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Everything posted by Oust

  1. Care tipa? Lasa un blog ceva, e interesant pack-ul. Sa deschideti doar in sandbox sau vmware, virtualbox.
  2. According to AMD, the HD 7990 will retail for $999 and should be available in two weeks. Extremely fast in games that scale Fantastic game bundle included Backplate included Good additional OC potential Four DisplayPort outputs, up to five monitors total Reasonable fan noise, given its performance class Supports voltage control Can do CrossFire with any other Tahiti-based card Dual-BIOS feature High price Annoying coil noise Requires CrossFire game support to reach proper performance Many games do not scale properly in CrossFire Very high multi-monitor and Blu-ray power consumption Slim performance gains from overclocking Long card Finally! AMD's Radeon HD 7990 is here! We've been anticipating the release of this card since the HD 7900 Series was introduced, and since NVIDIA released their GeForce GTX 690 flagship almost a year ago. The company's new card is built on the foundation of two full-fledged Tahiti GPUs that come with all shaders unlocked. Both also run at up to 1000 MHz, which almost matches the clock speeds of the HD 7970 GHz Edition. Our performance testing reveals excellent performance results in games where CrossFire is working as intended, making HD 7990 the fastest graphics card in the world in these cases. Recent titles like Crysis 3, Tomb Raider, and Bioshock Infinite show good scaling that easily surpasses the performance of competing cards, like the GTX 690 and GTX Titan. However, we've also seen many games that do not scale well, and they make up a significant portion of our tests. Out of eighteen titles, five did not scale, or worse, showed negative scaling. These are not small titles, but big AAA games: Assassin's Creed 3, Batman: Arkham City, F1 2012, StarCraft II, Skyrim, and World of Warcraft. What really surprises me is that this long list is the same as the one we had with our reviews of HD 7990 "New Zealand" implementations by board partners, like the ASUS ROG ARES II and PowerColor Devil 13. So either AMD does not care or can't fix CrossFire support with these games millions of people play. To look at things from a different perspective, we created a second set of performance summary graphs that excluded all these problematic games, representing a scenario better suited to CrossFire usage, but the HD 7990 still only managed to beat the GTX 690 by 6% at 2560x1600, which is hardly a convincing result with the scaling issues looming in the background. Some people might argue that we could see better CrossFire scaling in the future because AMD graphics technology will power all future consoles, but I'm not so sure about that. Console developers don't develop for CrossFire and are happy that they only have to support a single hardware configuration. Power consumption of the HD 7990 shows surprisingly good results that have clearly improved over dual HD 7970 GHz Edition or ARES II/Devil 13 setups. The major foundation of these improvements seems to be due to AMD's tight selection of graphics chips with low leakage. The Boost clock and PowerTune algorithm doesn't appear to be any different from the HD 7900 Series. The card runs 1000 MHz when it can and drops clocks down to 950 MHz when it senses a power overload condition. In our testing, we see this happen quite often, and in most games, the card definitely doesn't run at 1000 MHz most of the time, which results in a significant performance loss. AMD also had to pick our sample up after less than a week to ship it to another reviewer, which could be an indication of how scarce these binned GPUs are. Non-gaming power consumption is improved over the last generation's HD 6990. AMD's ZeroCore power technology, which puts the second GPU to sleep outside of gaming, is useful here. Nevertheless, the card is not nearly as power efficient as products by the competition, especially when it comes to multi-monitor and Blu-ray power consumption, but that's a general AMD problem. The large triple-fan cooling solution does a good job at keeping the HD 7990 cool; the card's reduced power consumption definitely helps keep temperatures in check too. When I first saw the three fans, I was immediately worried about noise levels, but AMD quickly mentioned that the card is "whisper quiet". While our testing clearly contradicts "whisper quiet," the card is not that much noisier than the GTX 690. Idle noise levels really are whisper quiet, just like with the GTX 690, GTX Titan, and any other modern card with reasonable fan-speed settings. What is a major issue, though, is the extremely annoying coil whine the card emits as soon