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Everything posted by wvw

  1. Traian Basescu http://basescu.net/ http://www.traianbasescu.org/ http://www.traianbasescu.net/ Mircea Geoana http://www.romanialibera.ro/a168660/cine-l-voteaza-pe-mircea-geoana.html http://www.curentul.ro/2009/index.php/2009111636915/Actualitate/Bogdan-Chirieac-Geoana-fura-banii-de-campanie-si-i-duce-la-soacra-sa.html Crin Antonescu http://www.crinantonescu.org/ http://www.romanialibera.ro/a169798/cine-il-voteaza-pe-crin-antonescu.html Sorin Oprescu http://www.romanialibera.ro/a169232/cine-il-voteaza-pe-sorin-oprescu.html Remus Cernea http://utopiabalcanica.net/2009/11/15/calul-de-dar-nu-se-cauta-la-presedinti/ Morala: n-avem ce alege - majoritatea sunt de cacat, unul este complet insignifiant (da, aici ma refer la Cernea) http://www.piticigratis.com/2009/11/sa-votam-gratis/ P.S. http://www.romanialibera.ro/a170395/cine-il-voteaza-pe-traian-basescu.html Articol de c?cat.
  2. Interesant http://www.romanialibera.ro/a170269/autodenunt-doua-saptamani-i-am-haituit-pe-internet-pe-adversarii-lui-crin-antonescu.html
  3. wvw

    Fun stuff

  4. Sunt diverse tutoriale/c?r?i pe forum, dar ce vrei s? inve?i mai exact ?
  5. Sau d'astea: http://www.notdoppler.com/theimpossiblequiz.php http://www.notdoppler.com/theimpossiblequiz2.php
  6. Mai b?ga?i o fis?.
  7. wvw

    Hacker Haios.

    :%s/Hacer Haios/persoana care a suferit o lobotomie pe Internet/g
  8. Cam asta vrea s? fie: http://www.tastekid.com/
  9. http://utopiabalcanica.net/2009/11/08/episodul-44-420/
  10. Pentru amatorii de old school shit: http://download.f60s.com/forums/t/47424.aspx Detalii aici: BBS: The Documentary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  11. Din ciclul "Informatic? != programare" Abstruse Goose - Rite of Passage
  12. wvw

    Happy Halloween

    P?rerea mea: P.S. ‘Mniezeii lui de Halloween | Futezãtorii
  13. Cât o mie de cuvinte Da, sunt dependent de Google Reader.
  14. Hackers specifically target PHP Web applications. Why? Because they know many of these apps are written by programmers with little or no experience or training in software security. Don’t be victimized. Securing PHP Web Applications will help you master the specific techniques, skills, and best practices you need to write rock-solid PHP code and harden the PHP software you’re already using. Drawing on more than fifteen years of experience in Web development, security, and training, Tricia and William Ballad show how security flaws can find their way into PHP code, and they identify the most common security mistakes made by PHP developers. The authors present practical, specific solutions–techniques that are surprisingly easy to understand and use, no matter what level of PHP programming expertise you have. Securing PHP Web Applications covers the most important aspects of PHP code security, from error handling and buffer overflows to input validation and filesystem access. The authors explode the myths that discourage PHP programmers from attempting to secure their code and teach you how to instinctively write more secure code without compromising your software’s performance or your own productivity. http://depositfiles.com/en/files/egyik66on http://www.megaupload.com/?d=66VS3JY0
  15. Fully updated to cover the latest security issues, 24 Deadly Sins of Software Security reveals the most common design and coding errors and explains how to fix each one-or better yet, avoid them from the start. Michael Howard and David LeBlanc, who teach Microsoft employees and the world how to secure code, have partnered again with John Viega, who uncovered the original 19 deadly programming sins. They have completely revised the book to address the most recent vulnerabilities and have added five brand-new sins. This practical guide covers all platforms, languages, and types of applications. Eliminate these security flaws from your code: # SQL injection # Web server- and client-related vulnerabilities # Use of magic URLs, predictable cookies, and hidden form fields # Buffer overruns # Format string problems # Integer overflows # C++ catastrophes # Insecure exception handling # Command injection # Failure to handle errors # Information leakage # Race conditions # Poor usability # Not updating easily # Executing code with too much privilege # Failure to protect stored data # Insecure mobile code # Use of weak password-based systems # Weak random numbers # Using cryptography incorrectly # Failing to protect network traffic # Improper use of PKI # Trusting network name resolution http://uploading.com/files/693cb1c7/0071626751_24_Dead.rar http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MJEN4J99
  16. http://www.megapanzer.com/2009/10/16/win32rbot-source-code/ Enjoy.
  17. SQL injection represents one of the most dangerous and well-known, yet misunderstood, security vulnerabilities on the Internet, largely because there is no central repository of information to turn to for help. This is the only book devoted exclusively to this long-established but recently growing threat. It includes all the currently known information about these attacks and significant insight from its contributing team of SQL injection experts. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CZU5PSP7
  18. wvw

    Carti C++

    C?r?i de C++ http://www.flazx.com/category2.php C?r?i de C++ amestecate cu .NET/C# shit http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/programming_development/cpp_c_plus_plus
  19. Cu elemente de Lost, Star Trek: Voyager ?i... Sliders. Chiar ?i a?a, este interesant. Lua?i ?i desc?rca?i cât este cald / sunt seederi: stargate universe | isoHunt : the BitTorrent and P2P search engine
  20. Au oamenii avut un moment de downtime. De asta am pus scriptul ?i aici, just in case: http://pastebin.com/f3b0ddbae Enjoy.
  21. Încearc? s?-?i clonezi sistemul ?i s?-l rulezi din Vmware pe un Solaris sau FreeBSD. Apoi, las?-l a?a câteva zile ?i vezi ce se întâmpl?. Faza este c? serverele de la EA detecteaz? laten?? ?i uptime-ul. ?i po?i s? le p?c?le?ti cu un heap overflow.
  22. Am vorbit cu agentul meu de pariuri mai devreme ?i mi-a spus c? 13.11.2026 are o cot? de 1 la 67000. O s? fac o gr?mad? de bani dac? va fi Sfâr?itul Lumii atunci D: Doomsday: The Future Voi pe ce paria?i?
  23. Zici c? ai Windows 7. Mai întâi trebuie s? te loghezi în contul de Super-SuperAdministrator.
  24. Python power! http://bitbucket.org/rg3/youtube-dl/wiki/Home
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