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Nu stiu, frate mindfuck, ii las pe altii mai luminati (cica ! ) sa se ocupe.. (acum sa nu-mi bage careva duma aia cu "te lasi condus de altii" )
Windows 8's Start Screen gets a bad rap, but with the right tweaks and a couple downloads, it can actually be pretty useful. Here's how to make the Start Screen into something you might actually want to use. Add Useful Widgets and Shortcuts with Start Screen Unlimited Microsoft's built-in desktop gadgets were removed as of Windows 8, but that doesn't mean you can't get a few essentials back with third-party software. Previously mentioned Start Screen Unlimited adds several widgets to the Start Screen, including at-a-glance battery stats, Wi-Fi information, shutdown and restart shortcuts, and more. This tool has a lot of baked in functionality that you can customize. One of the most useful is the power menu. From here, you can shut down, reboot, sleep, or hibernate your computer with the tap of a button. Normally, this functionality is confusingly hidden in the Charms menu. Start Screen Unlimited puts it front and center. One of the even more useful features is the ability to quickly jump to the Control Panel or other key locations in Windows from the System menu. The Control Panel remains a pretty important location in Windows 8, but getting to it usually involves searching. With Start Screen Unlimited, it's one button and two clicks away. Keep Your To-Do List Front and Center with To-Do Prime As of Windows 8.1, you can now resize live tiles on the Start Screen. This is particularly handy for applications like to-do lists. While some of our more preferred services like Wunderlist or Google Keep don't have official apps, To-Do Prime picks up some of the slack with a pretty powerful to-do list application. Where it really shines, though, is that you can pin certain to-do lists to a live tile and give that tile a hefty chunk of real estate, so your tasks are never more than a Windows key press away. Add Your Google Calendar to a Live Tile with Gmail Calendar Windows 8's built in Calendar app is fine if you live in Microsoft's ecosystem, but for those of us who prefer Google Calendar, we can use gmail calendar. This Windows 8 app adds a live tile for your events to the Start Screen so you can see what's coming up at a glance. If you'd prefer not to install an entire app for this function, it is possible to integrate Google Calendar with Windows' Calendar app by following the instructions here. Unfortunately, this method doesn't allow you to add events via Windows, only view them. Stay Aware of Your Laptop's Charge with Battery Level Not every laptop has a very detailed way of keeping you informed of how charged your device is or how long you have until it's depleted. Battery Level adds a handy live tile with a percentage readout so you can see how much power you've got by simply going to the Start Screen. The app requires Windows 8.1, which means you can resize the tile as you see fit to take up as much or as little space as you want. Give Microsoft's Built In Live Tiles a Chance We've discussed whether or not Windows 8 has improved recently and there are conflicting views on this, even among Lifehacker writers. However, one of Windows 8's key features, live tiles, are probably more useful than we give them credit for. Microsoft's built-in email, messaging, and calendar apps can provide at-a-glance info (and system wide notifications) for a wide variety of services. It's not perfect for everyone, and it may lead to a weird hybrid experience with some tasks being done in a "modern UI" style and others in the traditional desktop, but the Start Screen genuinely can provide more information and do more things than the Start Menu could before. It's not for everyone, but it may be worth the effort for some users to try out those don't-call-it-Metro features we've all been ignoring. Source : www.lifehacker.com
Cu cateva scheme rezultate dintr-o practica indelungata (se folosesc DOAR materialele subliniate) si cateva calcule, va puteti confectiona o antena care deseori va poate uimi prin rezultatele date, uneori comparabile cu rezultatele oferite de o antena profesionala din comert
Wi-Fi means Wireless Fidelity. It allows device such as a personal computer, video game console, cellphone or digital audio player to connect to the Internet as long as they are within the range of a wireless network’s broadcast range. Nowadays, there are already several ways to maximize your Wi-Fi range so that you can be more comfortable without spending too much. There are already homemade alternatives that you can do easily. I will state some of them below: Boosting your Wi-Fi range with just a homemade parabolic reflector To do this, all you need is an aluminum foil but it works better if you microwave the foil first. You can finish it in less than 5 minutes and it will just cost you some cents. First, you must tear a cut of aluminum foil in a rectangle shape. After that, fold the sheet halfwise then fold each of the four sides for about 2 centimeter. Next, begin forming a curve into the foil. After that, you can now position the parabolic reflector behind the antenna of your wireless device, which should be pointed in the general direction of the wireless hub. Then you will see that the signal strength will be truly maximized. For best results, you can also try doing second parabolic reflector then put it next to the antenna of your wireless router then you will notice that the signal will more increase and you would be able to download files faster. When you fold each side of the foil this helps to straight a frame to add stability. And when you form a curve into the foil, this curve shape resembles the general shape of the parabola. Adding strength to your Wi-Fi The man in the video used the bottom