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o Sensepost Footprint Tools o Big Brother o BiLE Suite o Alchemy Network Tool o Advanced Administrative Tool o My IP Suite o Wikto Footprinting Tool o Whois Lookup o Whois o SmartWhois o ActiveWhois o LanWhois o CountryWhois o WhereIsIP o Ip2country o CallerIP o Web Data Extractor Tool o Online Whois Tools o What is MyIP o DNS Enumerator o SpiderFoot o Nslookup o Extract DNS Information • Types of DNS Records • Necrosoft Advanced DIG o Expired Domains o DomainKing o Domain Name Analyzer o DomainInspect o MSR Strider URL Tracer o Mozzle Domain Name Pro o Domain Research Tool (DRT) o Domain Status Reporter o Reggie o Locate the Network Range • ARIN • Traceroute • 3D Traceroute • NeoTrace • VisualRoute Trace • Path Analyzer Pro • Maltego • Layer Four Traceroute • Prefi x WhoIs widget • Touchgraph • VisualRoute Mail Tracker • eMailTrackerPro o 1st E-mail Address Spider o Power E-mail Collector Tool o GEOSpider o Geowhere Footprinting Tool o Google Earth o Kartoo Search Engine o Dogpile (Meta Search Engine) o Tool: WebFerret o robots.txt o WTR - Web The Ripper o Website Watcher SCANNING • Angry IP • HPing2 • Ping Sweep • Firewalk Tool • Firewalk Commands • Firewalk Output • Nmap • Nmap: Scan Methods • NMAP Scan Options • NMAP Output Format • TCP Communication Flags • Three Way Handshake o Syn Stealth/Half Open Scan o Stealth Scan o Xmas Scan o Fin Scan o Null Scan o Idle Scan o ICMP Echo Scanning/List Scan o TCP Connect/Full Open Scan o FTP Bounce Scan • Ftp Bounce Attack o SYN/FIN Scanning Using IP Fragments o UDP Scanning o Reverse Ident Scanning o RPC Scan o Window Scan o Blaster Scan o Portscan Plus, Strobe o IPSec Scan o Netscan Tools Pro o WUPS – UDP Scanner o Superscan o IPScanner o Global Network Inventory Scanner o Net Tools Suite Pack o Atelier Web Ports Traffi c Analyzer (AWPTA) o Atelier Web Security Port Scanner (AWSPS) o IPEye o ike-scan o Infi ltrator Network Security Scanner o YAPS: Yet Another Port Scanner o Advanced Port Scanner o NetworkActiv Scanner o NetGadgets o P-Ping Tools o MegaPing o LanSpy o HoverIP o LANView o NetBruteScanner o SolarWinds Engineer’s Toolset o AUTAPF o OstroSoft Internet Tools o Advanced IP Scanner o Active Network Monitor o Advanced Serial Data Logger o Advanced Serial Port Monitor o WotWeb o Antiy Ports o Port Detective Enumeration Overview of System Hacking Cycle Techniques for Enumeration NetBIOS Null Sessions o So What’s the Big Deal o DumpSec Tool o NetBIOS Enumeration Using Netview • Nbtstat Enumeration Tool • SuperScan • Enum Tool o Enumerating User Accounts • GetAcct o Null Session Countermeasure PS Tools o PsExec o PsFile o PsGetSid o PsKill o PsInfo o PsList o PsLogged On o PsLogList o PsPasswd o PsService o PsShutdown o PsSuspend o Management Information Base (MIB) o SNMPutil Example o SolarWinds o SNScan o Getif SNMP MIB Browser o UNIX Enumeration o SNMP UNIX Enumeration o SNMP Enumeration Countermeasures o LDAP enumeration o JXplorer o LdapMiner o Softerra LDAP Browser o NTP enumeration o SMTP enumeration o Smtpscan o Web enumeration o Asnumber o Lynx o Windows Active Directory Attack Tool o How To Enumerate Web Application Directories in IIS Using DirectoryServices IP Tools Scanner Enumerate Systems Using Default Password Tools: o NBTScan o NetViewX o FREENETENUMERATOR o Terminal Service Agent o TXNDS o Unicornscan o Amap o Netenum System Hacking Part 1- Cracking Password o Password Types o Types of Password Attack • Passive Online Attack: Wire Sniffi ng • Passive Online Attack: Man-in-the-middle and replay attacks • Active Online Attack: Password Guessing • Offl ine Attacks Brute force Attack Pre-computed Hashes Syllable Attack/Rule-based Attack/ Hybrid attacks Distributed network Attack Rainbow Attack • Non-Technical Attacks o PDF Password Cracker o Abcom PDF Password Cracker o Password Mitigation o Permanent Account Lockout-Employee Privilege Abuse o Administrator Password Guessing • Manual Password cracking Algorithm • Automatic Password Cracking Algorithm o Performing Automated Password Guessing • Tool: NAT • Smbbf (SMB Passive Brute Force Tool) • SmbCrack Tool: Legion • Hacking Tool: LOphtcrack o Microsoft Authentication • LM, NTLMv1, and NTLMv2 • NTLM And LM Authentication On The Wire • Kerberos Authentication • What is LAN Manager Hash? LM “Hash” Generation LM Hash • Salting • PWdump2 and Pwdump3 • Tool: Rainbowcrack • Hacking Tool: KerbCrack • Hacking Tool: NBTDeputy • NetBIOS DoS Attack • Hacking Tool: John the Ripper o Password Sniffi ng o How to Sniff SMB Credentials? o SMB Replay Attacks o Replay Attack Tool: SMBProxy o SMB Signing o Tool: LCP o Tool: SID&User o Tool: Ophcrack 2 o Tool: Crack o Tool: Access PassView o Tool: Asterisk Logger o Tool: CHAOS Generator o Tool: Asterisk Key o Password Recovery Tool: MS Access Database Password Decoder o Password Cracking Countermeasures o Do Not Store LAN Manager Hash in SAM Database o LM Hash Backward Compatibility o How to Disable LM HASH o Password Brute-Force Estimate Tool o Syskey Utility o AccountAudit Part2-Escalating Privileges o Privilege Escalation o Cracking NT/2000 passwords o Active@ Password Changer • Change Recovery Console Password - Method 1 • Change Recovery Console Password - Method 2 o Privilege Escalation Tool: x.exe Part3-Executing applications o Tool: psexec o Tool: remoexec o Ras N Map o Tool: Alchemy Remote Executor o Emsa FlexInfo Pro o Keystroke Loggers o E-mail Keylogger o Revealer Keylogger Pro o Handy Keylogger o Ardamax Keylogger o Powered Keylogger o Quick Keylogger o Spy-Keylogger o Perfect Keylogger o Invisible Keylogger o Actual Spy o SpyToctor FTP Keylogger o IKS Software Keylogger o Ghost Keylogger o Hacking Tool: Hardware Key Logger o What is Spyware? o Spyware: Spector o Remote Spy o Spy Tech Spy Agent o 007 Spy Software o Spy Buddy o Ace Spy o Keystroke Spy o Activity Monitor o Hacking Tool: eBlaster o Stealth Voice Recorder o Stealth Keylogger o Stealth Website Logger o Digi Watcher Video Surveillance o Desktop Spy Screen Capture Program o Telephone Spy o Print Monitor Spy Tool o Stealth E-Mail Redirector o Spy Software: Wiretap Professional o Spy Software: FlexiSpy o PC PhoneHome o Keylogger Countermeasures o Anti Keylogger Trojans and Backdoors Effect on Business What is a Trojan? o Overt and Covert Channels o Working of Trojans o Different Types of Trojans Remote Access Trojans Data-Sending Trojans Destructive Trojans Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack Trojans Proxy Trojans FTP Trojans Security Software Disablers o What do Trojan Creators Look for? o Different Ways a Trojan can Get into a System Indications of a Trojan Attack Ports Used by Trojans o How to Determine which Ports are Listening Trojans o Trojan: iCmd o MoSucker Trojan o Proxy Server Trojan o SARS Trojan Notifi cation o Wrappers o Wrapper Covert Program o Wrapping Tools o One Exe Maker / YAB / Pretator Wrappers o Packaging Tool: WordPad o RemoteByMail o Tool: Icon Plus o Defacing Application: Restorator o Tetris o HTTP Trojans o Trojan Attack through Http o HTTP Trojan (HTTP RAT) o Shttpd Trojan - HTTP Server o Reverse Connecting Trojans o Nuclear RAT Trojan (Reverse Connecting) o Tool: BadLuck Destructive Trojan o ICMP Tunneling o ICMP Backdoor Trojan o Microsoft Network Hacked by QAZ Trojan o Backdoor.Theef (AVP) o T2W (TrojanToWorm) o Biorante RAT o DownTroj o Turkojan o Trojan.Satellite-RAT o Yakoza o DarkLabel B4 o Trojan.Hav-Rat o Poison Ivy o Rapid Hacker o SharK o HackerzRat o TYO o 1337 Fun Trojan o Criminal Rat Beta o VicSpy o Optix PRO o ProAgent o OD Client o AceRat o Mhacker-PS o RubyRAT Public o SINner o ConsoleDevil o ZombieRat o FTP Trojan - TinyFTPD o VNC Trojan o Webcam Trojan o DJI RAT o Skiddie Rat o Biohazard RAT o Troya o ProRat o Dark Girl o DaCryptic o Net-Devil Classic Trojans Found in the Wild o Trojan: Tini o Trojan: NetBus o Trojan: Netcat o Netcat Client/Server o Netcat Commands o Trojan: Beast o Trojan: Phatbot o Trojan: Amitis o Trojan: Senna Spy o Trojan: QAZ o Trojan: Back Orifi ce o Trojan: Back Oriffi ce 2000 o Back Oriffi ce Plug-ins o Trojan: SubSeven o Trojan: CyberSpy Telnet Trojan o