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Everything posted by wvw

  1. Un lucru este sigur: Failed end of the world predictions from 30 to 2000 CE
  2. Am uitat de CERN. Înca un Sf?r?it al Lumii pe care l-am ratat
  3. Sfâr?itul lumii va fi în anul 2038, v? spun eu: Year 2038 problem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Asta dac? nu o s? fie în 2029/2036/2037 99942 Apophis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cine d? mai mult?
  4. Fars?? "Ip monitorizat conform articolului 10 aliniatul 2 privind legislatia internetului - Cautare Google ?i este conform alineatului, nu conform aliniatului.
  5. Câteva resurse pentru cei care nu ?tiu de unde ?i cu ce s? înceap?: *) Tuts 4 You http://www.tuts4you.com/download.php?list.19 *) F+ http://fravia.2113.ch/essays.htm *) /i/ http://insurgen.info/wiki/Tutorials sau http://partyvan.info/wiki/Tutorials Sunt multe tutoriale care apar pe ambele situri, dar Partyvan este renumit pentru momentele dese de downtime. *) THL http://www.thehackerslibrary.com/ *) ARTeam tutorials http://arteam.accessroot.com/arteam/site/download.php?list.10 *) OpenRCE http://www.openrce.org/articles/ *) Your own executable crypter http://sandsprite.com/CodeStuff/Build_your_own_executable_crypter.html *) Scapy http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/doc/ *) Wireshark http://openmaniak.com/wireshark.php *) Nikto http://cirt.net/nikto2-docs/ *) Metasploit http://www.ethicalhacker.net/content/view/29/24/ *) An overview of cryptography http://www.garykessler.net/library/crypto.html Aici este suficient material cât pentru 10 tutoriale. *) Ubuntu Security Tips http://www.itsecurity.com/features/ubuntu-secure-install-resource/ http://www.linuxforums.org/articles/locking-down-ubuntu_256.html *) Fedora Core Security http://secureslash.com/system-security/fedora-core-security/ *) Windows XP Hardening http://www.alkasis.com/?action=winxp_hardening ?i câteva ponturi: *) Nu trebuie s? fie mot-a-mot/traducere perfect?, dar s? fie coerent. *) Indica?i sursa/sursele. *) Dac? este un tutorial mai lung, pot lucra doi sau mai mul?i oameni la traducere.
  6. http://www.darknet.org.uk/2009/09/frhack-os-v1-alpha1-pentestingsecurity-livecd/
  7. Grab the mic http://www.hackerpublicradio.org/
  8. Sunt câ?iva. M?car de prob?. Mai însufle?im sec?iunea de tutoriale. Indeed ;-)
  9. wvw

    Cel mai ...

    Sau dac? nu dau oamenii argumente.
  10. ?i la limba român?. Numele sec?iunilor în cauz? ar trebui schimbat. Din "Tutoriale in englez?/român?" în "Documenta?ie în englez? / român?". Sau s? fie creat? o sec?iune special? pentru c?r?i.
  11. wvw

    Fun stuff

  12. s/Foloseste Calculatorul in loc de browser/Foloseste help.exe in loc de browser/gi
  13. wvw

    Parerea voastra

    Ok, dar cum extragi mp3-ul din poz??
  14. wvw


    http://insurgen.info/wiki/Tutorials http://partyvan.info/wiki/Tools http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Insurgency_Wiki
  15. Welcome to computer science in the 21st century. Did you ever wonder how computers represent DNA? How they can download a web page containing population data and analyze it to spot trends? Or how they can change the colors in a color photograph? If so, this book is for you. By the time you’re done, you’ll know how to do all of that and a lot more. And Python makes it easy and fun. http://www.mediafire.com/?15zxdjkcj2o http://www.pragprog.com/titles/gwpy/source_code
  16. wvw

