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La multi ani! Happy b-day! |_4 |\/|u|_7! 4|\|I !!
What are phishing scams and how can I avoid them? Phishing explained Avoiding phishing scams Warnings Reporting phishing attempts Phishing explained Phishing scams are typically fraudulent email messages appearing to come from legitimate enterprises (e.g., your university, your Internet service provider, your bank). These messages usually direct you to a spoofed web site or otherwise get you to divulge private information (e.g., password, credit card, or other account updates). The perpetrators then use this private information to commit identity theft.One type of phishing attempt is an email message stating that you are receiving it due to fraudulent activity on your account, andasking you to “click here” to verify your information. See an example below.Phishing scams are crude social engineering tools designed to induce panic in the reader. These scams attempt to trick recipients into responding or clicking immediately, by claiming they will lose something (e.g., email, bank account). Such a claim is always indicative of a phishing scam, as responsible companies and organizations will never take these types of actions via email. Avoiding phishing scams Be suspicious of any email message that asks you to enter or verify personal information, through a web site or by replying to the message itself. Never reply to or click the links in a message. If you think the message may be legitimate, go directly to the company’s web site (i.e., type the real URL into your browser) or contact the company to see if you really do need to take the action described in the email message.When you recognize a phishing message, delete the email message from your Inbox, and then empty it from the deleted items folder to avoid accidentally accessing the web sites it points to.Always read your email as plain text. Phishing messages often contain clickable images that look legitimate; by reading messages in plain text, you can see the URLs that any images point to. Additionally, when you allow your mail client to read HTML or other non-text-only formatting, attackers can take advantage of your mail client’s ability to execute code, which leaves your computer vulnerable to viruses, worms, and Trojans. For more, see In Windows, how do I force my email client to display mail as text only? Warnings Reading email as plain text is a general best practice that, while avoiding some phishing attempts, won’t avoid them all. Some legitimate sites use redirect scripts that don’t check the redirects. Consequently, phishing perpetrators can use these scripts to redirect from legitimate sites to their fake sites.Another tactic is to use a homograph attack, which, due to International Domain Name (IDN) support in modern browsers, allows attackers to use different language character sets to produce URLs that look remarkably like the authentic ones. See Don’t Trust Your Eyes or URLs. Reporting phishing attempts You can report these phishing scam attempts to the company that’s being spoofed. You can also send reports to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).Depending on where you live, some local authorities also accept phishing scam reports. And finally, you can send details to the Anti-Phishing Working Group, which is building a database of common scams to which people can refer.
Eu am observat ca i se decoloreaza sutienul....de la F1...F3. ps: frumos, mai pune
Frumoase ma , imi palac ca sunt concise si explica bine. Multumesc!
:D:D Ma, femeie...blonda...ce esti, uitate la data cand descarci ceva 05-19-2007, 02:27 PM Are 3 anisor, cum vrei sa mai mearga.
Eu nu le mai am, am schimbat os si nu am facut bkup, scuze. Daca le are cineva si are timp rog sa dea un upload. Multumesc!
ma sigur ii scoala?? nu e penitenciar??? Cum sa nu te lase in pantaloni scurti... Ii zici ca ai avut sportul, ai avut meci etc...si nu mai ai timp sa te schimbi. Iti iei 3 sferturi ps: eu am reusit sa invat in 2 ore , 3 eseuri... ( leam scris inca o data iar in timp ce scriam le si memoram, mai puneam cate ceva de la mine...etc ) ps2: (idee) fetele pot veni in fusta iar copiuta sa o scrie in interiorul fuste, atunci cand copie doar "pliaza" fusta (nici un profesor nu o sa le cauta sub fusta) ps3: Poti sa scrii pe banca, dar atunci cand scrii, scrie la fel ca pe gogu, cate un cuvant care sa iti aminteasca propozitia, si le scrii la distante, un cuvant intr-un colt unul in altul...etc (asta merge daca ai invatat ceva, te ajuta sa iti amintesti) ps4: Metoda cu sticla , se ia 1 bucata sticla/pet si se inlocuieste eticheta cu copiuta
Ultimul care a venit cu copiute in penar si-a luat unu, fara sa le foloseasca... Cea mai buna metoda prin care puteti sa pacaliti profesorul este sa invatati!
