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Everything posted by cla1992

  1. Contains training for the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker exam 312-50 $799.00 - Includes 21 Videos You're up late, banging away at your keyboard. You find the hole you were looking for. Now you just find the right directory, copy a couple files, back right out of the system, and erase your tracks. Within 15 minutes of finding a back door into the network, you've downloaded transaction data for all credit card transactions within the last two years. You'd think credit card processing companies would be more secure than that. The FBI should be busting down your door any minute now. But they won't. You print out your keystroke logger info. You make a phone call. "I got in." They don't believe it. But when you deliver the keystroke log the next day, they're floored. They cut you a check, and offer you an even bigger contract to help them fix the hole. Do things that should get you arrested - but get paid instead. Ethical Hacking is so cool. "What makes this knowledge so valuable?" The work you do as an Ethical Hacker can save businesses from massive harm. You get to find and close off vulnerabilities that hackers could otherwise exploit to get inside your network and steal or even destroy data. By getting there first, you prevent leaks of sensitive information - even fraud and identity theft against employees and customers. Businesses recognize the value of security pros that are able to shut down "back-doors" into their network. Protecting their sensitive data protects their livelihood. Because the work you do as an Ethical Hacker can prevent significant harm to their business, companies will pay you top dollar to do some of the most interesting work in information security. "What will Ethical Hacker training teach me?" In this series you'll learn the 5 Steps of a Hack. You'll also learn legal considerations for working as an Ethical Hacker. You'll learn all about passive intelligence gathering, and get suggestions for gathering critical information through social engineering. Other things covered in the Certified Ethical Hacker Series include TCP exploits, ICMP exploits, and other network reconnaissance techniques; pulling packets out of network communications to sniff passwords, hubs, and switches; SNMP and DNS exploits; password cracking; gaining unauthorized access to a wireless network; erasing your tracks after penetrating a network; web and file exploits too dangerous to name; and much more. "Does this training cover the Certified Ethical Hacker exam?" The Certified Ethical Hacker Series covers more than how to exploit your network, and how to use that knowledge to keep others from doing the same thing. It also maps to the exam objectives for CEH certification from EC-Council. It's a comprehensive resource to use for both exam prep and on-the-job reference, so you can add this valuable certification to your resume. "Isn't this knowledge dangerous?" From CBT Nuggets CEO Dan Charbonneau: "I actually had a wave of fear hit me as I was half-way through reviewing this series. 'We can't sell this.' That was my gut reaction. It's too dangerous, it teaches too much, it's too powerful. My second thought was, 'We need to sell this to as many people as possible', thinking it safest if the people being attacked know exactly how to attack, and therefore how to protect." Prerequisites Having a basic understanding of information security and networking such as what's taught in the Security+ and Network+ series is recommended before viewing this training. More advanced security policy training such as SSCP or CISSP is strongly recommended before using this knowledge on the job. The Certified Ethical Hacker Series contains: - Series Intro (free video) - Hacker Terms - Hacker Procedures - Using VMWare - Using Linux - Passive Intelligence Gathering Part 1 - Passive Intelligence Gathering Part 2 - Social Engineering - Network Reconnaissance Part 1 - Network Reconnaissance Part 2 - Service Identification and Enumeration - Vulnerability Assessment: Nessus & GFI Languard - Vulnerability Assessment: Network Sniffing - SNMP - DNS - Password Cracking - Exploits Part 1: Linux - Exploits Part 2: Windows - Web and File Exploits - Wireless Security - Erasing Tracks Notice: By purchasing the Certified Ethical Hacker Series from CBT Nuggets, you are acknowledging understanding of and agreement with the following terms: The information contained in the Certified Ethical Hacker Series is to be used solely for lawful purposes. You will not use the information contained in this training for illegal or malicious attacks, and you will not use such tools in an attempt to compromise any computer system. Further, you agree to indemnify both CBT Nuggets, Inc. and the certification authority EC-Council with respect to the use or misuse of this information, regardless of intent. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective holders. Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/139399564/C.3.H.S_downarchive.part01.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/139398869/C.3.H.S_downarchive.part02.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/139399550/C.3.H.S_downarchive.part03.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/139399465/C.3.H.S_downarchive.part04.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/139419932/C.3.H.S_downarchive.part05.rar
  2. "Am creat de curand sa creez un mic program in batch care iti floodeaza calculatorul rau de tot incat trebuie sa-ti cumperi unul nou..." Asta nu o mai cred:D
  3. Chiar nu inteleg de ce pana mea a ajuns postul meu la "Cosul de gunoi" cand eu postasem la "Club ShowOFF Aratati-va aici hack-urile si atacurile voastre!" 1. Daca nu ati observat era un fake deoarece pagina de pe care se descarca era msgr10us.tk si nu are nicio legatuta cu Yahoo! plus ca acel executabil era facut de mine cu inca "ceva" in el. 2. Nu si-a dat nimeni silinta sa inteleaga ce am vrut eu sa fac.(care era defapt "hack-ul") 3. Multumesc:-j
  4. Yahoo Messenger 10 Beta Download d'acilea : Yahoo Messenger 10 Beta Download O parere ceva?:rolleyes:
  5. Ban, pentru ce?
  6. Recoman X-Host : http://www.xhost.ro Nu e cine stie ce dar e "moca" (daca apar probleme de Upload e de la Servarul lor).