Trojan: Subroot Telnet Trojan o Trojan: Let Me Rule! 2.0 BETA 9 o Trojan: Donald Dick o Trojan: RECUB Hacking Tool: Loki Loki Countermeasures Atelier Web Remote Commander Trojan Horse Construction Kit How to Detect Trojans? o Netstat o fPort o TCPView Viruses and Worms Virus History Characteristics of Virus Working of Virus o Infection Phase o Attack Phase Why people create Computer Viruses Symptoms of a Virus-like Attack Virus Hoaxes Chain Letters How is a Worm Different from a Virus Indications of a Virus Attack Hardware Threats Software Threats Virus Damage Mode of Virus Infection Stages of Virus Life Virus Classifi cation How Does a Virus Infect? Storage Patterns of Virus o System Sector virus o Stealth Virus o Bootable CD-Rom Virus • Self -Modifi cation • Encryption with a Variable Key o Polymorphic Code o Metamorphic Virus o Cavity Virus o Sparse Infector Virus o Companion Virus o File Extension Virus Famous Virus/Worms – I Love You Virus Famous Virus/Worms – Melissa Famous Virus/Worms – JS/Spth Klez Virus Analysis Latest Viruses Top 10 Viruses- 2008 o Virus: Win32.AutoRun.ah o Virus:W32/Virut o Virus:W32/Divvi o Worm.SymbOS.Lasco.a o Disk Killer o Bad Boy o HappyBox o Java.StrangeBrew o MonteCarlo Family o PHP.Neworld o W32/WBoy.a o ExeBug.d o W32/Voterai.worm.e o W32/Lecivio.worm o W32/Lurka.a o W32/Vora.worm!p2p Writing a Simple Virus Program Virus Construction Kits Virus Detection Methods Virus Incident Response What is Sheep Dip? Virus Analysis – IDA Pro Tool Prevention is better than Cure Anti-Virus Software o AVG Antivirus o Norton Antivirus o McAfee o Socketsheild o BitDefender o ESET Nod32 o CA Anti-Virus o F-Secure Anti-Virus o Kaspersky Anti-Virus o F-Prot Antivirus o Panda Antivirus Platinum o avast! Virus Cleaner o ClamWin o Norman Virus Control Popular Anti-Virus Packages Virus Databases Sniffers Defi nition - Sniffi ng Protocols Vulnerable to Sniffi ng Tool: Network View – Scans the Network for Devices The Dude Sniffer Wireshark Display Filters in Wireshark Following the TCP Stream in Wireshark Cain and Abel Tcpdump Tcpdump Commands Types of Sniffi ng o Passive Sniffi ng o Active Sniffi ng What is ARP o ARP Spoofi ng Attack o How does ARP Spoofi ng Work o ARP Poising o MAC Duplicating o MAC Duplicating Attack o Tools for ARP Spoofi ng • Ettercap • ArpSpyX o MAC Flooding • Tools for MAC Flooding Linux Tool: Macof Windows Tool: Etherfl ood o Threats of ARP Poisoning o Irs-Arp Attack Tool o ARPWorks Tool o Tool: Nemesis o IP-based sniffi ng Linux Sniffi ng Tools (dsniff package) o Linux tool: Arpspoof o Linux Tool: Dnssppoof o Linux Tool: Dsniff o Linux Tool: Filesnarf o Linux Tool: Mailsnarf o Linux Tool: Msgsnarf o Linux Tool: Sshmitm o Linux Tool: Tcpkill o Linux Tool: Tcpnice o Linux Tool: Urlsnarf o Linux Tool: Webspy o Linux Tool: Webmitm DNS Poisoning Techniques o Intranet DNS Spoofi ng (Local Network) o Internet DNS Spoofi ng (Remote Network) o Proxy Server DNS Poisoning o DNS Cache Poisoning Interactive TCP Relay Interactive Replay Attacks Raw Sniffi ng Tools Features of Raw Sniffi ng Tools o HTTP Sniffer: EffeTech o Ace Password Sniffer o Win Sniffer o MSN Sniffer o SmartSniff o Session Capture Sniffer: NetWitness o Session Capture Sniffer: NWreader o Packet Crafter Craft Custom TCP/IP Packets o SMAC o NetSetMan Tool o Ntop o EtherApe o Network Probe o Maa Tec Network Analyzer o Tool: Snort o Tool: Windump o Tool: Etherpeek o NetIntercept o Colasoft EtherLook o AW Ports Traffi c Analyzer o Colasoft Capsa Network Analyzer o CommView o Sniffem o NetResident o IP Sniffer o Sniphere o IE HTTP Analyzer o BillSniff o URL Snooper o EtherDetect Packet Sniffer o EffeTech HTTP Sniffer o AnalogX Packetmon o Colasoft MSN Monitor o IPgrab o EtherScan Analyzer Social Engineering What is Social Engineering? Human Weakness “Rebecca” and “Jessica” Offi ce Workers Types of Social Engineering o Human-Based Social Engineering • Technical Support Example • More Social Engineering Examples • Human-Based Social Engineering: Eavesdropping • Human-Based Social Engineering: Shoulder Surfi ng • Human-Based Social