ai uitat cuvantul magic Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: alecshutzu:parola99 PC Name: D2F32D0B9ADD4BB Date: 2010-01-31 12:01:41 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: dark.kira13:159357 PC Name: LHDSFGOI-1A5B71 Date: 2010-02-01 00:38:21 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: rvd_Champion:bushh96 PC Name: HEAVEN Date: 2010-02-01 14:35:35 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: edy_the_best96:mamaliga PC Name: BUBU Date: 2010-02-02 18:23:48 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: miky_boss2008:301297 PC Name: PAL Date: 2010-02-02 21:55:48 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: g3org3.al3x:liverpool14 PC Name: PC Date: 2010-02-04 07:50:28 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: miha.simplu:gunsgunsguns PC Name: MIHA Date: 2010-02-04 11:07:48 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: andrei.themaker:eminememinem09 PC Name: GIGI-45553B9A82 Date: 2010-02-04 16:21:18 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: vladut.bonta:201934 PC Name: VLADUT-CE0D2396 Date: 2010-02-06 16:26:42 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: geo_96steaua:tarzan PC Name: HOME-B09B343594 Date: 2010-02-07 03:17:02 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: bossulsmq:danielsmq PC Name: DAN-PC Date: 2010-02-07 13:51:48 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: cb96_assasyn:suntdintulcea PC Name: CATALIN Date: 2010-02-08 08:40:58 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: sange_visiniu_94:traducerea PC Name: MACASHI-319BB72 Date: 2010-02-08 16:48:31 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: pitbull_katan:bugnaru PC Name: VALENTIN09 Date: 2010-02-10 17:11:34 ===================================== Software: Y! Messenger Sitename: www.yahoo.com Login: ionut_george22:florina PC Name: PAUL-B5EE24BD84 Date: 2010-02-10 18:39:48 =====================================
Ce stii sa faci??? Cunostinte hacking, programare, etc.etc... si ---^ esti ?
Felicitari, ma bucur ca ma aflu printre cei 30k membri . ps: ar trebui sa modificati banneru'
Eu acu am aflat , niciodata nu va fi spus adevarul despre ei.
Basket (cand am cu cine) in rest PC...
Scopul lor este sa faca bani, cu cat se misca mai lent cu atat primesc mai mult, deoarece tu ajungi sa te enervezi, sa disperi si ca sa se termine mai repede platesti in plus sau chiar dublu si astfel pici de fraier.
:D:D +1 Bine ai venit!
Ai lav Eli, iz za best!!!!!! Eli uon!!! Maxim am spus!!!
Atunci cand lumea nu te mai baga in seama, trebuie sa te bagi singur, logic
@Strike, timite-mi si mie, sa vad daca iese ceva Multumesc!
Asa-i, sectiunea bun venit are scopul de a-ti crea o prima imagine despre acel user si acel user despre ceilalti de pe forum. Ce am observat eu "dealungul timpului" este ca cei mai bine primiti sunt cei care scriu dita mai referatu despre cunostiinte (si ei nu stiu nimic, unii) si alte chestii, si pizdele...
Eu zic ca ne meritam imaginea din afara, deoarece noi romanii i-am numit pe aia rromi, noi am ales @(*# din conducere si tot noi nu facem nimic in privinta asta, doar dezbatem, ceva gen radiosant.
Ar putea exista sau exista deja un astfel de program ???
ZeroCold replied to Krisler12™'s topic in Off-topic
Ce ai zis tu acolo ii acelasi lucru cu programelul magic care afla parole la yahuu. Nu exista, daca ar exista s-ar face tutoriale, s-ar vorbi mai mult despre el...logic. -
Nume: Cold Prenume: Zero So....my name is Cold, ZeroCold. Mai e si faza ca is putin cam "rece", adica daca mi se pune pata cu adevarat pe cineva, persoana aia nu mai are ce discuta cu mine, din toate punctele si fac orice sa ma razbun, nu-mi pasa de mijloace, important e scopul. Si mai era si ZeroCool din hackers 2, dar asta este o alta poveste...