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Everything posted by blueangelmnx
as vrea ca dupa ce randomizezi numerele sa postezi si un screenshot ok?
19 atunci
bine ai venit..spor la invatat...da dc esti banned? lolz
esti tare atunci... doar ca nu te cred... 13 sa fie cu noroc
'neatza, bine ai venit!
la a 3a se vede ca totusi femeia nuii asa de proasta stie cei aia heroina etc... oricum nu sunt foarte amuzante farsele dar m-au facut sa zambesc
eu am urmat pas cu pas dar nu merge (( mio zis vreo 5 ca le-o mers si eu am facut la fel ca ei si tot nu mre la mine.... dc oare??? EDIT: stiu cum trebuie sa faci ca sa mearga: dupa ce formatezi hardul de 3 ori (format lung nu quick) iei ciocanul si dai cu el de hard pana se dezlipeste parola de pe hard si dupaia incerci iar faza cu yahoo si mre...la mine a functionat!!!!
am sters postul de adineaori dar acum mre
in iasi sunt in kaufland si carrefour felicia (nu stiu de era ca n-am fost pe acolo) deci sariti..app is 2.4 lei in data in care am scris acest mesaj ca sa nu va luati de mn daca se schimba pretu
nice dar nu am adaptor wireless pentru pc...un homebrew care face acelasi lucru pe psp nu ai? (stiu ca are puterea de procesare mult mai mica da' pot sa astept... )
poate nu am facut eu ceva bine...da nu imi mre...
Ce Configuratie aveti ?
blueangelmnx replied to cein's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
nice cmin eu am asa (cam slab) placa de baza: 945GCT-m2 procesor: intel celeron d 3.06ghz ram: 1.5 placa video: gigabyte radeon hd4350 512mb gddr2 macar imi mre gta 4 cu setarile la minim....ma gandesc la un upgrade....ce ziceti sa iau mai intai ca nu pot toate odata: procesor sau placa video? -
probabil ala e el de asta o zis ca apare si el...da nu conteaza unde )
))) FoArTe TaRe....da poanta undei? :| ca nu ii nik amuzant la ce ai pus tu..doar unu care face pe prostu...
eu am tot un PSP dar Phat modat o intrebare: ce jocuri ai pe el? ca nu prea stiu ce sa imi mai pun am tekken god of war marvel ultimate alliance x-men origins etc...
bits per second (bytes per second) Download speed: 33,442,324 (4,180,291) Upload speed: 10,732,157 (1,341,520) Surfspeed Romania not measured Surfspeed Average: 605,723 (75,715) Surfspeed Worldwide: 605,723 (75,715) Latency: 110 milliseconds
ma tu ai folosit google translate? ESTI UN RETARDAT na, stirea originala: A greyhat hacker has discovered a critical SQL injection vulnerability in Yahoo! Local Neighbors discussion board website. The flaw can be used to read information about administrative and user accounts or upload a shell on the server. Neighbors is a Yahoo! Local feature launched at the end of 2007 with the purpose of providing a place for people to exchange information about events happening in their local communities and other useful info. Yahoo! describes the site as a "practical discussion board for any topic - from neighborhood safety to contractor recommendations." The hacker who discovered the vulnerability goes by the online nickname of "Unu" and had previously uncovered similar vulnerabilities in other high profile websites. He notes that despite finding SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in Yahoo! websites before, this is the first time when he encountered a MySQL 5 server being used by the company. The screenshots provided by the hacker reveal the databases available on the server, as well as the users with access to them. While connections with the "root" account can only be established from local IP addresses owned by Yahoo!, Unu points out that an account called "reply_mon" can be used to access the databases from any host. Querying the database table where details about the website's admins are stored reveals their user names, e-mail addresses and publicly displayed names. Furthermore, the UserLocations table contains information about registered users, including their Yahoo! ID, address, city, state, zip code, country and e-mail. However, one of the most dangerous finds is that the server allows load_file, which means that a writable directory can be used to execute malicious code in order to obtain command line access. The hacker notes that, from that point on, "we can do virtually anything we want with the website: upload shells, redirects, infect pages with trojan droppers, even deface the whole website." In an e-mail to Softpedia, Unu wrote that he is an adept of responsible disclosure practices and confirmed that Yahoo! had been notified of this vulnerability in advance. "As far as I know it has been addressed," he noted.
ar putea fi un scam...sa le trimiti codul lor si ei sa il trimita la coca cola sa castige...la ce se mai gandesc astia...ma gandesc ca coca-cola nu ar avea de unde sa aiba emailul tau deci probabil e scam...
stiti cum le rezolva? exista algoritmi pentru rubik sunt pe youtube cautati rubik cube algorythms si veti gasi metodele..
l-am instalat si eu..e mijto interfata seamana cu y! 9 dar sunt mici modificari...ar fi fost frumos sa adauge si romana (nu ca nu stiu engleza dar e placut cand te baga cineva in seama)
ce oameni ma...asa se poarta si cu mine..ei sunt prea haceri ca sa se uite la noi, invataceii...jocuri poti lua de pe getjar.com
unde as gasi si eu o lista cu ce poate sa faca in plus fata de vechea versiune? ms anticipat