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Everything posted by prodil89

  1. prodil89

    Documentar APA

    Acetat de Sodiu....poti face rost de la diferite magazine sau laboratoare de chimie.....
  2. Police handcuffs can't restrain them. High security locks can't keep them out. Very little can thwart the lock picking and safe cracking skills of an elite group of Dutch hackers known as Toool. But far from being some shadowy criminal fraternity, The Open Organisation of Lock pickers (Toool) is nothing more sinister than a sports club that meets in a pub once a week. There is a long tradition of lock-picking among computer experts and hackers, said Jos Weyers, a senior member of the club. "Computer hackers like getting into areas of a computer that they are not supposed to, and lock-picking is really just analogue hacking - working out how a device works and opening it in a way that you are not meant to. "A closed lock is a challenge - it's a red rag to a hacker." [url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-10554538]BBC News - Hackers turn to lock picking for sport[/url]
  3. prodil89

    Documentar APA

    Ehm nu m-am uitat la documentar , ma uit acum dar Flubber ai vazut astea..? [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC-KOYQsIvU&feature=related]YouTube - How to make Hot Ice!!! Crazy[/url] [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgAlxBEPEf4
  4. Hmm mie imi sare imediat asta in minte asta face multe tutoriale BUNE si asta e singurul pe care il stiu sa faca tutoriale cu mai multe limbaje si sa fie si de calitate [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/thenewboston?blend=1&ob=4]YouTube - thenewboston's Channel[/url] El e?? LE:Ohh well......
  5. Tu meriti clar un ban. In primul rand sa scaneze virusii ?? WTF Vrei sa zici sa scaneze vulerabilitatiile sau ce dreq. Sau sa scaneze daca are ceva virusi like HTML embedded virus?? Si poti sa te uiti si fara program cati sunt online si cati sunt offline. Si daca vroiai sa ca cineva sa iti "faca" un asemenea program esti PROST!!! LE:Fati singur programele nu le folosi ca un destept apasand butoane si gata ai spart site-ul. Script Kiddie in toata puterea cuvantului muciLE:OMFG uite si dovada ca esti un.....kiddie care merita ban BA TE URASC BAH TE URASC , VA URASC
  6. nuj...pai ceva mai intunecat sa se potriveasca , dar nu tre sa te iei dupa mine...asta e doar parerea mea
  7. Mai deci e fain dar nu prea se potriveste albul cu backround-ul ala mijto Mdea... )
  8. Mda si "Ei nu vad cand lucreaza ilega in alte tari dar vad atunci cand intra in Romania LEGAl" sau ceva de genu.... AA si mai lasa-ma BAAAH ca eram grabit cand am scris...Desi chestia cu "INNERVAT" ehm....e a 2-a oara ))
  9. The time is again upon us for the years biggest security conference event – Black Hat Vegas, USA. The folks at Black Hat have prepared a stellar week of great trainings and cutting edge briefings.BackTrack 4 R1 BlackHat edition The BackTrack Development Team has prepared an extra special treat especially for Black Hat attendees. As you may have noticed on our BackTrack Roadmap the end of July puts us in time for an R1 release of BackTrack 4. [url=http://www.offensive-security.com/backtrack/backtrack-4-r1-blackhat-edition/]BackTrack 4 r1 BlackHat Edition[/url] LE:More info.... [url]http://securityadventures.wordpress.com/2010/07/21/backtrack-r1-chiccas/[/url]
  10. ba daca va e foame eu fac donatii contra cost
  11. Cand am vazut nu am putut sa ma abtin de la a nu posta asta: [url=http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_28-3-2004_pg9_5]Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan[/url] Si oricum un om poate supravietuii si 3 saptamani fara mancare abian dupa aia poti sa iti mananci mucii
  12. ) Frate im bolnav e a 2-a oara LE:Gata bah hooo am scris grabit pentru ca mai vroiam sa prind ceva din discurs
  13. Se uita careva pe Realitatea??? "Romania nu isi respecat angajamentele" -Asta la enervat la culme pe Basescu bleoehh
