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Everything posted by Fi8sVrs

  1. WordPress' Automattic dashboard shows the outage caused by a DDoS attack this morning. (Credit: WordPress) The popular blogging-site hoster WordPress was hit with another distributed denial-of-service attack this morning, the second in two days. "Unfortunately, the DDoS attack from yesterday returned in a different form this morning and affected sitewide performance," the company said in a notice on its Automattic site, which serves as a dashboard for the service. "The good news is that we were able to mitigate it quickly and performance returned to normal around 11:15 UTC. We are continuing to monitor the situation closely." Stats on Automattic.com show that the site was affected for about an hour or so starting around 3:15 a.m. PST. One day earlier, WordPress was hit with an attack that reached "multiple Gigabits per second and tens of millions of packets per second," hampering the company's three data centers and disrupting nearly 18 million hosted blogs and members of its VIP service, including the Financial Post and TechCrunch. Typically, DDoS attacks are accomplished using botnets of thousands of compromised computers that are directed to a target Web site with the motivation of overwhelming the site and taking it offline. WordPress did not provide many details about either attack, but founder Matt Mullenweg told CNET on Thursday that the first attack may have been politically motivated against one of the site's non-English blogs. He did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment today. Source
  2. http://www.cbo-do.de/shop/product_info.php?refID=geiz&info=p9964_Asrock-K8NF6G-VSTA-AMD-754-VGA-PCI-E-RAID-VK43-OVP-NEU.html - ASRock K8NF6G-VSTA Socket 754 Micro ATX Motherboard - eBay (item 140512306926 end time Mar-15-11 20:49:53 PDT)
  3. Piata de telecomunicatii din Romania este in fierbere, dupa ce, saptamana trecuta, au aparut informatii potrivit carora operatorul national RCS&RDS, controlat de miliardarul oradean Zoltan Teszari, se pregateste sa cumpere, contra unei sume de 300 de milioane de dolari, dusmanul de moarte UPC. Tranzactia trebuie avizata insa si de Consiliul Concurentei care, teoretic, ar trebui protejeze consumatorul prin asigurarea unui mediu concurential normal. Dar ministrul Comunicatiilor, Valerian Vreme, a declarat ca, personal, nu crede ca prin aceasta "miscare" se va ajunge la o situatie de monopol. Statisticile arata insa altceva! Riscul aparitiei unui monopol, atat pe piata de cablu TV, cat si pe cea a serviciilor de Internet, este extrem, daca avem in vedere cifrele, chiar daca nu exista cote de piata unanim recunoscute. Concret, prin "cuplarea" RCS&RDS-UPC s-ar naste un gigant telecom (60-70% din piata!), cu circa patru milioane de abonati TV si aproape 1.5 milioane de clienti de Internet fix. Iar "concurenta" directa s-ar rezuma doar la Romtelecom si Digital Cable Systems care, impreuna, abia aduna aproximativ 1.5 milioane de abonati. Ceea ce ar conduce la dezechilibrarea principalului pilon al oricarei economii de piata, concurenta. Si la aparitia unor practici de tip monopolist, care ar putea ajunge la impunerea de preturi atat pentru redifuzarea posturilor TV, cat si pentru utilizatorii finali. Astfel, in lipsa unei alternative, telespectatorii, care nu pot sau nu doresc sa-si monteze o "farfurie" de satelit pe casa ori balcon, se vor vedea obligati sa cumpere serviciul de cablu TV la pretul impus de furnizorul unic, aparut prin "fuziunea" RCS&RDS cu UPC. Achizitii pe datorie Desi se afla pe locul trei in "Top 500 miliardari" din Romania, realizat de jurnalistii de la Adevarul, despre Zoltan Teszari, omul care controleaza RCS&RDS (43% din actiuni), nu se cunosc multe lucruri. Cert este insa ca aradeanul a reusit sa creeze, in ultimii ani, un adevarat imperiu in telecomunicatii, cumparand in stanga si in dreapta micii furnizori si extinzandu-se agresiv si in afara granitelor Romaniei, in Ungaria, Slovacia, Croatia, Cehia, Serbia si, chiar, in ajungand pana in Italia. Evident insa, aceasta expansiune acerba s-a bazat pe credite, in momentul de fata datoriile RCS&RDS ridicandu-se la aproape 550 de milioane de dolari. Miza cu multe zerouri Veniturile RCS&RDS depasesc 700 de milioane de dolari iar, teoretic, obtinerea celor 300 de milioane necesare pentru cumpararea UPC nu ar fi o problema. Conform unor surse, Teszari ar negocia inca de la sfarsitul lui 2010 acest imprumut cu mai multe banci de investitii, precum Credit Suisse si Morgan Stanley, cei peste 1.15 milioane de clienti