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Everything posted by malsploit

  1. Nu cred ca se referea la varianta manuala. Poti sa faci un crawler care sa ia linkurile cu video.In codul embed difera doar: <param name="movie" value="http://i.vplay.ro/f/embed.swf?[COLOR=#ff0000]key=v84m2r34[/COLOR]">Poti sa faci o functie in php care sa inlocuiasca parametrul respectiv cu cel luat din linkurile tale. <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="560" height="314"><param name="movie" value="[COLOR=#ff0000]http://i.vplay.ro/f/embed.swf?key=v84m2r34[/COLOR]"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param name="wmode" value="opaque"><param name="quality" value="high"><embed src="http://i.vplay.ro/f/embed.swf?key=v84m2r34" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="314" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque" ></embed></object>
  2. Nu am vazut, pana acum, nici un film in care sa se foloseasca corect termenii din hacking. Nici nu ma mai uit la NCIS din cauza asta. Nu inteleg de ce nu isi angajeaza un consultant, care sa-i invete sa se exprime corect.
  3. Syngress Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection.pdf Syngress Seven deadliest web application attacks.pdf Syngress Hack Proofing Linux.pdf Syngress Metasploit Toolkit - For Penetration Testing Exploit Development and Vulnerability Research Syngress Buffer Overflow Attacks.pdf Syngress Building dmzs for enterprise networks.pdf Syngress Hack Proofing XML.pdf Syngress IT Security Project Management Handbook [2006].pdf Syngress Nessus Network Auditing.pdf Syngress Programming lego mindstorms with java.pdf Syngress Security assessment case studies for implementing the nsa iam.pdf Syngress Sniffer pro network optimization & troubleshooting handbook.pdf Syngress Stealing the network how to own the box.pdf Syngress Force.Emerging.Threat.Analysis.From.Mischief.to.Malicious.Oct.2006.pdf Syngress Nmap.in.the.Enterprise.Your.Guide.to.Network.Scanning.Jan.2008plus.pdf Syngress How_to_Cheat_at_Securing_Linux_en.pdf Syngress Reverse_Engineering_With_IDA_Pro_en.pdf Syngress Xml_dot_net_developers_guide.pdf Syngress Ruby_Developers_Guide.pdf Syngress Security+.pdf Adavanced Postgre SQL injection.pdf Advanced-Windows-Exploitation.pdf Advanced SQL Injection.pdf Metasploit. The Penetration Tester's Guide -.pdf Ceh Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide.pdf CompTIA Security+ Certification Study Guide.pdf Configuring Cisco Voice Over IP Second Edition.pdf EN-Metasploit Toolkit.pdf Hacking Exposed Malware AND Rootkits - McGrawHill.pdf Hacking Exposed Malware AND Rootkits.pdf Hack-Proofing-Your-Network.pdf Hardware Hacking Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty -Mantesh.pdf JAVA De la 0 la Expert[RO].pdf Kernel Malware (Dissection of a RootKit).pdf Malicious Bots.pdf Metasploit-for-Dummies.pdf penetration-testing-sample-report.pdf PHP and MySQL - The Missing Manual - B. McLaughlin.pdf Professional Penetration Testing.pdf Rootkit- Rootkits.for.Dummies .pdf Scambray - Hacking Exposed -.pdf Sqlinjbook.pdf The.Shellcoder_s.Handbook.Discovering.and.Exploiting.Security.Holes.2nd.Edition plus.pdf Download:
  4. Daca esti la inceput, si nu ai in plan sa inveti mysql/php/html/css/js de ce nu folosesti un cms? Daca ai host pune wordpress, daca nu, incearca blogger. Oricum e mai frumos sa te murdaresti putin pe maini.
  5. Cu Css3 se pot face lucruri extraordinare. Cred ca in viitor se va renunta la flash si la silverlight, in avantajul Html5+css3+js. Doar cu css3: lab | simurai
  6. NVU KompoZer FirstPage Matizha Sublime Aptana Studio Amaya Depinde si ce intelegi prin mai usor. Pentru cod manual cel mai bine folosesti Notepad++, daca vrei o alternativa wysiwyg la dreamweaver, poti folosi Nvu sau Kompozer. Oricum niciunul nu se compara cu Dreamweaver
  7. Sunt tot felul de specimene.Aseara cautam emailuri de australia, si am gasit un site al unei firme de hosting vulnerabil la sqli. Am contactat adminul si mi-a raspuns dimineata si mi-a spus ca nu este foarte grava vulnerabilitatea. Avea parola la admin panel admin123*.Pana la urma s-a convins si el.Oricum am luat 60.000 de mailuri. Am gasit si un subdomeniu de la google ceva de genul: google.com/dir/dir/dir?submit=trimiteti si in pagina era un buton cu value='trimiteti' Am pus un vector xss in url si gata xss-ul.
  8. O groaza de posturi in care ati scris mult si ati aratat putin. Go to Facebook.com and click on the "Account" link at the upper right-hand side of the page. Select "Privacy Settings" from the drop-down list. Under "Basic Directory Information" click on "View settings." Adjust the privacy levels for "Send you friend requests."
  9. Bruter e usor de folosit. Succes!
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  11. Mai umbla la el.La mine se vede ciudat.Nu arata foarte profesional site-ul.Daca vrei sa-l faci sa arate ca asta mai ai de munca YouLikeHits - Free Facebook Likes, Twitter Followers, YouTube Subscribers, Website Hits.Oricum romanii nu prea sunt obisnuiti sa plateasca pentru astfel de servicii.Oricum succes!
  12. malsploit