of a box and covers it with a foil. He put two holes in the lower side where he will insert the antenna of the wireless router. He puts the Wireless router with a satellite-like box covered with foil up into he’s wall. What happens after what he has done is he’s Wi-Fi strength boost up. From 48 mbps, his signal gradually increases to 54 mbps. How to maximize your Wi-Fi strength by just using old can In doing this, you need an empty can, marker, and any tool you can use to cut the can. First thing you must do, is to draw a line just below the opening of the can and continue it to the sides. Next step is to cut the can along the line and remove the bottom. Then you make a hole where you will insert your antenna below the can. Next, you can paint the can or just cover it with foil or duct tape around the edges and on the exterior. Lastly, Put the finished product above your wireless router; insert the antenna in the hole you’ve made. Source : Hiren's BootCD Fan & Discussion Platform
Cea mai puternica antena OmniDirectionala de exterior
Undeath replied to salajansud's topic in Wireless Pentesting
Mda much wow such prank
Clipdiary is a powerful clipboard manager, which records every piece of data that goes to the Windows clipboard, meaning that you can easily retrieve any information that was once copied to the clipboard (if Clipdiary was running at that moment). Clipdiary -- what does it do for you? Automatically saves every piece of data copied to the clipboard Lets you quickly retrieve any text from its database, so that you can either place it into the clipboard or paste it directly into any application At your request, strips away any formatting from text, so that you can easily paste it as plain text Lets you search through the clipboard history What's the use of clipboard history? Isn't it nice to know that you can easily get back anything that was once in the clipboard? If you don't think so, you should try Clipdiary and feel yourself a power user: Whenever you want to, you can retrieve any data you once copied, be that last hour or last week! Basically, that means that you can restore information that otherwise might be lost forever. Most importantly, you can almost instantly access the recently copied clips, so you can literally work faster! How does Clipdiary work? Our clipboard manager automatically launches at Windows startup and then stores in its database every piece of data that goes to the clipboard. Clipdiary can log clipboard history and store data in various formats: plain text, RTF, HTML, images (BMP), files, and so on. For example, if you make a series of screenshots, Clipdiary automatically saves them all for you! Sursa : Clipdiary is a clipboard manager for tracking the clipboard history Download : Download Clipdiary clipboard tool that keeps windows clipboard history
Un ordin dat de Curtea European? de Justi?ie ar putea obliga furnizorii de internet s? blocheze accesul la site-urile pirat, acuzate de distribuirea clandestin? sau facilitarea accesului la con?inut protejat de legea drepturilor de autor. Confirmând opiniile exprimate anul trecut de avocatul general al Cur?ii Europene de Justi?ie, ordinul dat în rezolvarea unui proces declan?at în Austria permite guvernelor europene s? oblige furnizorii locali de internet s? blocheze site-urile pirat. ?i cum legile europene nu cer în mod expres guvernelor s? aplice interdic?ii doar p?r?ilor direct implicate în cazuri de piraterie, cenzura ar putea fi impus? ?i atunci când infrastructura de re?ea nu este implicat? în g?zduirea site-urilor respective. M?surile anun?ate risc? s? majoreze costurile opera?ionale pentru furnizorii de internet din 28 de ??ri, nevoi?i s? investeasc? în tehnologii costisitoare pentru filtrarea accesului la internet. Furnizorii de internet ar putea fi obliga?i prin lege s? blocheze accesul la site-urile piratFurnizorii de internet ar putea fi obliga?i prin lege s? blocheze accesul la site-urile pirat Procesul în cauz? are drept actori principali studioul de filme german Constantin Film Verleih GmbH ?i studioul austriac Wega-Filmproduktionsgesellschaft mbH, cerând furnizorului de internet UPC Telekabel Wien GmbH blocarea accesului la website-ul kinox.to, acuzat c? permite utilizatorilor s? urm?reasc? în sistem video-streaming ?i chiar s? descarce în propriul calculator filme piratate. În ap?rare, reprezentan?ii UPC au declarat c? în calitate de simplu furnizor de acces la internet compania nu ar trebui s? fie f?cut? responsabil? de impunerea legilor de copyright asupra unor site-uri care func?ioneaz? complet separat de activit??ile proprii ?i pentru care nu exist? o decizie judec?toreasc? privind ilegalit??i comise de proprii abona?i la internet. Suplimentar, mijloacele tehnice necesare pentru blocarea accesului la diverse website-uri sunt costisitor de implementat ?i pot fi ocolite cu u?urin?? de utilizatori suficient de hot?râ?i. R?spunsul Cur?ii Europene a venit în dezacord cu declara?iile formulate de UPC: Legile europene de copyright “nu necesit? o rela?ie special? între persoana acuzat? de înc?lcarea drepturilor de autor ?i intermediarul împotriva c?ruia ar putea fi emis un ordin de interdic?ie”. Mai mult, nu este necesar ca de?in?torii drepturilor de autor s? demonstreze c? materialele protejate chiar sunt accesate prin intermediul respectivilor furnizori ISP. Luând la cuno?tin?? verdictul dat de Curtea European? de Justi?ie, reprezentan?ii UPC ?i-au exprimat p?rerea c? decizia bloc?rii accesului la anumite website-uri ?i alte forme de con?inut online ar trebui s? revin? organelor de justi?ie din ??rile respective, care s? ac?ioneze urmând pa?ii descri?i de avoca?ii Cur?ii Europene. sursa : go4it.ro
Nu toti stiu, sigur .. Sunt o multime de programe, doar un simpla cautare pe Google cu "sketch maker" Online tool to create sketch, painting, drawing, outline image effects.
