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Everything posted by poq

  1. Depinde de situatie, daca e ceva grav raspund cel mai probabil urmatoarea zi. Dar la ce adresa ai trimis email? Trebuie trimis la adresa asta security@google.com si dupa scurt timp primesti un mesaj de confirmare pe email, ceva de genul: [FONT=Helvetica Neue]Thanks for the vulnerability report.This email confirms we've received your message. We'll investigate and get back to you once we've got an update.[/FONT] [FONT=Helvetica Neue]Cheers, Google Security Bot[/FONT] [B]Report Details[/B] [FONT=Helvetica Neue][B]Email Subject:[/B][/FONT] [FONT=Helvetica Neue][B]Category: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Helvetica Neue][B]Product: [/B][/FONT] [FONT=Helvetica Neue][B]Cid: [/B][/FONT] Iar atunci cand o sa il ia in vizor o sa primesti asta Hey - Just letting you know that your report was triaged and we're currently looking into it. You should receive a response in a couple of days, but it might take up to a week if we're particularly busy. [FONT=Helvetica Neue]Thanks, Google Security Team[/FONT]
  2. La Google nu trebuie sa spui sa te contacteze pentru mai multe detalii, o sa te contacteze ei oricum sa iti zica daca e ceva de reward sau nu, iar ei nu fac plata in contul de PayPal..
  3. Facebook remote code execution bug nets researcher $33,500 | ZDNet Nu e asta?
  4. Mai pun si eu, ca batranii... http://i.imgur.com/KmhOCjM.png Raportat
  5. Google is acquiring connected device company Nest for $3.2 billion. Google sent out an email to employees noting the acquisition today and later issued a press release. In the release, Google noted that Nest has been offering its best-selling thermostat since 2011 and recently began offering the Protect smoke alarm, which networks with its other devices. Nest Founders Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers will both join Google. Rogers was one of the first engineers on the iPhone team at Apple. “They’re already delivering amazing products you can buy right now–thermostats that save energy and smoke/CO alarms that can help keep your family safe,” said Google CEO Larry Page in a statement. “We are excited to bring great experiences to more homes in more countries and fulfill their dreams!” Fadell, who is known as the ‘father of the iPod’, said that they’re ‘thrilled to join Google.’ “With their support, Nest will be even better placed to build simple, thoughtful devices that make life easier at home, and that have a positive impact on the world.” Nest will continue on as its ‘own brand identity’ and continue to be led by Fadell. The deal hasn’t closed yet as it has to meet regulatory approval. Nest founders Fadell and Rogers also sent an emailed statement to TechCrunch about why Nest chose to go ahead with the acquisition. “Google will help us fully realize our vision of the conscious home and allow us to change the world faster than we ever could if we continued to go it alone. We’ve had great momentum, but this is a rocket ship,” Fadell says. “Google has the business resources, global scale and platform reach to accelerate Nest growth across hardware, software and services for the home globally. And our company visions are well aligned – we both believe in letting technology do the hard work behind the scenes so people can get on with the things that matter in life. Google is committed to helping Nest make a difference and together, we can help save more energy and keep people safe in their homes.” Fadell says that this decision was not made hastily. He says that at the 2011 TED conference — even before Nest had launched — he and Nest VP of business Erik Charlton had ‘huddled’ together in a corner with Google’s Brin to show him a video and early model of the Nest thermostat. He instantly got what we were doing and so did the rest of the Google team when we showed them. In May 2011, Google Ventures led our Series B round of financing, and in 2012, Series C. Time and time again, Googlers have shown themselves to be incredibly like-minded, supportive and as big of dreamers as we are. I know that joining Google will be an easy transition because we’re partnering with a company that gets what we do and who we are at Nest – and wants us to stay that way. We’ve been hearing rumors about Nest getting courted with large billion-dollar acquisition offers for months now, but a Google buy is a definite statement. The company has been fairly serious about its connected-device efforts for a while but hasn’t quite been able to get anything to gel. For instance, there have been some abortive attempts at connected devices like Android at Home in the past. But Nest already has a nice start in producing well-designed and connected home devices — something that Google should be able to build off of in the future. Continuare Sursa: TechCrunch - The latest technology news and information on startups Acum trebuie sa treaca 6 luni? http://i.imgur.com/w5GjIJk.png
  6. poq

    Placa video

    Ce parere aveti? Intel HD Graphics 4000 sau AMD Radeon HD 8570?
  7. poq


    Un cunoscator? Am nevoie de cineva care are cunostinte in asa ceva. Multumesc.
  8. poq


    Multumesc mult!
  9. poq


    Din Octombrie pana in Iunie-Iulie.
  10. poq


    Urmeaza sa fac niste cursuri legate de IT in CJ, dar nu am unde sa stau pe durata studiilor, stiti persoane care pot da o garsoniera in chirie? Sau chiar si de aici daca sunteti, va rog..
  11. poq


    Aveti idee despre existenta unor scoli particulare care tin cursuri legate de informatica in Cluj?
  12. poq

    [XSS] google

    Dar ce e dupa google?
  13. poq


    1, 2, 3...
  14. poq


    Pentru cine are nevoie. Cupon Scrieti email si pe urma refresh la pagina, nu am testat dar mereu se genereaza alt cod.
  15. Bai baiatule, eu pun ceva sa ajut si tu ce faci? Ce este de folos in cuvintele tale abia gasite in creieras? Zimi te rog frumos daca ai ajutat cu ceva prin ceea ce tu spui, daca ai gheata pe cap iti zic eu, cu nimic. Niciodata nu am sa inteleg oamenii care abia asteapta sa spuna ceva, ceva nefolositor dar totusi o spun.
  16. Ce se pierde atunci cand se crede in Dumnezeu? Nimic.... De unde stiti ca este manipulare? Nu stiti.
  17. poq


    Nu imi accepta plata, ori insufficient funds ori no reason provided.
  18. poq


    Am nevoie de cineva sa imi faca plata pentru domeniu la Google, platesc inapoi. Plata se face prin card, mie nu imi accepta, este in RON si banuiesc ca trebuie in USD.Oricum, care este dispus sa ma ajute va rog.
  19. 4
  20. Nu cred ca este S.Oricum frumoasa masina. FSI are turbo?
  21. poq

    Fun stuff

  22. Nu merge nici aici. http://www.youtube.com/user/redbull/stratos Mai dar nu merge sa vad si eu pe Felixo->
  23. S-a terminat si eu am crezut ca acum incepe:| Am tot asteptat sa vad live aici dar nu se incarca. Live Broadcast | Red Bull Stratos
  24. Unde vedeti voi live?
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