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Everything posted by prodil89
Lol bah tu esti EPIC(de prost) Daca era postat de 10 ori ce te faceai?
@petre Foarte rau ca nu te intereseaza.Pentru ca esti cetatean roman(cred) si pentru ca idiotii astia ne distrug pe zi ce trece tot mai mult. Ei au fost ASI cand a venit vorba de a fura(si alte cacaturi) dar acum ca suntem in criza saracii sunt "panicati".Saracii incearca din rasputeri sa ne scoata din criza. Dar chestia este ca imediat dupa ce iau inca o (din cele 1000 de masuri) masura de austeritate ei pleaca acaas si fac baie in bani si se fut toata ziu cu curve crackheads. Pe ei nu ii afecteaza DELOC. De ce PLM nu le scad si lor salariile, de ce PLM nu concediaza oamenii inutili din parlament?(90%)
Ai gresit linku sau ai inventat tu povestea? Source or it didn't happen.
Years of Deceit: United States Openly Admits Bin Laden Long Dead Bin laden never mentioned in McChrystal report or Obama speech “Hunt for bin laden” a national shame Conservative commentator, former Marine Colonel Bob Pappas has been saying for years that bin Laden died at Tora Bora and that Senator Kerry’s claim that bin Laden escaped with Bush help was a lie. Now we know that Pappas was correct. The embarrassment of having Secretary of State Clinton talk about bin Laden in Pakistan was horrific. He has been dead since December 13, 2001 and now, finally, everyone, Obama, McChrystal, Cheney, everyone who isn’t nuts is finally saying what they have known for years. However, since we lost a couple of hundred of our top special operations forces hunting for bin Laden after we knew he was dead, is someone going to answer for this with some jail time? Since we spent 200 million dollars on “special ops” looking for someone we knew was dead, who is going to jail for that? Since Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney continually talked about a man they knew was dead, now known to be for reasons of POLITICAL nature, who is going to jail for that? Why were tapes brought out, now known to be forged, as legitimate intelligence to sway the disputed 2004 election in the US? This is a criminal act if there ever was one. In 66 pages, General Stanley McChrystal never mentions Osama bin Laden. Everything is “Mullah Omar” now. In his talk at West Point, President Obama never mentioned Osama bin Laden. Col. Pappas makes it clear, Vice President Cheney let it “out of the bag” long ago. Bin Laden was killed by American troops many, many years ago. America knew Osama bin Laden died December 13, 2001. After that his use was hardly one to unite America, but rather one to divide, scam and play games. With bin Laden gone, we could have started legitimate nation building in Afghanistan instead of the eternal insurgency that we invented ourselves. Without our ill informed policies, we could have had a brought diplomatic solution in 2002 in Afghanistan, the one we are ignoring now, and spent money rebuilding the country, 5 cents on the dollar compared to what we are spending fighting a war against an enemy we ourselves recruited through ignorance. The bin Laden scam is one of the most shameful acts ever perpetrated against the American people. We don’t even know if he really was an enemy, certainly he was never the person that Bush and Cheney said. In fact, the Bush and bin Laden families were always close friends and had been for many years. What kind of man was Osama bin Laden? This one time American ally against Russia, son of a wealthy Saudi family, went to Afghanistan to help them fight for their freedom. America saw him as a great hero then. Transcripts of the real bin Laden show him to be much more moderate than we claim, angry at Israel and the US government but showing no anger toward Americans and never making the kind of theats claimed. All of this is public record for any with the will to learn. How much of America’s tragedy is tied with these two children of the rich, children of families long joined through money and friendship, the Bush and bin Laden clans. More... [url=http://www.sovereignindependent.com/?p=18055]Years of Deceit: United States Openly Admits Bin Laden Long Dead | Sovereign Independent[/url] Futui mama lor de tampiti ce ne joaca pe degete si fac ce vor pula lor grasa scaldata in bani
Si mai exact unde te incadrezi tu in "reteaua de pentestari"? Nu intelege nimeni unde dracu vrei sa ajungi cu toate balbaieliile tale. Unii zic ca esti mascota... esti mult mai putin de atat primu thread a fost (sa zicem) distractiv, deja te incadrezi in prostie combinata cu plictiseala. Jic-0 Take ur shit some other place.Te plictisesti?Dute si fa pe trollu alt undeva. Macar ala cu bule spirituale era INTELIGENT xD
De ce nu faci un spot in care arati (cumva) cum scoala si liceul te ajuta FIX 0 BARAT in viata. Adica majoritatea lucruriilor pe care le inveti nu au nici logica si probabil dupa liceu nu o sa mai auzi/faci/vorbesti despre multe lucrui inutile invate la scoli... Sigur iti maresti nota la romana
Dude.... Ai putea face O GRAMADA de lucruri... [url=http://www.220.ro/faze-tari/Puterea-Cuvintelor/lAUwHmX9J4/]Puterea cuvintelor | 220.ro[/url] Pe bune mai fa si tu surf pe site-uri de genu sunt CACALAU de spoturi din care ai putea sa te inspiri.
