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Everything posted by go_sword

  1. la multi multi multi BANI !!!11!! ca aia conteaza
  2. Transformers 1 & 2 m-au innebunit si m-au facut sa ma uit la toata seria Beast Wars Deci,Transformers 2 filmul anului 2009 Desigur mai sunt si Gamer,District 9 si Surrogates care mi-au placut foarte mult 2012 nu l-am vazut intentionat pentru ca stiu ca e un caca de film din punct de vedere al subiectului.eu nu cred in bullshiturile alea
  3. zise pax si mai lua o gura de fan
  4. nu conteaza metoda,conteaza sa o ai
  5. zici ca vorbeste o gaina
  6. stii ce e ala shell ?
  7. dar am o nelamurire...sa zicem,teoretic,ai reusit sa umbli la telefon si ai incadrat un nr oarecare in categoria numarului 112.intrebarea mea este : operatorul nu ar avea nimic de zis ? ma refer la o eventuala detectare recunosc,sunt pe nicaieri in domeniul asta,poate pun intrebari tampite
  8. bine zici daatdraqq.googleing now... LE: nu gasesc nimic concret...un link ceva ?
  9. A German computer scientist has cracked the codes used to encrypt calls made from more than 80% of the world's mobile phones. Karsten Nohl and his team of 24 hackers began working on the security algorithm for GSM (Global System for Mobiles) in August. Developed in 1988, the system prevents the interception of calls by forcing phones and base stations to change frequencies constantly. Most of the UK's mobile phones use the GSM system and the breach represents a potential threat to the security of mobile phone communication. Nohl claims that armed with the code, which has been published online, and a laptop with two network cards, an eavesdropper could be recording phone calls within 15 minutes. "This shows that existing GSM security is inadequate," Nohl told the Chaos Communication Congress, an international annual meeting of hackers taking place in Berlin this week. Nohl insisted that he had deciphered the code to force the global telecommunications industry to upgrade its security. Nohl told the Guardian that important negotiations involving politicians or business leaders could easily be intercepted and they should invest in further encryption software to protect their privacy. "If there is anything secret going on using GSM, this should be of concern." The GSM Association, which represents the interests of the worldwide mobile communications industry, played down the security threat and said Nohl's activity was "highly illegal". "We consider this research, which appears to be motivated in part by commercial considerations, to be a long way from being a practical attack on GSM," said Claire Cranton, a spokeswoman. "To do this while supposedly being concerned about privacy is beyond me." Nohl, who has a doctorate in computer engineering from the University of Virginia, insisted his work was purely academic. "We have written advice from our lawyers stating that our research is within the legal realm," he said. "Obviously the data we produce could of course be used for illegitimate purposes." Simon Bransfield-Garth, the chief executive of London-based encryption software firm Cellcrypt, said: "The code that has been cracked is for the 21-year-old 64-bit A5/1 GSM algorithm. In 2007 the GSM Association developed a 128-bit version, A5/3. However, most network operators have not invested to make the required upgrade. "We said in August when this project began that the code would be broken within nine to 12 months. This is a very significant step." ~ The Guardian ~ Mobile phone security cracked, says German hacker | Technology | guardian.co.uk
  10. Alegeri 2009 - licitez PREZENTA mea la vot! - Okazii (35751143)
  11. go_sword

    RST Chat

    Ar fi frumos si util daca ar exista un buton de accesare a chat-ului mai rapid,alaturi de cele de sub header. Multumesc.
  12. am facut-o cu telefonul pe multishot de la o statie anm.e greu de prins
  13. judger:stie pascal destul de bine,in rest ca nytro
  14. ai foarte multe greseli de gramatica :? ai plecat demult din Romania ?
  15. probabil ca domnul catalyn28cristescu e "marele smecher" care i-a aflat/modificat parola id-ului de yahoo celuia care se plangea mai jos ca i-a fost furata parola.in concluzie,it doesn't worth a shit
  16. ~Xenoger vezi ca si in -Apocalipsa- sunt pasaje
  17. si cam ce ar trebui sa faca acest "webcam grabber" ?
  18. go_sword

    Un ratat

    tin minte ca e un user pe aici cu nick Codatu.oare e aceasi persoana ?
  19. pana la abonamentele de 8 mb/s uploadul este la fel si anume 512 kb/s
  20. facut in dev. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main(){ int a=0,b=0; printf("Primul numar : "); scanf("%i",&a); printf("\nAl 2-lea numar : "); scanf("%i",&; printf("\nSuma numerelor este : %i",a+; getche(); }
  21. Woohoo ! inca o dublare a vitezei Am plecat de la un abonament de 1 mb/s anul trecut siiii...la Craciun,Mosu vine cu 2 mb/s fara sa platesc nimic in plus.Acum a venit randu iepurasului care a venit cu 4 mb/s !! de asemenea,fara nimic in plus de platit. nice,huh ?
  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Book_of_Mozilla
  23. asa m-am saturat de replicile astea : "presimt ...".de parca ati fi tiganci cu tarotu.
  24. 1.puteai sa dai edit la primul post 2.http://downtown.vc/D0URGJ4B0SQK/Crack_me_1_VVV_Easy.rar.html --->You don't have permission to access /D0URGJ4B0SQK/Crack_me_1_VVV_Easy.rar.html on this server.
  25. go_sword


    mass: "scam nou de paypal care are ?" "scrisoare de boa care aveti ?" "hai ma unu nu are scrisoare de bank of america ? "
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