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Everything posted by ZeroCold

  1. Oriceon Un tutorial foarte frumos despre PHP si MySQL Pe rst gasesti multe tutoriale SQL Injection.
  2. Pune un pscreen cu siteul, vreau sa vad cum arata, m-ai facut curios Mersi.
  3. Probabil l-ai avut pe www.nume.hi2.ro/index.php. Cand va faceti stealere, ascundeti-le... Ex: Eu le-am avut aproape 1 an, aveam ceva de genu: www.nume.hi2.ro/forum/images/plm/hihihi/index.php Nu mi le-au gasit, apoi am vrut sa incerc istealer sa vad cum merge si am facut greseala de a pune panelu' ala direct: www.nume.hi2.ro/index.php A doua zi nu mai aveam cont . Acum incerc sa imi fac propriul stealer in vb .net Nu o sa ii uit niciodata pe aia de la hi2, cand o sa ii prind...
  4. Imi plac toate stilurile de dans, in special CWalk si Street. Frumos clip, dar cred ca mai ai de exersat pana ajungi pro...Incearca sa nu arati ca o fetita cand dansezi...shimba decorul, tinuta...vezi tu. Cei care nu au auzit de cwalk, aveti un clip misto...:>Alex, succes in continuare ps: Urmariti filmele Step Up...1,2 si acu a aparut 3
  5. Aha, acu 2 ani M-ai uita-te si la data cand postezi.
  6. Mare grija cu hi2 , mie mi-au sters contul fara sa fiu anuntat, fara sa imi spuna motiv, cand m-am trezit nu mai aveam cont. Le-am dat email si nu am primit raspuns. Aveam 120k loguri on: Daca folositi firefox instalati-va adblock si nu va mai apar reclamele.
  7. Sunt dezvirginator, only girls 16-21 years on: Sunt elev...mai am 2 ani si termin liceul, nu lucrez, stau la pc de dimineata pana seara, mai vand 1 cont, 2...(trackere, jocuri..etc), acum am facut gamers arena, mai incolo vreau sa bag ad sa vad ce iese.
  8. ZeroCold


    Nu e in stare sa scrie o fraza corect si ne face pe noi gunoaie Nici imaginatie nu are , Mortal-Team nu era fostu isr? Ce legatura are siteu ala cu rst?
  9. ZeroCold

