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Cristian Capatanescu succumbed to multiple organ failure on a Bucharest hospital bed awaiting surgery that would have helped him to lose weight – he was 54. At the time of his death the 184-centimeter-tall man weighed in at around 400 kilograms. Capatanescu’s weight made him the fattest man in Romania, it also presented a unique set of challenges for his funerary arrangements. His family cannot afford the large, reinforced coffin that would be necessary for him to be given a traditional burial. Instead, they are hoping hoping that doctors will cut away enough of his excess girth to allow part of him to be buried; the excess could then be cremated. If doctors consent then the plan, according to his wife, would be to have two funerals: one for his burial and a second for his cremation. For Fuck's sake sa ii doneze careva bani.... [url=http://weinterrupt.com/2010/07/romanias-fattest-man-to-get-posthumous-liposuction-two-funerals/]Romania’s fattest man to get posthumous liposuction, two funerals | We Interrupt[/url]
Tu traiesti sub un bolovan in pula mea....din e grota ai iesit??? OLD NEWS
Consta intr-un dildo cu poza ta pe varf si cu numele tau inscritionat
Also rezultatul nu este garantat. Si aveti MARE grija ca daca aveti un LAN ADMIN mai cu capu va baga la balamuc ,sau va pune sa platiti.....pt. o sa lasati ceva urme nu gluma. Lectie: Daca vreti sa faceti sniffing , luati fiecare ip pe rand nu toate de odata xD
Simplu ma gandesc la cacat....dupa care ma gandesc la mata.... Nu am de gand sa ma cert din cauza unui cacat ca asta....
Hai sugeo eu nici nu am incercat SQL-ul nici macar nu m-am uitat pe link-uri pentru ca nu ma intereseaza. Eu pur si simplu am comentat ca a postat ala link-uriile.... And anyway decand esti tu asa destept mucosule??
@pwnz0r Ba de ce tre sa fii asa retardat??? FMM de copil prost ai dat peste SQL ??? Nu puteai sa tii pt. tn....acuma se trezeste vreun copil si da deface , sau cacaturi de genu....
Pai tu ai ca nu suporta placa.....ce mai vrei sa faci???Nu ai ce sa faci. Cumparati alta..
Fo' shizzle [url=http://www.220.ro/blog/In-Cautarea-Lu-Malone-Muistu/LrgE2ffM4K/]In cautarea lu` Malone Muistu` | 220.ro[/url] Im totaly on this shit.... U poate sa injure??? Iti dai seama ca prin faptul ca ai raspuns in aceelasi mod nu ai facut nimic altceva decat , un cacat mai mare.Ce vreau sa spun este ca odata ce vor observa vor sarii toti sa-si etaleze injuraturiile.. Can't waith......FLAME FTW....
WOOOOW Acuma o sa aveti fani,tricouri cu bidoanele vostre pe el,o sa aveti copii caer o sa viseze sa fie ca voi,gagici,ingenuncheati NASA,Google.....TOT Sunteti mai ceva ca Justin Beaver......i JUST MIGHT jerck off , seeing how 1337 u are... Damn care mi se alatura la creeare unui fansite/blog/ pt.astia
WOOOOW Acuma o sa aveti fani,tricouri cu bidoanele vostre pe el,o sa aveti copii caer o sa viseze sa fie ca voi,gagici,ingenuncheati NASA,Google.....TOT Sunteti mai ceva ca Justin Beaver......i JUST MIGHT jerck off , seeing how 1337 u are... Damn care mi se alatura la creeare unui fansite/blog/ pt.astia
Daca e si un link , si te trimite spre un login page ar putea sa fie Pishing Attack
The CEO of search giant Google has told users they can look forward to an Internet that offers them no place to hide. "True transparency and no anonymity", he says, is the way forward - and there's nothing we can do to prevent it. According to a report on tech blog ReadWriteWeb, Eric Schmidt revealed the size of the Internet information boom yesterday at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe. "There was five exabytes [five billion gigabytes] of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003," he said. "But that much information is now created every two days, and the pace is increasing... People aren't ready for the technology revolution that's going to happen to them. "In our lifetimes," Schmidt said, "we'll go from a small number of people having access to information, to five billion people having all the world's knowledge in their native language." The bulk of that information, Schmidt explained, comes in the form of user-generated data. Every digital interaction throws up information, he said. And that information can be used to minutely analyse and predict human behaviour. "If I look at enough of your messaging and your location, and use artificial intelligence, we can predict where you are going to go," Schmidt said, adding unnervingly. "Show us 14 photos of yourself and we can identify who you are. You think you don't have 14 photos of yourself on the internet? You've got Facebook photos!" Schmidt told delegates at the conference that the availability of information increased convenience, and enabled society to more effectively combat anti-social and criminal behaviour - but his talk raised some unsettling issues. More.... [url=http://www.thinq.co.uk/2010/8/5/no-anonymity-future-web-says-google-ceo/]No anonymity on future web says Google CEO[/url]
Hmmm.....in criza merge. Dar astea sunt toate accesoriile cercei crosetati? PS:Care isi cumpara de aici??
