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Everything posted by prodil89

  1. Nati Meir vrea s? fie declarat nebun? Medicii Spitalului Penitenciar Jilava din Capital? îl reevalueaz? zile acestea pe fostul candidat la pre?eden?ie Nati Meir, cel care, în ultimele zile, a tr?it un co?mar: a încercat s? se sinucid?, a fost condamnat la ?apte ani de închisoare ?i a fost b?tut de un coleg de celul?. Se pare c? b?rbatul vrea s? fie eliberat pe motive medicale. Nati Meir (foto: Arhiv?)Conform unor surse din penitenciar, acum, lui Nati Meir, care este internat la sec?ia de psihiatrie, i se fac tot felul de analize. Sursele noastre ne-au declarat: “O comisie de medici de la Penitenciarul Rahova, acolo unde a fost încarcerat de?inutul, ne-a cerut s?-l reevalu?m medical. Se pare c? el a cerut acest lucru pentru a dovedi instan?ei de judecat? c? are anumite probleme de s?n?tate ?i nu suport? regimul de deten?ie. Se pare c? tentativa de suicid ?i celelelte probleme de comportament le provoac? tocmai pentru a primi un raport favorabil eliber?rii ?i intern?rii într-un ospiciu. Dac? se întâmpl? acest lucru nu numai c? nu va face închisoare dar nici nu va mai trebui s? pl?teasc? vreun ban ca ?i prejudiciu”. Sursa noastr? ne-a mai spus c? vinerea trecut? Nati Meir ?i-a luat un pumn în fa?? de la un coleg de celul? deoarece “a înjurat to?i românii când a aflat c? a fost condamnat la ?apte ani de închisoare. Atunci cel?lat de?inut i-a tras un bumn în figur? ?i l-a trimis la originile sale evreie?ti”. [url=http://www.libertatea.ro/stire/nati-meir-vrea-sa-fie-declarat-nebun-307776.html]Nati Meir vrea s? fie declarat nebun? :: Libertatea.ro[/url] Da....ma rog nu asta e important. Intrebarea e cum dracu sa ajunga in asa hal...un viitor candidat la presedintie. E ceva murdar la mijloc....
  2. prodil89


    [url=http://www.libertatea.ro/stire/ce-numar-de-inmatriculare-porcos-307675.html]Ce num?r de înmatriculare porcos! :: Libertatea.ro[/url] Yu Dum Fuk
  3. IMPUSCATE BAH... E a treia oara cand e postata. PUT A SOCK ON IT!!!!!! Sock=soseata boule _|_ LE:^ Glad we all agree ))
  4. Pana si catastrofele se feresc de Romania \m/ So yeah... RO FTW!!!!!!!!!
  5. WikiLeaks' Biggest Document Dump Yet Coming Monday: What to Expect It's happening again ... only bigger. On Monday, the whistle-blower website WikiLeaks will release nearly 400,000 pages worth of classified U.S. Army documents on the war in Iraq, making it the single largest military leak in U.S. history. The number of documents will dwarf the 77,000 pages of sensitive material on the war in Afghanistan that WikiLeaks released in July. In preparation for the arrival of the as-yet-unspecified material, the US military has set up a 120-person task force to begin reviewing a cache of classified documents it believes might be found in what WikiLeaks' embattled founder, Julian Assange, will make public, the AFP reported. What will the documents say? While it is unclear which documents WikiLeaks plans to release, officials in the Department of Defense believe they will likely be compiled from the "Significant Activities" files from the Iraq war, Wired reported. According to GlobalSecurity.org, SigActs, as they are known, refer to "all incidents reported to Multi-National Force-Iraq (MNF-I) through daily Significant Activity Reports." In other words, the documents might contain information on potentially damning incidents in Iraq that were reported to the military, but not made public. Wired also speculates that the documents might shed light on a range of issues, from possible instances of ethnic cleansing in Baghdad to lost U.S. guns to more secret U.S. prisons. A source also told Newsweek that some of the documents detail the involvement of U.S. forces in what was described as a "bloodbath." More... [url=http://www.aolnews.com/surge-desk/article/wikileaks-biggest-document-dump-hits-monday-what-to-expect/19676512]WikiLeaks' Biggest Document Dump Hits Monday: What to Expect[/url]
  6. Pai daca chiar ne avem asa bine cu Israel cum sa zis la TV...nu cred ca ar sta cu mainiile in san. Adica pwla si cu MIG-uri poti sa futi shits and buildings
