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Everything posted by SympleBoy22

  1. Nu cred ca se mai ocupa de el.Face LINUX versions.
  2. Cam simplu.Putin la header ..in rest.
  3. Eu ma bazam pe semnaturi inainte.Revin maine cu niste exemple.
  4. Multumesc,arata mai bine pentru ca nu am facut totul manual.Am adaugat iconite de socializare,calendarul,new.Si nu am mai facut ceva basic.
  5. Ok,voi incerca acum sa le schimb si voi reveni.//Defapt este cam greu de editat.Promit ca nu mai fac
  6. Bob Sinclair - Love you no More
  7. Contine: -97 layers -43 layere TEXT -20 poze Timp de lucru : 200 min. //LE:180 min m-am gandit ce sa contina )) glumeam
  8. Sunt doar 3 fonturi. Nu ma pricep la coding. O sa mai fac astazi unu si sa imi spuneti diferenta Thanks 2 all.
  9. Tu nu ai ce sa gresesti.L-ai bindat sau l-ai cryptat?
  10. CIteste mah info
  11. Bine ai venit.
  12. Are un inceput de voce D It's your birthday today, what does that mean? I guess I'll try to explain, G that twenty-one years ago on this day, A D it was the first time your parents saw your beautiful face, and nine months before that magical day, your dad probably took your mom out on a date, G and they were having a good time, D they were dancing and drinking wine, (optional chorus used on an episode of The League) D G A happy birthday, B G happy birthday, A D happy birthday, D and when they got home they were horny as hell, and your dad threw your mom down on the bed, G and he tore her panties off, D and his penis was hard as a rock, and then your mom really wanted to give your dad head, but your dad also wanted to give your mom head, G so they formed a sixty-nine, D and your mom came at least three times, D and then your dad was so excited to get inside your mom, that he forgot to put a condom on, G and when he realized his mistake, A D he had ejaculated and it was too late, D G A and then your mom got pregnant, D G and your dad started crying, D A he wanted your mom to get an abortion, D G but your mom wanted a child, A and nine months later your were born, G D and five months later your parents got a divorce Ce penala e melodia.
  13. Dupa "renumita melodie" SHOW me your genitals Mai loveste odata. I KILL PEOPLE. ":))
  14. ahaa..comuna.Nici n-am auzit de ea.Totusi nu au gresit 100% daca in Giurgiu este o comuna Baneasa dar nu sunt de acolo Si nu e orass...
  15. ------------------------ Ce nu imi place mie: * Contentul nu prea se potriveste cu meniul * In partea din stanga nu am stiut ce sa pun Ce nu va place voua. Este primul.
  16. Da,dar totusi intr-o baza de date nu poti pune Baneasa ca oras.
  17. Azi am intrat pe WTA,acel site de analiza.Si ce scrie in stanga sus: Cum va identificam noi IP: 86.121.6*.** Tara: RO Judet: Giurgiu Oras: Baneasa Baneasa e ORAS? P.S:Nu stau in judetul Giurgiu P.S 2:Nu stau in orasul Baneasa. La voi e la fel?
  18. Audacy mi se pare putin complicat.Voi incerca Cubase
  19. E foarte cul virusul.Il detecteaza 20 antivirusi...Asta da virus.
  20. Eu stiam ca este un program text to speech.Am gasit unu pe gogu da e praf.
  21. Stiti cumva cum fac acei DJ si nu numai vocile in mixuri.Adica acelea cu "BY RADIO 21 . Nu neaparat la acesta ma refer pentru ca sunt mixuri facute de colegi,si nu stiu cum baga acel efect.Mersi.Stiti vreun soft pentru muzica cu efecte etc inafara de VDJ?
  22. La hi5 e faza cu numarul din link?in loc de 01 punem 02
  23. Deci e fake ....
  24. Lol,asta-i buna.Cui ai trebuie manual de futut in cur?.a,doar celor care o fac cu printisori ))
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