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Everything posted by ARUBA

  1. Python si pentesting, dar este strict o parere personala. Alege un proiect mic si du-l la bun sfarsit. https://knightlab.northwestern.edu/2014/06/05/five-mini-programming-projects-for-the-python-beginner/ http://www.pygame.org/wiki/tutorials Pe urma te hotarasti daca ramai pe programare sau mergi pe security.
  2. Tu l-ai ascultat vreodata pe omul asta cum vorbeste? Pune dracului mana si da 14-17 ron ca nu crapa ranza-n tine! Ia-ti cartea! https://www.sendspace.com/file/4rb5k8
  3. https://duo.com/decipher/new-krack-attacks-appear Nu stiu mai multe.
  4. https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/16/16481136/wpa2-wi-fi-krack-vulnerability Nu cred ca lucrurile stau roz in 2018 Legat de "Remember that our scripts are not attack scripts!", cine le foloseste in alte scopuri, o face pe raspunderea lui/ei.
  5. https://github.com/vanhoefm/krackattacks-scripts
  6. Toate documentele de pe scribd au access_key si document_id .
  7. Daca-l dibuiesti iti da varianta .txt, scribdassets
  8. http://d-f.scribdassets.com/docs/...
  9. https://github.com/ritiek/scribd-downloader/
  10. https://home.cccapply.org https://my.smccd.edu; http://mail.my.smccd.edu/ Vrei spotify-uri, drive-uri si amazoane premium si ieftineli?
  11. Welcome and have fun learning!
  12. Ai fost?
  13. Primesc eu PM-uri, stai linistit .
  14. 50 de ron. Om de la Moldova, n-ai ce pretentii sa ai. Asta o vinde si pe ma-sa daca ramane fara tigari.
  15. Eu ce mai fac cu astea 2 invitatii pe care le am?
  16. N-am sarit in sus. Nu cunosc nimic concret despre nord. Cred ca pe reddit poti gasi mai multe dezbateri si poate cazuri concrete. https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/7kuzvr/regarding_nord_vpn_i_think_they_should_be_removed/ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17258203 https://redlotusvpn.com/nordvpn-protonvpn-data-mining-scandal/
  17. https://tekadvice.ro Ce parere ai despre clevo-urile astea? @aismen
  18. Sunt absolut sigur ca daca veti folosi diversi provideri VPN si veti face teste generand trafic foarte mare , majoritatea va vor bana/suspenda dupa 2-4 zile. Asta nu este posibil decat daca tin loguri. Multi trimit si pe e-mail "we do not allow", "your activity...". Cum stiu ei ca utilizatorul x cu IP-ul y foloseste e-mail-ul z, daca nu tin loguri? Sa fim seriosi, asta cu no logs e doar marketing. Cum poate un sysadmin sa investigheze o problema fara loguri?
  19. Sugestia cu "run your own" folosind un VPS suna mai bine.
  20. Nu trebuie nimic luat ca atare, fiecare trece informatia prin filtrul lui. Mi s-a parut interesant articolul. Pot tine loguri de conectare sau loguri de trafic sau ambele . De luat in considerare mai este si DNS leak.
  21. https://gist.github.com/joepie91/5a9909939e6ce7d09e29 # Don't use VPN services. No, seriously, don't. You're probably reading this because you've asked what VPN service to use, and this is the answer. *Note: The content in this post does not apply to using VPN for their intended purpose; that is, as a virtual private (internal) network. It only applies to using it as a glorified proxy, which is what every third-party "VPN provider" does.* (A Russian translation of this article can be found [here](https://tdemin.github.io/posts/2017-08-13-dont-use-vpn-services_ru), contributed by Timur Demin.) ## Why not? Because a VPN in this sense is just a glorified proxy. The VPN provider can see all your traffic, and do with it what they want - including logging. ## But my provider doesn't log! There is no way for you to verify that, and of course this is what a malicious VPN provider would claim as well. In short: the only safe assumption is that *every* VPN provider logs. And remember that it is in a VPN provider's best interest to log their users - it lets them deflect blame to the customer, if they ever were to get into legal trouble. The $10/month that you're paying for your VPN service doesn't even pay for the lawyer's *coffee*, so expect them to hand you over. ## But a provider would lose business if they did that! I'll believe that when HideMyAss goes out of business. They gave up their users years ago, and [this was widely publicized](http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/26/hidemyass_lulzsec_controversy/). The reality is that most of their customers will either not care or not even be aware of it. ## But I pay anonymously, using Bitcoin/PaysafeCard/Cash/drugs! Doesn't matter. You're still connecting to their service from your own IP, and they can log that. ## But I want more security! VPNs don't provide security. They are just a glorified proxy. ## But I want more privacy! VPNs don't provide privacy, with a few exceptions (detailed below). They are just a proxy. If somebody wants to tap your connection, they can still do so - they just have to do so at a different point (ie. when your traffic leaves the VPN server). ## But I want more encryption! Use SSL/TLS and HTTPS (for centralized services), or end-to-end encryption (for social or P2P applications). VPNs can't magically encrypt your traffic - it's simply not technically possible. If the endpoint expects plaintext, there is *nothing* you can do about that. When using a VPN, the *only* encrypted part of the connection is from you to the VPN provider. From the VPN provider onwards, it is the same as it would have been without a VPN. And remember, __the VPN provider can see and mess with all your traffic.