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Asa? vot.php <?php $id = htmlentities($_GET['ID'],ENT_QUOTES); $sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM utilizatori WHERE ID='$id'"); $f = mysql_fetch_array ($sql); $n = mysql_num_rows ($sql); if ($n == 0) { echo "Utilizatorul cu ID-ul " . $id . " nu exista in baza de date."; }else{ echo "Apasa <a href='prieavot.php?id=" . $id . "'>aici</a> pentru a acorda un vot lui . " $f['utilizator']. "."; } ?> preiavot.php <?php $id = htmlentities($_GET['ID'],ENT_QUOTES); $sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM utilizatori WHERE ID='$id'"); $f = mysql_fetch_array ($sql); $n = mysql_num_rows ($sql); if ($n == 0) { echo "Utilizatorul cu ID-ul " . $id . " nu exista in baza de date."; }else{ $votacordat = $f['voturi'] + 1; mysql_query ("UPDATE utilizatori SET voturi = '$votacordat' WHERE ID='$id'"); echo "I-ai acordat un vot lui " . $f['utilizator'] . ". El are acum " . $votacordat . " puncte."; } ?>
Care aveti melodia Devo - Modern life? Nu o mai gasesc nicaieri pe net.
Am dat si eu de intrebarile de securitate, insa am vazut ca putini utilizatori le au activate.
M? plimbam asear? prin site-ul Okazii, vrând s? vând ceva imaginar, aer, hârtie igienic?, pe pax, orice.. Când am vrut s? m? conectez, am observat c? îmi zice parol? incorect?. Ap?s pe butonul de recuperare a parolei ?i v?d c? îmi cere username-ul. L-am scris, am confirmat cererea de resetare a parolei ?i v?d c? îmi apare un mesaj: S-a trimis un mail c?tre syn_ah.23php@yahoo.com. Mi s-a p?rut ciudat s?-mi arate mailul dac? eu am dat doar utilizatorul. Ca s? m? conving de aceast? vulnerabilitate, am luat un utilizator la întâmplare de pe site ?i am dat s?-i reseteze parola. Acela?i rezultat: a afi?at mailul respectivului. Ce se poate face cu asta? Se poate crea un crawler care s? ia la rând utilizatorii de pe Okazii ?i s? dea cerere de recuperare a parolei pentru a lua mailul ?i a-l introduce în baza de date. http://dragosgaftoneanu.com/despre-okazii-si-sistemul-lor-de-recuperare-a-parolei.dg
<?php $link = 'http://site.ro/arhiva/melodie.mp3'; $sir = explode(".", $link); $nel = count ($sir); $poz = $nel - 1; //Audio if (($sir[$poz] == "mp3") || ($sir[$poz] == "mid")) { //codul tau pentru audio aici } //Video if (($sir[$poz] == "avi") || ($sir[$poz] == "wmv")) { //codul tau pentru video aici } ?> E ok asa?
Sunt 0 in design. Daca are cineva vreo idee cum sa fac sa arate mai ok, add syn_ah.23php.
Este vorba de un site de stiri IT, preluate de pe diverse site-uri din lume pe care l-am facut in decurs de o saptamana. http://t.dragosgaftoneanu.com/newitnews/
de Bianca Dinu | 29 decembrie 2010 O echipa de cercetatori a reusit imposibilul. Oamenii de stiinta au inglobat 1000 de nuclee separate intr-o noua forma de CPU, iar rezultatul a constat in ceea ce pare a fi o crestere de pana la 20 de ori a performantei actuale. Procesorul alternant este construit in jurul tehnologiei Field Programmable Gate Array, o forma de management al tranzistorului care ii permite utilizatorului sa defineasca rolurile pentru grupurile de circuite si sa le aloce task-uri individuale – creand multe nuclee care pot fi administrate si comutabile pe loc. Dr Wim Vanderbauwhede de la Universitatea din Glasgow si o echipa de la Universitatea din Massachusetts Lowell au creat acest CPU, care pe langa faptul ca este mai rapid, este de asemenea mai eficient din punct de vedere al energiei si mai “verde”. Cu toate astea, testele realizate de oamenii de stiinta nu reprezinta decat o dovada timpurie a functionalitatii conceptului. A fost creat procesorul cu 1000 de nuclee | Hit.ro
For my closing column of 2011, I thought a Christmassy play might be appropriate … [scene 1: Enter the Ghost of Internet Past; he looks exactly like Bill Gates and very tired. He lugs an Osborne 1 on stage and looks for a phone jack.] Hi. I'm the Ghost of Internet Past – you can find me hanging out in alt.internet.ghosts when my 19.2kbps dial-up connection is working. So, what do you want to know? How we got here? Sure … in the beginning there was Al Gore and he … nah, I'm just kidding you. I started out in '69 with really, really slow connections between four universities. The computer wonks were all excited about me, added a few more nodes and, hey presto, soon there was a real network. Of course all of the stuff on the 'Net at that time was all high falutin' and academic. I had hardly any of the, er, "juicy" stuff the 'Net's got today (Pamela Andersen rendered in text is just not the same). I got TCP/IP in '74, DNS in '83, T-1 links by '85, the World Wide Web and T-3 links in '92, and the Mosaic Web browser in '93. By '94 people were ordering Pizza Hut online. Those days were great! It was all happening, it was experimental, unknown, exciting, and nobody had any real idea what was coming. Sure there were politics and commercial stuff, but compared to today, it was all very techie. Back then, n00bs were rare. Today, well, I'm exhausted. I'll leave to Mr. Happenin' Now … [scene 2: Enter the Ghost of Internet Present; he looks exactly like Steve Jobs and carries an iPhone and an iPad.] Thanks