The U.S. Department of Defense has issued a demand to WikiLeaks: Return all the secret documents related to the war in Afghanistan, or else. In a press briefing, Pentagon spokesperson Geoff Morrell made it very clear the Pentagon isn’t playing along; it wants its documents back or it will find ways to “compel them to do the right thing,” according to reports from the press conference: WikiLeaks made international headlines when it published more than 90,000 military reports, many of them secret, related to the U.S. war in Afghanistan. Information from the documents was simultaneously published in The New York Times, The Guardian in the UK and Der Spiegel in Germany. Many organizations, including the Pentagon, are still sifting through the mountains of documents. This isn’t the U.S. government’s first clash with WikiLeaks. Just last week, Jacob Appelbaum, a security research and programmer, was briefly detained by U.S. authorities and probed on his involvement with the controversial website. Appelbaum’s three mobile phones were also confiscated. More..... [url=http://mashable.com/2010/08/05/pentagon-wikileaks-demand/]Pentagon to WikiLeaks: Return Our Secret Documents, Or Else[/url]
OUR PHILOSOPHY techonomy (te-kän’-uh-m?) n. [tech(nology) + (ec)onomy] organized activities related to the invention, development, production, distribution and consumption of technology-enhanced goods and services that a society uses to address the problem of scarcity and to enhance the quality of life. Techonomy draws its inspiration from the ‘creative capitalism’ of Bill Gates, the ‘eco-pragmatism’ of Stewart Brand, the ‘big history’ of David Christian, and Bill Joy’s recent work on the economics of large-scale innovation. Each thinker in his own way points to a new humanism founded on the old notion that invention is what we do as a species. It is human nature to combine technology and economy to solve problems – to do so is both an opportunity and a responsibility. It’s who we are, and the only way we’re going to get to any solutions. So here is what techonomy promotes: a rational, optimistic, forward-looking, technically savvy work ethic that celebrates technological achievement, human ingenuity, and sustainable living. Techonomic thinking is suited not only to inventors and entrepreneurs but also to people who work in major forward-looking institutions – Google, say, or McKinsey, or the Department of Defense, or the Federal Reserve. Indeed, the scale and scope of the problems we confront makes them too big for individualism or entrepreneurship alone – they require fast action on a very large scale. Techonomy embodies an engineering can-do spirit and emphasizes solutions that scale up. Yet as a mindset it is equally suitable and essential for even the smallest enterprises. Techonomy celebrates the notion that humanity can invent its way out of the messes it has helped create. It also implies a social dimension that reaches beyond the rugged individualism usually associated with inventors and entrepreneurs. To overcome the entrenched interests that often stand in the way of the rapid implementation of newer, better solutions, we need not only clever physical innovations, but also social innovations that enable us to take advantage of and scale up technology’s potential. To bring about change on a meaningful scale, engineers and entrepreneurs must become, in effect, social engineers and social entrepreneurs, joining forces and using every available tool–such as internet-enabled social networking–to hasten change. Techonomic change is simultaneously top down and bottom up. The implosion of the financial markets in 2008 and 2009 and the onset of deep recession blew holes in more than people’s pocketbooks. For the past 15 or 20 years we had looked to market forces to guide and reward our endeavors. Unleash those forces and heed the feedback they provide, the thinking went, and the market will deliver the greatest good to the greatest number of people. An entire generation trained itself to use market forces as its prism for understanding the world. More.... [url=http://techonomy.com/manifesto/]Manifesto | Techonomy Conference 2010[/url] [url=http://techonomy.com/]Techonomy Conference 2010[/url] [url=http://techonomy.typepad.com/]Techonomy[/url] Youtube: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1mrwXR_hgg[/url] Hm....
