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Everything posted by Dragos

  1. Merge si IIS.
  2. Dragos


    Bun venit pe RST!
  3. Poti sa o aplici si in script
  4. Nu intotdeauna gaseste coordonatele potrivite, e problema cu provider-ul. De exemplu, IP-ul pe care ti-l atribuie un stick de net RDS (nu DIGI) iti va zice intotdeauna ca e de Bucuresti.
  5. Am tot evitat sa ma mai uit la filmuletele cu Robotzii din simplul fapt ca sunt o prostie. Azi insa a venit un amic la mine si mi-a aratat ultimul episod. Jeg..
  6. Welcome to za club!
  7. Cand o sa treci de pubertate, o sa ai dreptul sa ma faci prost. Pana atunci, stai in banca ta. Daca zici ca nu ai observat ca a fost un topic de demult, ce cautai in el? Ai auzit si tu undeva de Vladuz si gata, ai venit sa ne luminezi.
  8. Te-ai trezit sa faci si tu un post ca sa-ti mai cresti numarul de inutilitati aduse forumului. Nu ne intereseaza faptul ca il cunosti personal pe Vladuz si nici ca a fost prins folosind un BNC cumparat. Ne-a oferit doar o lectie Vlad si anume aceea ca sa nu folosesti hacking-ul in scopuri distructive.
  9. Pe aceeasi tema recomand Initiere in PHP 5 scrisa de Steven Holzner, editura Teora. Nu e scumpa, 30 RON.
  10. Atacurile cibernetice asupra unor institutii guvernamentale continua sa se produca pe plan international. Ultima "isprava" apartine celor de la Anonymous, care au anuntat lansarea de atacuri de tip DdoS (distributed denial of service) asupra catorva website-uri guvernamentale turcesti. Motivul il reprezinta protestul organizatiei impotriva deciziei guvernului de a introduce cenzura pe internet in Turcia. Aceasta miscare vine la numai cateva zile inainte ca in Turcia sa fie organizate alegeri parlamentare. Joi seara, site-ul apartinand Telekomünikasyon ?leti?im Ba?kanl?? (tib.gov.tr), institutia care reglementeaza regulile traficului pe internet si care vrea sa introduca planul de cenzura, nu mai era accesibil. Prin lansarea acestor atacuri, este posibil ca grupul Anonymous sa fi intrat in conflict cu alte organziatii de hackeri din Turcia, care ar fi amenintat ca vor sparge site-urile Anonymous, se arata intr-un raport. Nici site-ul de stiri al Anonymous, anonnews.org, nu mai era accesibil joi seara. Grupul nu a facut pana acum niciun comentariu despre acest incident. Departamentul de Informatii al Turciei, de asemenea, nu a avut nicio reactie oficiala. Cetatenii turci protesteaza fata de noile reguli de navigare pe internet care vor intra in vigoare pe data de 22 august si care vor obliga userii sa aleaga unul din cele patru filtre inainte de a se conecta la retea. Intr-o petitie publicata pe Avaaz.org, un forum online, protestatarii au cerut autoritatilor de la Ankara sa retraga orice filtru sau regula care impiedica utilizatorii sa navigheze liber pe internet. Sursa: Anonymous a atacat site-uri guvernamentale din Turcia | New IT News - Sursa ta de ?tiri IT
  11. MADRID – Spanish police have arrested three suspected computer hackers who allegedly belonged to a loose-knit international activist group that attacked corporate and government websites around the world, authorities said Friday. National Police identified the three as leaders of the Spanish section of a group that calls itself "Anonymous." All three are Spaniards aged 30 to 32, said Manuel Vazquez, chief of the police's high-tech crime unit. A computer server in one of their homes was used to take part in cyber attacks on targets including two major Spanish banks, the Italian energy company Enel and the governments of Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand, Vazquez said. His comments backtracked somewhat from an earlier police statement that said this server was used to actually execute the attacks. The three detainees have been released without bail but face a charge that is new in the Spanish penal code — disrupting a computer system, Vazquez said. He gave no details on what effect these attacks had. In Spain, acting on their own, the three detainees staged cyber attacks on the website of Spain's central electoral commission a few days before local and regional elections on May 22, that of the regional police force in the northeast Catalonia region and a major Spanish labor union. The night before the election, the three men tried to shut down the web pages of Spain's two main political parties and that of the Spanish parliament but were thwarted by police, Vazquez said. "Anonymous is a network with a common idea, but it has loads of cells around the world. Using chats they agree to stage denial-of-service attacks on any page of any company or organization anywhere in the world," Vazquez said, referring to a cyber-bombardment-like technique used to shut down an Internet page. Vazquez said police were still analyzing computer files and other material but have no record of the three Spaniards having obtained sensitive data. Vazquez said members of Anonymous use a lot methods for hiding their identity. The statement said the only other countries to act against "Anonymous" so far are the United States and Britain. It attributed this what it called complex security measures that members use to protect their identity. The suspects in Spain were