ORICE PM PRIMIT CARE NU CON?INE O APLICA?IE SE SANC?IONEAZ? CU WARN ! Short FAQ: 1. Ce ar trebui s? ?tiu dac? doresc s? fiu promovat ? C?ut?m persoane serioase cu PC-uri decente ?i pe care ne putem baza pe termen lung. 2. Cum ob?in CPU-Z Link ? În primul rând descarci programul CPU-Z de aici. Îl instala?i, îl deschide?i, merge?i în tab-ul About ?i da?ii click pe Validation. (screenshot) Vi se va deschide o fereastr? ca aceasta unde va trebui s? da?i Submit. Aten?ie, în rubrica name trebuie s? completa?i cu numele de pe FileList, în cazul meu, playxd. (exemplu) 3. Nu am experien??, ce fac ? Nu-?i face griji, experien?a nu este un lucru obligatoriu, ins? dac? e?ti dornic s? înve?i, exist? deja persoane ?i tutoriale care te pot face s? în?elegii. 4. Care sunt specifica?iile minime pentru a fi acceptat ? i3, 4 GB RAM Phenom II X4, 4 GB RAM 5. Cât dureaza procesul de encoding ? În func?ie de configura?ia dvs., procesul de encoding poate dura de la 4 ore pân? la 15-20 ore. 7. Cum îmi dau seama dac? am fost acceptat sau respins ? Cei accepta?i vor primi statutul de Encoder aici, pe tracker. Cei respin?i nu vor primi niciun fel de în?tiin?are. Ca urmare a acestui "short FAQ", doritorii sunt rugati sa trimit? PM aici cu aplicatia: Cu ce credeti mai exact ca se ocup? grupul playHD? Ce credeti ca inseamna termenul "Encoding" ? CPU-Z Validation link. Experien??. (Da/Nu.) Click for source filelist.ro
On my 20th birthday, I got drunk and peed on some old ladies’ front lawn. A cop saw me and stopped me. Fortunately, I talked my way out of going to jail that night. I already had an arrest record, but he didn’t bother to check. My 20s started out with a bang. At the time, I was aimless. I had just dropped out of music school and cut my long, tangly hair. I wanted to move out of Texas but didn’t know how or where. I would sometimes lecture people about the spiritual aspect of consciousness and had a number of half-baked ideas about the theory of relativity and whether the universe actually existed or not. I was smart and audacious and arrogant and really annoying. Three days from now, I will be turning 30 years old. I will be in Las Vegas and probably completely out of my mind when it happens. But I’m happy to report that I’m far more responsible and far less pretentious these days. I’ve changed a lot in these 10 years. I don’t get arrested anymore and I don’t pee on people’s lawns anymore. I’ve built businesses, been around the world multiple times, and managed to create a career for myself as a writer — something I never could have predicted. In our instant gratification culture, it’s easy to forget that most personal change does not occur as a single static event in time, but rather as a long, gradual evolution where we’re hardly aware of it as it’s happening. We rarely wake up one day and suddenly notice wild, life-altering changes in ourselves. No, our identities slowly shift, like sea sand getting pushed around by the ocean, slowly accumulating into new contours and forms over the passage of time. It’s only when we stop years or decades later and look back that we can notice all of the dramatic changes that have taken place. My 20s certainly were dramatic. Here are some of the things I learned: 1. Fail early and often; time is your best asset When you are young, your greatest asset is not your talent, not your ideas, not your experience, but your time. Time grants you the opportunity to take big risks and make big mistakes. Dropping everything and traveling the world for six years or starting some company to build this crazy app you and your friends came up with when you got high one night, or randomly packing up all (four) of your belongings and moving to another city on a whim to work and live with your cousin, you can only get away with these things when you’re young, when you have nothing to lose. The difference between an unemployed 22-year-old with debt and no serious work experience and an unemployed 25-year-old with debt and no work experience is basically negligible in the long run. Chances are you aren’t strapped by all of the financial responsibilities that come with later adulthood: mortgage payments, car payments, daycare for your kids, life insurance and so on. This is the time in your life where you have the least amount to lose by taking some long-shot risks, so you should take them. Because its the disastrous failures of these years — that crazy love affair with the Taiwanese dancer that made your mother lose her hair, or the entrepreneurial joint venture some guy in Starbucks talked you into that turned out to be an elaborate pyramid scheme — it’s these failures that will set you up for your life successes down the line. They are the best lessons of your life. Get learning. Click to read more
