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Everything posted by prodil89

  1. [4:05 p.m.] “Every issue covered” by StateLogs In a press conference this afternoon, Julian Assange said that the upcoming StateLogs cover “everything, from assassinations in East Timor to the behaviour of some of the biggest United States private banks.” [3:17 p.m.] Leaks revealed in Basel Copies of tomorrow’s Der Spiegel have been sold in Basel, Switzerland. Contents are being exposed on Twitter by Symor Jenkins. Among what can be read in Der Spiegel: * “Obama prefers to look East than West.” * “Obama has no emotion towards Europe.” * “The US sees the world as a confrontation between 2 superpowers. The EU plays a secondary role.” * “Europe is not so important for the US.” * From the cover, we read that Ahmadinejad “is Hitler”, Sarkozy is “an emperor without clothes”, Karzai is “driven by paranoia”. "The Telegraph states that the StateLogs will not be published in bulk tonight but will be “drip fed” over the course of the coming week, quoting sources from inside the British government." Nu prea are rost sa dau copy/paste la tot CHECK ZA LINK it's updating....ehm...constantly [url=http://owni.fr/2010/11/27/wikileaks-statelogs-diplomatic-assange-application-insurance/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed:+Owni+%28Owni%29][Live] StateLogs: Wikileaks to reveal 250,000 diplomatic files Article OWNI, Digital Journalism[/url]
  2. Wikileaks is back and running.... Probabil a fost doar "under maintenance" avand in vedere ca se pregatestesc pentru un "leak" MAI MARE care va afecta mai multe tari.
  3. Mdea OFFTOPIC^ Ma rog....eu odata am incercat compiz si atunci sa luat curentu si so futut calcu ) Deci...cred ca o sa REincerc si poate fac si eu vid \m/
  4. LOL esti un "noob" daca asta sar intampla e CLAR ca ar fii Razboi Mondial si din momentul ala ar trebuii sa te doara in cur de ce pateste Coreea
  5. Julian Assange is the founder of the whistle-blowing site, Wikileaks According to an ominous Tweet, Wikileaks' next information leak will be seven times the size of the last one. After already posting more than 500, 000 pages on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars alone NewsFeed is wondering, how much more can their be? Wikileaks, founded by Australian Julian Assange, has already established itself as the whistle-blowing site, having exposed tens of thousands un-reported civilian casualties from the Iraq war. The logs have also detailed incidents where the U.S. government failed to follow up on reports of torture and rape by Iraqi soldiers. Unsurprisingly, Wikileaks and Assange have been lambasted by U.S. and U.K. government officials, who claim that he's put troops in danger by leaking classified information. (See Julian Assange in TIME's list of candidates for Person of the Year.) The news broke that there was more to come over Wikileaks' official Twitter feed, followed by a Tweet that was perhaps even more foreboding: "The coming months will see a new world, where global history is redefined. Keep us strong." So what could these new logs detail? We've already suggested that Russia could be the next subject of the leak. However, the Daily Mail reports that this time the details could get quite specific: "A second far larger set of war logs could contain even more damaging revelations... or throw up entirely new incidents involving coalition troops. They also raise the possibility of individual officers being named as perpetrators of ‘war crimes' and special forces agents in the field having their identities revealed." Source... [url=http://newsfeed.time.com/2010/11/22/wikileaks-you-aint-seen-nothing-yet/]Wikileaks: You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet - TIME NewsFeed[/url] Uhhhhh.....
  6. Interesting sunt chiar curios cum o sa se termine.... Eu unul nu cred ca asta va declansa mult temuta WIII [url]http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101123/ap_on_re_as/as_koreas_clash[/url]
  7. Damn ba care plm si-ar dorii sa triasca in viitor EU SIGUR NU eu vreau sa fiu aici cand se descopera toate cacaturiile \m/ Desi exista asa zisele "dovezi" nu prea cred ca explica.... 2010 FTW!!!!
