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Everything posted by B1Ll

  1. B1Ll

    Cati ani ai ?

    35 dar ma simt ca un nounascut la virsta asta:))))
  2. aici: http://rapidshare.com/files/216464398/Carte_MySQL_Romana.rar
  3. downloadprofessional.com Username: lo886Ees Password: zAgt88er [URL]http://www.sharingzone.net/[/URL] Username: LODMQYHX Password: 375021402 Receipt: 4T5W89RD [URL="http://www.divxcrawler.com/"]www.divxcrawler.com[/URL] Username : divx382 password : 8324pass [URL="http://www.butterflydownloadnetwork.com/"]www.butterflydownloadnetwork.com[/URL] {movies, music, Pc Games, Tv shows} Username : cinemanetwork20 Password : butterfly20 [URL="http://www.unlimitedgamedownloads.com/"]www.unlimitedgamedownloads.com[/URL] {movies, Pc Games, psp softwares} Username : ga20me Password : ke01feb [URL="http://www.watchdirect.tv/"]www.watchdirect.tv[/URL] {movies, music, Pc Games, online Tv} Username : cinemanetwork20 Password : butterfly20 [URL="http://www.fullreleasez.com/"]www.fullreleasez.com[/URL] {Greatly Every thing} Username : Af872HskL Password : XjsdH28N [URL="http://www.fulldownloads.us/"]www.fulldownloads.us[/URL] {Greatly Every thing} Username : Af872HskL Password : XjsdH28N [URL="http://www.pirateaccess.com/"]www.pirateaccess.com[/URL] {Every thing} Username : [[URL="http://url%3Dmailto:yourfrienddalat@gmail.com/"]url=mailto:yourfrienddalat@gmail.com[/URL]][URL="https://mail.google.com/mail?view=cm&tf=0&to=yourfrienddalat@gmail.com"]yourfrienddalat@gmail.com[/URL][/url] Password : CHh5LKPI Username : [[URL="http://url%3Dmailto:xxx_heel_xxx@yahoo.com/"]url=mailto:xxx_heel_xxx@yahoo.com[/URL]][URL="https://mail.google.com/mail?view=cm&tf=0&to=xxx_heel_xxx@yahoo.com"]xxx_heel_xxx@yahoo.com[/URL][/url] Password : MJY0BUY Username : [[URL="http://url%3Dmailto:i_l0ve_u_786@yahoo.com/"]url=mailto:i_l0ve_u_786@yahoo.com[/URL]][URL="https://mail.google.com/mail?view=cm&tf=0&to=i_l0ve_u_786@yahoo.com"]i_l0ve_u_786@yahoo.com[/URL][/url] Password : rYvLgPrt Username : [[URL="http://url%3Dmailto:mubashar_siddique@yahoo.com/"]url=mailto:mubashar_siddique@yahoo.com[/URL]][URL="https://mail.google.com/mail?view=cm&tf=0&to=mubashar_siddique@yahoo.com"]mubashar_siddique@yahoo.com[/URL][/url] Password : F9Gzgwb5 [URL="http://www.warezreleases.com/"]www.warezreleases.com[/URL] {All Stuff} Username : HnRPxKQz Password : a59KBV7 Username : a25bipZP Password : 1TeVnoJb Username : SHYyJfWU Password : P4K20uO [URL="http://www.fulldownloadaccess.com/"]www.fulldownloadaccess.com[/URL] {All Stuff} Username : mpuv3y Password : umvpy3x [URL="http://www.alphaload.com/"]www.alphaload.com[/URL] {All Stuff} Username : AL3429352 Password : ykbcKTNS