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Everything posted by prodil89

  1. Nu e vorba de C++ daca inveti orice limbaj "bine" restu sunt MULT mai usoare
  2. Dude ce plm... E treaba lui cui ii da pana la urma
  3. Ehm....scuzati offtopicu...da.. tH3 BeSt are SIDA/HIV :S Annnnnyway....e tot una daca inveti cu profesor sau de unu singur...depinde de ce ai in cap.Daca e gol poata ala sa iti vb. toata ziua ca tu te gandesti la Guta si hainele lui de firma
  4. Ehm.....keep on trying SPAM INSTALL Eu am incercat de vreo 10 ori pana cand a 11-pea oara am reusit ) But seriously
  5. Mobile calls and texts made on any GSM network can be eavesdropped upon using four cheap phones and open source software, say security researchers. Karsten Nohl and Sylvain Munaut demonstrated their eavesdropping toolkit at the Chaos Computer Club Congress (CCC) in Berlin. The work builds on earlier research that has found holes in many parts of the most widely used mobile technology. The pair spent a year putting together the parts of the eavesdropping toolkit. "Now there's a path from your telephone number to me finding you and listening to your calls," Mr Nohl told BBC News. "The whole way." He said many of the pieces in the eavesdropping toolkit already existed thanks to work by other security researchers but there was one part the pair had to create themselves. "The one piece that completed the chain was the ability to record data off the air," he said. In a demonstration at the CCC, the pair took attendees through all the steps that led from locating a particular phone to seizing its unique ID, then leap-frogging from that to getting hold of data swapped between a handset and a base station as calls are made and texts sent. Key to grabbing the data from the air were cheap Motorola phones which can have their onboard software swapped for an open source alternative. "We used the cheap Motorola telephones because a description of their firmware leaked to the internet," he said. This led to the creation of open source alternative firmware that, he said, has its "filters" removed so it could see all the data being broadcast by a base station. More... [url=http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12094227]BBC News - Hackers crack open mobile network[/url] Ce surpriza... ^Sarcasm GSM este recunoscut pentru siguranta.... <---see, did another one xD
  6. Brava E? ramai la ala..... Iti da totu mura in gura.Pana si scripturiile au description.Ar trebuii sa fii prost rau sa nu stii cum sa faci ceva cu ele..... In viitor eu pe pers. fizica voi face un OS cu un test in loc de password \m/
  7. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU_RAJ-3kgc]Mudvayne - Beautiful and Strange[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlPjdgUTYUA]Benga - E Trips[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSlDvY1djOk]Bratkilla[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54JHvrgv6vg&feature=relatedr]Level 67 - Fist Fucker[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aizz0o9fPWU&playnext=1&list=PLC0FE4E3EE9B0496B&index=1]A Perfect Circle - Counting bodies[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTgKRCXybSM]A Perfect Circle - Judith[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhjG47gtMCo]Tool - Schism[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUXBCdt5IPg]Tool - Vicarious[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4KSCvWraak ]The String Quartet Tribute To Tool - Parabola [/url]
  8. LoL next time take a fucking camera with you guys.... Uite un alt motiv de ce parintii nu ar trebuii sa le traga netu in casa copiilor
  9. "old school member" ) Wtf ar trebuii sa fiu impresionat?
  10. Ia-ti un iphone/ipod touch instaleaza metasploit,nmap,ruby...blablaba (sunt o gramada de tooluri care merg pe iphone) Si have fun. Am incercat si eu...\m/
  11. Ce cacat.....am inceput sa lacrimez ))) @dan Monitoru ede vina iati un Philips 22
  12. Frumos scris..... Cred ca ar trebuii facut un thread cu cele mai des intalnite, tampite intrebari pe care le-ar putea intreba un incepator. FAQ!?!?!?
  13. prodil89

    Huidu Sky

    Oh well ce pot sa spun.....imi place sa inspir copii pseudo-culti \m/ ROCK ON TIIL U SHIT Mijto.... Tu o vezi ca pe o cariera eu o vad ca un meci de box intre mine si furnici. Dude FUCK OFF...1337 e un copil soricar care ar trebuii sa mai deie si pe afara... Voi....toti hackerii astia mari luativa frumos de mana si.....PA Imi vii mie cu cuvinte din DEX fara sa ai habar despre ce e vb.. ON:Anyyyywayyyy......Cica este intr-o coma indusa de doctori ca sa poata analiza starea lui mai bine \m/ Peace..
  14. prodil89

    Huidu Sky

    Si eu sper ca pana atunci sa reusesti sa scoti capu din beci si pula din curu lu nespalatu de tactu.....
  15. prodil89

    Huidu Sky

    Nu coae da nu e frumos....gandestete la 1337 ce el e frumos? Plm...sa fie cineva din familia ta in locul lui si sa vina un u cu RIP las lua la suturi. Da mai mult ma enerveaza ca vine de la un copil prost
  16. prodil89

    Huidu Sky

    FMM de copil prost ce esti inca nu a murit.... Jucamas scrabble,jackblack,Red Dog,Spanish 21,Teen Patti,Texas Hold'em,,Three card poker,Two-up,Penny-up pe mormantu matii
  17. prodil89

    Huidu Sky

    Trist in plm.....
  18. WoW *thums up* guys... Am fost si eu membru am vrut sa platesc pentru VIP da....nuj ce sa intamplat. Au fost sparti dupa aia au revenit si dupa aia....what :S
  19. prodil89


    WAAAAAAAAAAAAAI DE CAPU MEU just-for-funn date cu capu de TOTI repet TOTI peretii.... Adica tu vre sa imi spui ca nu ai auzit de torrent?Pfoooooaiiiii......mai da si in podea odata
  20. Inainte eram fixat pe XP acuma ca am incercat 7 sunt fixat pe 7 PS: Daca tot pui intrebari in spam pune si tu intrebari mai inteligente nu de ce asta si nu asta sau cu ciocolata sau vanilie.....astea sunt topicuri de-ale lu krisler....cacat
  21. Naaahhhhh..... Mai bine zis GLITCH Ma rog pana in 2012 nu avem de unde sa stim.... DAR poate o sa ma considerati psycho dar eu cred ca in 2012 americanii vor sa faca un "Alien Invasion Fals Flag" Daca te uiti atent la ce stiri ies in ultimele luni o sa iti dai seama. Ori guvernele lumii CHIAR AU FACUT CONTACT cu lumea extraterestra si acuma incearca sa dezvaluia adevarul incetul cu incetul(Disclosure Project) ori se pregatesc pentru marele FALSE FLAG.See Project Blue Beam. [url=The Disclosure Project]http://www.disclosureproject.org/[/url] And if possible read this... [url=http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread590790/pg1]The D4rk Kn1ght / October 28, 2011 / 10/28/2011 Mega Thread, page 1[/url] Defapt aici gasesti niste lucruri fascinante dar unele threaduri sunt duse la extrem din cauza abuzului de ciuperci si LSD [url]http://www.abovetopsecret.com/[/url]
  22. What the fuck.... Members: [U]40,137[/U], Active Members: [U]40,137[/U] Really.....REALLYYY....i dont think so...
  23. Sunteti bolnavi... Cand am vazut eu pentru prima oara mi sa parut mai mult socant... Si chiar nu vad ce ar putea sa fie amuzant
  24. [url=http://www.exploit-db.com/news/]Exploit Database Blog[/url] [url=http://www.exploit-db.com/papers/15823/]Vulnerability analysis, Security Papers, Exploit Tutorials[/url]
  25. With China??? Lol Your getting many things wrong
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