arrested in Barcelona, the Valencia region and the southern city of Almeria. Since October 2010, Spanish police specializing in cyber crime have analyzed more than two million lines of online chat and Internet pages until they finally zeroed in on the three suspects. Their names were not given. In January, British police arrested five young males on suspicion of involvement in cyber attacks by Anonymous, which has backed WikiLeaks. "Anonymous" has claimed responsibility for attacking the websites of companies such as Visa, Mastercard and Paypal, all of whom severed their links with WikiLeaks after it began publishing its massive trove of secret U.S. diplomatic memos. "Anonymous" accused the companies of trying to stifle WikiLeaks and rallied an army of online supporters to flood their servers with traffic, periodically blocking access to their sites for hours at a time. And in February, an Internet forum run by "Anonymous" directed participants to attack the websites of the Egyptian Ministry of Information and the ruling National Democratic Party. In a Twitter post, the group claimed credit for taking down the ministry's website and said the group was motivated by a desire to support Egyptian pro-democracy protesters. Sursa: news.yahoo.com
  12. HANOI (AFP) – More than 200 Vietnamese websites have been attacked and some defaced with Chinese flags, an Internet security firm said Friday as a maritime dispute raises tensions between the countries. The ministries of agriculture and foreign affairs are among those targeted since the beginning of June, said Nguyen Minh Duc, director of the state-linked Bach Khoa Internetwork Security Centre (BKIS). Hackers sometimes left "information in Chinese and Chinese flags," he told AFP. "We don't yet know if it concerns Chinese hackers," Duc said. Foreign ministry spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga told reporters on Thursday that "a number" of Vietnamese websites had been hacked, including one from the ministry's translation centre. Tensions between China and Vietnam are at their highest level in years after Hanoi accused three Chinese marine surveillance vessels of cutting the exploration cables of an oil survey ship in May inside its 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone. On Thursday Vietnam alleged a similar incident, saying a Chinese fishing boat rammed the cables of another oil survey ship in its waters. Beijing countered by warning Vietnam to halt all activities that it says violate its sovereignty in disputed South China Sea waters. The two countries have long-standing disputes over the potentially oil-rich Paracel and Spratly archipelagos and surrounding waters. Hundreds of people held a peaceful anti-China protest outside Beijing's embassy in Hanoi on Sunday, the largest action of its kind since 2007. Protests are rare in authoritarian Vietnam but web users have been debating whether or not to hold another rally. Sursa: news.yahoo.com
  13. TALLINN (AFP) – The world is entering an era of a cyber arms race where ever-more sophisticated versions of malware are the weapons of choice of actors often impossible to trace, a top IT expert told NATO Friday. "We are entering the era of a cyber arms race, but the problem in this arms race is we don't know what kind of new arms the others have, so we don't have a quick, effective means to counter them," Mikko Hypponen said at a meeting on global cyber conflict organised by the Tallinn-based NATO Cyber Centre. "And we often don't know also who is in charge, who has these weapons," said the Finn, who works for a top global IT security firm. Hypponen is known for having been involved in weeding out the feared Storm and Stuxnet computer worms and has assisted authorities in the United States, Europe and Asia in cracking global cyber crime. He singled out defence contractors, government and non-governmental organisations as the "three main large target groups of hackers." "We are following daily how hackers break into computers and take them over without users having the slightest idea what is going on," Hypponen said. "The damage arrives usually with the attachment from a sender you know or trust fully, having been linked even to mail looking like arriving from the US Department of Defence, World Bank, United Nations etc., but having in fact nothing to do with them," he added. He said failures in a widely-used documents system were largely to blame. "Current technologies are simply failing," charged Chris Brown, an expert from US network security company NetWitness. "People underestimate the complexity and capability of cyber threat and are not taking proactive steps," he warned. A NATO official announced this week at the Tallinn conference that the alliance plans to beef up its cyber defence capabilities with the creation of a special task force to detect and respond to Internet attacks. The Symantec cyber security firm recently reported that web-based attacks in 2010 were up 93 percent from 2009. The June 7-10 NATO cyber security conference attended by 300 top IT experts from across the globe focuses on the legal and political aspects of national and global Internet security. Sursa: news.yahoo.com