  7. Benoît Mandelbrot, Novel Mathematician, Dies at 85 His death was caused by pancreatic cancer, his wife, Aliette, said. He had lived in Cambridge. Dr. Mandelbrot coined the term “fractal” to refer to a new class of mathematical shapes whose uneven contours could mimic the irregularities found in nature. “Applied mathematics had been concentrating for a century on phenomena which were smooth, but many things were not like that: ,” said David Mumford, a professor of mathematics at Brown University. “He was one of the primary people who realized these were legitimate objects of study.”In a seminal book, “The Fractal Geometry of Nature,” published in 1982, Dr. Mandelbrot defended mathematical objects that he said others had dismissed as “monstrous” and “pathological.” Using fractal geometry, he argued, the complex outlines of clouds and coastlines, once considered unmeasurable, could now “be approached in rigorous and vigorous quantitative fashion.” More.... [url]http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/17/us/17mandelbrot.html?_r=1[/url] Wikipedia.... [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beno%C3%AEt_Mandelbrot]Benoît Mandelbrot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url]
  8. Hackers still strong despite soft economy Not even a recession can stall the hacker institution that is Hack in the Box (HITB). In its eighth year, this year’s Kuala Lumpur leg drew a 300-strong crowd from all over the world. Initially expecting lesser numbers, HITB’s Dinesh Nair was pleasantly surprised at the turnout. “We had a full capacity crowd at the keynote, over 400 people turned up.” HITB founder Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran said the turnout was encouraging and bode well for future conferences. Though the Kuala Lumpur and Amsterdam HITB conferences saw good attendances, the Dubai leg will be scrapped next year due to low registration numbers. Dinesh attributed it to current economic challenges noting that the ICT sector in Dubai was far less vibrant than it was in past years. Security superstars A highlight of the conference was bringing together two big industry names: Chris Wysopal and Paul Vixie, veritable legends in the security and networking space. Wysopal is a member of elite hacker group L0pht and is considered one of the most influential figures in ICT security today. Vixie is often hailed as the father of the domain name system (DNS), an essential component of the Internet as we know it today. His speech was probably the most controversial of the conference, when he took current Internet security companies to task for being ‘reactive’ to threats when it was their role to be at the forefront of security. When asked about security analysts’ reputation as doomsayers, Wysopal laughed and said that in their line a healthy amount of paranoia was very much necessary. “Let’s put it this way. Security (experts) consider every neighbourhood to be bad neighbourhoods and we happen to be the ones keeping an eye out.” On the networking front, Vixie had his own dark prophecy: that by February 2011 the Internet would have run out of iPv4 addresses. IPv6 is a protocol created to succeed IPv4 Internet addresses. On the Internet an ‘address’ is a numerical label assigned to specific devices on the Web. IPv4 addresses can only run up to 32-bits while IPv6 supports up to 128-bit addresses. It is estimated that IPv4 can only support up to 4.3 billion addresses, meaning that all the addresses will soon be taken up. Yet according to Vixie, IPv6 is already nearing exhaustion. “Internet growth will see a slowdown and perhaps the only way to address this is by getting people to dual-stack.” Dual-stacking is a technique that allows the running of both protocols at the same time. Where conditions are favourable, the IPv6 protocol will be run but if it isn’t, then at least there will still be the IPv4 protocol to fall back on. More... [url=http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/business/article/hackers-still-strong-despite-soft-economy/]Hackers still strong despite soft economy - The Malaysian Insider[/url]
  9. Pai mori date dreq daca nu stii sa faci site-u sigur...sau ce pwla mea era.. Info-hack mah???? SIGH
  10. Wow mersi mult stiam despre gauriile negre dar nu stiam ca si stelele ar putea fii portale
  11. Hell doesn't accept tigan dumb manelar members Cat despre 1:40 blabal Ce plm....asta nici macar nu stie ce inseamna subliminal
