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How To Make A Cookielogger And Hack Any Account
cla1992 replied to prodil89's topic in Tutoriale in engleza
This is the code, download it from here.: http://w14.easy-share.com/1702516964.html -
O fi un Laptop bun, dar fara Sistem de Opeare, ce faci cu el? (Il tine in vitrina, probabil.)
U are Welcome.
Sa citeasca legislatia internetului daca vrea sa stie mai multe.
Ai gresit! Nu e "hello" ci, "helo" cu un singur L.
Poti sa scrii mai bine "help" si iti apar toate comenzile care poti sa le dai. Acolo scrie tot ce ai nevoie, fiecare insusire a comenzilor din lista aia.
Exact, nimic, blanc, zero, null! Pierdere de timp.
Ai nevoie de un cabu din asta: Intr-o parte are 7 pini(pentru placa video) si in partea opusa 4 pini(pentru TV). Un capat sa vina in placa video si un capat in TV. Apoi Deschizi TV-ul si imediat calculatorul (monitorul cred ca trebuie sa fie scos). Apesi pe telecomanda si dai pe AV (o sa para ca e AV1 )dar,daca nu e asta, mai apesi odata pe AV si apare AV25, si daca nici asa nu il gaseste mai apesi odata pe AV si astepti sa vezi daca apare ceva. La mine e ultimul AV (acuma depinde si de TV)
Salut, scuze dar deabea acum am intrat si eu pe forum si am inceput sa imi verific mesageria. Pai ce sa zic... depinde ce vrei sa inveti sa faci. Mai intai te intreb: de unde esti?(asa ca fapt divers). Vad ca a trecut ceva timp de cand mi-ai scris, daca intre timp te-ai mai documentat cu ceva, e foarte bine si as vrea sa stiu cu ce. Da-mi mai bine Add pe Yahoo, sa vorbim mai multe, ca asa pe forum cam rar imi verific mesaje si restu. claus_che92 : asta e adresa mea.
Hai noroace.
Veche asta,veche. Oricum nu folosesc eu treaba asta cu massurile.
Nu mai perde vremea frate cu asa ceva. Decât sa joci asemenea porcarii, mai bine te ui?i la un film daca n-ai ce face. Si cu ce preten?ii vii tu pe forum si faci cereri in asemenea mod? Aici nu ai sa primesti decat indicii, nu e ca la ?coal? sa ?i "se dea mura-n gura". Daca vrei sa faci ceva, invata si singur,esti om, deci ai potential... si inca ceva, in viata nimic nu e pe "moca". Hai noroace! Spor la joc.
Salutare, si bun venit in comunitatea RST, daca ai citit regulile poti sa treci la urmatorul pas adica acest post care e foarte interesant: http://rstcenter.com/forum/16359-sfaturi-de-om-batran-pentru-ai-nostri-hackeri-tineri.rst Bafta, si spor la invatat. Daca vrei sa stii ceva anume,imi lasi un PM si te ajut pe cat sunt in stare.
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Ce belea e prietenul asta al tau, auzi la el Linux e un Äntivirus , asta chiar m-a amuzat. :cool:
Ca pe cocalari si pitipoance, sau mai rau. Nu inteleg deloc cu ce scop se tot fac site-uri din astea gen Hi5? Eventual sa atraga prostimea, sa isi "piarda vremea util".
Back|Track 4 Customization
cla1992 replied to cla1992's topic in Sisteme de operare si discutii hardware
Cum consideri ca e cea mai buna modalitate, si mai eficienta. Multumesc! -
Frumos,merge de minune. Off: Neox te rog, sa te uiti peste ultimul meu post sa imi dai o mana de ajutor, daca se poate. http://rstcenter.com/forum/17807-back-track-4-customization.rst
Pentru copiat recomand asa ceva: http://www.digitalworld.ro/prod_Ceas-de-mana-cu-MP3-MP4-player-functie-cititor-TEXT-AD-668 Pacat ca e "Made in China" si se strica cam repede,dar il rezolvi pe garantie oricum.
