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Everything posted by sirianu

  1. https://imgur.com/a/CpcHm "La finalul concertului, membrii trupei au vrut sa faca o surpriza celor prezenti si au avut doua focuri de artificii. Au aprins artificiile si unul din stalpii din fata scenei, care era capitonat cu burete, s-a aprins din cauza scanteilor. A luat foc instantaneu, iar focul s-a ridicat spre tavan, unde sunt niste grinzi de lemn. Imediat au luat foc acele grinzi de lemn... In aproximativ 30 de secunde era haos. Fara geamuri, o singura iesire... nimeni nu stia pe unde sa iasa, ce s-a intamplat... Initial a fost o situatie amuzanta, as putea spune, pentru ca vocalistul trupei a spus: "La foc nu ne asteptam"... Chiar nu se astepta nimeni la foc si toti au inceput sa rada, dupa care s-a creat o stare de panica."
  2. The mastermind behind the sensational kidnapping of Hong Kong tycoon Wong Kwan is in the SAR, say Taiwan police, who have asked the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau to help track him down. The kidnappers had threatened to dig out the eyeballs or chop off the legs of the Pearl Oriental Oil chairman -also known as Wong Yuk-kwan if his family did not pay a HK$70 million ransom in bitcoins, said Taiwanese police, who rescued the 68-year-old on Tuesday night. The kidnappers had threatened to harm Wong as his family had paid only HK$13 million by the ransom deadline on Friday, putting pressure on police to take action. Fifteen Taiwanese, including local triad members and a village chief, have been arrested. But police suspect a cross-border syndicate is run from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and that the main culprits are still at large. Cai Wen-li of the notorious United Bamboo Gang is suspected to be one of the leaders of the operation, responsible for directing the kidnap gang in Taiwan. Another two who allegedly played major roles are Cai Guang- zhong, who commuted between Hong Kong and Taiwan, and village chief Cai Mao-dian. Wong was charged in Hong Kong with fraud two years ago. He was granted HK$500 million bail so he could seek medical treatment in Taiwan. He was abducted by two men in a vehicle on September 20. Later, the kidnappers sent e-mails to Wong's company asking for the ransom. The wife later received more e-mails asking for HK$70 million and three videos that showed Wong asking the family to pay as soon as possible and not to call police. The accused fraudster was found in an abandoned house in Kouhu township, Yunlin county, in western Taiwan, after 38 days in captivity. 'I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE' - The Standard
  3. sirianu

    Fun stuff

  4. FMM "As of May 16, 2013, Bill Gates had donated US$28 billion to the foundation."
  5. Facebook just launched a new notification feature that will alert you if the social network strongly suspects that your account is being hijacked or targeted by hackers working in the interest of a nation-state. The message, which you can see below, recommends users to turn ON "Login Approvals," so that their Facebook accounts can only be accessed using stronger two-factor authentication. How exactly does the social network know that an account is being targeted by a government-sponsored hacker? sandnigger story
  6. Gang tried to trick victims by posing as medics and telling them they had cancer in £20m bank cyber heist The Eastern European cybercriminals sent infected emails to unsuspecting customers that allowed them to steal private banking information The gang’s ability to steal the money depended on unwitting victims clicking on email attachments that contained the malware [malicious software] – known as Dridex - which sat on the computer until online banking sites were used. It allowed the conspirators to capture banking details or even hijack the computer session to present a fake online banking webpage to collect personal information. The spam emails sent included some suggesting that a package had been sent, or by informing the user that a large sum of money had been transferred to their accounts. But during a chat conversation on the internet, Mr Ghinkul, 30, in March 2014, allegedly told another member of the gang of the cancer” plan, according to indictment released by the US authorities. The plan was that “the purported originator of the email was a medical institution and that the victim recipient had tested positive for cancer”, according to the document. Gang tried to trick victims by posing as medics and telling them they had cancer in £20m bank cyber heist | Crime | News | The Independent
  7. chiar daca supravetuieste fiind attention whore asta nu inseamna ca nu e partial adevarat,si asta s-a demonstrat de multe ori prin whistleblowers si exploituri devenite publice
  8. ia paypaluri frate! io.kent la rusi pe forumuri cu tine ca aia sunt corecti
  9. Several sources of malleability are known: Non-DER encoded ECDSA signatures Right now, the Bitcoin reference client uses OpenSSL to validate signatures. As OpenSSL accepts more than serializations that strictly adhere to the DER standard, this is a source of malleability. Since v0.8.0, non-DER signatures are no longer relayed already. Non-push operations in scriptSig Any sequence of script operations in scriptSig that results in the intended data pushes, but is not just a push of that data, results in an alternative transaction with the same validity. Push operations in scriptSig of non-standard size type The Bitcoin scripting language has several push operators (OP_0, single-byte pushes, data pushes of up to 75 bytes, OP_PUSHDATA1, OP_PUSHDATA2, OP_PUSHDATA4). As the later ones have the same result as the former ones, they result in additional possibilities. Zero-padded number pushes In cases where scriptPubKey opcodes use inputs that are interpreted as numbers, they can be zero padded. Inherent ECDSA signature malleability ECDSA signatures themselves are already malleable: taking the negative of the number S inside (modulo the curve order) does not invalidate it. Superfluous scriptSig operations Adding extra data pushes at the start of scripts, which are not consumed by the corresponding scriptPubKey, is also a source of malleability. Inputs ignored by scripts If a scriptPubKey starts with an OP_DROP, for example, the last data push of the corresponding scriptSig will always be ignored. Sighash flags based masking Sighash flags can be used to ignore certain parts of a script when signing. New signatures by the sender The sender (or anyone with access to the relevant private keys) is always able to create new signatures that spend the same inputs to the same outputs. The first six and part of the seventh can be fixed by extra consensus rules, but the last two can't. Not being able to fix #7 means that even with these new consensus rules, it will always be possible to create outputs whose spending transactions will all be malleable. However, when restricted to using a safe set of output scripts, extra consensus rules can make spending transactions optionally non-malleable (if the spender chooses to; as he can always bypass #8 and #9 himself). https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0062.mediawiki "just pointing out weaknesses in the bitcoin protocol. Better to have a bitcoiner doing this now so we can fix it instead of a central bank or a government doing it in 5 years once they feel threatened by bitcoin. "
  10. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ng4p9/why_is_bitcoin_protocol_not_fixed_against_tx/
  11. sirianu