    Gamers Arena

    Un blog de gaming, l-am facut din lipsa de ocupatie... Link: Gamers-Arena.net Caut parteneri si autori, cine vrea, sa lase reply sau sa imi dea pm. Orice sugestie, intrebare, este bine venita!
  10. Nu am nimic impotriva, sa arate bine . Peste 4-5 ani o sa vezi pe forumurile de hacking "Buletin hack FUD".
  11. ) Deci...bunica a castigat un nokia N95 si 3000 euro :> A primit un sms acum cateva zile care suna cam asa : Nr este: 0743767477 Atunci venise ea la mine cu telefonu sa vad ce e si i-am spus nu ii adevarat...dar astazi a venit cineva..(o ruda) si a spus ca sa incerc ca poate castiga etc etc.. Am sunat la nr respectiv, nu mi s-a raspuns l-am lasat...dupa 20 min ma suna. Zice ca este un reprezentant de la altex (a dat un nume..nu mai stiu) si m-a intrebat daca am apelat nr ala, i-am zis ca am primit sms..etc etc. Apoi mi-a zis ca Altex face 10 ani si ca nr respectiv a fost tras la sorti sau ceva de genu, mi-a spus sa ii dau numele si judetu...i l-a dat. A spus ca revine cu un telefon sa imi dea un cont bancar, sa am 1 pix si o hartie... Acum astept sa ma sune. ______________________________________ Dupa toata chestia asta, m-am dus pe gogu si am gasit asta. ______________________________________ Poate sa faca ceva cu un nume+prenume si judet??? (atat i-am spus) //LE: Cine are sau stie vreun sms bomber il rog frumos sa imi dea pm, vreau sa le multumesc pt premiu.
  12. ce oameni...ei cred ca internetul are numai 10 siteuri Olguta suge cucu .
  13. ZeroCold Nu conteaza imagine, sa arate bine Mersi
  14. Da, creeaza scam page-uri .
  15. All Saved Password Locations. Google Chrome: Chrome Passwords are stored in a SQLite file the sites name and sites username is in clear text but the password is seeded in a Triple DES algorithm. The file is called Web Data and is stored in the following location: XP : C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default Vista: C:\Users\Username\Appdata\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default Trillian: Note- I have just realised the new version of trillian the passwords made be stored/encrypted differently Trillian Passwords are stored in .ini files the first character of the password is encrypted with XOR with the key 243 then the password is converted into hex. The file is based on what the password is for so if it was icq it would be icq.ini (for new versions I think they are all stored in a file called accounts.ini or something similar if you open it up with notepad you will see all the data + the encrypted password). The files are stored in the following location: XP (old version): C:\Program Files\Trillian\users\ XP (new version): C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Application Data\Trillian\user\global I am not sure on exact but it is somewhere their... Vista (old version): C:\Program Files\Trillian\users\ Vista (new version): C:\Users\Username\Appdata\Roaming\Trillian\user\global MSN /Windows Live Messenger: MSN Messenger version 7.x: The passwords are stored under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\IdentityCRL\C reds\[Account Name] Windows Live Messenger version 8.x/9.x: The passwords are stored in the Credentials file, with entry name begins with "WindowsLive:name=". They a set of Win API functions (Credential API's) to store its' security data (Credentials). These functions store user information, such as names and passwords for the accounts (Windows Live ID credentials). Windows Live ID Credential records are controlled by the operating system for each user and for each session. They are attached to the "target name" and "type". If you are familiar with SQL you can think of target name and type as the primary key. Table below lists most frequently used fields in Windows Live ID Credential records. Paltalk: Paltalk Passwords are using the same password encryption algorithm. Paltalk passwords are stored in the registry. To encrypt the new password Paltalk looks at the serial number of the disk C:\ and performs a mix with the Nickname. The resulting string is then mixed again with the password and some other constants. The final string is then encoded and written to the registry. AIM, ICQ and Yahoo Messenger passwords that are stored by Paltalk are encoded by BASE64 algorithm. The passwords are stored in the Registry, under : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Paltalk\[Account Name] Google Talk: Google Talk passwords are encoded/decoded using Crypto API. Encrypted Gmail passwords are stored by Google Talk in the registry under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Accounts\[Account Name] Firefox: The passwords are stored in one of the following filenames: signons.txt, signons2.txt, and signons3.txt (depends on Firefox version) These password files are located inside the profile folder of Firefox, in: [Windows Profile]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Profile Name] Also, key3.db, located in the same folder, is used for encryption/decription of the passwords. Yahoo Messenger 6.x: The password is stored in the Registry, under : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager (”EOptions string” value) Yahoo Messenger 7.5 or later: The password is stored in the Registry, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Yahoo\Pager – “ETS” value. The value stored in “ETS” value cannot be recovered back to the original password. AIM: AIM uses Blowfish and base64 algorithms to encrypt the AIM passwords. 448-bit keyword is used to encrypt the password with Blowfish. The encrypted string is then encoded using base64. The passwords are stored in the Registry, under: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\America Online\AIM6\Passwords No Ip (easy to make in vb.net): Passwords encoded with Base64 you can find the account information in the following locations HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\", "Password" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE\Vitalwerk\sDUC\", "Checked" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\", "Username KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\", "ProxyUsername HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\", "ProxyPassword" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Vitalwerks\DUC\", "Hosts" Filezilla: Passwords are stored in a .xml file located in Filezilla on appdata their is sources for this Internet Explorer 4.00 – 6.00: The passwords are stored in a secret location in the Registry known as the Protected Storage. The base key of the Protected Storage is located under the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider. You can browse the above key in the Registry Editor (RegEdit), but you won’t be able to watch the passwords, because they are encrypted. Also, this key cannot easily moved from one computer to another, like you do with regular Registry keys. Internet Explorer 7.00 – 8.00: The new versions of Internet Explorer stores the passwords in 2 different locations. AutoComplete passwords are stored in the Registry under : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\IntelliForms\Storage2. HTTP Authentication passwords are stored in the Credentials file under Documents and Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Credentials , together with login passwords of LAN computers and other passwords. Opera: The passwords are stored in wand.dat filename, located under: [Windows Profile]\Application Data\Opera\Opera\profile Outlook Express (All Versions): The POP3/SMTP/IMAP passwords Outlook Express are also stored in the Protected Storage, like the passwords of old versions of Internet Explorer. Outlook 98/2000: Old versions of Outlook stored the POP3/SMTP/IMAP passwords in the Protected Storage, like the passwords of old versions of Internet Explorer. Outlook 2002-2008: All new versions of Outlook store the passwords in the same Registry key of the account settings. The accounts are stored in the Registry under : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\[Profile Name]\9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676\[Account Index] If you use Outlook to connect an account on Exchange server, the password is stored in the Credentials file, together with login passwords of LAN computers. ThunderBird: The password file is located under: [Windows Profile]\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\[Profile Name] You should search a filename with .s extension. Digsby: The main password of Digsby is stored in: [Windows Profile]\Application Data\Digsby\digsby.dat All other passwords are stored in Digsby servers. ________________________________________ Credits to Locations of programs password files + encryption methods used (useful for stealers!)
  16. Login Spoofer v1.8 Download: http://v9b.org/download.php
  17. Asta-i jungla de la noi, fara lei dar cu multi boi ps: Imi plac oamenii care nu se lasa :> Ardeti-va pana ramaneti amandoi fara scule (pc-uri)
  18. Va certati degeaba, mai bine faceti pace :> si inchideti topicul.
  19. Nu le aveti, nici 1337 nici sese ) @1337, cum plm sa iti ghiceasca parola de 4 ori @sese, cum plm sa il lasi sa isi schimbe parola de 4 ori (intelegi tu la ce ma refer) @amandoi, de ce sunteti ratati si va ardeti intre voi? Parerea mea
  20. Ii fain... mai e si dansul pinguinului (radio zu) Asta-i jungla de la noi, fara lei da cu multi boi...
  21. ZeroCold