Internet Past. Greetings. I'm the Ghost of Internet Present … on Twitter I'm @ghostinow … get it? "iNow"? Oh, never mind. So, here we are, the 'Net of 2010, and a fine thing it is. Somewhere between 1.4 and 1.8 billion unique individuals worldwide will have used the Internet in 2010 and every business of any consequence (and many that aren't) now has an online presence and the mobile Internet is growing way faster than the desktop Internet ever did. And who's at the forefront of that charge? Yep, you guessed it: Apple. But what's so striking is how the 'Net has morphed from the old days of being driven by technical advances that my friend, the Ghost of Internet Past, recalls through being propelled by commercial motives to today when the most powerful force shaping the 'Net is politics. Illustration: Jeffrey PeloWe've seen the impact of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), net neutrality and Wikileaks, and now the Combating Online Infringements and Counterfeits Act (COICA) is looming. We're moving, rapidly, towards a time when our first amendment rights could be trampled on by any number of people and organizations with agendas that are antithetical to transparency, openness, privacy and democracy. In short, we're at a turning point, a critical time when the public, business, governments, criminals (did I just repeat myself?), and the military-industrial complexes of many nations are all fighting for control of the Internet. From my lofty, spectral position of the Ghost with the Most, I can see that most of you are more concerned about your next eggnog than your rights. You wanna know what will happen if you don't wake up? [Enter the Ghost of Internet Future; he looks like Mark Zuckerberg.] Hi. I'm the Ghost of Internet Future. Before I show you the future, I'll need to see your Internet access license, check that against your retinal scan, then you'll need to fill out this pre-access survey from your ISP (sponsored by Google), agree to these terms and conditions in this EULA, have your computer audited for the "We're here to help you" anti-piracy assurance program required by the RIAA/MPAA Oversight Office of the Justice Department, and enable your NSA anti-terrorist verification monitor. You don't have any of that stuff yet? Oh, of course, that's in your future. OK, no problem, when you get all of that then I can show you what the 'Net will be like. We'll see if you're ready next Christmas. Sursa: Ghosts of the Internet - PCWorld
De ce te mai chinui sa iti faci reclama la forumul tau gratis? ON: Nice
Ma bag si eu cu 5.
Worthless iPhone 'Wikileaks App' removed from Apple Store
Dragos replied to Dragos's topic in Stiri securitate
Trebuie sa se fi gasit vreunul care sa ia aplicatia de curiozitate. -
The Federal Communications Commission on Tuesday voted three-to-two to adopt so-called "Net neutrality" rules, giving the agency regulatory power to protect the free flow of information over the Internet. Broadly speaking, Net neutrality means that all content on the Internet must be treated equally. That means that Internet providers like Comcast (CMCSA, Fortune 500) and Time Warner Cable (TWC, Fortune 500) can't deliver Amazon.com (AMZN, Fortune 500) faster than eBay (EBAY, Fortune 500), and can't simply block access to sites like Netflix (NFLX) and Hulu. In other words: Net neutrality means maintaining the status quo of how people use the Internet today. So if the FCC wants nothing to change, why does it think the Internet needs stricter regulation? Because the Internet is changing. The rapid growth of online video from YouTube, Netflix and Skype is sucking up bandwidth, making it difficult for Internet providers to give speedy service to all of their customers. Most Internet providers haven't taken any action yet. But in one prominent instance, they did: Comcast blocked usage of some peer-to-peer (P2P) networks in 2007. Customers typically use those networks to transmit very large files, like full-length, high-definition movies. Gimmie YouTube! What FCC Net neutrality rules mean for you - Dec. 21, 2010
his year saw Microsoft return to mobile with Windows Phone 7, deliver its answer to Google Apps, and silence web skeptics with an HTML5-compliant IE9 beta. Yet Microsoft failed to answer Apple on tablets and lost the presidents of its Office and entertainment and devices divisions along with Ray Ozzie, the man handpicked by none other than Bill Gates to become Microsoft's next chief software architect. Microsoft also placed all its internet chips on HTML5 while slowly backing off Silverlight, which it's been championing for three years as its cross-platform runtime for applications and media on the web. Was 2010 a turnaround year for Microsoft as some are suggesting? Or more of the same? Join Reg software editor Gavin Clarke and All-About-Microsoft blogger Mary-Jo Foley as they compare their lists of hits, misses, and maybes for Microsoft in 2010 and look at what they mean for the software giant in the coming 12 months. We talk Windows 8, Silverlight 5, IE9, and more. You can listen using the Reg media player below, or by downloading the MP3 here or Ogg Vorbis here. Microsoft's year in review: Hits, misses, and maybes ? The Register