    Fun stuff

  12. sirianu


    bozgor honeypot karóra
  13. 4chan unde esti spalat pe creieri sa-ti impusti colegii and don't give a shit Oregon college shooting message appeared on 4Chan the night before attack | Daily Mail Online
  14. da si pentru amanta
  15. Coinbase Referral Bonuses Have Increased From $25 to $75! A month ago we launched a revamped version of our referral program, and it has been an outstanding success. Since then, we’ve paid out over $20,000 in commissions to people who’ve referred their friends to Coinbase (and helped them get their first bitcoin). Our referral program is simple. For each person you refer who buys at least $100 worth of bitcoin, we’ll pay you a referral bonus. That bonus used to be $25, but today we’re increasing it to $75. We’ve crunched the numbers and decided we want to invest in Bitcoin’s growth for the long term and increase our support for the people and companies that are bringing new users to Bitcoin. Luckily, we have the capital to do just that. To find your referral link and try it out, simply visit the invite friends page in your Coinbase account (you’ll need to be signed in). You can share your referral link on Facebook, Twitter, a website, or in an email or text message to friends. This will give you credit for anyone who signs up and buys $100 worth of bitcoin after clicking your link. You can also create referral links to other pages. See our support article for more information on the topic. As the world’s easiest place to buy bitcoin (now in 26 countries+Romania), we hope this program helps millions of people around the world get their first bitcoin. https://blog.coinbase.com/2015/08/20/our-referral-bonuses-have-increased-from-25-to-75/
  16. sirianu

    Fun stuff

  17. Diamond, which is believed to be an online alias of an unknown corrupt FBI agent, has been threatening to kill Silk Road Architect Variety Jones and torture Ross Ulbricht’s mother and sister to obtain the password to an encrypted bitcoin wallet containing over 300,000 BTC or US$70 million which previously belonged to Ulbricht, the creator of the Silk Road. Diamond believed that Variety Jones, with his involvement in creating the Silk Road could help him gain access to the funds. “He wants me to move to Singapore, where he can set up a safe house and know that I'm clear of the clutches of the DOJ,” claimed Jones on the MyPlantGanja forum. Furthermore, Jones claims that Diamond provided classified information about the Silk Road investigation ahead of time, specifically about former special agents Carl Mark Force IV and Shaun Bridges, to U.S. law enforcement officials charged for moving the seized funds during the Silk Road investigation to their private bitcoin and bank accounts. Since only high ranking members of the FBI have the power and authority over this type of information, the information on the two agents convinced Jones to believe that Diamond is an FBI official. He continued: Quote “I wasn't taking him serious in the beginning, and even once I realized he was who he said, and he was amassing millions of dollars in ill gotten gains, it wasn't until he started obsessing on the kidnappings, that I realized I had a lunatic on my hands. A lunatic highly placed in the FBI, with a massive off the books private budget, who thought that kidnapping and torture were the solution to his problems, and he starting to get a few other screws loose, as well. I do know how to pick my enemies.” Continue reading at : FBI Agent Threatens to Kill Silk Road Architect, Ulbricht’s Family for Bitcoin Variety Jones: A Corrupt FBI Agent Is Hunting Me, So I'm Turning Myself In | Motherboard
  18. "honor killing" e o normalitate la musulmani alte tampenii Ce se intampla cu o femeie musulmana din India, dupa ce sotul ei striga cuvantul "talaq" de 3 ori. "Toate urasc acest cuvant"
  19. Muslim father strangled daughter, 19, to death in 'honour killing' after she was caught stealing condoms for sex with her forbidden boyfriend in Germany Muslim father strangled daughter, 19, to death in 'honour killing' in Germany | Daily Mail Online Cases like these will be common in Germany from now on.
  20. that's the name of the game
  21. You have been banned for the following reason: No reason was specified. Date the ban will be lifted: Never yeahhh!!!!
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