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Everything posted by sennyor

  1. sennyor

    Pixeli Morti

    incearca aici How to Fix a Stuck Pixel on an LCD Monitor - wikiHow
  2. ce are azi lumea de posteaza niste delicii ca astea?
  3. mie imi place matematica doar cand o inetelg, tocmai deaia iau ore de mate ca sa imi arata profesoara cum sa fac
  4. Jocul se va incheia azi la ora 00:00 si v-om vedea outcomul
  5. Uite-o pe a me
  6. haha! bine ca am ciordit conturi ! eh...what?
  7. vreu key pt el? ca e prea fun!
  8. titlul cam spune totul http://www.fucking-windows.com/ and http://eating.fucking-windows.com/ houp ia laic it
  9. Poate ati mai auzit de acest joc de forumuri numit Photoshop tennisse joaca cv de genul:Ion da o imagine.Gheorghe modifica imaginea lui Ion.Vasile modifica imaginea lui Gheorghe.Si tot asa.daca vreti sa vedeti si un exemplu priviti asta: sa incepem
  10. hmm...ai naibii de la primarie...ti-au hackuit pamantu...pff ti-am zis sa iti iei un McDog ca antivirus...dar nu m-ai ascultat...acum suporti consecintele...
  11. sennyor

    Cont de steam

    vreu si eu...pacat ca am doar vreo 100 posturi
  12. Gata! m-i sa golit sacu . Las ca va mai aduce mosu!
  13. Hai ca am cate-va conturi de filelist cine are nevoie PM me
  14. nu stiti daca fac cv de genul button1_click Process.Star("ymsgr:kill") va functiona? (pt VB.net) -------- Da ba merge!!! WOHOO!!! cine mai are chestii de genul il rog sa posteze
  15. Ahahahahaah n00b3r7 got his ass banned. Ahahahahaha
  16. Vuvuzela FTW!!!
  17. hu za fak iz Marilyn Manson:?
  18. The pop lady who is usually oh so carefully groomed has finally decided to walk out on her appearance habits once when she showed up at a beach in Hawaii for a rendezvous with her boyfriend.Gone were the bold makeup strokes from her completely bare face, the blonde hair that could serve as a dressmaker’s advert was blown about the face freely.Gone her dressed-to-kill-or-shock turnout, for there was nothing out of the way either about her black bikini or about her large-size shirt; and everybody would be astounded to know that she had flip-flops on her feet!But the strangest thing was that Lady Gaga didn’t seem to give it a second thought as she was making it out with her boyfriend on Hawaiian black pebbles.Her current boyfriend is somebody known only by his nickname Speedy. You could have seen him on the video set for Love Game. Rumors had it that she had broken up with him only last week after an especially arduous part of her tour – yet there they were, passionate as ever, kissing deeply in the full view of holidaymakers, Lady Gaga enveloping her lover with her legs.Another paparazzi video shows the amorous pop star in a hot encounter with three blonde men who definitely looked as if they were related to her – they even could be mistaken for women if you didn’t look too close.Is it any wonder that her third single will be called Paparazzi? Look out for it some time next month.Source of the images: dailymail.co.uk.sursa
  19. O sticla de spirt sanitar si ma culc sub un pom in parc...
  20. hahaha dar nu pute?
  21. Poate ati vazut azi pe youtube (pe canalul lui RWJ[ ) acest dans, un pic cam ciudat (paote pentru noi)...Acest dans se numeste Surra de Bunda.Mai multe informatii de pe Wiki:(Traduse de Gogu)Surra de Bunda este un dans inventat de São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazilia Tequileiras grup Nu Funk, care implic? o dansatoare "bataia" fese ei in fata un mascul lui.Este atras aten?ia interna?ional? pân? la jum?tatea anului -2010. Fraza Surra de Bunda în portughez? înseamn? vag "bate cap la cap" ?i "cap la cap pounding"Acuma si un exemplu care mi-a placut cel mai mult(pe la 2:18 "EPIC FACE")http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9UxwWgCO6cAltele:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG06btp7cT4(aici se pare ca pe la 2:06 se arunca ca sa iti "calmeze" erectia provocata de la plimbarea vaginului pe la nas)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8GQ16jnCxg&feature=related(aici uitati-va ce fata face la final )
  22. Deci ma gandesc ca vara asta sa fac aceste lucruri dar cum telefonu mi sa dus pe apa...nu pre am cu ce sa filmez...trebuie sa imi caut un cameraman...
  23. sennyor

    Vand WebSite

    imi plac melodile de la camera aia
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