Marea Britanie: masuri severe anti-piraterie din aprilie 2010
cla1992 replied to Nytro's topic in Stiri securitate
Tre' sa fim realisti ca Warez-ul e la putere in Romanica, si sa nu mai pomenim de Turcia si India, ca e ca la mama acasa. -
Asta asa este. Cel putin ,asta e parerea mea ca utilizator.
Sau si daca il scanezi cu Nessus,Nmap sau alte programe il gaseste din nou ca fiind Windows Vista 2008.
Multumim pentru Observatie.
Ma uitam pe paginile astora de la Remote Exploit si am dat peste chestia asta: Remote-Exploit.org - Supplying offensive security products to the world Din cate se vede,toate sistemele pe care le tot Descarca lumea (ma refer la Bt in general) trebuie configurate intr-un anumit mod si pentru un anumit scop. Problema cea mare e ca toate serviciile oferite de ei se pot face numai pe bani, 400,- Euro(Background + Bootscreen customizing) + 600,- Euro(Complete Replacement). Deja e o suma exagerata. Ma gandesc acum daca nu cumva e o amageala de-a lor sa atraga cat mai multe persoane sa le utilizeze Sistemele lor de Operare.Sau treaba e chiar pe bune, in legatura cu Hacking-ul pe Backtrack,dar ai nevoie de o configuratie din partea lor. Intrebarea mea este: cum pot configura sistemul, unde trebuie sa ma documentez, si daca toata "munca" este in final eficienta...?! Mul?am Fain!
It's all the same . Doar mici schimbari de interfata a paginii Web.
Setting up your Windows XP SP2 For this section we will download our target VM and use Wine to run a windows application known as WinRAR. This application will aid us in extracting the target VM from a split zip file. We encourage you to verify the integrity of the files to ensure you will have successful results. The process is very simple to do since back|track4 has the necessary applications to do this. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I) Setting up your environment 1. We must first download the 6 files which contain our target VM. Once you download all the files completely, ensure the md5 checksums match the ones provided below. This will take a considerable amount of time to completely download. Please take this into consideration. [COLOR="Red"]wget http://downloadfdcc.nist.gov/vm/FDCC_XP_Q4_20081107/FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z01 wget http://downloadfdcc.nist.gov/vm/FDCC_XP_Q4_20081107/FDCC-[COLOR="Black"][/COLOR]Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z02 wget http://downloadfdcc.nist.gov/vm/FDCC_XP_Q4_20081107/FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z03 wget http://downloadfdcc.nist.gov/vm/FDCC_XP_Q4_20081107/FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z04 wget http://downloadfdcc.nist.gov/vm/FDCC_XP_Q4_20081107/FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z05 wget http://downloadfdcc.nist.gov/vm/FDCC_XP_Q4_20081107/FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.zip[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. After the multi-part zip files have been downloaded, we then need to check their MD5 hashes. This process may take a while depending on your hardware capabilities. root@bt4:~# md5sum FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z* 64f06d2c0c5873736461b5bbe9894652 FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z01 fb9dcfc5721abed6d073335ac4477123 FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z02 ed1dcbe112b169675b6e670b47ab5344 FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z03 2eb3ea2867b8eede5b644be365b79725 FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z04 7e2094ee15f41b149fcbb916c3f576b7 FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.z05 2f4947495660f2f1e1263eed07410798 FDCC-Q4-2008-XP-VHD.zip root@bt4:~# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. We must now acquire WinRAR. This will help us in extracting our VM from the zip file. root@bt4:~# wget http://www.offsec.com/downloads/wrar390.exe 4. We will now install msttcorefonts to get wine working properly. root@bt4:~# apt-get install msttcorefonts 5. Next, you will need to start the WinRAR install using wine. root@bt4:~# wine wrar390.exe 6. You can accept the defaults for the installation and then run WinRAR when completed. 