as it runs a 3D application. The whine is generated by resonating power circuitry coils and is a problem that can be resolved; it's just an engineering challenge. NVIDIA did so for the GTX 690 and GTX Titan; both cards don't have such coil whine issues. On the HD 7990, however, it is very apparent, and I don't understand how AMD missed such a glaring problem. I talked to five other reviewers and they all confirm it, so it's not an isolated issue. What makes the whine even more apparent is that it is constantly changing pitch and volume, drawing your attention to it by effectively overpowering the fans' "whoosh" sound. The HD 7990 cooler itself is well made, but is still, unlike the GTX 690 and Titan, made of plastic, which doesn't give it that ultra-high-quality feel of competing products. I do have to commend AMD for including a backplate with their card, which also protects against physical damage. Overclocking on our sample worked well and reached 1130 MHz, which is nowhere near the 1200+ MHz we see on single-GPU HD 7970 cards, but 1130 MHz still shows that decent clock headroom exists. In terms of real-life performance, the 11% clock only translated into 4% higher framerates, because the card quickly ran into its power limit and dropped clocks to 950 MHz. Thanks to a Volterra VRM design, voltage control is possible and not limited by the driver (like on NVIDIA cards). This should make the card interesting to hardcore overclockers. Our testing on the stock air cooler showed disappointing overvoltage results, though. The card heated up very quickly and ran into a power or heat limit that made any further voltage increases redundant. In terms of pricing, AMD matches what NVIDIA is asking: $1000. AMD does include eight free games with the card: BioShock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Crysis 3, Far Cry 3, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Hitman Absolution, Sleeping Dogs, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. All of them are good games and definitely worth playing. You could also pawn them off on eBay to offset the cost of the card; getting $100 that way should be really easy. Still, even at $900, the card feels too expensive to me, especially when compared to NVIDIA's offerings. The GTX Titan comes at the same crazy $1000 mark, with significantly lower performance, but its unique feature is that it uses a single GPU, which means that any game will scale, no matter how broken its multi-GPU profiles are. The GTX 690 uses two GPUs, just like the HD 7990, but provides much better scaling in more games; and neither NVIDIA card has the annoying coil noise issue I mentioned earlier. For me, a reasonable price for the HD 7990 in its current state would be around the $800-$850 mark (with the included games). In order to overcome the frametime issues some of our colleagues reported, AMD is working on a new driver to improve things, and has provided us with it, but it's only for Windows 8 and sacrifices some performance for more constant frame delivery. We also had no time to test it because our sample had to move on, but I expect AMD will eventually figure out how to solve this card's problems. It does make me wonder why AMD had to release the HD 7990 now instead of waiting just a little bit longer, which would have given them the time to solve the frametime and CrossFire scaling issue and, last but not least, get rid of the coil whine.
  3. Spune-i, te rog... ca il asteptam pe chat
  4. Super, acum incerc, sa traiesti !
  5. Are dreptate Hellboyy, s-ar putea sa nu mai functioneze metoda asta, dar nu stiu cum ma-sa mie mi-a mers, acum nu am mai incercat, dar nu e nicio problema o sa caut in continuare o metoda.
  6. Nu este scam, site-ul plateste, si este foarte bun. Deci nu va mai cacati pe voi inainte sa il incercati.
  7. Oust


    Felicitari, te-ai scos cu un laptop nou sau niste modificari la masina.
  8. Bine ai venit. Oricum, ai facut bine intr-un fel ca te-ai prezentat si in engleza, dar totusi...
  9. Nu cer, ci eram ironic.
  10. Daca apreciezi da un like...
  11. @ fallen_angel Nu romana e problema, ci matematica baga-mi-as pula... eu nu-l iau anul asta cu siguranta, nu stiu matematica nici de clasa a-6-a. O gasesc foarte interesanta si frumoasa, dar imi e lene s-o "invat". Vedem noi ce facem la BAC, nu va faceti griji, chill. Btw, corect este "faceti" nu "face-ti"... ce ironic este titlul sa-mi bag pula.
  12. Opreste antivirusul.
  13. In anii precedenti se intorcea cu curu-n sus, asta e traditia pe RST de 1 aprilie.
  14. Ca se baga sau nu in cacat, ca sunt stirile false s.a.m.d, pe noi ne paste un razboi, si se apropie foarte repede, ganditi-va bine si trageti cat mai mult sa aveti o viata buna pana incepe. Peace !