An iOS app designed to provide access to Wikileaks has been removed from the Apple App Store. "Wikileaks App" was a paid app ($1.99) which did nothing more than present the Wikileaks Twitter feed and website – both of which can of course still be seen by iDevice users with sufficient energy to activate their browser and/or Twitter platform of choice, RSS app etc. The app was pulled just three days after being launched on 17 December. Thus far Apple have offered no comment on the decision: "Wikileaks App" may have been pulled either to distance Apple from Wikileaks, or simply for being worthless. Despite the fact that it was nothing more than a single-site scraper, "Wikileaks App" appears to have netted its creator a tidy little sum before being shut down. There is no indication that any of the money will go to Wikileaks, or to Bradley Manning – the junior US soldier who allegedly supplied the site with almost everything of interest it has ever published. Worthless iPhone 'Wikileaks App' removed from Apple Store ? The Register
Firefox is due to release an eighth Firefox 4 beta. Not to be confused with a fourth Firefox 8 beta. The latest test version of Firefox 4 – due for an official debut next year – was scheduled to go live on Tuesday. Mozilla hasn't added any new tools, but according to the release notes, the open sourcers have polished a few things, including the browser's Sync service, which synchronizes bookmarks, history, and other setting across multiple devices; its WebGL 3D rendering tech; and its add-ons manager. The beta also fixes hundreds of bugs. You can eventually download it here for Windows, Mac, and Linux. As of Tuesday evening Pacific time, the download button had not yet been switched from beta 7 to beta 8. The first "feature complete" Firefox beta was released in early November. This was originally scheduled for release on September 17, and as it was pushed back, Mozilla also delayed the release of the stable browser. The official Firefox 4 is now due in "early 2011." Mozilla to unload Firefox 4 spit and polish beta ? The Register
Microsoft has unveiled an online sandbox where developers can experiment with unfinished web standards you won't find in its Internet Explorer browser. After years of cold shouldering the web standards movement, Redmond has taken a very different approach with Internet Explorer 9, now available in beta. And with the introduction of its new sandbox, the company hopes to convince you that its promotion of web standards is more prudent than the approach favored by its rivals. On Tuesday, Redmond introduced an "HTML5 Labs" site where the company offers prototypes of still-gestating web specifications from the W3C, IETF, ECMA, and other standards bodies. "These prototypes will help us have informed discussions with developer communities, and give implementation experience with the draft specifications that will generate feedback to improve the eventual standards," reads a blog post from Microsoft general manager of interoperability strategy Jean Paoli. "It also lets us give the community some visibility on those specifications we consider interesting from a scenario point of view, but which are still not at the stage where we can consider them ready for official product support." The site's first two prototypes cover the WebSockets spec, designed to simplify bi-directional, full-duplex communication between client and server over TCP, and the IndexedDB spec, for storing hefty amounts of structured data in the browser. Yes, Microsoft's new HTML5 Labs site tackles HTML5 in broadest sense. In other words, it's not limited to HTML5. We have Google, Apple, and countless others to thank for this rather ridiculous nomenclature. The first two prototypes were chosen, Microsoft says, because they're "potentially very useful but currently unstable." But it's hardly a coincidence that problems with WebSockets recently forced some backtracking from two of Microsof rivals. Google, Mozilla, Opera, and Apple have all rolled WebSockets into various versions of their web browsers, but earlier this month, Mozilla and Opera put their WebSockets plans on hold after a security flaw was found in the unfinished spec. "The recent browser technology kerfuffle around WebSockets offers a clear example of the problem that developers and consumers will face again and again over support for emerging standards," IE head honcho Dean Hachamovitch said in another blog post. "With many HTML5 technologies still under active development, our approach is to give developers better choices and avoid false dichotomies around standards support. The IE9 browser has site-ready HTML5 support that developers and consumers can depend on. We will also offer developers 'HTML5 Labs' for more experimental technologies still under development. By clearly separating prototype implementations from mainstream browser product ones, we can avoid many negative consequences." As Microsoft is increasing fond of doing, Hachamovitch does indeed spend a fair amount of time