Engineering: Dumpster Diving • Dumpster Diving Example • Oracle Snoops Microsoft’s Trash Bins • Movies to Watch for Reverse Engineering o Computer Based Social Engineering o Insider Attack o Disgruntled Employee o Preventing Insider Threat o Common Targets of Social Engineering Social Engineering Threats o Online o Telephone o Personal approaches o Defenses Against Social Engineering Threats Factors that make Companies Vulnerable to Attacks Why is Social Engineering Effective Warning Signs of an Attack Tool : Netcraft Anti-Phishing Toolbar Phases in a Social Engineering Attack Behaviors Vulnerable to Attacks Impact on the Organization Countermeasures Policies and Procedures Security Policies - Checklist Denial-of-Service Real World Scenario of DoS Attacks What are Denial-of-Service Attacks Goal of DoS Impact and the Modes of Attack Types of Attacks DoS Attack Classifi cation o Smurf Attack o Buffer Overfl ow Attack o Ping of Death Attack o Teardrop Attack o SYN Attack o SYN Flooding o DoS Attack Tools o DoS Tool: Jolt2 o DoS Tool: Bubonic.c o DoS Tool: Land and LaTierra o DoS Tool: Targa o DoS Tool: Blast o DoS Tool: Nemesy o DoS Tool: Panther2 o DoS Tool: Crazy Pinger o DoS Tool: SomeTrouble o DoS Tool: UDP Flood o DoS Tool: FSMax Bot (Derived from the Word RoBOT) Botnets Uses of Botnets How Do They Infect? Analysis Of Agabot How Do They Infect Tool: Nuclear Bot What is DDoS Attack Characteristics of DDoS Attacks DDOS Unstoppable Agent Handler Model DDoS IRC based Model DDoS Attack Taxonomy Amplifi cation Attack Refl ective DNS Attacks Refl ective DNS Attacks Tool: ihateperl.pl DDoS Tools o DDoS Tool: Trinoo o DDoS Tool: Tribal Flood Network o DDoS Tool: TFN2K o DDoS Tool: Stacheldraht o DDoS Tool: Shaft o DDoS Tool: Trinity o DDoS Tool: Knight and Kaiten o DDoS Tool: Mstream Worms Slammer Worm Spread of Slammer Worm – 30 min MyDoom.B SCO Against MyDoom Worm How to Conduct a DDoS Attack The Refl ected DoS Attacks Refl ection of the Exploit Countermeasures for Refl ected DoS DDoS Countermeasures Taxonomy of DDoS Countermeasures Preventing Secondary Victims Detect and Neutralize Handlers Detect Potential Attacks Session Hijacking What is Session Hijacking? Spoofi ng v Hijacking Steps in Session Hijacking Types of Session Hijacking Session Hijacking Levels Network Level Hijacking The 3-Way Handshake TCP Concepts 3-Way Handshake Sequence Numbers Sequence Number Prediction TCP/IP hijacking IP Spoofi ng: Source Routed Packets RST Hijacking o RST Hijacking Tool: hijack_rst.sh Blind Hijacking Man in the Middle: Packet Sniffer UDP Hijacking Application Level Hijacking Programs that Performs Session Hacking o Juggernaut o Hunt o TTY-Watcher o IP watcher o Session Hijacking Tool: T-Sight o Remote TCP Session Reset Utility (SOLARWINDS) o Paros HTTP Session Hijacking Tool o Dnshijacker Tool o Hjksuite Tool Dangers that hijacking Pose Protecting against Session Hijacking Countermeasures: IPSec Hacking Web Servers How Web Servers Work How are Web Servers Compromised Web Server Defacement o How are Servers Defaced Apache Vulnerability Attacks against IIS o IIS Components o IIS Directory Traversal (Unicode) Attack Unicode o Unicode Directory Traversal Vulnerability Hacking Tool o Hacking Tool: IISxploit.exe o Msw3prt IPP Vulnerability o RPC DCOM Vulnerability o ASP Trojan o Network Tool: Log Analyzer o Hacking Tool: CleanIISLog o ServerMask ip100 o Tool: CacheRight o Tool: CustomError o Tool: HttpZip o Tool: LinkDeny o Tool: ServerDefender AI o Tool: ZipEnable o Tool: w3compiler o Yersinia Tool: MPack Tool: Neosploit Hotfi xes and Patches What is Patch Management Patch Management Checklist o Solution: UpdateExpert o Patch Management Tool: qfecheck o Patch Management Tool: HFNetChk o cacls.exe utility o Shavlik NetChk Protect o Kaseya Patch Management o IBM Tivoli Confi guration Manager o LANDesk Patch Manager o BMC Patch Manager o Confi gureSoft Enterprise Confi guration Manager (ECM) o BladeLogic Confi guration Manager o Opsware Server Automation System (SAS) o Best Practices for Patch Management Vulnerability Scanners