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BitDefender Internet Security serials to 2017
malsploit replied to ZeroFide's topic in Programe securitate
Tu vrei sa ma trollezi? Cum sa bindezi un fisier txt cu un executabil? Pune logurile de la antivirus aici si o sa vezi. eu@eu ~/Downloads $ file Serials.txt Serials.txt: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators -
BitDefender Internet Security serials to 2017
malsploit replied to ZeroFide's topic in Programe securitate
0day pentru notepad Ori e un fals-pozitive(putin probabil) ori v-a anuntat ca sunt ceva chestii prin site-ul de download. -
BitDefender Internet Security serials to 2017
malsploit replied to ZeroFide's topic in Programe securitate
Imi explici si mie cum te infectezi cu un fisier text? Probabil v-a sarit antivirusul pentru ca site-ul de unde ati downloadat fisierul respectiv are iframe-uri catre ate site-uri. Posibil sa fi dat peste vreun exploit-kit. -
Avem si noi demnitatea noastra. Cred ca o sa primesti multe injuraturi pe email.
Am cumparat mai multe produse dupa tinydeal, printre care: iCODIS Portable Mini WiFi HD Android Smart Projector OPJ-284878 - TinyDeal DOOGEE DG550 5.5 IPS OGS HD MTK6592 8-Core Android 4.2 Phone P07-DG550 - TinyDeal Am luat si mai multe "gadgeturi" (telefoane, periferice, jucarii) care costa destul de putin. A trecut ceva timp si inca functioneaza lucrurile. Sunt multumit de ele. Produsele ajung in 15-20 de zile lucratoare. Daca pachetul este mai voluminos, il opreste la posta vamala. La constanta e o domnisoara draguta. Trebuia sa platesc vreo 70 de lei, i-am dat ceva detalii despre niste produse si mi-a zis sa nu mai platesc.
Daca s-ar intampla treaba asta, intunericul ar fi cea mai mica dintre problemele noastre. Gasiti si voi niste surse de informatii credibile.
Scientists have crunched data to predict crime, hospital visits, and government uprisings — so why not the price of Bitcoin? A researcher at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems recently developed a machine-learning algorithm that can predict the price of the infamously volatile cryptocurrency Bitcoin, allowing his team to nearly double its investment over a period of 50 days. Earlier this year, principal investigator Devavrat Shah and recent graduate Kang Zhang collected price data from all major Bitcoin exchanges, every second for five months, accumulating more than 200 million data points. Using a technique called "Bayesian regression," they trained an algorithm to automatically identify patterns from the data, which they used to predict prices, and trade accordingly. Specifically, every two seconds they predicted the average price movement over the following 10 seconds. If the price movement was higher than a certain threshold, they bought a Bitcoin; if it was lower than the opposite threshold, they sold one; and if it was in-between, they did nothing. Over 50 days, the team’s 2,872 trades gave them an 89 percent return on investment with a Sharpe ratio (measure of return relative to the amount of risk) of 4.1. The team’s paper was published this month at the 2014 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing. "We developed this method of latent-source modeling, which hinges on the notion that things only happen in a few different ways," says Shah, who previously used the approach to predict Twitter trending topics. "Instead of making subjective assumptions about the shape of patterns, we simply take the historical data and plug it into our predictive model to see what emerges." Shah says he was drawn to Bitcoin because of its vast swath of free data, as well as its sizable user base of high-frequency traders. "We needed publicly available data, in large quantities and at an extremely fine scale," says Shah, the Jamieson Career Development Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. "We were also intrigued by the challenge of predicting a currency that has seen its prices see-saw regularly in the last few years." In the future, Shah says he is interested in expanding the scale of the data collection to further hone the effectiveness of his algorithm. "Can we explain the price variation in terms of factors related to the human world? We have not spent a lot of time doing that," Shah says, before adding with a laugh, "But I can show you it works. Give me your money and I’d be happy to invest it for you." When Shah published his Twitter study in 2012, some academics wondered whether his approach could work for stock prices. With the Bitcoin research complete, he says he now feels confident modeling virtually any quantity that varies over time — including, he says half-jokingly, the validity of astrology predictions. If nothing else, the findings demonstrate Shah’s belief that, more often than not, what gets in the way of our predictive powers are our preconceived notions of what patterns will pop up. "When you get down to it," he says, "you really should be letting the data decide." MIT computer scientists can predict the price of Bitcoin | MIT News
Am setat un honeypot si am reusit sa prind cateva chestii. Daca aveti chef si timp, uitati-va si si voi peste ele. https://mega.co.nz/#F!7pkTXIwA!CEUuPjIZ5tZMEPo6mzbuaw 2789524badd154ba54197b90644bd3fc 3502.rar a984d8d0a5b39e96beb42ee137736e5c 3502_s.rar edf1a95c76faa1e304d31ddc633660f8 3503.rar 9dae3c2cd7fd4e8f8215a34302009bd9 java555.rar aa58641c1f6827c0bc751b948ea85eef java666.rar 3502.rar: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable3502_s.rar: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped 3503.rar: POSIX shell script, ASCII text executable java555.rar: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped java666.rar: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, not stripped
Soraya: The Worst of Both Worlds
malsploit replied to Nytro's topic in Reverse engineering & exploit development
Mi s-a parut o porcarie. Am analizat un sample si e banal. MalwareTech: Hacking Soraya Panel - Free Bot? Free Bots! -
Recomand si eu malwaretips.com. Administratorul este un roman, constantean. Are o sectiune unde sunt puse zilnic virusi noi. Puteti gasi multe chestii interesante pe acolo. Eu am luate cateva sute de virusi, i-am rulat in masina virtuala si am interceptat tot traficul. Erau si multi virusi care trimiteau datele prin ftp sau smtp. // O lista care contine cateva site-uri in care gasiti informatii despre malware si pentesting. Este un fisier opml si il puteti importa in feedly. http://pastebin.com/we9CuLAb
Si tu poti sa faci un site care sa afiseze diverse informatii in functie de user-agent, ip, cookie, diverse conditii etc. Astea, cu informatii secrete puse pe "site-uri offline" care merga accesate, sunt povesti care merg spuse in fata blocului cand te lauzi cat de hacker esti.