    super, abia asteptam sa faceti upgrade la emoticons Multumesc Nytro!
  22. ZeroCold


    be welcome!
  23. ZeroCold


    Stai lin... Nu vine nimeni, eu i-am asteptat o saptamana si nu au venit ...inca ii mai astept. Am luat un cont de la un joc MMORPG, de la o fata, doar ca fata aia terminase dreptu' cred ca era avocata, nu vorbea prostii, aveam datele ei adica le am (adresa, nr telefon, siteurile ce le accesa, se uita la porn sa vezi ce emailuri avea :D ), terminase la Spiru... ci ca a dat email la yahuu, sa ii dea ip-ul meu...se duce la politie..fbi...csi...etc Am discutat cu ea in joc...prin pm, mi-am dat seama din prima ca nu o sa faca nimic, pt ca atunci cand mi-a dat pm a inceput sa injure apoi s-a calmat si a inceput cu yahuu, politia...etc. Eu o faceam pe nevinovatu, i-am zis ca am cupmarat contul de la un amic, ca nu am spart eo..etc. Apoi am dat log out Si astazi ma mai joc pe contul respectiv Regret un singur lucru, fata a spus ca avea conturile de la bank pe email...daca eram un pic mai atent... -------------------------- 150 ron e nimic, nu vine nimeni la tine pt atat, suntem in Romania
  24. Citeste aici. WTF??!! Atunci cand faci un thread sau cand dai un reply incearca sa scrii cat mai corect, ceilalti nu vor intelege sau te vor lua peste picior daca faci greseli gramaticale sau mananci litere (de obicei asa este ).
  25. ZeroCold

    Lma mie

    Happy b-day !
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