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Everything posted by begood

  1. fara hack requests. zbori.
  2. begood


    daca doriti mai multe informatii despre acest personaj, feel free to contact me.
  3. esti un nimeni fara inteligenta
  4. bun venit !
  5. Stiati ca copiii observa cel mai repede cand "tata/mama minte" ?
  6. Forumuri : http://freerainbowtables.com/phpBB3/ http://www.bitcell.info/ http://cryptohaze.com/forum/ http://3.14.by/forum/ News : Engleza : http://www.physorg.com/sort/rank/1m/ http://prl.aps.org/ http://physicsworld.com/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/index.html http://www.scientificamerican.com/ http://www.sciencemag.org/ http://www.newscientist.com/ http://www.nature.com/ http://www.ted.com/talks/list http://singularityhub.com/ http://digg.com/news/science/media/month http://ha.ckers.org/ http://www.darknet.org.uk/ http://www.schneier.com/ http://www.hackernews.com/ Romana : http://scientia.ro/ http://www.stiintasitehnica.com/ http://www.descopera.org/ http://www.tehnorama.ro/ Diverse : http://www.stumbleupon.com/ - descoperi site-uri noi http://last.fm/ - descoperi artisti, radio personalizat http://www.di.fm/ - muzica http://www.jamendo.com/en/ - muzica cu licenta "gratuita" http://www.shelfari.com/ - descoperi carti http://jinni.com/ - descoperi filme http://social.wakoopa.com/ - descoperi soft Reguli : - fara trackere, fara site-uri arhicunoscute gen proTV, prosport, filelist. - nu postati tot ce cunoasteti, ma intereseaza doar ce vizitati mai des. - vreau doar o lista, atat.
  7. din ce surse provine ? ce cuvinte / ce limba ? are si numere ?
  8. e un simplu crash
  9. Special thanks to calincalin for capping and encoding this documentary În lumea actual?, codurile au devenit fundamentul vie?ii pe întregul glob. Informa?ii secrete sunt transferate în fiecare zi de la un continent la altul folosind coduri cunoscute numai expeditorului ?i destinatarului. De fiecare dat? când deschide?i computerul sau naviga?i pe paginile favorite de internet, când v? folosi?i telefonul sau conduce?i ma?ina, folosi?i ?tiin?a codurilor secrete. Spargerea codurilor este domeniul în care ?tiin?a întâlne?te aventura - crearea ?i spargerea codurilor ne spun pove?ti despre inteligen??, eroism ?i jocuri de-a ?oarecele ?i pisica, adesea cu mize extrem de mari. Release Size----- 448 MB Play Time-------- 00:49:57 Resolution------- 640x384 Frame Rate------- 25 fps Video Bitrate---- 1 151 kbps Video Codec------ x264 Language -------- English Audio ----------- MP3 2.0 @ 128 kbps ABR Subtitle -------- Romanian (HardSub) Login http://www.megavideo.com/?v=QK78DT77
  10. begood


    suspekt suspektbv@gmail.com Florin ?oldan http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001462601650
  11. UnUser, nu sari cu capu inainte, citeste, gandeste apoi deschide ... apasa tastele. closed.
  12. NeOblue = g.cosmin@ymail.com
  13. hackerasu piticot, ia treci in lista de ban.
  14. fara dovezi relevante vom sterge topicul. oferta vine cu bonus : ban username+ip. ce zici ?
  15. o idee : cine dracu ar pune mana pe un extraterestru, ca in poza.
  16. Toti agramatii au dat de net si de forumuri. M-am saturat sa tot vad posturi puerile, in care "se contureaza" conflictele fictive, mai mult interioare, pe care le au unii. Problemele sociale de genul acesta, apar la copiii a caror parinti nu le dau atentie. Tanjesc atentie, iar, cum au unealta perfecta sa faca asta, internetul, se manifesta intr-un mod care le protejeaza ego-ul slab dezvoltat : ANONIMITATEA. Ei bine aveti un exemplu clasic de astfel de caz : jic0. Pentru cei care sufera de sindromul expus mai sus, va transmit din tot sufletul : Iesiti dracu la aer ca va cresc paianjeni pe bibilica !
  17. daca faci un circuit care sa-l aprinda si sa-l stinga foarte repede (sa zicem 50Hz) atunci poti sa-i maresti puterea de pana la 5 ori, fara sa iti fie teama ca se arde. Aprinzandu-se si stingandu-se, led-ul nu apuca sa se supraincalzeasca. (am experimentat pe un laser cu banda in rosu) ps: daca-i atat de original pe cat scrie in titlu, de ce nu pui firma ?
  18. Gavin King of Red Hat/Hibernate/Seam fame recently unveiled the top secret project that he has been working on over the past two years, a new language and SDK designed to replace Java in the enterprise. The project came out of hiding without much fanfare or publicity at QCon Beijing in a keynote titled "The Ceylon Project - the next generation of Java language?". It took a fair amount of Google translate for me to get to the relevant slide decks,(Mirrored: Keynote, Session) but once I found them, the information was all there in plain English. more : The Brain Dump: Gavin King unveils Red Hat's top secret Java Killer/Successor: The Ceylon Project
  19. "A lawsuit by Paul Ceglia contains never-before-seen emails from Mark Zuckerberg. The emails, if they prove to be real, could be the most damning evidence to date against Zuckerberg's business dealings in the time leading up to 'The Face Book' and just after. They paint a picture of a Zuckerberg more sinister than portrayed in the movie The Social Network, actively out to sucker his investors about the site, including Ceglia. FTA: 'Zuckerberg writes Ceglia an email telling him he's thinking of shutting down the Facebook site, because he's too busy to work on it and there's little interest in it among students. (This is while Facebook is growing like crazy). Ceglia gets really pissed off, and starts accusing Zuckerberg of pulling "criminal stunts."' Among the emails is one where Mark Zuckerberg agrees to split Facebook with Ceglia 50/50. If the emails are proven legitimate, Ceglia may own 50% of Facebook." Ceglia Sues For 50% Facebook, Old Emails as Evidence - Slashdot
  20. Vor sa pastreze parolele in plain-text ca sa poata fi folosite de autoritati (sau hackeri) cum le-o fi norocu.
  21. "Storing passwords as hashes instead of plain text is now illegal in France, according to a draconian new data retention law. According to the BBC, '[t]he law obliges a range of e-commerce sites, video and music services and webmail providers to keep a host of data on customers. This includes users' full names, postal addresses, telephone numbers and passwords. The data must be handed over to the authorities if demanded.' If the law survives a pending legal challenge by Google, Ebay and others, it may well keep some major services out of the country entirely." France Outlaws Hashed Passwords - Slashdot
  22. diseara ma pun sa vad de gasesc ceva patterns.
  23. Three scientists at UC San Diego have rigorously estimated the annual amount of business-related information processed by the world's computer servers in terms that Guttenberg and Galileo would have appreciated: the digital equivalent of a 5.6-billion-mile-high stack of books from Earth to Neptune and back to Earth, repeated about 20 times a year. World's information consumption: 9,570,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes per year
  24. A lifelong fan of codes, Ricky McCormick wrote out two pages of letters, numbers and symbols and stuck them in his pocket. His body was found in a Missouri cornfield in the summer of 1999, those two sheets of paper still in his pants. FBI wants public to help break murdered man's code
  25. bun venit pe rst
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