trying to pick apart the competition. At one point, he quotes a Google employee working on WebSockets as saying "the best strategy is to just keep breaking people." So, Microsoft's new site is a PR exercise. But clearly, it reflects Redmond's long-standing desire to ensure that Internet Explorer is a completely stable platform that will work they way developers expect it to work. And Redmond is using the site to gather feedback from developers. "Please experiment with these prototypes and tell us and other working group participants whether the APIs are usable. We are making them available to help improve the final specifications," Paoli's post reads. Obviously, Microsoft isn't adverse to rolling unfinished specs into Internet Explorer. Many unfinished standards are already supported by the Internet Explorer 9 beta. But these are more mature than APIs like WebSockets. "In developing IE9, we considered how different specifications are still evolving at different rates. IE9 supports technologies that, while not always finished, are developed enough to avoid the problems that WebSockets illustrate today," Hachamovitch says. "IE9 offers support for the most relevant, real-world web patterns that developers are using today as well as the HTML5 patterns we expect to become more mainstream. By relevant and real-world, we mean the technologies with the broadest impact for browser users." Internet Explorer 9 handles CSS, for instance, but not MathML. Hachamovitch also reiterates that in embracing such standards, Microsoft wants to ensure that developers can use the same markup across third-party browsers. "By support, we mean providing developers a consistent programming model that enables the same mark-up. The goal is supporting great new capabilities, ideally in a way that interoperates or will interoperate soon across browsers." Yes, that's Microsoft talking. Over the past several months, the company's approach to web standards has changed so much, it's even quoting from the most unexpected of sources. "[Our web standards] approach (along with its supporting points, like test suites and 'same markup' as a goal) has garnered strong support from developers," Hachamovitch says. "It’s also resulted in some surprising headlines over the last year, like 'Only Microsoft gets web standards' according to 'Mozilla man [who] blasts Apple and Google for HTML5 abuse.'" Microsoft opens playpen for 'unstable' web standards ? The Register
Se poate face usor filtrarea. Dar un server cat de cat ok are cineva?
Incearca si vezi.
Ar trebui sa-ti genereze un joystick si numerele pe ecran. Cel putin asa face la cookie-ul meu.
Dupa cum spune si numele, este o aplicatie cu ajutorul careia poti copia de pe telefon. Am testat-o cu succes la teza la biologie. Intri aici si iti creezi fituica pe capitole. La sfarsit, dupa ce ai terminat de scris, apesi pe butonul Salveaza fituica pe telefon. Iti va aparea o fereastra unde va trebui sa introduci PIN-ul pentru a accesa aplicatia, dupa care dai pe butonul de confirmare. Iti va da un link de forma http://fituica.com/m/hash/d.jar O descarci, o pui pe telefon si o instalezi. Cand intri in ea iti va aparea ora de la telefon. Stergi ora, pui PIN-ul si ai intrat in aplicatie. PS: Daca apesi 5, te baga inapoi la ceas (buton de panica).
Interesanta descriere. Bun venit pe RST!
A computer-game parody of the much-talked-about WikiLeaks saga has made a splash online. In the online game, players assume the role of WikiLeaks founder and outsized personality Julian Assange hiding behind President Obama's desk in the Oval Office. Using their mouse, players must manipulate the Assange character to smuggle secret documents from Obama's laptop onto a USB drive as the president dozes off. Those who fail are treated to a juicy presidential sound bite and a mock story planted in the newspaper. More than a million people have visited the website for "WikiLeaks: The Game" since it was posted five days ago, developer Sebastiaan Moeys, 21, told ABC News. Online WikiLeaks game is a hit - CNN.com
Microsoft showed off a host of visual and search enhancements to its search engine Bing Wednesday, in hopes that better packaging will help it eat away at Google's online dominance. "We are neck-to-neck in terms of search quality," said Bing head Satya Nadella. "Why would an end user, if you are neck to neck on search quality, use Bing? That's the question we ask ourselves every day." The answer the company is betting is a combination of a prettier interface, results informed by what your friends think, and focussing on helping people do things faster, whether that's finding a product review or buying an airline ticket. Wednesday's announcements includes a new mobile app for Android and the iPhone, that brings some of the design feel of Windows Phone 7 to their competitors' devices, along with some nifty maps, real time bus directions, and an easy way to make beautiful panoramas. You can also easily make reservations via OpenTable and take a virtual tour of a restaurant's interior when a restaurant shows up in map search results. Bing battles Google with prettiness - CNN.com