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Everything posted by wildchild

  1. S? nu ui?i s? închiriezi pentru Spot the cop câte un pistol de paintball cu un glon? pentru fiecare. Cine iese cel mai colorat, e obligat s? î?i arate insigna.
  2. Stai lini?tit, o s? vin? ?i banii încet dar sigur. Mul?i prefer? s? voluntarieze pentru a acumula experien??, ca în final s? aib? de unde s? culeag? roade. Nu m? îndoiesc de faptul c? Andrei o s? aib? o leaf? foarte frumoas? pe viitor. Ontopic, felicit?ri!
  3. Nu-mi vine s? cred c? lumea înc? mai pune botul la o tehnic? de marketing atât de ieftin? ?i josnic? ?i cump?r? pentru 100 ron mai pu?in un lucru de care n-are nevoie, dar e bine totu?i s?-l aib? c? nu ?tie când are nevoie de el ?i e de la reducere. Iar prostiile alea cu t?ieturile sunt doar pre?urile care au fost umflate treptat în perioada dinaintea Idiot Friday-ului, ca s? aib? de unde s? taie la ce n-au fost în stare s? vând? pe parcurs.
  4. Spune-i asta lui John Petrucci.
  5. ?i-a trecut prin cap faptul c? unii au job-uri extrem de bine pl?tite ?i fac muzic? din pur? pasiune, f?r? s? fie nevoi?i s? cânte la col? de strad? toate porc?riile comerciale pentru o coaj? de pâine? Decât s? pierd vremea butonând tastatura c? ?i a?a fac asta poate toat? ziua, în timpul liber m? relaxez mult mai bine înv??ând ceva la un instrument muzical, e la final pur? hran? pentru suflet.
  6. Eu mi-am luat asta Electrice Ibanez GRX70DXJU - Pachet chitara electrica GRX70DXJU Ibanez MC Music - MC Music ?i sunt foarte mul?umit.
  7. Scuze M2G, dar prostia asta merita cartona? ro?u.
  8. Squid în spate iar ?mecheria func?ioneaz? doar dac? serverul a fost configurat astfel încât imaginile s? fie permise s? treac? de ACL f?r? s? fie nevoie de redirect.
  9. Dac? tot s-au mai mâncat ni?te kilobi?i pe hard, hai totu?i c? merit? atâta aten?ie cât s?-i dau un ban. Totu?i, uita?i-v? câte post-uri are ?i ce fel de om e dupa cum vorbe?te înainte s? bate?i palma. Sfat valabil ?i în via??, ca s? nu te arunci înainte ?i apoi s? dai cu capul.
  10. D?-i în judecat?! Dac? to?i românii ar face la fel de fiecare dat? când sunt lua?i peste picior, n-ar mai exista tupeul acesta jegos pe la companii ?i automat ar cre?te ?i calitatea serviciilor. Apropo, cere-le ?i un telefon nou ca s? îl folose?ti atâta timp cât îi por?i prin judecat?. Un avocat ar trebui s?-?i dea mai multe detalii.
  11. 15 reasons that Russia Scares The Everloving Shit Out of Me - Imgur
  12. ^^ Heh, al meu de la munc? are vreo 13k. Owned ya!
  13. Dac? ?tii ip-ul extern al routerului principal ?i po?i face rost de acces la el, atunci î?i configurezi o mapare manuala a ip-ului respectiv portului prin forwarding. Altfel, doar dac? ai un client de VPN s? te legi de acas? la intranet. Devreme ce ai ridicat întrebarea, nu cred c? are rost s? m? bag în detalii s? te bag în cea?? ?i mai tare(inserting sarcasm here).
  14. Motiv pentru care n-a? lucra nici s? m? împu?ti la o companie f?r? etic?, pe cale de dispari?ie.(ca ?i facebook, încet dar sigur)
  15. Get yourself a Ubuntu. Backtrack nu-i f?cut s? fie folosit pentru "regular home use".
  16. S?-l chi? în frez?!
  17. Stai lini?tit, la valoarea ei au sigur ?i asigurare anti-furt.
  18. Sysadminii sunt genul de oameni care prind repede, stai lini?tit, dac? o s? i se cear? s? implementeze BGP f?r? s? fi auzit de el, cu pu?in research se descurca.