  15. Daca nu te intereseaza nu citi, nu mai comenta aiurea. Si bineinteles ca un astfel de thread isi are locul pe un forum de securitate, este vorba de razboi copilu', fii mai realist.
  16. Oust


    Da ce pula mea aveti voi cu prezentarea omului? Nu va convine nu raspundeti, dar nu faceti in pizda mamii voastre comentarii aberante. Fiecare are dreptul de a se prezenta asa cum stie, omul a fost la subiect, probleme? Ipocritii pulii mele. Btw, orice specie este binevenita pe RST, de la rasisti pana la popi, dar asta nu inseamna ca ai voie sa arunci cu mesaje rasiale in stanga si dreapta.
  17. Oust

    Luati atitudine

    Da, e posibil sa fie si exceptii, dar problema trebuie tratata, mie mi-ar placea sa vad la stiri cum mai multe site-uri unguresti au fost sparte cu mesajul etc... mi-ar creste inima. Cu toate ca riscam un "razboi" cibernetic cu ungurii, ei trebuie sa-si cunoasca rolul pe care il au la noi in tara, sunt doar niste cetateni cu mici drepturi nu romani, deci nu trebuie sa faca pula mare, ca ne bagam pula-n rasa lor instant. Chiar trebuie discutata aceasta problema la cel mai serios mod, trebuie facut cu cap.
  18. LegendaryBoy, calmeaza-te, ei nu au acces la parolele tale, doar daca ai treaba cu FBI-ul.
  19. Este bun, ii bagi key-ul si ai update.
  20. Da, nu merge si la mine face figuri in VirtualBox, isi da restart la boot, o sa reincerc cu niste setari... Edit : L-am facut, e caterincos, revin cu edit.
  21. La cum se descarca cu 50 KB/s abia diseara o sa-l testez pe VirtualBox. PS. De as putea scoate chestia aia cu START, sa fie ca la windows 7 cu bara jos, ar fi perfect, imi plac statisticiile la copiere si alte chestii noi.
  22. Nu va tine mult, propun sa luam atitudine. Va invit pe chat sa ne sfatuim.
  23. Deci clar trebuie sa luam atitudine. S-a luat de fetita aia, e draguta, nu merita asa ceva. Trebuie sa facem ceva.
  24. Calmati-va si citit TOS-ul, nici ei nu va pot decripta parolele.
  25. [h=1]Ce este LastPass? [/h]LastPass este un manager de parole ?i o aplica?ie de autocompletare a formularelor online. Este gratuit ?i permite memorarea/completarea automat? a userului/parolei ?i apoi înscrierea/autentificarea rapid? a utilizatorului pe orice site de pe Internet din câteva click-uri. Toate datele sunt protejate într-un ”seif” web sub o parol? unic?. The Last Password You’ll Have to Remember! – ultima parol? pe care trebuie s? o ?ii minte este ?i sloganul LastPass. Pluginurile pentru browsere oferite de LastPass ruleaz? pe Windows, Mac sau Linux, dar ?i pe iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows phone, Symbian sau Android (contra cost ofer? aplica?ii pentru acestea) ?i sunt compatibile cu cele mai populare browsere: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari ?i, de ast?zi (24 noiembrie 2010) ?i cu Opera. Instalarea este simpl?. Pentru Internet Explorer, Google Chrome ?i Firefox este disponibil un executabil pe care îl pute?i desc?rca de aici, care va instala câte un plugin pentru fiecare dintre aceste browsere, odat? cu instalarea fiind oferit? posibilitatea dezactiv?rii password managerului din fiecare browser în favoarea LastPass. LastPass ”?tie” s? importe date personale din aplica?ii populare, cum ar fi RoboForm, 1Password, KeePas, Password Safe, MyPasswordSafe,Sxipper, TurboPasswords ?i PassPack, dar are ?i func?ie de export c?tre ele. Un alt punct în favoarea lui LastPass este acela c? este foarte bun la captarea parolelor ?i datelor din formulare Ajax, acolo unde multe aplica?ii e?ueaz?. Odat? cu versiunea 11 (înc? beta) a browserului Opera, este permis? instalarea de plugin-uri, iar cei de la LastPass au publicat pe 24 noiembrie pluginul Opera LastPass. Din Opera 11 sau mai nou, acceseaz? pagina extensiei, la adresa https://addons.labs.opera.com/addons/extensions/details/lastpass/ [h=1]Want more features? Click here to learn about LastPass