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Tutorial optimizare apache + server [Varianta Debian/Ubuntu]
aelius replied to sleed's topic in Tutoriale in romana
Ai uitat ceva: 1. Am vazut ca folosesti FastCgi dar ai instalat si php-fpm. De ce nu-l folosesti? 2. Ai uitat ceva "Normally SPDY is only ever used for SSL connections (https URLs)." 3. By default, Spdy este disabled. Trebuie sa adaugi SpdyEnabled on. Cum ai avut tu castig in timpul de raspuns ? 3. Timpul de raspuns intre nginx si apache nu are nicio treaba aici. Mod spdy config options: https://code.google.com/p/mod-spdy/wiki/ConfigOptions -
marian@pluto:~$ wtf 196 ) // edit: a, nu ai voie sa-l scrii, hahaha De ce ? Pentru ca rst marian@pluto:~$ rst 196 Cum de afisaza ? marian@pluto:~$ function rst() { echo "`echo MTk2Cg== |base64 --decode`"; }; marian@pluto:~$ rst 196 erau si alte metode, cred ca mai simple
Pai cred ca scrie clar: "Vand sau inchiriez". Domeniile le-am luat mai demult si nu le-am folosit. Poate sunt ceva oameni care ar face treaba buna pe ele. De exemplu, primul domeniu, openvpn.ro s-ar preta foarte bine la un serviciu profesional de VPN. Cum nu le utilizez, le-am pus aici, poate e cineva interesat de vreun deal. Pot sa le si vand, sau pot doar sa le inchiriez pt. o perioada (ex: 1 an) Nu este specificat un pret pentru ca sunt receptiv la propuneri iar aici nu este shop online // edit: Pai sunt de vanzare, ala e scopul. Ca am adaugat in post faptul ca le pot inchiria, aia e altceva. Un exemplu sunt 90% din firmele de hosting care inchiriaza domenii cu extensia .ro (domeniile sunt luate pe numele firmei si oferite anual) E nevoie de desen multidimensional sa intelegi ?
Da nu e trist sa merg in Cluj sau in Miercurea Ciuc si sa ma intrebe panarama tumefiata de vanzatoare ce doresc in ungureste ? E ROMANIA dude, da-l in cacat de ungur nasol. Maghiara nu e limba internationala. Daca ungurul ala cordit cerea in engleza, ar fi fost servit mai repede. Nu e important deloc. Suntem in Romania si vorbim limba nationala. Daca nu le convine ceva, e granita deschisa. Si da, se numeste CLUJ, nu Kolozsvari.
Salut, Vand sau inchiriez urmatoarele domenii: - openvpn.ro - geodns.ro Rog pe cei interesati sa trimita PM cu oferta. Multumesc
How I found a Remote Code Execution bug affecting Facebook's servers
aelius replied to malsploit's topic in Stiri securitate
Facebook has paid out its largest Bug Bounty ever of $33,500 to a Brazilian security researcher for discovering and reporting a critical Remote code execution vulnerability, which potentially allows the full control of a server. In September, 'Reginaldo Silva' found an XML External Entity Expansion vulnerability affecting the part of Drupal that handled OpenID, which allows attacker to read any files on the webserver. As a feature, Facebook allows users to access their accounts using OpenID in which it receives an XML document from 3rd service and parse it to verify that it is indeed the correct provider or not i.e. Receives at https://www.facebook.com/openid/receiver.php In November 2013, while testing Facebook's 'Forgot your password' functionality, he found that the OpenID process could be manipulated to execute any command on the Facebook server remotely and also allows to read arbitrary files on the webserver. In a Proof-of-Concept, he demonstrated that how an attacker can read the content of 'etc/passwd' file from Facebook's server just by manipulating the OpenID request with malicious XML code, and in order to extract the essential login information such as system administrator data and user IDs. "Since I didn't want to cause the wrong impressions, I decided I would report the bug right away, ask for permission to try to escalate it to a [remote code execution] and then work on it while it was being fixed," he said. After receiving bug reports from Silva, the Facebook Security team immediately released a short term patch within 3.5 hours, described as: "We use a tool called Takedown for this sort of task because it runs on a low level, before much of the request processing happens. It allows engineers to define rules to block, log and modify requests. Takedown helped us ensure this line of code ran before anything else for any requests hitting /openid/receiver.php." The Facebook team determined that the vulnerability could have been escalated to a remote code execution issue, and rewarded Silva accordingly after patching the flaw. Update: Facebook has accepted the flaw as Remote code execution (RCE). In a post Facebook said, "We discussed the matter further, and due to a valid scenario he theorized involving an administrative feature we are scheduled to deprecate soon, we decided to re-classify the issue as a potential RCE bug". Source: Facebook Hacker received $33,500 reward for Remote code execution vulnerability - The Hacker News Pe acelasi subiect mai este si asta.Pare scris mai bine: http://www.securityweek.com/facebook-pays-33500-security-researcher-uncovering-bug- 10 replies
- big-bounty
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haha, asta e de cand eram elev frate )))
Au trecut exact 13 ani decand este facut acel scanner. Gaseste-ti alta ocupatie sau invata sa-ti faci si tu unul. (e haitateam mass ssh scanner, s-au gasit niste retarzi sa editeze scriptul bash)
ai uitat ; if(preg_match("/paypal/i", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { echo "you suck, i rule"; } else { die("suck it up"); } on: felicitari.