__ ## But I want to confuse trackers by sharing an IP address! Your IP address is a largely irrelevant metric in modern tracking systems. Marketers have gotten wise to these kind of tactics, and combined with increased adoption of [CGNAT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-grade_NAT) and an ever-increasing amount of devices per household, it just isn't a reliable data point anymore. Marketers will almost always use some kind of other metric to identify and distinguish you. That can be anything from a useragent to a [fingerprinting profile](https://panopticlick.eff.org/). A VPN cannot prevent this. ## So when should I use a VPN? There are roughly two usecases where you might want to use a VPN: 1. You are on a known-hostile network (eg. a public airport WiFi access point, or an ISP that is known to use MITM), and you want to work around that. 2. You want to hide your IP from a very specific set of non-government-sanctioned adversaries - for example, circumventing a ban in a chatroom or preventing anti-piracy scareletters. In the second case, you'd probably just want a regular proxy *specifically* for that traffic - sending *all* of your traffic over a VPN provider (like is the default with almost every VPN client) will still result in the provider being able to snoop on and mess with your traffic. However, in practice, __just don't use a VPN provider at all, even for these cases.__ ## So, then... what? If you absolutely need a VPN, and you understand what its limitations are, purchase a VPS and [set up your own](https://github.com/Nyr/openvpn-install). I will not recommend any specific providers (diversity is good!), but there are plenty of cheap ones to be found on [LowEndBox](http://lowendbox.com/). ## But how is that any better than a VPN service? A VPN provider *specifically seeks out* those who are looking for privacy, and who may thus have interesting traffic. Statistically speaking, it is more likely that a VPN provider will be malicious or a honeypot, than that an arbitrary generic VPS provider will be. ## So why do VPN services exist? Surely they must serve some purpose? Because it's easy money. You just set up OpenVPN on a few servers, and essentially start reselling bandwidth with a markup. You can make every promise in the world, because nobody can verify them. You don't even have to know what you're doing, because again, nobody can verify what you say. It is 100% snake-oil. So yes, VPN services do serve a purpose - it's just one that benefits the provider, not you.
  22. Pentester Academy.
  23. Asa cauti tu indrumare, ah?
  24. La astea ma refer. Daca ai chestii de actualitate. https://uploadfiles.io
  25. Pentesting iOS Applications: https://mega.nz/#!1t4nEDiQ!suWYOoaLuFG6j0QLF7a4iyCY0AN5fNvd6Pi3pQurtwA pass: bSm73RRNLJmPl4c2 x86_64 Assembly Language and Shellcoding on Linux: https://mega.nz/#!wg52lDCQ!d8iql_OQUPWQTzv_qRkSh9xl9xxTy61gyMQE0vwnOU4 pass: nNFFWQgpmfvMHGr2EhET Pentesting with Metasploit: https://mega.nz/#!U4IT1TIB!yRE-MgzWKGI7tyGskkiFy-9wTbQzqw_3XdW_WevnHaY Diverse slide-uri: https://mega.nz/#!t840xSwA!EIWwo30YS07y198GgNA-CkEmy7sRcgRtnSBrxAD0HQc pass: UGRaMSkMnezscYAdQxn4 SecurityTube SQL Injection Labs 2014: https://mega.nz/#!d1hDnIJQ!_1YWGXEDohL72SU-yYUGWO4w6p8THUkRunA9tFRxVvk pass: WMDC3z4RO1NUeCu1 Rootkits.Subverting the Windows Kernel: https://yadi.sk/d/pwYyWBpqn6iBm ISO/IEC 14882:2017 (C++17) C18 ISO/IEC 9899:2018 - the most recent standard for the C programming language, published in June 2018. https://mega.nz/#!U9ZQESJI!AAAAAAAAAABf01DLGwmGzwAAAAAAAAAAX9NQyxsJhs8 e-book collection: https://mega.nz/#F!8G4wxSrJ!m7LX9z4a3Zxbpw62q9ZFSQ https://mega.nz/#F!8EdEmZSI!OHRaksNSZYpSKLMUnrOelQ https://mega.nz/#F!VpZSjbbR!T8HXLl20No0LDP8OTIYZAg https://mega.nz/#F!NAZwVILa!U15d9WY-uy4bg0tjUYGQEA unele sunt in limba franceza: https://repo.zenk-security.com/ programare si securitate (git si gdrive): https://github.com/Hack-with-Github/Free-Security-eBooks https://ebookfoundation.github.io https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByWO0aO1eI_MN1BEd3VNRUZENkU - 500 GB https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6e-S9ckSvFSdE5MaXRiaWIwbGc https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1O2cqrDEdX_1Vag9wWQC6ovBgeoXDk0BB - limba romana, Reversing http://books.goalkicker.com https://www.oreilly.com/free/ http://www.oreilly.com/programming/free/ http://www.allitebooks.com http://freecomputerbooks.com new link - library: http://mirror.thelifeofkenneth.com/sites/qt.vidyagam.es/library/
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