  7. Melodia de pe fundal este "Black Sun Empire - Arrakis" Download: Black Sun Empire - Arrakis.mp3 - 9.54MB
  8. OK, hai sa revin putin la cum trebuie scris, ca vad ca nu toata lumea a inteles. Am si eu cate-va greseli de asta nu a iesit perfect. P.S: 1. Fiecare rand trebuie scris fara nicio greseala(ai gresit odata, incepi din nou) 2. Nu trebuie dat "Copy-Paste" la text(in cazul in care ati facut asa nu va functiona corect) 3. Dupa ce ati sctis pe fiecare rand urmat de tasta "Enter" o sa se continuie pe urmarorul rand fara spatii! Exemplu: helo admin mail from:<admin@microsoft.com> rcpt to:<admin@yahoo.com> data From: MicrosoftSuport<admin@microsoft.com> To: admin@yahoo.com Date: December 25,2012 12:00 PM Subject: Test (se apasa de doua ori tasta "Enter" si se scrie mesajul dorit) Test fake mail. (se apasa din nou tasta "Enter" de oua ori si se pune "."[punct] apoi "Enter") .Ok(apare automat Ok si totul este in regula) Si aici inca o imagine:
  9. Ok, am inteles. Mai era si "(by loki)",cred ca am nevoie de o pereche de ochelari:))
  10. @kasimir : Ce program folosesti pentru servarul de SMTP?(incearca cu Quick SMTP server 3) Mie mi-a mers perfect.Daca nu te descurci sa imi zici si incerc sa te ajut. @HunterHB : Vorbeste civilizat ca doamna ma-ta te-a invatat sa vorbesti frumos(sau nu?) Tutorialul e facut de manuta mea si merge garantat 100%.
  11. @smartass21: Nu vreau sa ma bag ca musca-nlapte, dar... Daca si la asa ceva ai nevoie de explicatii, tutoriale si mai stiu eu ce, inseamna ca nici nu stii sa instalezi un program. Cat e sa dai 'Bwrose' si sa bagi 'Mortu' respectiv? Next, sau Finish si ai rezolvat, te-ai virusat ca la carte si apoi te intrebi de ce iti merge greu Computerul sau ce naiba se-ntampla? Exact, virusi, de care chiar nu ai nevoie. Dar te inteleg ca vrei sa fii Hacker, sa ai virusi 'Blindati' si sa aflii nu-stiu-ce parole, tine-o tot asa, ai sa ajungi 'The Best'
  12. Nu merge nici sa te rogi de el. E vorba de niste erori din Visual Basic ce nu se pot evita atat de usor. Plus ca antivirusul mi-a detectat exploitul imediat ce am rulat documentul respectiv care deschide un executabil cu ajutorul aceul macro care e introdus in text. Buna ideea oricum, dar pacat ca nu functoneaza.
  13. Chair ca e super tare:D
  14. Putin ajutor te rog (sunt incepator si nu prea ma pricep). Ce trebuie sa fac cu toate astea dupa ce le-am adougat intr-un folder?
  15. Ok, sorry pentru off topic, da' nu m-am putut abtine. Stiu ca Neme e destul de bun si am zis ca asa pot lua legatura cu dansul.
  16. Cu placere. Stii...daca tot am intrat in vorba, ma gandeam daca poti sa ma ajuti cu ceva. Uite ca sa fiu mai inteles, sunt un tip care e oarecum pasionat si de hacking, ca la urma urmei tot majoritatea ramanem crackeri, toti vrem sa spargem nu-stiu-ce. Am o mica idee care e cam asa : un indivit trimite un mail la o persoana (aceasta fiind victima desigur); scopul pentru care trimite cel mail este sa ii "fure" parola, eventual mailurile sau chiar sa ii deschida anumite porturi, pentru ai accesa computerul. Din cate am citit eu, ar fi ceva cu Cokie Graber sau ceva de genu' (recunosc nu m-am documentat chiar atat de mult) de aceea iti cer acest ajutor daca se poate.Multumesc si te astept cu un raspuns.
  17. Nu stiu cum se numeste dar o poti descarca de aici : http://urlz.ro/827055
  18. Acest program te ajuta sa primesti pe adresa de mail niste informatii cu privire la fiecare tasta apasata , fiecare click, de catre victima. Practic este un program de monitorizare. Nu stiu cat de bun este dar eu stam ca se cel mai folosit este Ardamax Keylogger sau Perfect Keylogger. Poti incerca si pe asta daca vrei sa vezi ce face "vecinu" la Computer. I am sick of Keyloggers:D
  19. Asta e in caz de urgenta, cand ramai falit fluieri.
  20. Windows XP Pro. Dar acum am 7, oricum m-am lasat de programele si porcarii din astea. M-am mutat inapoi pe Back-Track 3 sau 4. Ma ajuta cineva cu niste tutoriale? Pana acum am mai invatat cate ceva de la Neox.
  21. Un simplu tutorial despre cum sa trimiti un mail fals.
  22. Ein kleines Problem! Bitte helfen Sie mir! Am facut exact ca in tutorialul tau, imi place cand am ce invata de la tine. Am incercat pe Yahoo si am ajuns aici :
  23. Super, great post!! Iar pentru cei care nu au cunostinte in Limba Engleza Text and Web - Google Translate va descurcati voi cu tradusul.
  24. Merci fain da' nu vad niciun link ca sa descarc setul de drivere ActiveSync.
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