    Arc Electric

    Ia-ti o chesti de asta.O gasesti la orice magazin de jucarii sau de chinezarii. Eu am dat pe una 50 de lei.Uite si un video: Ii desfaci globul ala de sticla(se scoate) si ai inauntru o sarma care genereaza arcuri electrice asemanatoare cu cele din poza ta.
  13. Am analizat putin cu Wireshark si pot sa-ti spun ca acest program te ajuta mai mult la indexare decat la backlink.Nu face decat sa ataseze linkul tau la niste site-uri de tipul asta: http://whois.domaintools.com/ http://hosts-file.net/default.asp?s= http://www.aboutus.org/ http://www.quantcast.com/ http://www.cubestat.com/ http://www.websiteoutlook.com/ http://www.statbrain.com/ http://www.builtwith.com/? http://snapshot.compete.com/ http://whois.tools4noobs.com/info/ http://www.alexa.com/data/details/?url= http://www.siteadvisor.cn/sites//summary/ http://www.aboutdomain.org/backlinks// http://www.whoisya.com/ http://www.who.is/whois-com/ http://www.zimbio.com/search?q=&btnG=Search http://whois.ws/whois-info/ip-address// http://whoisx.co.uk/ http://www.wikifox.de/ http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details/ http://searchanalytics.compete.com/site_referrals/ http://www.protect-x.com/info/ http://www.feedest.com/feedHost.cfm/host/ http://netvaluer.com/show.asp?site= http://www.backlinkcheck.com/popular.pl?url1= http://online.htmlvalidator.com/php/onlinevallite.php?url= http://uptime.netcraft.com/up/graph?site= http://www.whoisbucket.com/view/ http://www.quarkbase.com/show/ http://www.snifflet.com/ http://www.whatismyip.com.np/whois/ http://page2rss.com/page?url= http://www.robtex.com/dns/.html http://www.pageheat.com/heat/ http://www.talkreviews.com/ http://wholinkstome.com/url/ http://www.aboutthedomain.com/ http://websiteshadow.com/ Apoi se foloseste de XML-RPC Specification pentru a grabi procesul de indexare. E foarte probabil sa ai nevoie de .NetFramework
  14. Nu va inteleg de ce folositi o solutie comerciala, crackuita cand aveti o alternativa freeware si opensource. Se ofera si un suport de calitate, plus ca este foarte usor de folosit.Se poate folosi in modul CLI, dar are si interfata grafica foarte intuitiva.Pluginuri sunt o gramada. Pentru ca este open source, puteti crea sau modifica pluginuri cu minime cunostinte in python.
  15. Nu cred ca merge cum zici tu.Poti sa faci un div care sa foloseasca proprietatea border-radius a diviziunilor apropriate. Uita-te pe aici: CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 Oricum se pot face lucruri extraordinare cu css3: lab | simurai
  16. Finally a tool from Adobe, that will help you look at SWF issues – Adobe SWF Investigator is a cross-platform, GUI-based, comprehensive set of tools, which enables quality engineers, developers and security researchers to quickly analyze SWF files to improve the quality and security of their applications. We had blogged about similar set of tools – SWFRETools. The post can be found here. The Adobe SWF Investigator contains an extensible fuzzer for SWF applications and AMF services, so you can search for common Web application attacks. This toolset also provides a variety of utilities including encoders and decoders for SWF data, as well as a basic AS3 compiler. This tool is similar in concept to any multi-purpose tool. It is a collection of simple tools to allow you to quickly address common problems. Adobe SWF Investigator’s dis-assembler isn’t meant to replace all the features of a high-end, commercial decompiler. However, if you just need a quick overview of the SWF, then this tool has all the features necessary to give you the basic information and perform some quick tests. You can view the SWF tags, disassemble the ActionScript, and provide a binary view of the SWF. You can also view information related to SWFs such as LSOs and settings files. This tool is open source and hosted on Sourceforge and supports both Windows and Mac OS platforms. Adobe SWF Investigator has been released under the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1. Sursa Imi cer scuze ca nu am avut timp sa-l traduc.
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  17. Unele (destule) magazine online trimit suma la server printr-un input hidden, care poate fi usor modificat.
  18. Tot mai interesant mi se pare sqlmap.Cu toate ca in unele situatii The Mole pare sa fie mai rapid.
  19. Un proiect vechi dar interesant: NonBlocking.io - Malte Ubl's Asynchronous Identity Disorder: UniversalComet - Making every client addressable through URIs Cred ca se poate folosi protocolul RTMFP de la adobe. Banuiesc ca pe internet explorer, prin folosirea activeX este mult mai usor de implementat un chat client-side.
  20. Download: http://expect-us.net/files/Hardware Hacking Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty.pdf Destul de veche, dar cu informatii folositoare.
  21. malsploit


    La mine apare asa: Cred ca e de la tine.
  22. Pune mana si invata sa folosesti sqlmap.Are suport pentru proxy, si este net superior havij.Pentru chestii elementare( aflare db,coloane,tabeluri) este extrem de usor de folosit. Nu-mi fac reclama la blog, dar am scris un tutorial pentru incepatori in limba romana: Security-leaks: Cum sa folosesti Sqlmap
  23. Nu e e uploadat de mine.L-am gasit aici:Reiluke Tools | Sharing Is Caring reiluke_tools.zip Password: www.reiluke.i.ph
  24. Sardu v? permite s? crea?i dvd-uri sau stick-uri bootabile pe care sa puneti mai multe distributii devlinux sau/si variante de windows.Este extrem de usor de folosit si foarte configurabil: Info:SARDU - Multi Boot USB pendrive and CD or DVD Builder Download: http://www.sarducd.it/downloads/SARDU_2.0.4.3.zip
  25. Cautam ceva si am dat peste ele:vmg.pp.ua - /books/??????????????/hack/
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