  8. Pai teoria e ca daca au tehnologia de calatorii prin spatiu sunt cu MII de ani inaintea noastra si ca si-au dat seama ca este o prostie sa se omoare intre ei. Socul mare ar fii daca ar incepe un razboi....sa stiu ca exista rasa mai tampita ca omu sa se moare intre ei pt. bucati de pamant.
  9. Lol este o prostie sa spui ca doar cu ajutorul razboiului am putea evolua... Am putea evolua pasnic daca am coopera SAU (SF)daca suntem atacati de "ALTII" si ar trebuii sa ne unim ca sa invingem Blue Beam crap...
  10. Lol ce tampit..... Pai daca aud TROLLI de asta , moare in 0.1 sec
  11. Ce sa faci mai dark...vezi cum e cu invidia asta? Toata lumea isi doreste sa fie prostu de dark sau sa aiba onoarea de a posta intr-unul dintre thread-uriile lui marete pline GLORIE(cacat) in care owneaza n00b1 ca un leet adevarat \m/ THIS IS pureRETARDNEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Dude daca tot postati cacaturi din astea macar invatati sa scrieti corect...ce sa mai zic de gramatica
  13. Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012? Russia certainly seems to be in a hurry to prepare for something. RT is reporting that 5,000 new nuclear bomb shelters will be constructed in the city of Moscow by the end of 2012. Russian authorities believe that these new shelters are urgently needed because the current nuclear bomb shelters will only hold approximately half the population and are quite outdated. In addition, there are apparently very few nuclear bomb shelters for those living outside the city center at this point. Officials want virtually the entire population of Moscow to be able to reach a bomb shelter within a matter of minutes. But in this era when the "Cold War" is supposed to be over, why are 5000 nuclear bomb shelters such an urgent necessity? The following is an RT video news report about these new shelters.... But it isn't just Russia that has been busy building bomb shelters. A few years ago, Shanghai’s Civil Defense Office announced the completion of an absolutely massive underground shelter. It was reported that the shelter covers an area of over 90,000 square meters and could accommodate up to 200,000 people at a time. But that giant shelter is not even as big as the "Underground Great Wall" that was built during that 1960s and 1970s. It is estimated that the "Underground Great Wall" contains 19 miles of tunnels and shelters and could hold up to 300,000 people. It reportedly has a munitions warehouse, a hospital, a theater and even a library. So what about the U.S. government? Are they building any bomb shelters for us? No. Basically, Americans are sitting ducks. Whether it is a rogue nation launching a nuke or a full-out nuclear war, Americans literally have nowhere to go. In the event of a nuclear attack, most of us would be lucky to have enough time to duck and cover and say our prayers. The sad truth is that the U.S. government considers the threat of nuclear war to be a thing of the past. For decades, an overwhelming nuclear arsenal has been our primary protection against nuclear attack, but thanks to the last several presidents our strategic nuclear arsenal has been mostly dismantled. Today, the United States has only 5,113 nuclear warheads in its stockpile, which represents an 84 percent decline since a peak of approximately 31,255 in 1967. But that isn't far enough for Barack Obama. Currently, Obama is working on a treaty under which the United States and Russia would only be allowed a maximum of 1,550 deployed warheads. So with nuclear weapons rapidly spreading throughout the world, and with the U.S. only having a small fraction of the nukes that it used to have, doesn't that make a nuclear strike against the United States more likely? Of course, but because the mainstream media tells Americans that we don't have to worry about nuclear war anymore most of them don't even think about it. But Russia is obviously taking a different approach. Building 5000 bomb shelters in one city alone is a massive undertaking. Obviously