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România s-a clasat pe locul I la Olimpiada Interna?ional? de Matematic? pentru Studen?i - SEEMOUS 2014, care s-a desf??urat la Ia?i, în perioada 5-9 martie. Aproape 100 de studen?i din Bulgaria, Grecia, Iran, România, Rusia, Turcia, Turkmenistan ?i Ucraina au format 25 de echipe ?i s-au întrecut, zilele trecute, la Olimpiada Interna?ional? de Matematic? pentru Studen?i - SEEMOUS, care a avut loc la Ia?i. România a câ?tigat „locul I pe na?iuni”, dar ?i "locul I absolut", cu solu?ia la problemele de concurs dat? de studentul Eduard Valentin Curc? de la Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Ia?i. La Olimpiad? au fost acordate atât premii individuale pentru studen?i, cât ?i trofee dup? cum urmeaz?: Cupa pentru locul I pe na?iuni - câ?tigat? de România Cupa pentru locul I pe universit??i - câ?tigat? de Kapodistrian University of Athens din Grecia Cupa pentru locul I absolut - câstigat? de studentul Curc? Eduard Valentin de la Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Ia?i. Curc? Eduard Valentin a ob?inut ?i premiul pentru cea mai original? solu?ie dat? unei probleme din concurs. Olimpiada Interna?ional? de Matematic? pentru Studen?i - SEEMOUS 2014 (South Eastern European Mathematical Olympiad for University Students) s-a desf??urat la Universitatea Tehnica "Gheorghe Asachi" din Ia?i. Sursa : www.gandul.info
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De curand pe blogul aplicatiei WhatsApp a aparut un articol ce practic anunta oficial faptul ca ca aplicatia nu va mai fi gratuita. In cadrul aceluiasi articol reprezentatii companiei sustin faptul ca isi doresc ca WhatsApp sa reprezinte o cale de comunicare eficienta cu prietenii si familia motiv pentru care o monetizare ce implica reclame iese total din discutie. Tinand cont de acest lucru singura varianta ramasa a fost introducerea unei taxe modice pentru utilizarea serviciilor. Indiferent de tipul telefonului utilizat WhatsApp poate fi downloadat si este gratuit pe perioada primului an. Incepand cu cel de-al doilea an insa utilizatorii ce doresc sa beneficieze in continuare de serviciile aplicatiei vor fi nevoiti sa plateasca o taxa de 0,99$ pe an. Se pare ca sistemul de taxare permite si plata in avans pe mai multi ani a serviciului, de exemplu o persoana poate plati 5$ asigurandu-si astfel serviciile aplicatiei pe o perioada de 5 ani. Reprezentantii WhatsApp sustin ca in afara de durata de folosire a serviciului nu exista nici o diferenta intre versiunea platita si cea gratuita. De asemenea este important de stiut ca stergerea si reinstalarea aplicatiei nu va duce la pierderea taxei, plata ramanand inregistrata in cont. Desi taxa este una cat se poate de mica inclusiv pentru tari precum Romania ma astept la o diminuare a numarului de utilizatori, lucru datorat in special sistemului de plata. In multe tari plata cu cardul, si mai ales de pe dispozitive mobile, reprezinta o adevarata provocare. Spun acest lucru din experienta deoarece in cadrul magazinului meu procentul celor ce platesc online este nesemnificativ. Desi aparent taxa pare extrem de mica daca ne gandim la cei 450 de milioane de utilizatori WhatsApp incasarile anuale ale companiei brusc nu mai par mici deloc. Este interesant de vazut cum va evolua numarul acestor utilizatori in urma introducerii acestei taxe. Source : Cristian Dobrinoiu — Blog personal
Asta-i ! Multumesc foarte frumos, numa bine !
https://soundcloud.com/talul/seelensauna-podcast-10-mixed Scuze !
https://soundcloud.com/talul/seelensauna-podcast-10-mixed Stie cineva cum se numeste piesa de la 2:20?
Cum convertim un numar din zecimal in binar si invers
Undeath replied to Shelo's topic in Tutoriale video
Decimal and Binary Conversion Tool