7. In WinRAR, click ‘File’, ‘Open archive’ and select the file FDCC-Q4-XP-VHD.zip. Once the archive has opened, click ‘Extract To’ and choose a location for the files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II) Install VMware Converter and Player If you don't already have an installation of VMware Workstation, you can download the VMware Converter and VMware Player applications for free from the following locations: VMware Converter: VMware vCenter Converter, Convert Physical Machines to Virtual Machines VMware Player: VMware Player: Run Multiple Operating Systems with Free Download for a Virtual PC 1. Change to the directory containing the VMware converter and un-tar the archive. You can safely accept all of the defaults while installing VMware Converter: root@bt4:~# tar -zxvf VMware-converter-4.0.1-161434.tar.gz 2. Once the extraction is complete, change to the newly created directory and run the installer: root@bt4:~# cd vmware-converter-distrib/ root@bt4:~# ./vmware-install.pl root@bt4:~# /usr/bin/vmware-converter-client 3. Once Converter has started up, select 'Convert Machine' from the toolbar. 4. In the drop-down menu next to 'Select source type', select 'Backup image or third-party virtual machine'. Luckily for us, VMware Converter supports most major image and virtual machine formats. 5. Click 'Browse', and select the '.vmc' file in the from the extracted NIST image, then click 'Next'. 6. In the drop-down menu next to 'Select destination type', select 'VMware Workstation or other VMware virtual machine'. Another drop-down menu will appear below the first one. Select 'Vmware Player 2.5.x'. 7. Enter a name under 'Virtual machine details', choose a location to save the virtual machine, then click 'Next'. 8. On the Windows version of VMware Converter, once Converter has finished analyzing the virtual machine, you will be presented with a window where you can change various VM options. Select 'Advanced options' then select the box 'Install VMware Tools on the imported virtual machine'. Click 'Next', then 'Finish'. 9. Change to your download directory, make the VMware Player executable, and start the VMware Player installer and follow the wizard through the installation: root@bt4:~# chmod 755 VMware-Player-2.5.2-156735.i386.bundle root@bt4:~# ./VMware-Player-2.5.2-156735.i386.bundle 10. Start VMware Player and boot the XP VM. 11. Uninstall the "Virtual Machine Additions" using "Add Remove Programs" and install VMWare tools. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III) Removing GPO Settings 1. Login to the XP machine. The Username for the image is "Renamed_Admin" and the password is P@ssw0rd123456. 2. Right-click the following link and select 'Save As' to download the "Microsoft Fixit" (http://www.offensive-security.com/downloads/MicrosoftFixit50198.msi). Run the FixIt to reset the GPO settings. Reboot when done. 3. Open a command prompt and issue the following commands: C:\>secedit /configure /db reset /cfg "c:\windows\security\templates\compatws.inf" /overwrite C:\>del c:\windows\system32\grouppolicy\machine\registry.pol 4. Reboot the VM for your changes to take effect. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV) Uninstalling Patches 1. Go into the Control Panel and select 'Switch to Classic View' on the left-hand side. 2. Open 'Windows Firewall' and turn it 'Off'. 3. Open 'Automatic Updates' and select 'Turn off Automatic Updates' so Windows doesn't undo our changes for us. 4. Open 'Security Center', select 'Change the way Security Center alerts me' on the left-hand side and de-select all of the checkboxes. This will disable the annoying system tray pop-up notifications. 5. Back in the Control Panel, open 'Add or Remove Programs'. Select the 'Show updates' checkbox at the top. This will display all of the software and security updates that have been installed. 6. From the command line run the following command to uninstall all patches and reboot : C:\>dir /a /b c:\windows\$ntuninstallkb* > kbs.txt && for /f %i in (kbs.txt) do cd c:\windows\%i\spuninst && spuninst.exe /passive /norestart && ping -n 15 localhost > nul 7. Reboot the VM to complete the un-installation process. ____________________________________________________________________________________________