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Everything posted by begood

  1. The theory that our universe is contained inside a bubble, and that multiple alternative universes exist inside their own bubbles – making up the 'multiverse' – is, for the first time, being tested by physicists. First observational test of the 'multiverse'
  2. If it wasn't true before, it's definitely true now. Hacking isn't just for giggles, it's a major threat to international security. On Wednesday, McAfee released a 14-page report that details the largest coordinated cyber attack recorded to date. This particular attack, possibly orchestrated by China, broke into 72 organizations over the course of five years. Operation Shady Rat Is The Largest Cyber Attack Ever Uncovered
  3. Anonymous may abandon its current DDoS tool LOIC and develop a more powerful replacement to protect hackers from detection. LOIC was effective in Operation Payback, but it's also the reason hackers have been identified and arrested. The new tool, supposedly called #RefRef, will use Javascript and SQL to attack a target website and use the site's own processing power against it. RefRef will be platform independent so it can be used off any device that supports Javascript including mobile phones. Is Anonymous testing a new DDoS tool?
  4. Internet Explorer Users Aren't Really That Stupid. That Was Just a Hoax! (Yeah, Sure.)
  5. In a study that is likely to incite controversy, AptiQuant, a Vancouver, British Columbia based Psychometric Consulting company has released a report that it says shows users of Microsoft Internet Explorer have lower Intelligence Quotient’s (IQs) than do users of other internet browsers. The company is basing its claims on scores online users received when taking the online Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (IV) test. IQ level tied to choice of internet browser
  6. Researchers with the Hasegawa Group at the Tokyo Institute of Technology have created a robot that is capable of applying learned concepts to perform new tasks. Using a type of self-replicating neural technology they call the Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network (SOINN), the team has released a video demonstrating the robot’s ability to understand it’s environment and to carry out instructions that it previously didn’t know how to do. Researchers give robot ability to learn (w/ Video)
  7. In a new study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, researchers show how a simple toss of the dice can help to bring out honest answers when people are asked difficult questions. A toss of the dice reveals the truth
  8. Kaspersky Internet Security (Newegg) Previously $79.99, now free with rebate. Kaspersky Anti-Virus was one of the top five Antivirus Apps chosen by you and Kaspersky Internet Security adds firewall and anti-spam control to the equation. Grab it now for $50.00 and make sure to send in the rebate to get it free. Daily App Deals: Kasperksy Internet Security Free with Rebate
  9. Sustin ideea, in curand voi da mai des pe net, implicit rst.
  10. algoritmul se termina, deoarece exista un numar finit de numere de lungime x. evident ca cicleaza, dupa un anumit numar N de ori. ma intereseaza exact acel numar de cicli, pentru diferite caractere/siruri de caractere.
  11. Cum l-ati face cel mai rapid, pentru orice input a-z,A-Z,0-9 de lungime 1-16 ? Pe scurt ma intereseaza : de cate ori trebuie sa se auto-apeleze functia hash CRC32 aplicata unui cuvant format din litere mici/mari/cifre pentru a rezulta primul CRC32 al cuvantului. Exemplu : -------------------- cuvant : 'a' Primul CRC32 : CRC32('a') = '6b9b9319' Al doilea CRC32 : CRC32('6b9b9319') = '9e6016f8' .... Al n-lea CRC32 : '6b9b9319' Cat e n? -------------------- Puteti posta si sursa, daca doriti. Mi-a venit aceasta idee nastrusnica ieri noapte, dar ma cam depaseste in acest moment : Daca acest rezultat poate fi folosit pentru a determina rapid "inversele" unui hash ? Sau poate niste coliziuni ?
  12. 4 million strong Alureon P2P botnet "practically indestructible"
  13. (PhysOrg.com) -- Security experts Sergey Golovanov and Igor Soumenkov of Kaspersky Lab have detailed the threats of a new strain of the TDSS botnet, dubbed TDL-4, on SECURELIST, calling it likely the most sophisticated botnet to date, and describing it as almost indestructible. Security experts warn of new 'almost indestructible' TDL-4 botnet threat
  14. begood


    fonduri ? recomand cu caldura : Wishlist - My Garage
  15. nu-i rea miscarea UN declares Internet access a human right
  16. @wildchild am facut de 3 ori thermite cu ce ti-am zis mai sus. n-am avut probleme tehnice
  17. trebuie sa includa coding ? sau poti face de exemplu si un livecd cu windows ? niste aplicatii "live" etc ?
  18. thermite e amestec de aluminiu si oxid de fier. 2Al + Fe2O3 => Al2O3 + 2Fe + Q Aluminiul pilitura si oxidul de fier sunt foarte ieftine. iti trebuie banda de magneziu pentru a-l aprinde. ala-i destul de scump, dar se gaseste usor in ro.
  19. ARTICARE COLD PACK- Pachet rece instant | Cumpara produse medicale sulf la magazin de chimicale, impotriva gandacilor. e ieftin. e mult. ps: vezi sa nu ramai fara degete.
  20. da-mi pm cu ce substante cauti. nu vand, nu detin, poate iti pot face o sugestie.
  21. begood


    You have exceeded the maximum number of Sign In tries for the Yahoo! ID nytro_rst. As a result, the account has been temporarily locked for your security.
  22. begood

    Book section

    +1 desi...exista gigapedia (thanks again vic)
  23. de ce n-ai facut mailurile pe un site gen mailinator ?
  24. bijectiva -> admite inversa == se poate "decripta"
  25. Google has released an experimental extension for its Chrome browser that developers can use to scan their Web applications and flag code that could make them vulnerable to malware attacks. The free tool, called DOM Snitch, is designed to sniff out potential security holes in Web applications' client-side code that could be exploited by attacks such as client-side scripting, Google said on Tuesday. "To do this, we have adopted several approaches to intercepting JavaScript calls to key and potentially dangerous browser infrastructure such as document.write or HTMLElement.innerHTML," Google official Radoslav Vasilev wrote in a blog post. In addition to developers, DOM Snitch is also aimed at code testers and security researchers, the company said. The tool displays DOM (document object model) modifications in real time so developers don't have to pause the application to run a debugging tool, according to Google. DOM Snitch also lets developers export reports so they can be shared with others involved in developing and refining the application, Google said. Google is working on DOM Snitch and on server-side code testing tools such as Skipfish and Ratproxy because it believes that the number of security holes in Web applications is growing along with their overall sophistication and complexity. Google Builds Developer Tool to Flag Web App Vulnerabilities | PCWorld
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