Pai este. Dar orice padure are si uscaciuni. Incercam sa scapam de ele. Arata-ne postul de unde ai descarcat. Aici se posteaza si tool-uri facute de altii, nu e neaparat nevoie sa fie facut de cel ce deschide un thread. Eu nu am descarcat niciodata vreun keylogger sau un binder pentru ca nu sunt interesat de asa ceva.
Aplicatiile postate de utilizatori nu sunt verificate de moderatori sau de administratori. Sunt cazuri in care se verifica, iar daca este ceva aiurea se iau masuri (ban, stergerea postului, s.a.m.d ..) Tot ce descarci este pe barba ta. Daca esti interesat de bindere, keyloggere si alte balarii, banuiesc ca ar trebui sa ai si ceva experienta. Scaneaza-le, ruleaza-le intr-un environment virtual sau chrooted.
Serios ? Pai de cand se aplica forta bruta in cazul asta? Ar trebui sa aibe alte metode. Dar in cazul unui criminal, ala nu le poate face freza la doi militieni cu toporul ? Ah, cacat, am uitat. Daca impusti un militian in frunte si iese glontul prin ceafa, nu atinge organele vitale. Deci nu are ce sa se intample.
In general, cei cu disabilitati mentale au si mecle dubioase. In plus, jurnalistii sunt de cacao. Iauzi titlu "Cel mai cautat hacker". Hai s-o lasam moarta. Si sa vedeti ce fel de legi avem: Dupa un Georgel de genul asta se duc mascatii, sparg usa la ora 6 dimineata si-l salta pe sus, timp in care talharii, violatorii si criminalii sunt invitati frumos la sectie sau se duc doi politisti dupa ei. Wtf?! Care saracia e pericolul real social in cazul unui om ce face infractiuni informatice sau economice?
Awesome home automation with Raspberry PI and Arduino using Node.js, MongoDB, HTML5 and Websockets. Responsive: The responsive design allows you comfortable control of your home devices using your smartphone or tablet. Everywhere: Open your Raspberry PI to the world and access your home automation app from everywhere in the world. Extendable: An elaborated plugin system makes it easy to extend the application with your own plugins. Features: heimcontrol.js was created to gain experience in Node.js, MongoDB, Websockets and a lot of other great technologies that were used in the project. Take a look in the package.json for a full list of used open source projects. The project is in active development and a very early prototype, so use it at your own risk! Hardware: - Full access to the GPIO of the Raspberry Pi - Communication with an attached Arduino - Wake-on-LAN (not really hardware, but at least it wakes up hardware) - Stream your webcam via socket.io Software: - Node.js, Socket.io, Expressjs, Requirejs - HTML5, CSS3 and Websockets - Jade templating - Responsive design Apps: Heimdroid (Android Application): Heimdroid Video: Source: heimcontrol.js - Home automation in Node.js with Raspberry PI and Arduino Get started: heimcontrol.js - Home automation in Node.js with Raspberry PI and Arduino
- automation
- heimcontrol.js
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SEOMAXIM, Angajam Programatori SEO, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, jQuery
aelius replied to a topic in Cosul de gunoi
De ce, din cauza asta cumva ?! In marketing cand alegi sa iti faci publicitate online, poti avea parte si de reactii negative. -
SEOMAXIM, Angajam Programatori SEO, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, jQuery
aelius replied to a topic in Cosul de gunoi
Sunt slabe rupte bre. Parca au facut foamea. Plus ca sunt mici ca varsta. Alea ne puteau fi copii. Asta cu firma ori e praf, ori nu gaseste oameni calumea sa lucreze la el. SalamMAXIM -
SEOMAXIM, Angajam Programatori SEO, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, jQuery
aelius replied to a topic in Cosul de gunoi
