics: How to break the speed of light
  9. Meet BeagleBone, the new $89 open source hardware platform. We will have these in the store shortly, Ladyada even has a quote in the press release! http://www.adafruit.com/blog/2011/10/31/meet-beaglebone-the-new-89-open-source-hardware-platform/
  10. make that 3.
  11. suntem 2 sponsori (inclusiv subsemnatul). in decursul zilelor viitoare ne hotaram cine primeste.
  12. In the last 40 years, the major innovation in software engineering has been the development of what are called object-oriented programming languages. “Objects” are, effectively, repositories for the computational details of a program, which let the programmer concentrate on the big picture. A complex computer program, with millions of lines of code, can be distilled into some fairly intuitive interactions between objects. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-10-oracle-object-oriented-programmers.html
  13. din bucuresti
  14. pentru cei care nu pot sa vina din motive financiare, si cei care vor sa sponsorizeze un drum, va rog un pm !
  15. roger . i-am anuntat si pe daemien si hertz.
  16. The best measurements of the distant Universe -- out beyond our galaxy -- have led us to the current picture of exactly what our Universe is doing: expanding and cooling, with its galaxies progressively getting farther and farther apart. (Image credit: Molly Read for the University of Wisconsin-Madison.) But what does that mean for our past? If we're expanding and cooling, that means our past was less expanded and less cooled, or as we like to think of it, denser and hotter. Now, if you're thinking like a scientist, you don't just want to know what it's doing. You also want to know -- if it's expanding -- both what's causing the expansion, and by how much it's expanding. In other words, we'd like to determine the rate of expansion. And the answer is actually straightforward: if general relativity is your theory of gravity, the Universe's expansion rate is determined by what type of energy dominates your Universe. READ IT : Why we think there's a Multiverse, not just our Universe : Starts With A Bang
      • 2
      • Upvote
  17. Personal information of some 9 million Israelis (alive and deceased) has been stolen by a contractor working for the country's Ministry of Labor and Welfare with the intent of selling it to the highest bidder, reports The Jerusalem Post. https://www.net-security.org/secworld.php?id=11832&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HelpNetSecurity+%28Help+Net+Security%29
  18. yo9gjx : Eric Giler demos wireless electricity | Video on TED.com
  19. poate face cineva rost de formulare, pentru a avea pretext sa intram la prietena "unui amic" in casa
  20. Fancy title for an age old trick. Supraconductibilitate.
  21. ok. my bad. clean.
  22. As you logged in to write a comment this morning, think about where your smartphone was sitting. Was it next to your keyboard, where you could ensure you didn’t miss any notifications? If so, your phone could track everything you wrote. It could use the accelerometer to detect keyboard vibrations, deciphering every word of your insightful anonymous commentary. A hacker could conceivably use it to find out everything you write, with up to 80 percent accuracy, researchers say. http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-10/smartphones-could-become-spyphones-using-accelerometer-keystroke-detection
  23. AS PROTESTS against financial power sweep the world this week, science may have confirmed the protesters' worst fears. An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy. more : http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21228354.500-revealed--the-capitalist-network-that-runs-the-world.html?DCMP=OTC-rss&nsref=science-in-society
  24. Bun venit .
  25. https://fbcdn_dragon-a.akamaihd.net/cfs-ak-ash4/85001/112/FacebookVideoCallSetup_v1.2.203.0.exe Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites! p: rst_infected
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