Premium[/h] [h=2]ONE MASTER PASSWORD[/h] [h=3]Stop remembering passwords![/h] Your LastPass master password is the only password you'll ever need. VIEW SCREENCAST [h=2]AUTOMATIC FORM FILLING[/h] [h=3]Automatically fill forms![/h] Set up multiple 'profiles' and automatically fill your personal information into web forms accurately and safely. VIEW SCREENCAST [h=2]ONE CLICK LOGIN[/h] [h=3]Stop typing in passwords![/h] Easily log into your websites seamlessly with a single click of your mouse button. [h=2]SECURE YOUR DATA[/h] [h=3]Protect against identity theft![/h] Your sensitive data is encrypted on your PC. Only your LastPass password can unlock your data and only YOU have it. [h=2]SYNCHRONIZE ACROSS BROWSERS[/h] [h=3]Using multiple browsers/computers?[/h] Your data is securely synchronized across all devices giving you access to it anywhere at anytime. [h=2]STORE SECURE NOTES![/h] [h=3]Store other types of data securely![/h] Your LastPass vault isn't limited to only securely storing usernames and passwords - ANY confidential text data can be placed in your vault for safe keeping. VIEW SCREENCAST [h=1]Want more features? Click here to learn about LastPass Premium[/h] [h=2]SHARE WITH FRIENDS[/h] [h=3]Stop sending passwords by email![/h] Securely share logins with friends and let them share logins with you and never worry about sending sensitive login credential by email ever again. [h=2]IMPORT YOUR DATA[/h] [h=3]Use your existing data![/h] Easily Import existing passwords from Internet Explorer, Firefox, RoboForm, 1Password, KeePass, MyPasswordSafe, Password Agent, Password Safe, Sxipper, Passpack and TurboPasswords. [h=2]EXPORT YOUR DATA[/h] [h=3]Take control of your data![/h] Export your data to a text file or into Firefox's Password manager with a single click - even if you're not connected to the Internet. [h=2]BACKUP AND RESTORE[/h] [h=3]Never lose another password - ever![/h] An encrypted backup copy of your data is stored in your account at LastPass.com. Securely and seamlessly restore your passwords if you change computers. [h=2]GENERATE SECURE PASSWORDS[/h] [h=3]Make your passwords stronger![/h] Generate hack-proof passwords with a single click, knowing that you'll never have to remember them or type them in ever again. VIEW SCREENCAST [h=2]UNIVERSAL ACCESS[/h] [h=3]Access your data anywhere![/h] Access and manage your data at home, work, or at an Internet Cafe online at LastPass.com. [h=1]Want more features? Click here to learn about LastPass Premium[/h] [h=2]ACCESS FROM USB KEYS[/h] [h=3]Backup and read from your USB key![/h] Securely backup your data to a USB key and use Firefox Portable or LastPass Pocket to use your data directly from the USB key. [h=2]SCREEN KEYBOARD[/h] [h=3]Protection from key loggers![/h] Enter your password using your mouse on a virtual screen keyboard to protect yourself from keyloggers and keysniffers or use One Time Passwords. VIEW SCREENCAST [h=2]ONE TIME PASSWORDS[/h] [h=3]Protection from key loggers![/h] Access your LastPass vault using one time passwords when using untrusted computers or networks and never worry about revealing your actual LastPass master password. VIEW SCREENCAST [h=2]IDENTITIES[/h] [h=3]Limit access into your account![/h] Use Identities to control which sites you can access. For example, create a work identity that does not contain any of your personal accounts. [h=2]PHISHING PROTECTION[/h] [h=3]Protection against phishing attacks![/h] Automatically protect yourself from revealing your login credentials to phishing websites. LastPass will not fill your login credentials on any phishing websites. [h=2]IDENTIFY WEAK PASSWORDS[/h] [h=3]Bulletproof your online life![/h] Run the LastPass Security Challenge to analyze your passwords for weaknesses and learn how you can maximize protection against identity theft.
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