Hai sa nu vorbim de femei, sau saraciile alea de despuiate. Astia de spun ca se ocupa cu seo nu sunt in stare sa isi faca propriul site. Uite aici hal de rewrite. Ce zici, pun cateva link-uri catre ele ? Creare Site de Agentii de Escorte Despre noi Portofoliu Noi stim ca esti tot un labar de acolo se la seosloboz. Ati facut 3 conturi sa faceti reclama aici? SPAM-ul ala de il trimiteti cum e cu el ? Hai sictir. eusimplu_alt [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] justliketheothers [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] oanapopescu [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] Post IP Addresses justliketheothers [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] seomarius [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] Registration IP Addresses seomarius [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] temptemp [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] _eusimplu [Find Latest Posts by User] [View Other IP Addresses for this User] Deci esti Barbat, Femeie sau Travestit(a) pana la urma?! Vream sa stim cum ne adresam. -
SEOMAXIM, Angajam Programatori SEO, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, jQuery
aelius replied to a topic in Cosul de gunoi
Wtf ? )) Ce zici frate. Ba seomarius, si alea doua CUCUVELE ce cacat fac acolo ? Va mangaie SUAV pe la coaiilii cand lucrati PHP ? Ete in site frate, "Super-powered by SEOMAXIM" ) http://www.seomaxim.ro/seo/seo-pentru-agentii-de-escorte-108/ MAXIM AM ZIS ! ) http://www.seomaxim.ro/creare-site-de-agentii-de-escorte/ CURVASAREALA AM ZIS http://www.seomaxim.ro/creare-site-de-matrimoniale/ FUtangereala am zis! Na Rewrite ! http://www.seomaxim.ro/creare-site-de-agentii-de-escorte/oferim-curvasareala-si-panarame-tumefiate-care-va-mangaie-la-coaie.HTML http://www.seomaxim.ro/despre-noi/servicii-curvasareala.html http://www.seomaxim.ro/portofoliu/aici-puteti-vedea-saraciile-de-site-uri-facute-de-noi.html -
SEOMAXIM, Angajam Programatori SEO, HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, jQuery
aelius replied to a topic in Cosul de gunoi
De regula injur de toti sfintii cand vad labareala de genul, dar o sa ma limitez la inchiderea acestui thread si mutarea lui la cosul de gunoi. Un business nu se face prin spam domnilor. // edit: Defapt, o sa-l lasam deschis threadul. Oamenii au dreptul sa isi exprime nemultumirile. -
Iei mult prea putin pe el, serios. Mai bine cauta un elev ceva sa-i faci o bucurie. Nu sunt bagator de seama, e opinia mea.
Nea business strategy manager asta, daca tot si-a pus titlu asa pompos, ar trebui sa invete care este diferenta intre un os embedded si windows xp. De asemenea, ar fi recomandat ca atunci cand platesti 1200 de dolari pe o licenta de embedded, sa nu vina in sloboz cu windows media player by default. La ce saracia ai putea folosi win. media player in sistemele industriale nu am habar. Cat despre onanistii de la Bitdefender, apropo de sistem de operare invechit: Ar trebui sa se mai uite si in ograda lor. Aplicatiile web folosite de ei nu sunt invechite, sunt chiar antice. De-a lungul timpului, au intrat si copii in paginile lor web si in pseudo/cms-urile alea jenibile. In orice caz, multumim pentru stire @robertutzu
Alea o molfaie ca pe inghetata stracciatella. Fac pariu. Aia de la 1:14, cred ca e isterica si o si zgarie )))
Ma futute-n sfintenia sufletului adormit. Cum adica te umpleai de numere. Ai fost pasionat de matematica? Ia sterge-o tu de aici si ia si numerele cu tine.
Threadul asta ar putea fi social engineering pentru a afla ce utilizator are adresa de email specificata, adresa lui IP si eventual celalalte usere