Online Vulnerability Search Engine Network Tool: Whisker Network Tool: N-Stealth HTTP Vulnerability Scanner Hacking Tool: WebInspect Network Tool: Shadow Security Scanner Secure IIS o ServersCheck Monitoring o GFI Network Server Monitor o Servers Alive o Webserver Stress Tool Web-Based Password Cracking Techniques Authentication - Defi nition Authentication Mechanisms o HTTP Authentication • Basic Authentication • Digest Authentication o Integrated Windows (NTLM) Authentication o Negotiate Authentication o Certifi cate-based Authentication o Forms-based Authentication o RSA SecurID Token o Biometrics Authentication • Types of Biometrics Authentication Fingerprint-based Identifi cation Hand Geometry- based Identifi cation Retina Scanning Face Recognition Face Code: WebCam Based Biometrics Authentication System Bill Gates at the RSA Conference 2006 How to Select a Good Password Things to Avoid in Passwords Changing Your Password Protecting Your Password Examples of Bad Passwords The “Mary Had A Little Lamb” Formula How Hackers Get Hold of Passwords Windows XP: Remove Saved Passwords What is a Password Cracker Modus Operandi of an Attacker Using a Password Cracker How Does a Password Cracker Work Attacks - Classifi cation o Password Guessing o Query String o Cookies o Dictionary Maker Password Crackers Available o L0phtCrack (LC4) o John the Ripper o Brutus o ObiWaN o Authforce o Hydra o Cain & Abel o RAR o Gammaprog o WebCracker o Munga Bunga o PassList o SnadBoy o MessenPass o Wireless WEP Key Password Spy o RockXP o Password Spectator Pro o Passwordstate o Atomic Mailbox Password Cracker o Advanced Mailbox Password Recovery (AMBPR) o Tool: Network Password Recovery o Tool: Mail PassView o Tool: Messenger Key o Tool: SniffPass o WebPassword o Password Administrator o Password Safe o Easy Web Password o PassReminder o My Password Manager SQL Injection What is SQL Injection Exploiting Web Applications Steps for performing SQL injection What You Should Look For What If It Doesn’t Take Input OLE DB Errors Input Validation Attack SQL injection Techniques How to Test for SQL Injection Vulnerability How Does It Work BadLogin.aspx.cs BadProductList.aspx.cs Executing Operating System Commands Getting Output of SQL Query Getting Data from the Database Using ODBC Error Message How to Mine all Column Names of a Table How to Retrieve any Data How to Update/Insert Data into Database SQL Injection in Oracle SQL Injection in MySql Database Attacking Against SQL Servers SQL Server Resolution Service (SSRS) Osql -L Probing SQL Injection Automated Tools Automated SQL Injection Tool: AutoMagic SQL Absinthe Automated SQL Injection Tool o Hacking Tool: SQLDict o Hacking Tool: SQLExec o SQL Server Password Auditing Tool: sqlbf o Hacking Tool: SQLSmack o Hacking Tool: SQL2.exe o sqlmap o sqlninja o SQLIer o Automagic SQL Injector Blind SQL Injection o Blind SQL Injection: Countermeasure o Blind SQL Injection Schema SQL Injection Countermeasures Preventing SQL Injection Attacks GoodLogin.aspx.cs SQL Injection Blocking Tool: SQL Block Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Hacking Wireless Networks Introduction to Wireless o Introduction to Wireless Networking o Wired Network vs. Wireless Network o Effects of Wireless Attacks on Business o Types of Wireless Network o Advantages and Disadvantages of a Wireless Network Wireless Standards o Wireless Standard: 802.11a o Wireless Standard: 802.11b – “WiFi” o Wireless Standard: 802.11g o Wireless Standard: 802.11i o Wireless Standard: 802.11n Wireless Concepts and Devices o Related Technology and Carrier Networks o Antennas o Wireless Access Points o SSID o Beacon Frames o Is the SSID a Secret o Setting up a WLAN o Authentication and Association o Authentication Modes o The 802.1X Authentication Process WEP and WPA o Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) o WEP Issues o WEP - Authentication Phase o WEP - Shared Key Authentication o WEP - Association Phase o WEP Flaws o What is WPA o WPA Vulnerabilities o WEP, WPA, and WPA2 o WPA2 Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 