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Ce PLM o fii aici Offtopic da tu faci chat....nu puteai sa ii dai TU PM???
fuuuuuuuuck mi-ai amintit de IL-2 Sturmovik....Domane eram obsedat de jocul ala...si daca il mai instalez iar o sa fiu.I love simulator games. Cat despre blog poate mai multa culoare si mai multe subiecte??
E veche....frate dar vad ca e "updated"
PlainSight is a versatile computer forensics environment that allows inexperienced forensic practitioners perform common tasks using powerful open source tools such as RegRipper, Pasco, Mork, Foremost and many more. We have taken the best open source forensic/security tools, customised them, and combined them with an intuitive user interface to create an incredibly powerful forensic environment. With PlainSight you can perform operations such as: * Get hard disk and partition information * Extract user and group information * View Internet histories * Examine Windows firewall configuration * Discover recent documents * Recover/Carve over 15 different file types * Discover USB storage information * Examine physical memory dumps * Examine UserAssist information * Extract LanMan password hashes * Preview a system before acquiring it You can view a more complete features list here: [url=http://www.plainsight.info/features.html]PlainSight | Features[/url] You can download PlainSight v0.1 ISO here: [url=http://www.plainsight.info/download.html]PlainSight | Download[/url]
Va mai amintitti de asta?? [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txqiwrbYGrs]YouTube - David After Dentist[/url] Ei bine a mai aparut unu ))) [url=http://www.break.com/index/meg-ryan-and-milkshakes.html]Meg Ryan And MilkshakesVideo[/url] ) Ce ziceti... "There's two cars...too many.." "Whoaaaa"
WoW Stai ca acum ca citesc sunt chiar socat .Hell asta e foarte ingenios nu ingenios. Cum nu sa gandit cineva la asta pana acum...bagi in priza si porneste wireless-ul si pacpacpac. Bah deci e chiar geniu asta care face... PS: Daca e sa il iai il iau dupa criza Meh
Ingenios....dar cand apare , si mai important cat o sa coste? Ce pacat ca nu m-am nascut in America e plictisitor ca dreq in Ro Nici macar OZN-urile nu viziteaza Romania LE:Pfff...Pe timp de criza....cred ca iti ia 80%cu TVA-ul...plus ca pot sa pun pariu ca o sa fie scump si fara TVA :'(
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTyPIEhej1c]YouTube - 12 Stones - Broken[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qKn4TloBZg]YouTube - Art Of Dying: Get Thru This (Official Video)[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LiA-ljxp5s]YouTube - Breaking Benjamin - Fade Away[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfUN3l5RAh0&feature=related]YouTube - Breaking Benjamin - Crawl[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk2al-UWnyY]YouTube - Bullet For My Valentine - Dignity Lyrics[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZnOgTD-aiI&feature=related]YouTube - Bullet For My Valentine - Pretty On The Outside lyrics[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt7knGbWAYQ&feature=related]YouTube - Bullet For My Valentine - Begging For Mercy lyrics[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RGBfEahgmE&feature=related]YouTube - Bullet For My Valentine - The Last Fight [HD][/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1V86VfXxSec]YouTube - Bullet For My Valentine - Hand of blood[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Lio5M3E4Iw]YouTube - Home - Three Days Grace[/url] \m/\m/\m/\m/\m/\m/ Pe sistem )
Hai ba ce dreq chiar crezi ca are CNP-uri Are "Suruburi" lipsa....atata tot.