Username : AL3429355 Password : RCHAbhKM Username : AL3429350 Password : gMZNFcyS Username : AL3429351 Password : cTAkWAxc Username : AL3429352 Password : ykbcKTNS [URL="http://www.gamedownloadnow.com/"]www.gamedownloadnow.com[/URL] {All Stuff} Username : ga20me Password : ke01feb [URL="http://www.unlimiteddownloadcenter.com/"]www.unlimiteddownloadcenter.com[/URL] {All Stuff} Username : cu20me Password : ke01feb [URL="http://www.tvadvanced.com/"]www.tvadvanced.com[/URL] {online Tv} Username : mv03dl Password : frmvdl
  4. 1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen 2. Click on "Run" 3. Type in "command" and hit ok You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen. 4. Type "ipconfig /release" just like that, and hit "enter" 5. Type "exit" and leave the prompt 6. Right-click on "Network Places" or "My Network Places" on your desktop. 7. Click on "properties" You should now be on a screen with something titled "Local Area Connection", or something close to that, and, if you have a network hooked up, all of your other networks. 8. Right click on "Local Area Connection" and click "properties" 9. Double-click on the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" from the list under the "General" tab 10. Click on "Use the following IP address" under the "General" tab 11. Create an IP address (It doesn't matter what it is. I just type 1 and 2 until i fill the area up). 12. Press "Tab" and it should automatically fill in the "Subnet Mask" section with default numbers. 13. Hit the "Ok" button here 14. Hit the "Ok" button again You should now be back to the "Local Area Connection" screen. 15. Right-click back on "Local Area Connection" and go to properties again. 16. Go back to the "TCP/IP" settings 17. This time, select "Obtain an IP address automatically" 18. Hit "Ok" 19. Hit "Ok" again 20. You now have a new IP address With a little practice, you can easily get this process down to 15 seconds. *Note* This only changes your dynamic IP address, not your ISP/IP address.
  5. pai nu ai placa wireless?la banii aia cei dai pe placa nu mai bine iti bagi netu din nou?
  6. "cativa" haha aproape toti oricum e cool:), asteptam new release
  7. cu kgb archiver cu siguranta http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kgbarchiver/KGB_Archiver_2_language_pack.exe
  8. ce fel de telefon ai?deobicei aceste probleme intervin di cauza unuia sau mai multe conflicte hardware,mergi la device manager si vezi acolo cele cu galben sunt cu probleme, eventual faci faci rol driver sa-l aduci la starea initiala ps. ptr astfel de probleme posteaza numai la AJUTOR
  9. 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  10. B1Ll