Attacks and Hacking Tools o Terminologies o WarChalking o Authentication and (Dis) Association Attacks o WEP Attack o Cracking WEP o Weak Keys (a.k.a. Weak IVs) o Problems with WEP’s Key Stream and Reuse o Automated WEP Crackers o Pad-Collection Attacks o XOR Encryption o Stream Cipher o WEP Tool: Aircrack o Aircrack-ng o WEP Tool: AirSnort o WEP Tool: WEPCrack o WEP Tool: WepLab o Attacking WPA Encrypted Networks o Attacking WEP with WEPCrack on Windows using Cygwin o Attacking WEP with WEPCrack on Windows using PERL Interpreter o Tool: Wepdecrypt o WPA-PSK Cracking Tool: CowPatty o 802.11 Specifi c Vulnerabilities o Evil Twin: Attack o Rogue Access Points o Tools to Generate Rogue Access Points: Fake AP o Tools to Detect Rogue Access Points: Netstumbler o Tools to Detect Rogue Access Points: MiniStumbler o ClassicStumbler o AirFart o AP Radar o Hotspotter o Cloaked Access Point o WarDriving Tool: shtumble o Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) o LEAP: The Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol o LEAP Attacks o LEAP Attack Tool: ASLEAP o Working of ASLEAP o MAC Sniffi ng and AP Spoofi ng o Defeating MAC Address Filtering in Windows o Manually Changing the MAC Address in Windows XP and 2000 o Tool to Detect MAC Address Spoofi ng: Wellenreiter o Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) o Denial-of-Service Attacks o DoS Attack Tool: Fatajack o Hijacking and Modifying a Wireless Network o Phone Jammers o Phone Jammer: Mobile Blocker o Pocket Cellular Style Cell Phone Jammer o 2.4Ghz Wi-Fi & Wireless Camera Jammer o 3 Watt Digital Cell Phone Jammer o 3 Watt Quad Band Digital Cellular Mobile Phone Jammer o 20W Quad Band Digital Cellular Mobile Phone Jammer o 40W Digital Cellular Mobile Phone Jammer o Detecting a Wireless Network Scanning Tools o Scanning Tool: Kismet o Scanning Tool: Prismstumbler o Scanning Tool: MacStumbler o Scanning Tool: Mognet V1.16 o Scanning Tool: WaveStumbler o Scanning Tool: Netchaser V1.0 for Palm Tops o Scanning Tool: AP Scanner o Scanning Tool: Wavemon o Scanning Tool: Wireless Security Auditor (WSA) o Scanning Tool: AirTraf o Scanning Tool: WiFi Finder o Scanning Tool: Wifi Scanner o eEye Retina WiFI o Simple Wireless Scanner o wlanScanner Sniffi ng Tools o Sniffi ng Tool: AiroPeek o Sniffi ng Tool: NAI Wireless Sniffer o MAC Sniffi ng Tool: WireShark o Sniffi ng Tool: vxSniffer o Sniffi ng Tool: Etherpeg o Sniffi ng Tool: Drifnet o Sniffi ng Tool: AirMagnet o Sniffi ng Tool: WinDump o Sniffi ng Tool: Ssidsniff o Multiuse Tool: THC-RUT o Tool: WinPcap o Tool: AirPcap o AirPcap: Example Program from the Developer’s Pack Hacking Wireless Networks o Steps for Hacking Wireless Networks o Step 1: Find Networks to Attack o Step 2: Choose the Network to Attack o Step 3: Analyzing the Network o Step 4: Cracking the WEP Key o Step 5: Sniffi ng the Network Wireless Security o WIDZ: Wireless Intrusion Detection System o Radius: Used as Additional Layer in Security o Securing Wireless Networks o Wireless Network Security Checklist o WLAN Security: Passphrase o Don’ts in Wireless Security Wireless Security Tools o WLAN Diagnostic Tool: CommView for WiFi PPC o WLAN Diagnostic Tool: AirMagnet Handheld Analyzer Linux Hacking Why Linux Linux Distributions Linux Live CD-ROMs Basic Commands of Linux: Files & Directories Linux Basic o Linux File Structure o Linux Networking Commands Directories in Linux Installing, Confi guring, and Compiling Linux Kernel How to Install a Kernel Patch Compiling Programs in Linux GCC Commands Make Files Make Install Command Linux Vulnerabilities Chrooting Why is Linux Hacked How to Apply Patches to Vulnerable Programs Scanning Networks Nmap in Linux Scanning Tool: Nessus Port Scan Detection Tools Password Cracking in Linux: Xcrack Firewall in Linux: IPTables IPTables Command Basic Linux Operating System Defense SARA (Security Auditor's Research Assistant) Linux Tool: Netcat Linux Tool: tcpdump Linux Tool: Snort Linux Tool: SAINT Linux Tool: Wireshark Linux Tool: Abacus Port Sentry Linux Tool: DSniff Collection