Dute-n pula mea. Macar incearca sa scrii citet ca eu am inteles O PULA din toata galusca pe ai creato in threadu asta. Si deja paranoic e putin spus.
Mai jic0 ce preocupari ai si tu... THEY ARE WATCHING
Am auzit cum ca ar fii fost "publicate" e site in data de 1 aprilie :S
Oricum MAJORITATEA sunt copy/paste...
OMFG pseudo-genius-pot-talking-trolls!!!!!
hahahaha Omu asta a luat toate teoriile conspirative si a facut galusca din ele. Vedeti mah cum se face...tragi un pic pe nas, scrii o carte si astepti banii
TERRA PAPPERS cu putina BIBLIE si putina TELEPATIE si MULT praf tras pe nas. TADAAAAA. Macar de ar fii gandit firul povestii mai bine ca nu am inteles nimic.Nu ca m-ar interesa
Hmmm...nuj Dar what about Europe. Europa ne-ar lasa sa legalizam marijuana?
SI sa nu mai vorbim de autonomie...alta prostie. Cum ar fii sa ducem toti tiganii din Romania in Budapesta sau sa trimite vreo cateva mii de romani intr-un oras din Ungaria si sa cerem autonomie.
Mda probleme mari sunt cu Broadcom-uriile...deci anything else
Tool - You Lied
*Watching Vadim on Realitatea, thinking on voting for him as president* VADIM FOR PRESIDENT!!!
Una e sa steie si sa deie din gura din Ungaria si alta e sa faca ASA CEVA. Ar trebuii sa mergem si noi in Budapesta sa il spanzuram pe....(ziceti un ungur prost :S )
dap...Ice Cream make you JEEEEEEEEEEEZ real HARD Oricum drop-uriile lui Borgore sunt cele mai TARI. ^IEXAMPLE: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_l-m_fwfu3M]YouTube - Borgore - Saturday Night (Gorestep)[/url] "Skream" cred ca e cel mai cunoscut in materie de DubStep. Nero e tare si el... Imposibil sa nu fii auzit de "Caspa - Where's my Money" chiar daca nu ai auzit de dub pana acum Also "Benga - E Trips" In rest mai cauta si tu pe youtube "Dubstep mix" sau DUb mix sau ceva de genu gasesti la artisti cu gramada. Plus ca mai sunt si artisti mai obscuri care sunt SICK PS: DubstepBeatbox...only because it BLEW MY MIND xD [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud1pMf-UnmQ][DUBSTEP BEATBOX ( Reeps One from England ) [/url]
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yKZNiPEA-Y]Borgore - Love[/url] Mai cauta alte piese de la borgore e SICK SAU mai cauta: Datsik, Rusko, Cookie Monsta, Benga, Substep Infrabass,
GAY REBEL YELL!!! Oricum trebuie sa ai ceva "curaj" sa faci asa ceva