they feel like building all of these shelters is important for one reason or another. So are they just being paranoid or are they several moves ahead of us? One smart comment :Civil defense is a cheap method of making your enemy think you are actually willing to use nuclear weapons." Youtube Link... [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRQSU133BiQ]YouTube - Moscow building 5000 shelters[/url] Source.... [url=http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/why-is-russia-building-5000-more-nuclear-bomb-shelters-in-moscow-by-the-end-of-2012]Why Is Russia Building 5000 More Nuclear Bomb Shelters In Moscow By The End Of 2012?[/url] This is really not funneh anymore
  14. Nu stiu ce sa iti recomand DAR "The MP5 is far superior to the AK47 and is only used by the security forces of various countries." [url=http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?147051-MP5-vs-AK47]MP5 vs AK47[/url] Iti recomand sa incerci arma prin plasarea ei in gura beCOAIEZ ur jokes TOTALLY SUCK!!!! _|_
  15. Mda...lol Pe mine ma macina partea asta... Like WTF!!!! NO other universe? Si...inainte sa moara Baba Vanga a zis ca "puteriile" ei vor fii mostenite de o fetitadin Franta care va fii la fel oarba.... @wvw Rectal? that's new to me Dar sunt UNELE adevaruri adevarate pe acolo.... Mda....Math/Science cu spirituality se imbina ca cacaua AAAAAAAAnyyyywaaay......pe ATS la orice cacat mic poti sa vezi oamenii care se panicheaza , as da exemple da imi este lene.Pentru ei TOTUL are o parte ascunsa si intunecata.Si toata lumea incearca sa NE OMOARE .Telefoanele le sunt ascultate.Si au cipuri ascunse in... It's acshually funneh
  16. Lol'ed Cica "The US/China Cold War" hmm.. [url=http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread628683/pg1[/code]]US-China are in a Cold War!!! Let today's events be a WAKE UP CALL. , page 1 LE:FUCK me!!! sorry nu am fost atent double post
  17. Hmm...in ultimu timp au aparut tot felul de teorii noi INTERESANTE. Universul si tot ce exista se bazeaa pe numere. Si Vortex Math este interesant...
  18. @wvw Da stiu si eu la fel.....dar tre sa recunosti ca sunt unele persoane care fac abuz de droguri pe acolo In rest sunt FOARTE destepti oamenii aia.... @nosferatu lool'ed baba vanga......ma intreb daca exista pe undeva o lista ADEVARATA cu predictiile ei...pt. ca pe net gasesti doar variante "inbunatatite"
  19. Za Home of ALL the conspiracy guys(paranoid crackheads ) AboveTopSecret.com - Discussion Board Home Page for Conspiracy Theories, UFO, Paranormal, Political Madness, and other "Alternative Topics"
  20. @Park cred ca glumesti )) Stie cineva de "Mysterious Misile" din LA?? :> ...si cand zic LA ma reefr defapt la California Sper sa fie ca e DAMN noring sa te uiti la un politician obez cum doarme \m/
  21. Buna decizie... DAR what about porn...sunt sigur ca se labagesc multi angajati pe porn.
  22. Ce gauri negre mah astea sun prostii inventate de teoristi ai conspiratiei care se plictisesc in viata reala O sa vedeti daca nu o sa se intample nimic in 2012 MULTI o sa fie dezamagiti ca vor trebuii sa traiasca in continuare intr-o lumje plictisitoare. Conspiratiile de obice (unele) au o farama de adevar (sau TOTAL) dar sunt unii bolnavi mintal care cauta cacaturi in orice.
  23. Obiectivul central a celor de la CERN este gasirea particulei lui Dumnezeu "Higss Boson" ,daca exista. Da sunt multe alte teorii care vor fii spulberate sau afirmate. Sau bineinteles poate nu vom avansa cu nimic...ceea ce este imposibil
  24. Democrat sau nedemocrat e aceelasi lucru. In democratie se ascund dupa deget si fura. In "nedemocratie" te poate fura pe fata fara sa ii intereseze pe ceilalti. Deci....vreti sa supravietuiti facetiva politician, mafiot ,manelist ORICE dar nu lucrati in mod cinstit
  25. CACAT!!! Stim cu toti unde ajung banii , astea sunt pretexte jegoase. Nici nu mai stiu ce taxe sa bage ca sa se scoata cu bani...auzi la ei "taxa pentru autostrazi" That's CRAP
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