Damn....daca sunt niste baieti de la FBI sau SRi paici....va propun sa stati cu ochii pe sese. El mai mult ca sigur va fi urmatorul angajat la NASA
Este o versiune noua backtrack 4 R1..si o sa fie si R2....s.a.m.d Iar in 2011 backtrack 5 Versiunea asta este una speciala Black hat edition [url=http://www.offensive-security.com/backtrack/backtrack-4-r1-blackhat-edition/]BackTrack 4 r1 BlackHat Edition[/url] Si este privat pentru ca a fost accesibil in urma cu cateva zile la Black hat convention....inainte sa fie uploadat pe site....public. Si backtrack o sa ramana GRATIS forever
The BackTrack Team is proud to announce the public release of BackTrack 4 R1. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we believe this version is by far the best version released to date. With a shiny new 2.6.34 kernel, there are many significant improvements, such as expanded hardware support, and improved desktop responsiveness. Check out some screenshots. Tools have been updated systemwide, and a full Fluxbox desktop environment has been added. A walk-around for the rt28xx driver has been implemented (for all you AWUS050NH owners). The VMWare version has complete integration with VMWare Tools, which provides a seamless interaction with BackTrack in a virtual environment. [url=http://www.backtrack-linux.org/backtrack/backtrack-4-r1-public-release/]BackTrack 4 R1 - Public Release and download | BackTrack Linux - Penetration Testing Distribution[/url] [url]http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/[/url]
LAS VEGAS — A hacker group known as the Ninjas has created what may be the best DefCon badge ever. The badge allows wireless ninja battle between badge holders. Unlike the official badge, attendees can’t buy this one: it’s free. DefCon, the world’s largest hacker convention, is more than just a group of hackers getting together to exchange the latest exploit code and hacking techniques. It’s a time for hackers who may only see one another once a year, to socialize face to face. One of the most exclusive venues for fraternizing at DefCon is the Ninja party. To attend the party attendees have to know one of the Ninjas and they have to give them a badge. In years past, a Ninja would give a party attendee a sticker or a paper invite that would get them in to the party. Last year the Ninjas took the party invite to the next level when they created their own custom badge for their party attendees. This year, badge designers Amanda Wozniak and Brandon Creighton decided to take the badge to the next level, and then some. What started as a sketch on a napkin ended up as an amazing hacker gaming and development platform. The DefCon 18 Ninja Networks badge is an interactive wireless game system, consisting of role-playing style Ninja battles. The badge shows a list of other badges within range and allows the badge holder to fight them. Every time players fight, they gain experience points, making them more powerful. The badge has a column of LEDs with the same color coding as World of Warcraft items. The players receive virtual items by completing missions in various locations around DefCon and Las Vegas. More.... [url=http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/07/defcon-ninja-badge/]Exclusive Sneak Peek: DefCon Ninja Party Badge | Threat Level | Wired.com[/url] Freaking awesome
Mdea acum l-am auzi pt. prima oara pe Realitatea
Ophcrack - Rainbow Tables - WS-20k and NTHASH
prodil89 replied to begood's topic in Programe hacking
Haaaaaaaai bah mai stati la seed 0 SEEEEEEDDD!!!!!! Ce plm...... Nu am nici rapidshare , nici megaupload , nici pulashare X( -
The open source Metasploit framework is a popular way for security researchers to conduct penetration testing for security analysis. It's also a project undergoing a number of transitions. For one thing, there's a new Metasploit version on the way that sports new features, including improved social engineering testing tools. But there's also the transition from a purely open source project to an effort that must balance the needs of its open source community with the commercial requirements of its new Metasploit Express proprietary product. At the center of these transitions is HD Moore, the researcher who founded the Metasploit project. Since Metasploit's acquisition by security vendor Rapid7 in 2009, Moore has served as chief security officer at his new employer while continuing to work on the framework. During that time, he's overseen Metasploit's expansion, which most recently has included embracing new commercial aspirations with Metasploit Express. For Moore, the move to Rapid7 has been a boon for both himself and the Metasploit project as it presses ahead with new features. "The only slight distraction is that some of my time is split between other responsibilities at Rapid7 and not so much on the code itself," Moore told InternetNews.com. "I'm spending 50 percent of my time on developer-only time, but I do have to work in other areas including working with sales -- but it's still so much more time than I've ever been able to spend with Metasploit that I can't complain. More..... [url=http://www.esecurityplanet.com/news/article.php/3896811/Whats-Next-for-Metasploit.htm]What's Next for Metasploit? - www.esecurityplanet.com[/url]