A primit ban. https://malwr.com/analysis/MTAzNTY5M2JkMjE1NGRlZjk5NjZkZjk2OGU2Yzk4NTM/
Ai fost avertizat de multe ori si ti s-a spus ca nu ai voie sa postezi loguri de paypal. Chiar eu ti-am editat un post.
I realized something recently: I know virtually nothing about UDP. Oh, I know it's connectionless, has no handshaking and thus doesn't provide any guarantees about delivery or ordering. But, in practice, what does that actually mean? I setup 5 VPS to send each other a few UDP packets over a 7 hour period. I didn't send much traffic (though that's certainly worth trying). Each server, every 9-11 second, randomly picked a target and sent 5-10 packets ranging from 16 to 1016 bytes. 2 servers were in the same data center in New Jersey. 1 each in LA, Amsterdam and Tokyo. Read more
Scuze ca ma bag in topicul tau. Am considerat ca nu are rost sa deschid alt thread. Pentru cine mai are nevoie, pot sa ofer vps-uri cu urmatoarele specificatii: 512MBMemory 1 CoreProcessor 20GBSSD Disk 1TBTransfer In cazul in care aveti nevoie de mai multe resurse pentru dezvoltarea unui proiect pentru comunitate, ma anuntati si rezolvam. Imi trimiteti mesaj privat. //Am raportat ceva in digitalocean.com si mi-au dat 250usd pe care sa-i folosesc.
Dincolo de analize, statistici si strategii, in domeniul asta, totul se rezuma la noroc. Pe termen lung orice sistem de genu, duce la pierderi. Nu incercati sa ma contraziceti. Au fost zile in care castigam destul de mult si au fost zile(secunde, de fapt) in care am pierdut tot ce am castigat toata luna.
Tocmai ai cerut sa primesti bani dupa conturi de paypal furate? Asta se numeste spalare de bani aka frauda. Ban!
La liceu si la facultate, purtam in fiecare zi cosum. Aveam camasa alba, vesta, sacou, pantaloni si pantofi. Daca veneam altfel (blugi), aveam vreo 3 profesori care ne scoteau pe hol si ne puneau sa facem metanii. Unui profesor i se vedeau blugii pe sub reverenda. Aveam si niste ore de sport, in care jucam fotbal. Am stricat multi pantofi si multe costume. Aratam destul de ciudat, dupa o ora de fotbal. Din clasa a X-a, am inceput sa vedem avantajele. Aratam prezentabili si lumea se uita frumos la noi pe strada. Am inceput sa cumparam costume de calitate si sa venim cu echipament sportiv. Il aduceam degeaba, pentru ca profesorii nu ne lasau sa ne schimbam. Langa liceu, aveam si o cafenea(amfiteatru). Cand mergeam toata clasa (eram vreo 40), se bucura lumea pe acolo. Eram toti imbracati in costum si dupa 2-3 beri incepeam sa cantam. Erau cativa cu voce buna. Nu cantam muzica bisericeasca. Asta se intampla in timpul unei ore, la care puteam sa lipsim. Daca intarziam, venea un profesor si ne lua de acolo.
E de ajuns daca postati in threadul in care se face tranzactia. Nu cred ca s-a ajuns la un numar urias de tranzactii, astfel incat sa merite efortul. Nu va pune nimeni sa cumparati de la utilizatorii care au conturi facute acum o ora. Daca cineva a dat teapa cuiva, am fost anuntati si s-au luat masurile necesare. Vorbim cu Nytro
Ce curiozitati ciudate aveti... Closed+trashed.
Chiar suna aiurea. Closed+trashed
Nu o sa te ajute nimeni. Sunt prea multe chestii de explicat, prea multe variabile, prea mult timp de investit in tine si rezultatul final nu multumeste pe nimeni.