  19. Asta de întâmpl? când faci pula mare ?i te autoproclami Jandarmul lumii. Urmeaz? s? devin? ?ar? Second World.
  20. DARPA ANNOUNCES CYBER GRAND CHALLENGE What if computers had a “check engine” light that could indicate new, novel security problems? What if computers could go one step further and heal security problems before they happen? To find out, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) intends to hold the Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC)—the first-ever tournament for fully automatic network defense systems. DARPA envisions teams creating automated systems that would compete against each other to evaluate software, test for vulnerabilities, generate security patches and apply them to protected computers on a network. To succeed, competitors must bridge the expert gap between security software and cutting-edge program analysis research. The winning team would receive a cash prize of $2 million. “DARPA’s series of vehicle Grand Challenges were the dawn of the self-driving car revolution,” said Mike Walker, DARPA program manager. “With the Cyber Grand Challenge, we intend a similar revolution for information security. Today, our time to patch a newly discovered security flaw is measured in days. Through automatic recognition and remediation of software flaws, the term for a new cyber attack may change from zero-day to zero-second.” Highly trained experts capable of reasoning about software vulnerabilities, threats and malware power modern network defense. These experts compete regularly on a global “Capture the Flag” tournament circuit, improving their skills and measuring excellence through head-to-head competition. Drawing on the best traditions of expert computer security competitions, DARPA aims to challenge unmanned systems to compete against each other in a real-time tournament for the first time. “The growth trends we’ve seen in cyber attacks and malware point to a future where automation must be developed to assist IT security analysts,” said Dan Kaufman, director of DARPA’s Information Innovation Office, which oversees the Challenge. The competition is expected to draw teams of top experts from across a wide range of computer security disciplines including reverse engineering, formal methods, program analysis and computer security competition. To encourage widespread participation and teaming, DARPA plans to host teaming forums on the CGC website atwww.darpa.mil/cybergrandchallenge. For the first time, a cyber competition would take place on a network framework purpose-built to interface with automatic systems. Competitors would navigate a series of challenges, starting with a qualifying event in which a collection of software must be automatically analyzed. Competitors would qualify by automatically identifying, analyzing and repairing software flaws. DARPA intends to invite a select group of top competitors s from the qualifying event to the Cyber Grand Challenge final event, slated for early to mid-2016. In that competition, each team’s system would automatically identify software flaws, scanning the network to identify affected hosts. Teams would score based on how capably their systems could protect hosts, scan the network for vulnerabilities and maintain the correct function of software. The winning team from the CGC finals would receive a cash prize of $2 million, with second place earning $1 million and third place taking home $750,000. A Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) with specific information for potential competitors is available at http://go.usa.gov/WqcH. Competitors can choose one of two routes: an unfunded track in which anyone capable of fielding a capable system can participate, and a funded track in which DARPA awards contracts to organizations presenting the most compelling proposals. DARPA also plans in the near future to issue a second BAA for proposals to develop technologies to support the competition. Support technologies will include accessible visualization of a real-time cyber competition event, as well as custom problem sets. That BAA will be available on the Federal Business Opportunities website. The program anticipates hosting two Challengers’ Days—one at DARPA’s offices in Arlington, Va., and the other on the West Coast—where interested competitors can learn more about the event. More information, including up-to-date rules and prize amounts, is available at www.darpa.mil/cybergrandchallenge. DARPA ANNOUNCES CYBER GRAND CHALLENGE — Knight And Gale
  21. My hunch was good. NSA can suck a cock!
  22. Francezii o s? tac? ?i o s? trag? o du?c? de vin, c?-s ni?te be?ivani rata?i care n-au câ?tigat niciodat? o b?t?lie serioas?. M? a?tept la nem?i s? ia atitudine.
  23. Nup. Te-ai pus doar cu b?ncile, care sunt de fapt ni?te c?m?tari cu acte în regul?. Sunt prezen?i când s?-?i ia banii ?i evrei când trebuie s?-?i dea bani. Deal with it!
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