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Everything posted by go_sword
devin penibili tamplarii
incerc maine,din cate am citit,pare ok
IM Report Card - Internet Marketing Ratings, Reviews and Discussion daca te tii de treaba poti face 20-30 $ pe zi.nu e teapa.platesc prin paypal
tu le-ai facut publice ? vipule ma inchin in fata ta ^'>
officialy dead
rezolva-ti modemul,ala e problema.e usor..
- 99 replies
mujahedin,problema pe care o aveai si tu,o puteai rezolva folosind google... cel mai probabil aveai speedtouch 516v6,el e sensibil la fluctuatiile de curent,si electrica ne serveste foarte foarte des asemenea cadouri,astfel picandu-ti netu.problema asta o rezolvai din cmd,te logai in modem,si dezactivai protectia la fluctuatii...eureka desigur,puteai sa folosesti si DMT,cu ajutorul careia sacrificai un pic din viteza,pentru cresterea snr-ului,creand astfel o conexiune stabila eu acum am modem huawei si nu imi pica netul deloc,fara sa trebuiasca sa umblu la el.singura chestie nasoala e ca nu pot sa folosesc un dyndns
- 99 replies
nu cred ca vrea sa o faca legal
modul de conectare a modemului conteaza,dar nu marca.CrYsTy4N,cum ti-ai conectat modemul ? usb cumva ? si intr-adevar,se pare ca au bagat clase noi.dar asta nu inseamna ca au rezolvat problema
- 99 replies
nu are auto-update iar ei nu iti pot accesa routeru cum li se scoala lor
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i-am dat reply la ala care zicea ca nu merge
- 99 replies
deci tu ne zici ca toti utilizatorii de clicknet din tara si-au modificat user+pass ? sau si-au schimat firmware-ul ?
- 99 replies
omg...stay away from me
da se poate,tre sa gasesti algorimul de generare a codurilor
bravo bravo +1
0:30-0:40 the best
0-day exploit for all Windows versions, gain kernel priv
go_sword replied to Nytro's topic in Exploituri
in 21 a fost facut public -
Sophisticated SQL injection technique used The website of the Center for Aerosol Research at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has been taken offline after a grey hat hacker demoed an attack on its database. The SQL injection exploitation had to be performed manually and was unusually hard to pull off, according to the attacker. "I want to say that it was very hard to make this injection… The webserver had good protection but wasn’t fully secured," TinKode, a Romanian self-confessed grey hat hacker, writes on his blog. "This kind only works manually , you can’t do it with apps," he stresses. The aerocenter.gsfc.nasa.gov is actually the third website associated with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) that TinKode has hacked in recent months, suggesting a more serious Web development issue on this domain. At the beginning of December we reported that websites belonging to GSFC's Instrument Systems and Technology Division, istd.gsfc.nasa.gov, as well as the Software Engineering Division, sed.gsfc.nasa.gov were compromised in a similar fashion. According to an official description available on the compromised website, before it was taken down, the "AeroCenter is an interdisciplinary union of researchers at NASA Goddard and other organizations in the Washington DC metropolitan area (including NOAA, University of Maryland, and other insititutions) who are interested in many facets of atmospheric aerosols." From the partially obfuscated screenshots published by the security enthusiast, it appears the database contains private information about site members, such as full name, e-mail, phone, affiliation or focus group. TinKode has also revealed details about seven administrative accounts, including those of Lorraine A. Remer, NASA official responsible for the AeroCenter program, Richard Kleidman, curator and Paul D. Przyborski, the Webmaster. As the grey hat hacker indicates, only password "hashes" are stored in the database, which is much better than storing them in plain text. Unfortunately, these hashes can be easily cracked, because they were generated with MD5, an insecure algorithm. sursa : http://news.softpedia.com/news/NASA-Research-Center-Website-Compromised-133074.shtml
uau..ai lipit un fir izolatie de tot cacatu..foloseste banda de izolat nu scoci de hartie
din pacate unii nu au auzit de fud crypter
carding hombre...skimmingu e destul de riscant.. eu l-as vinde..depinde de ce tara e
inca apar posturi dublate si mai apare cate un post mai vechi inaintea primului din topic.. weird
oricine poate face un generator de genu
eu sunt la intensiv info si am 10 ore pe sapt ( cls 12-a)...anu trecut aveam 11 (c++,html,php,mysql si java) mate am 6