  12. Astia sunt EXTREM de enervanti...si e destul de clar cel/cei din spatele site-ului au ceva cu Romania in general nu sunt "patrioti" A...sa nu uit MA CAC PE EI!!!!!!!! Lucian Cue?dean a declarat pentru Libertatea.ro :: Vedete, Sport, Lifestyle, Monden pe gustul tau! “Limba punjabi, din India, are 2.000 de cuvinte curat române?ti, iar multe altele seam?n? foarte mult cu ale noastre. Asta pentru c? ei sunt urma?ii unui trib getic, ca ?i noi, de?i distan?a dintre români ?i punjabi este de 4.500 de kilometri”. Din istoria scris? în beciurile Dimbovi?ene cunoa?tem c? daco-ge?ii ar fi fost o ramur? a neamului tracic, care tr?ia exclusiv în Dacia, pe actualul teritoriu al României ?i care vorbea o limb? diferit? de latin?. Imperiul Roman a cucerit Dacia, iar daco-ge?ii ar fi renun?at par?ial la limba lor pentru a înv??a vorbirea cuceritorilor. Din combina?ia acestora ar fi ap?rut, în timp, romîna. Iaca nu a fost s? fie, dup? 20 de ani de studiu, dr. Lucian Cue?dean a ajuns la concluzia c? aceast? teorie este fals?. Aici Tudorel, în?eleg c? nu-?i convine, doar trebue déjà de scris Î din I, dar memorizeaz?-o ?i pe asta. Si sa nu scapati vid-u [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiI2E9nAykk&feature=player_embedded#!]YouTube - india pamant romanesc[/url] MORE..... [url=http://www.patriotism.md/?p=3735&cpage=1#comment-6848]PATRIOTISM MOLDOVA - India p?mînt romînesc.[/url]
  13. Tie exploziile solare ti se par supranaturale. Habar nu ai despre ce vb. I sure hope something blows up in 2012 ca tare plictisitor mai e Pamantu asta
  14. Mda dar cu aceste 5 dimensiuni putem face multe lucruri...teoretic. Si probabil si practic in timp si cu tehnologie Stiti voi the usual shit Time travel...blalbala
  15. In general totul are o forma....ovala....rotunda...zii cum vrei. Vezi The Fibonacci sequence. Inca nu stim nimic despre Univers , nu stim ce forma ar putea sa aiba ca sa nu mai vorbim daca exista mai multe universe.Si nu stim daca universele fac parte din ceva mai mare care la randul lui sa fie parte din altceva....blabalalbal Vezi Fractali. Cat despre dimensiuni nu avem cum sa ne imaginam o dimensiune care nu exista sau pe care nu avem cum sa o percepem(IF the 2012 hipiots are right ne mutam la a 4-a dimensiune ) ) Deci nu e axa....nu e sfera/cerc/pula e.... SPIRAL OUT KEEP GOING SPIRAAAAL OUT..... [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wS7CZIJVxFY]YouTube - The Fibonacci in Lateralus[/url]
  16. Religia este folosita pentru a controla oamenii...nu neaparat intr-un mod rau. Ganditiva cum ar fii lumea fara religie , oamenii s-ar omora fara pic de remuscari. Macar le da speranta. Nuj...eu nu cred in multe...dar cred ca exista viata dupa moarte.
  17. WebBot nu mai este credibil pentru ca funtioneaa cautand cuvinte cheie pe net sau ceva de genu. Cu alte cuvinte webot arata despre ce discuta oamenii cel mai mult. Nostramadus...nu stiu ce sa zic el a prezis niste lucruri...DAR daca eu zic azi ca se va prabusii o piatra...blabalabla dupa cativa ani se va intampla ceva ce va semana cu ceea ce am zis eu si voi fii un profet. Despre Nibiru nu stiu ce sa zic.Este adevarat ca N.A.S.A ne ascunde multe lucruri dar nu avem de unde sa stim pana nu vedem. Si cred ca este posibil sa avem baze in munti....dar cu avioane MIG ))
  18. al meu are 25 formata din litere si cifre... Si....degeaba puneti o propozitie ed 25 ca e CACA de ex. EUMANCPULACUTALENT (passu lu jicu) Joking....da pe bune
  19. prodil89


    Da-l in masa pe jicu nu-l mai pomeniti in tote threduriile. ON: Cum dreq sa nu auzi de NeoBux ? Daca ai muuult timp liber faci bani...dar eu nu cred ca se merita. Eu mi-as consuma timpul altfel...
  20. Mda partidu asta o da pe "Iluminati" Doar cei iluminati mintal... Ceea ce nu m-ar deranja prea tare...
  21. Nu imi vine sa cred ce "tupeu" au unii. Sa faca chestii de genu in tara altcuiva...ei sunt o minoritate. Romania = Probleme cu minoritati
  22. Stiti ce mi se pare tampit ca eu vad ca sunt cativa moderatori pe aici(vreo 2) care se uita la threadu asta de cacat si nu iau masuri.... Eu pana acuma as fii dat ban/warn la fiecare.....chiar si la mn. X(X(X
  23. Mai benny da nu il mai provoca da-l in masa de copil retardat ca asa nu mai scapam de iluminarea lui
  24. @daatdreq: EPIC ) @jicu Pai tu dai dovada de prostie daca ai fii mai destept nu te-ai mai intoarce doar ca sa injuri ca un copil. De parca nu ar mai exista alte forumuri... De ce e atat de important sa il injuri mergeti dreq pe un chan...IRC nu ne futeti aici cu injuraturi , nu cred ca lumea e interesata sa vada care e mai tare!!! Oricum....esti....lasa ca nu vrea sa ma cert
  25. Cine sa trezit sa faca statistici Panda Security *SIGH*
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