  14. Concursul a fost ieri, a luat locul I.
  15. Music Ministry este un site de muzica facut de prietena mea pentru un concurs judetean organizat de liceul la care suntem. Este facut intr-o singura noapte, deci exista posibilitatea sa existe buguri. Link: Music Ministry - music true art Download: http://t.dragosgaftoneanu.com/musicministry/proiect.zip
  16. Nu-l mai am in calc. In principal se prelua ETS-ul, userul si IP-ul prin GET si se stocau intr-un fisier .txt din acelasi director.
  17. Facebook a extins in tacere aria de acoperire a tehnologiei de recunostere faciala, reinnoind astfel temerile referitoare la politicile de confidentialitate ale celei mai mari retele sociale din lume. Feature-ul, pe care Facebook l-a activat automat pentru toti userii Facebook, a fost extins de la Statele Unite la “majoritatea tarilor”, potrivit informatiei postate pe blogul retelei de socializare. Functionalitatea “Tag Suggestions” foloseste tehnologia de recunoastere faciala pentru a accelera procesul de “etichetare” a prietenilor si a cunostintelor care apar in fotografiile postate pe Facebook. Implementarea acestei tehnologii a starnit un val de ingrijorari in randul specialistilor din industrie. Compania de securitate Sophos atragea atentia pe blog ca in ultimele zile utilizatorii Facebook au raportat activarea automata a optiunii de recunoastere faciala, fara a primi in prealabil o notificare de la Facebook. Facebook, care si-a anuntat in decembrie planurile de a introduce acest serviciu in Statele Unite, a recunoscut ca feature-ul este acum disponibil in mai multe regiuni. Serviciile online ale Google si Apple, Picasa, si respective iPhoto folosesc de asemenea tehnologia recunoasterii faciale, insa folosirea unei astfel de functionalitati pe o retea sociala cu peste 500 de milioane de utilizatori ridica numeroase semne de intrebare cu privire la confidentialitate. In plus, software-ul iPhone de exemplu, le ofera utilizatorilor control asupra tehnologiei de recunoastere facial, oferindu-le optiunea de a folosi sau nu tehnologia recunoasterii faciale pe colectiile de fotografii personale. Functionalitatea oferita de Facebook functioneaza la polul opus, operand independent si analizand fetele din pozele uploadate recent. Specialistii in securitate sustin ca un astfel de sistem ar putea contribui la asocierea fotografiilor cu adresele de email. Voi ce parere aveti, noua tehnologie de recunoastere faciala constituie o amenintare la confidentialitatea informatiilor personale de pe Facebook? Sursa: Facebook incalca din nou confidentialitatea utilizatorilor | New IT News - Sursa ta de ?tiri IT
  18. http://vsh.ro/tutorial/125/cum-sa-editezi-executabile-cu-resource-hacker/
  19. TALLINN (AFP) – Three hundred global cyber experts gathered in Tallinn Tuesday for a NATO Cyber Conflict conference focused on the legal and political aspects of national and global Internet security amid a rise in attacks. "The special focus at the conference this year is on generating cyber forces (...) the technologies, people and organisations that nations require to mitigate cyber threats that have been increasing with rapid speed," Colonel Ilmar Tamm, head of NATO's Tallinn-based Cyber Defence Centre told AFP as the forum got underway Tuesday. According to Tamm, the Symantec cyber security firm recently reported that "web-based attacks in 2010 were up 93 percent from 2009." "This calls for frameworks in both legal and strategic aspects which would guide the decision makers on how to act on these cases," Tamm said. The Tallinn conference will coincide with a NATO defence ministers' meeting in Brussels where a new cyber defence policy for NATO will be adopted. Meanwhile, at the third annual Tallinn meeting, experts from 37 countries are to share cutting-edge cyber security research, Tamm explained. Among others, Ralph Langner, the German computer scientist who conducted much of the ground-breaking research on the Stuxnet worm, will present an analysis of what has been called the world's first cyber weapon. Keir Giles from the UK Conflict Studies Research Centre is to analyze global cyber attacks from Russia and whether they can be seen as acting under a so-called Russian Cyber Command. Talks will also focus on the recent US government decision to treat cyber attacks as military attacks and make relevant legislative changes. "The support the US initiative has got in many other states, including Estonia and the UK, indicates nations? increasing willingness to discuss military responses to cyber attacks," Tamm told AFP. "With cyber incidents becoming more and more intrusive, it is a logical step for militaries to develop capabilities to counter cyber attacks and be prepared to engage in proportional response to cyber attacks," he added. Though in practice, "it will be challenging to tailor a cyber response that would respect the rules of combat related to civilian objects and collateral damage," he added. Sursa: NATO tackles cyber security at Tallinn meet - Yahoo! News