    Parerea voastra

    ?i un tutorial scurt pentru Linux De ce avem nevoie: $ ls 1.mp3 image.jpg M?rimea ini?ial? a imaginii: $ ls -lh image.jpg -rwxr-xr-x 1 vic vic [b]23K[/b] 2006-04-04 22:12 image.jpg Arhiv?m fi?ierul .mp3: $ zip -9 song.zip 1.mp3 Îl îndes?m în jpg: $ cat song.zip >> image.jpg Imaginea final? va fi mult mai mare (pute?i ghici cam cât are mp3-ul ;-) $ ls -lh image.jpg -rwxr-xr-x 1 vic vic [b]4.4M[/b] 2009-09-26 14:59 image.jpg Verific?m integritatea "arhivei": $ unzip -t image.jpg Archive: image.jpg warning [image.jpg]: 23014 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway) testing: 1.mp3 OK No errors detected in compressed data of image.jpg. Scoatem mp3-ul: $ unzip image.jpg Archive: image.jpg warning [image.jpg]: 23014 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway) inflating: 1.mp3 Am urcat jpg-ul aici: http://sent.ro/b875d00 ?i un bonus pentru amatorii de gif-uri animate: http://sent.ro/f957fb6
  17. wvw

    Chinezi nebuni

    Nebunie mare, "chinese hackers" - C?utare Google L?sând mi?toul la o parte, lua?i ?i citi?i: *) despre GhostNet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GhostNet *) hackerii chinezi patrio?i http://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2009-04/hackers-china-syndrome http://shanghaiscrap.com/?p=2825 *) un blog despre http://www.thedarkvisitor.com/ Nu este tocmai hahahahaa afacerea asta.
  18. Dar înainte de a se sinucide împu?c? ni?te colegi ?i profesori. Gen.
  19. wvw

    Parerea voastra

    Criptare + steganografie = <3
  20. wvw


    Iar aici este chiar tot, nu mai ave?i nevoie de nimic http://www.geocities.com/body_cugir/tot.txt
  21. wvw


    Un link mai lights: http://www.csopi.go.ro/ Bloguri bune la toate: http://kmlc4n.wordpress.com/2009/07/26/cc-6/ ?i dac? nu a?i v?zut înc? The Sopranos, spor la desc?rcat http://nebu.1986.ro/The%20Sopranos/ Ps. http://headhacker.ifrance.com/carte_visa_1-31.txt http://noon.ni.googlepages.com/cc.txt
  22. wvw


    Sau a?a: http://scripturi.ilive.ro/ Manele, întâlniri PRM, înmormânt?ri ?i scam pages. Cine d? mai mult?
  23. Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into Python 3 is a hands-on guide to Python 3 (the latest version of the Python language) and its differences from Python 2. As in the original book, Dive Into Python, each chapter starts with a real, complete code sample, proceeds to pick it apart and explain the pieces, and then puts it all back together in a summary at the end. This book includes: Example programs completely rewritten to illustrate powerful new concepts now available in Python 3: sets, iterators, generators, closures, comprehensions, and much more A detailed case study of porting a major library from Python 2 to Python 3 A comprehensive appendix of all the syntactic and semantic changes in Python 3 This is the perfect resource for you if you need to port applications to Python 3, or if you like to jump into languages fast and get going right away. What you'll learn Understand Python 3 code by seeing it broken down and explained Make full use of the latest Python features such as iterators, generators, closures, classes and comprehensions Refactor existing code to improve maintainability Learn how to serialize Python objects with the pickle protocol and JSON format Learn how to package your own Python libraries and upload them to the Python Package Index to share your projects with Python developers worldwide Use Python 3 to consume HTTP web services Port existing Python applications to Python 3 by following a case study for a major library Who is this book for? Anyone who wants to learn the latest version of Python in a fast, hands-on fashion Existing Python programmers who want to learn quickly how to make the most of the features of the latest version of Python and port their code to it Programmers coming from other languages wanting a fast introduction to Python that gets them thinking about advanced concepts quickly http://rapidshare.com/files/284075608/9781430224150-1430224150.rar
  24. I smell a troll.
  25. S? alegem un num?r prim: 7
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