Bah.....el macar contribuie cu ceva... >_>
Every day, 6.7 billion people view the world through their own unique lens. Imagine if there was a way to collect all of these perspectives, to aggregate and mold them into the cohesive story of a single day on earth. Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of “Life in a Day,” a historic cinematic experiment that will attempt to do just that: document one day, as seen through the eyes of people around the world. On July 24, you have 24 hours to capture a snapshot of your life on camera. You can film the ordinary -- a sunrise, the commute to work, a neighborhood soccer match, or the extraordinary -- a baby’s first steps, your reaction to the passing of a loved one, or even a marriage. Kevin Macdonald, the Oscar-winning director of films such as The Last King of Scotland, Touching the Void and One Day in September, will then edit the most compelling footage into a feature documentary film, to be executive produced by Ridley Scott, the director behind films like Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Thelma & Louise, Blade Runner and Robin Hood. LG Electronics is supporting “Life in a Day” as a key part of its long-standing Life’s Good campaign and to support the creation of quality online content that can be shared and enjoyed by all. The film will premiere at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival and if your footage makes it into the final cut, you’ll be credited as a co-director and may be one of 20 contributors selected to attend the premiere. [url=http://youtube-global.blogspot.com/2010/07/life-in-day.html]YouTube Blog: Life in a Day[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/lifeinaday]YouTube - lifeinaday's Channel[/url] Se baga careva ??
Cine imi mai poate recomanda filme asa ca astea ?
prodil89 replied to Krisler12™'s topic in Off-topic
Nu prea se incadreaza DAR serialul Dexter mie mi sa parut genial....si inca mi se pare -
Imposibil sa inlature pirateria....dar totusi daca va ganditi un pic...saracii oameni scot albume ca isi castige painea de zi cu zii...si castiga o pula de zi cu zi >_> PS:Ce pacat ca pe Demonoid nu au porno atunci clar era numer 1. tracker din toata lumea
Nu ca asa e la moda....asa e sigur mai ales daca esti pe Trackere gen demonoid si filelist(desi am mai luat de la FL) Si cand spun sigur ma refer la virusi
Si ce ar avea de castigat ei cu acest "kill switch"?? Bani??
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAMO0A1iLSQ&a=GxdCwVVULXcTg0zxb7Pb1UuKLxsi4SQ2]YouTube - DISCIPLE - Scars Remain[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvcvVnh-hHI]YouTube - Finger Eleven - Drag you Down[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Acav-DeRBY8&feature=related]YouTube - Finger Eleven - Falling On[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgaCHmxmeUo]YouTube - Finger Eleven - Paralyzer[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqtPNghnh2s]YouTube - Finger Eleven- Gather & Give[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbH3OrmhCc8]YouTube - Chevelle - Jars[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQMeKE638Hg]YouTube - Disturbed - Asylum (Full Song) w Lyrics[/url] Atat , nu mai scriu...'
Pai era cam la fel dar mai rau......eu unu chiar primea Ban.... >_> W/E
Fo' Shizzle mah Dizzle bro we ar in teh hood I Fart's in ur Genral direkshun A lil bit like thes [url=http://icanhascheezburger.com/2008/02/26/funny-pictures-i-farts-in-yor-genral-direkshun/]i farts in yor gen’ral direkshun! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?[/url]
blabalba On the highway..Strut that ass,Strut that ass,Strut that assStrut that ass,Strut that ass ))))
Ca si al lui Sickness [url=http://sickness.tor.hu/]ihasomgsecurityskills[/url] )))))
@p.lecat atunci considero ca un mesaj de intampinare mai special....pentru tn
Lol ce stramb e saracu
o YEAH ASTA ERA SI IDEEA NU MA GANDEAM CA O SA ISI DEIE SEAMA CAREVA CE ESTE AVATARUL MEU :'( cRAP IM IN TEARS...Oricum mai mult as crede intr-un Univers Fractal decat intr-un dumnezeu care se plimba pe nori ne vede pe toti,si ne aude ganduriile.... LE:Ai vazut versiunea 3D a unui fractal??
oooooh fuuck Mass Conscience teoria asta a ajuns sa zica ca noi am putea face parte dint-run corp mai mare care la randul lui traieste in alt corp , ca noi am putea fii doar un atom dintr-un corp. Si nuj e prea......prea de tot