  20. Fa si tu poza de buletin sa arati a om serios.
  21. Era de la banchet?
  22. Dragos

    ce lege e asta?

    6 luni se tin din cate stiu
  23. Facebook si-a propus sa cucereasca internetul. Reteaua de socializare se adreseaza acum si celor cu spirit antreprenorial, carora le permite prin intermediul unui nou serviciu sa cumpere si sa vanda actiuni. Loyal3, o companie care intermediaza tranferul de actiuni, in parteneriat cu bursa electronica Nasdaq, le va permite userilor sa achizitioneze si sa vanda actiuni prin intermediul retelei Facebook, in tranzactii pe care le vor putea finaliza prin trei click-uri. Clientii nu vor plati comision la tranzactie, valoarea minima a actiunilor cumparate va fi de 10 dolari, iar “afacerea” va putea fi impartasita cu prietenii de pe Facebook. Desi reteaua sociala nu se indeparteaza de filozofia initiala – pastreaza inca aceleasi feature-uri care iti permit sa tii legatura cu prietenii si familia – pare sa se afle intr-un continuu proces de dezvoltare, prin care acapareaza fiecare domeniu al internetului, de la jocuri, la inchiriere de filme, iar acum la actiuni. Oare ce alte planuri marete mai pregateste? Sursa: Facebook iti permite acum sa cumperi si sa vinzi actiuni | New IT News - Sursa ta de ?tiri IT
  24. Kaspersky Lab a obtinut un nou brevet pentru un sistem inovator, care ofera protectie impotriva atacurilor informatice de tip phishing. Brevetul cu numarul 103643 se refera la o tehnologie care compara numele domeniului unui site cu adresa IP a acestuia, cu scopul de a bloca tentativele infractorilor cibernetici de a redirectiona utilizatorii catre pagini web false. Un scenariu obisnuit de atac phishing este acela in care infractorii cibernetici distribuie e-mail-uri false in numele unor banci sau retele sociale foarte populare. Acestea au rolul de a convinge utilizatorii sa-si dezvaluie datele confidentiale sau bancare prin accesarea unor link-uri din corpul mesajului, care ii directioneaza catre site-uri ce imita design-ul unor pagini web cunoscute. Victimele acestor atacuri online vor afla mai târziu ca le-au fost folosite conturile de retele sociale pentru a trimite spam sau le-au fost furati bani din depozitul bancar. Unii infractori vor incerca chiar sa obtina bani de la utilizatori in schimbul promisiunii ca vor redobândi controlul asupra conturilor compromise. Pentru a preveni atacurile de tip phishing sunt utilizate doua metode foarte populare - listele negre (blacklists) ale site-urilor cunoscute ca având potential periculos si compararea adreselor URL ale paginilor web catre care sunt redirectionati utilizatorii cu cele ale site-urilor autentice. Insa, ambele metode au propriile dezavantaje. De exemplu, compararea numelui unui site cu cele de pe o lista neagra poate fi ineficenta atunci când pagina respectiva este foarte noua. La fel se intâmpla si daca este verificat un nou IP fals cu o lista de adrese URL legitime. Noua tehnologie Kaspersky Lab utilizeaza metode care identifica rapid site-urile de phishing, precum si redirectionarile automate si ascunse din timpul atacurilor de tip „farming”. In timpul unui astfel de atac, un utilizator introduce in browser o adresa URL cunoscuta de el foarte bine, dar, in momentul in care apasa ENTER, este redirectionat fara sa stie catre o pagina falsa, identificata printr-un alt IP. Tehnologia creata de specialistii Kaspersky Lab, Aleksey Malyshev si Timur Biyachuev, functioneaza prin generarea unui canal de comunicare duplicat, oferind astfel mai multa