    egal 1-1.. cel putin
  11. B1Ll

    Asta da spam

    cred ca ar trebui sa-l facem poet national pe baiatul asta..daca mai scria doua strofe batea recordu la scrisorea a treia lu Eminescu oricum e foarte ADEVARAT ce-a scris (nu nu l-am primit anca paxnWo)
  12. Promit sa nu mai dau quote la mult text ..te-ai încurcat cu dracu amice.. a?a înva?? omu din gre?eli, da tu ai fost prea infantil la ”afacerea” asta
  13. eu cînd le-am postat cel pu?in primul care l-am verificat,mergea acuma stii cum e treaba cu ele:((
  14. Another seven accounts:))) 1st Account : Traffic left: 1 344 MB (+0 GB) Expiration date: Thu, 28. May 2009 RapidPoints: 6133 User : en2rouge pass: gogetta13 2nd Account : Login : 7547372 Password : BX2GMQ 3rd Account : Login : 2666156 Password : Epuc2sFana 4th Account : Login: 8344054 Password: upB97sdthD 5th Account: accountid= 2061459 password= wTxzzj8fBP 6th Account: Login: 1628855 Password : nerminberen2008 7th Account: Login : 2281715 Password : mahmutkeremesitek
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  17. Microsoft has refreshed its lineup of DirectX offerings at the start of this week, and the company is by no means shy of focusing the spotlight on the evolution of the graphics technology as Windows 7 is contouring. The software giant is offering fresh Technical Previews of Direct2D, DirectWrite, and DXGI 1.1, but also a new TP release of Windows 7/Direct3D 11. The components are available for download as an integral part of the March 2009 iteration of the DirectX Software Development Kit, which is accompanied by the DirectX End-User Runtimes (March 2009) and the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer. Microsoft delivered the first taste of Windows 7 DirectX 11 through the SDK back in November 2008. Obviously the releases are aimed at a professional audience. Developers will be able to leverage the latest release of the SDK, combining the DirectX Runtime and additional software designed to permit the building of DirectX compliant solutions. With the March 2009 DirectX update, Microsoft has refreshed the tools and utilities included with the software development kit, but also the code samples, documentation, and the 32-bit and 64-bit runtime debug files. “This version of the Windows 7/Direct3D 11 Technical Preview ships as part of the DirectX SDK and contains the following new features, tools, and documentation: Technical Preview of Direct2D; Technical Preview of DirectWrite; Technical Preview of DXGI 1.1,” the Redmond company informed. According to Microsoft: “Direct2D is a hardware-accelerated, immediate-mode, 2-D graphics API that provides high performance and high quality rendering for 2-D geometry, bitmaps, and text. The Direct2D API is designed to interoperate well with Direct3D and GDI. (...) DirectWrite provides support for high-quality text rendering, resolution-independent outline fonts, and full Unicode text and layout support, and much, much more. (...) DXGI 1.1 builds on DXGI 1.0 and will be available on both Windows Vista and Windows 7.” On top of the March 2009 release of the DirectX Software Development Kit, the Redmond company is also offering for download the DirectX End-User Runtimes (March 2009) and the DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer. Documentation for the latter has not yet been updated on the Microsoft Download Center. DirectX End-User Runtimes (March 2009) is available in Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Swedish, and English. “DirectX end-user multi-languaged redistributable that developers can include with their product. The redistributable license agreement covers the terms under which developers may use the Redistributable,” the company informed. DirectX End-User Runtimes (March 2009) is available for download http://download.softpedia.ro/dl/8e78c74e8f5dcf48754e153b7a592703/49c8aa01/100003545/software/OS%20ENHANCE/directx_mar2009_redist.exe sursa:softpedia
  18. oricum este o problem? de configurare, revizioneaz? din nou cu atentie impost?rile pe amîndou? computerele ?i f? in a?a fel încît s? le execu?i exclusiv ca administrator
  19. B1Ll


    asta am vrut s? spun ?i eu numai c? nu ma-m exprimat corect;desigur c? este un ide, doar de acolo ma-m inspirat ?i eu.mul?am ptr corec?ie
  20. B1Ll


    cu pl?cere:)
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  22. B1Ll


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  23. B1Ll

    FTP -uri

    merci mult, great collections,bookmarked!!
  24. B1Ll

    the best hacker?

    concorde with you daatdraqq:))
  25. here you go: accountid=3307299 password=dYwDJ3ncf6 Valid until: Sun, 26. Apr 2009 Premium points: 2007 Traffic left: 5204 MB Email: 1 ---------------------------------------- accountid=2900368 password=TRtn4LHP6Q Valid until: Tue, 10. Mar 2009 Premium points: 0 Traffic left: 14648 MB Email: 1 ---------------------------------------- accountid=2884691 password=wYUHDTjRWv Valid until: Sat, 14. Mar 2009 Premium points: 0 Traffic left: 14648 MB Email: 1 ---------------------------------------- Username: 2672999 Password: 7X3wAVj9pV Valid until: Fri, 7. Aug 2009 Premium points: 6000 Traffic left: 13306 MB Email: 1 Username: 5975895 Password: BfW4dKaDSB Valid until: Fri, 27. Mar 2009 Premium points: 5001 Traffic left: 14648 MB Email: 1 Username: 1811968 Password: LusvVpceHZ Valid until: Thu, 28. May 2009 Premium points: 9000 Traffic left: 14648 MB Email: 1 Username: maxokkpiracy Password: mango Valid until: Thu, 17. Dec 2009 Premium points: 20000 Traffic left: 14648 MB Email: 1
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