Linux Tool: Hping2 Linux Tool: Sniffi t Linux Tool: Nemesis Linux Tool: LSOF Linux Tool: IPTraf Linux Tool: LIDS Hacking Tool: Hunt Tool: TCP Wrappers Linux Loadable Kernel Modules Hacking Tool: Linux Rootkits Rootkits: Knark & Torn Rootkits: Tuxit, Adore, Ramen Rootkit: Beastkit Rootkit Countermeasures ‘chkrootkit’ detects the following Rootkits Evading IDS, Firewalls and Detecting Honey Pots Introduction to Intrusion Detection System Terminologies Intrusion Detection System (IDS) o IDS Placement o Ways to Detect an Intrusion o Types of Instruction Detection Systems o System Integrity Verifi ers (SIVS) o Tripwire o Cisco Security Agent (CSA) o True/False, Positive/Negative o Signature Analysis o General Indication of Intrusion: System Indications o General Indication of Intrusion: File System Indications o General Indication of Intrusion: Network Indications o Intrusion Detection Tools • Snort • Running Snort on Windows 2003 • Snort Console • Testing Snort • Confi guring Snort (snort.conf ) • Snort Rules • Set up Snort to Log to the Event Logs and to Run as a Service • Using EventTriggers.exe for Eventlog Notifi cations • SnortSam o Steps to Perform after an IDS detects an attack o Evading IDS Systems • Ways to Evade IDS • Tools to Evade IDS IDS Evading Tool: ADMutate Packet Generators What is a Firewall? o What Does a Firewall Do o Packet Filtering o What can’t a fi rewall do o How does a Firewall work o Firewall Operations o Hardware Firewall o Software Firewall o Types of Firewall • Packet Filtering Firewall • IP Packet Filtering Firewall • Circuit-Level Gateway • TCP Packet Filtering Firewall • Application Level Firewall • Application Packet Filtering Firewall • Stateful Multilayer Inspection Firewall o Packet Filtering Firewall o Firewall Identifi cation o Firewalking o Banner Grabbing o Breaching Firewalls o Bypassing a Firewall using HTTPTunnel o Placing Backdoors through Firewalls o Hiding Behind a Covert Channel: LOKI o Tool: NCovert o ACK Tunneling Common Tool for Testing Firewall and IDS o IDS testing tool: IDS Informer o IDS Testing Tool: Evasion Gateway o IDS Tool: Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances (Emerald) o IDS Tool: BlackICE o IDS Tool: Next-Generation Intrusion Detection Expert System (NIDES) o IDS Tool: SecureHost o IDS Tool: Snare o IDS Testing Tool: Traffi c IQ Professional o IDS Testing Tool: TCPOpera o IDS testing tool: Firewall Informer o Atelier Web Firewall Tester What is Honeypot? o The Honeynet Project o Types of Honeypots Low-interaction honeypot Medium-interaction honeypot High-interaction honeypot o Advantages and Disadvantages of a Honeypot o Where to place Honeypots o Honeypots • Honeypot-SPECTER • Honeypot - honeyd • Honeypot – KFSensor • Sebek o Physical and Virtual Honeypots Tools to Detect Honeypots What to do when hacked Buffer Overflows Why are Programs/Applications Vulnerable Buffer Overfl ows Reasons for Buffer Overfl ow Attacks Knowledge Required to Program Buffer Overfl ow Exploits Understanding Stacks Understanding Heaps Types of Buffer Overfl ows: Stack-based Buffer Overfl ow o A Simple Uncontrolled Overfl ow of the Stack o Stack Based Buffer Overfl ows Types of Buffer Overfl ows: Heap-based Buffer Overfl ow o Heap Memory Buffer Overfl ow Bug o Heap-based Buffer Overfl ow Understanding Assembly Language o Shellcode How to Detect Buffer Overfl ows in a Program o Attacking a Real Program NOPs How to Mutate a Buffer Overfl ow Exploit Once the Stack is Smashed Defense Against Buffer Overfl ows o Tool to Defend Buffer Overfl ow: Return Address Defender (RAD) o Tool to Defend Buffer Overfl ow: StackGuard o Tool to Defend Buffer Overfl ow: Immunix System o Vulnerability Search: NIST o Valgrind o Insure++ Buffer Overfl ow Protection Solution: Libsafe o Comparing Functions of libc and Libsafe Simple Buffer Overfl ow in C o Code Analysis Cryptography Introduction to Cryptography Classical Cryptographic Techniques o Encryption o Decryption Cryptographic Algorithms RSA (Rivest Shamir Adleman) o Example of RSA Algorithm o RSA Attacks o RSA Challenge