  14. Hmmmmmmmmmm Cred ca are , si cred ca e ubuntu
  15. Asta e super dal dreq
  16. Sau ai mai putea incerca sa instalezi un driver pe backtrack [url=http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?agr=Y&ProdId=1637&DwnldID=11780?=eng]*Intel® PRO/Wireless 2200BG/2915ABG Driver for Linux* 1.2.0[/url] LE: *_*' Ma scuzati eram cu capul in nori trebuia sa dau edit >_>
  17. Ai putea sa incerci si alte Live CD-uri nu doar backtrack De exemplu nici eu nu aveam card compatibil cu backtrack asa ca am incercat Pentoo si ce sa vezi.... [url=http://www.pentoo.ch/download/]Pentoo[/url] [url=http://weaknetlabs.com/main/?page_id=18] WeakNet Linux[/url] Apropo "WeakNet Linux 4.1k" versiunea cea mai noua scoasa in 22 Iunie
  18. Well..........Let me think ai putea sa dai ca prostu bani unuia care stie ce face.DECI NU!!!
  19. Descarci Aircrack si te documentezi cum sa il instalezi si cum sa il folosesti [url=http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=downloads]downloads [Aircrack-ng][/url] [url=http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php]Main [Aircrack-ng][/url]
  20. Ar mai fii PwnOS care a fost OS-ul folosit la concursul organizat de offensive security [url]http://0dayclub.com/files/pWnOS%20v1.0.zip[/url]
  21. Pai da.....cand vei configura pe backtrack vei configura doar una dintre ele adica cel bun , adica USB-ul
  22. A new GUI for Metasploit has been added tonight by ScriptJunkie to the Metasploit SVN Repository. This new GUI is multi-platform and it is based on Java, the Netbeans project for it can be found in the external/source/gui/msfguijava/ directory for those who want to contribute and have Ninja Skills with Java and user interfaces. The GUI can be ran by invoking the msfgui script at the base of the Metasploit directory ./msfgui This script simply executes the following command: java -jar `dirname $0`/data/gui/msfgui.jar Now to be able to run this GUI Java must be installed on the machine. Wen you run the command you should be greated by the following splash screen followed by this user interface: Now this interface does not start since it can be used to connect to a remote msfrpcd session in another host. To start a msfrpcd session on a host so as to be able to connect remotely with msfgui the following command must be ran on that host: ./msfrpcd -S -U MetaUser -P Securepass -p 1337 we tell the msfrpcd Daemon to start with SSL disabled since there is no support for it right now, we specify the user with the –U switch, the password with the –P switch and the port to listen for inbound connection with the –p switch. The service will bind to the address so it well listen on all interfaces, in the case you want it to bind to a specific interface you just tell it to what IP address to bind to with the –a switch and pass the IP as an option. When you run the command above the output should look something like this: loki:msf3 cperez$ ./msfrpcd -S -U MetaUser -P Securepass -p 1337 [*] XMLRPC starting on (NO SSL):Basic... [*] XMLRPC initializing... [*] XMLRPC backgrounding... Once it is up we just use the use connect to msfrpcd option in the File menu........... This will bring up the following screen [url=http://pauldotcom.com/2010/07/metasploit-new-gui.html]PaulDotCom: Archives[/url] Ma gandeam ca va intereseaza din moment ce unii Kiddies depind de GUi-ul asta ))
  23. Sa ma cac pe nanaul lor de destepti Eu as fii de acord ca Moldova sa se uneasca cu Romania...They are our Bro's Our Nugga's Brother's In Arms Ma cac pe Rusia si pe comunirea lor ))
  24. Iati un USB Wireless Network card nu scump deloc Dar lasama sa te intreb...stii cum sa configurezi un card....wireless.Pentru ca daca nu o faci e destul de clar ca nici macar nu ai ce cauta cu backtrack. Just asking....
  25. Kind of bullshit , asa poti sa iei orice.....sa zicem ubuntu , sa iei o versiune mai veche si gata ai VULNERABLE LINUX dai un mic exploit si gata
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