siguranta. Adresele IP si numele domeniilor sunt verificate prin acest canal, pentru a-l asigura pe utilizator ca acestea corespund unele cu celelalte. Drept rezultat, noua metoda ofera protectie in timp real, blocheaza site-urile de phishing si ajuta in identificarea atacurilor de „farming”. In plus, aceasta tehnologie creeaza si baze de date ale paginilor web false, care apoi sunt folosite in actualizarea modulelor de protectie anti-phishing. Sursa: Kaspersky Lab a brevetat o noua tehnologie anti-phishing | New IT News - Sursa ta de ?tiri IT
  25. BitDefender a publicat astazi lista celor mai raspandite amenintari informatice gasite in luna mai in Romania. Pozitia cea mai inalta a clasamentului este si in acesta luna ocupata de viermele Win32.Worm.Downadup.Gen (9.81%). Iar pe locul 5 se claseaza o varianta a aceleiasi familii, Win32.Worm.DownadupJob.A (3.31%), impreuna acumuland aproximativ 13 procente din totalul infectiilor din Romania. Acest procentaj s-a mentinut constant, cu mici variatii pe tot parcursul anului 2011. Win32.Worm.Downadup este cunoscut pentru faptul ca impiedica obtinerea de actualizari ale produselor software si saboteaza solicitarea serviciilor de asistenta tehnica. S-au vazut variante care instaleaza aplicatii de tip rogue pe sistemele compromise. Win32.Worm.DownadupJob.A creaza sarcini programate (scheduled tasks) noi in %WINDOWS%Tasks din Windows®. Trojan.Autorun.INF.Gen (6.65%), Trojan.Autorun.AET (5.42%) si Worm.Autorun.VHG (1.71%) - clasati pe locurile 2, 3 si respectiv 10 – inregistreaza impreuna aproape 14 procente din totalul infectiilor din Romania. Aceste doua familii Downadup si Autorun sunt nelipsite si nedespartite in topurile locale. Amenintarile de tip autorun folosesc aceasta functionalitate a dispozitivelor de stocare periferice pentru a se propaga pe alte calculatoare. „Functia autorun ramane vulnerabilitatea cea mai exploatata de atacatorii cibernetici atat la nivel locat, cat si global. O posibila explicatie pentru acest fenomen ar putea fi faptul ca utilizatorii nu isi actualizeaza sistemele de operare sau versiunile diferitelor programe pe care le au instalate pe calculator” a adaugat Cosoi. Win32.Sality.OG impreuna cu varianta lui, Win32.Sality.3, sunt parte a familiei de virusi polimorfi care infecteaza fisiere executabile si fisiere folosite de screensaver. Acesti virusi sunt protejati de un rootkit care le ascunde prezenta pe calculatorul infectat si, in acelasi timp, incearca sa blocheze antivirusul instalat pe sistem. Trojan.Crack.I ocupa locul 6, cu 3,21% din totalul infectiilor inregistrate in Romania. Acest troian este o aplicatie menita sa elimine protectiile comerciale ale produselor software. Gen:Variant.Kazy.22179 ajunge luna aceasta direct pe locul 8, mentinand astfel pozitia aceasta ocupata de membrii aceleasi familii doua luni la rand. Ca si familia Autorun, Kazy se raspandeste prin discurile USB, mai precis fisierele autorun.inf ale acestora. Pe locul 9 apare clasat Gen:Variant.Bredo.21 cu 2.25 procente – o amenintare care se deghizata ca un document Word® pentru a pacali utilizatorul sa il descarce in calculator. Bredolab este cunoscut in mod special pentru faptul ca instaleaza solutii rogue de securitate si monitorizeaza operatiunile pe care le face utilizatorul pe sistenul infectat, pentru ca mai apoi sa le transmita la centrul de comanda. Sursa: Top 10 amenintari informatice in Romania - Mai 2011 | New IT News - Sursa ta de ?tiri IT
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