Data Encryption Standard (DES) o DES Overview RC4, RC5, RC6, Blowfi sh o RC5 Message Digest Functions o One-way Bash Functions o MD5 SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm) SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) What is SSH? o SSH (Secure Shell) Algorithms and Security Disk Encryption Government Access to Keys (GAK) Digital Signature o Components of a Digital Signature o Method of Digital Signature Technology o Digital Signature Applications o Digital Signature Standard o Digital Signature Algorithm: Signature Generation/Verifi cation o Digital Signature Algorithms: ECDSA, ElGamal Signature Scheme o Challenges and Opportunities Digital Certifi cates CypherCalc Command Line Scriptor CryptoHeaven Hacking Tool: PGP Crack Magic Lantern Advanced File Encryptor Encryption Engine Encrypt Files Encrypt PDF Encrypt Easy Encrypt my Folder Advanced HTML Encrypt and Password Protect Encrypt HTML source Alive File Encryption Omziff ABC CHAOS EncryptOnClick CryptoForge SafeCryptor CrypTool Microsoft Cryptography Tools Polar Crypto Light CryptoSafe Crypt Edit CrypSecure Cryptlib Crypto++ Library Code Breaking: Methodologies Cryptanalysis Cryptography Attacks Brute-Force Attack Penetration Testing Introduction to Penetration Testing (PT) Vulnerability Assessment Limitations of Vulnerability Assessment Penetration Testing Types of Penetration Testing Risk Management Do-It-Yourself Testing Outsourcing Penetration Testing Services Terms of Engagement Project Scope Pentest Service Level Agreements Testing points Testing Locations Automated Testing Manual Testing Using DNS Domain Name and IP Address Information Enumerating Information about Hosts on Publicly Available Networks Testing Network-fi ltering Devices Enumerating Devices Denial-of-Service Emulation Pentest using Appscan HackerShield Pen-Test Using Cerberus Internet Scanner Pen-Test Using Cybercop Scanner Pen-Test Using FoundScan Hardware Appliances Pen-Test Using Nessus Pen-Test Using NetRecon Pen-Test Using SAINT Pen-Test Using SecureNet Pro Pen-Test Using SecureScan Pen-Test Using SATAN, SARA and Security Analyzer Pen-Test Using STAT Analyzer Pentest Using VigilENT Pentest Using WebInspect Pentest Using CredDigger Pentest Using Nsauditor Evaluating Different Types of Pen-Test Tools Asset Audit Fault Tree and Attack Trees Business Impact of Threat Internal Metrics Threat External Metrics Threat Calculating Relative Criticality Test Dependencies Defect Tracking Tools: Bug Tracker Server Disk Replication Tools DNS Zone Transfer Testing Tools Network Auditing Tools Trace Route Tools and Services Network Sniffi ng Tools Denial of Service Emulation Tools Traditional Load Testing Tools System Software Assessment Tools Operating System Protection Tools Fingerprinting Tools Port Scanning Tools Directory and File Access Control Tools File Share Scanning Tools Password Directories Password Guessing Tools Link Checking Tools Web-Testing Based Scripting tools Buffer Overfl ow protection Tools File Encryption Tools Database Assessment Tools Keyboard Logging and Screen Reordering Tools System Event Logging and Reviewing Tools Hacking Routers, cable Modems and Firewalls Network Devices Identifying a Router o SING: Tool for Identifying the Router HTTP Confi guration Arbitrary Administrative Access Vulnerability ADMsnmp Solarwinds MIB Browser Brute-Forcing Login Services Hydra Analyzing the Router Confi g Cracking the Enable Password Tool: Cain and Abel Implications of a Router Attack Types of Router Attacks Router Attack Topology Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks Packet “Mistreating” Attacks Routing Table Poisoning Hit-and-run Attacks vs. Persistent Attacks Cisco Router o Finding a Cisco Router o How to Get into Cisco Router o Breaking the Password o Is Anyone Here o Covering Tracks o Looking Around Eigrp-tool Tool: Zebra Tool: Yersinia for HSRP, CDP, and other layer 2 attacks Tool: Cisco Torch Monitoring SMTP(port25) Using SLcheck Monitoring HTTP(port 80) Cable Modem Hacking
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