ai UPC fiind mai mult decat tentanti. Mai mult, UPC a incheiat pe minus anul trecut, numarul sau de abonati la serviciile de cablu TV scazand cu 13%. Iar Liberty Global, actionarul american al UPC, a angajat banca de investii Rothchild pentru identificarea unei solutii pentru UPC Romania - fostul operator Astral, achizitionat pentru 400 de milioane de dolari in 2004. Risc de inchidere a pietei TV! Decizia Consiliului Concurentei in ceea ce priveste tranzactia RCS&RDS-UPC ar putea fi decisiva pentru viitorul pietei de telecomunicatii din Romania. In cazul unui aviz favorabil, specialistii atentioneaza ca, practic, piata de servicii TV prin cablu se va inchide. De ce? Simplu. Nimeni nu va mai putea lupta cu sanse egale cu un astfel de gigant, iar RCS&RDS ar putea ajunge in postura de a-si impune linistita preturile. Conform regulilor economiei de piata si a normelor europene insa, intreprinzatorilor nu le este permis sa fixeze preturi sau sa-si distribuie intre ei cote de piata. Consiliul Concurentei, sub presiune: RCS&RDS, UPC si riscul aparitiei unui "monstru" | Antena 1
  4. How to Pick a Padlock or Combination Lock in 3 Easy Steps To pick a lock, you need to know the anatomy of the lock Method 1 Method 2 Forgot the key — or combination — to your lock again? No worries; we’re going to help you pick that padlock without breaking it. To complete this How-To you will need: A razor or box cutter An aluminum can A marker Scissors A cylindrical object the size of your padlock shackle Warning: Working with sharp objects and cut aluminum is dangerous. Use extreme caution. Step 1: Cut off the ends Using a straight-edge razor, carefully cut the top and bottom off an aluminum soda can. Step 2: Slice from top to bottom Cut the can from top to bottom using the scissors, and then fold the aluminum down so you have a flat sheet. Trim the edges so they are straight. Step 3: Mark rectangles Using a marker, draw rectangles on the silver side of the aluminum sheet that are 1 ½ by 2 ½ inches, and cut one of them out. Step 4: Quarter one strip Take one of the strips, draw a vertical centerline across the middle, and mark the strip horizontally into four equal sections. Step 5: Draw an “M” Draw an “M” whose top reaches the halfway point of the middle line and whose sides are about a quarter of the way in on each side. But instead of the center of the “M” looking like a “V,” round the bottom so it looks like a “U.” Step 6: Cut out the triangles Using scissors, cut out the M with the rounded middle tip that you drew. Fold the top quarter down to the middle of the rectangle, and the two legs of the “M” up from the bottom so that they cover the piece of metal you’ve just folded down. Step 7: Roll the center Find something the approximate circumference of your padlock shackle, like a pen or marker, and wrap the shim (the “U” shape) around it, shaping it to fit into the narrow space between the shackle and the lock. Fold back the wings. Step 8: Pick the lock Using the wings as handles, wrap the cylinder part of the lock pick around the shackle and insert the curved part in the space between the lock and shackle. Maneuver it around until the lock pops. How to Pick a Door Lock With a Paper Clip YouTube - How to Pick a Door Lock With a Paper Clip how to pick a padlock with a bobby pin Source
  5. Save time and money moderating comments and content Social sites boost your Web presence with chatty fans who freely post their comments. All this buzz is great, but it can invite unwanted guests like viruses, profanity, and spam. Websense® Defensio™ Reject inappropriate URLs and filter out comments Detect and halt harmful scripts and malicious code Manage comments automatically with predefined filters Configure Defensio to stop what you want, how you want. Defensio Social Web Security Source
  6. During this week, Google announced a significant algorithm-update which aims to increase quality in Google’s search results. Domains containing low-quality content are supposed to be found less often, high-quality pages are to achieve better rankings. At the moment this update is active in the US-Index, more countries are about to follow. Quickly named an “Anti-Demand-Media”-Update, I couldn’t find any real data proving this claim. I’d like to change this with this posting: Based on a dataset of one million keywords, which were checked before the update and yesterday I can determine the biggest loser of this algorithm-change. The SISTRIX VisibilityIndex is an index value calculated from traffic on keywords, ranking and click-through rate on specific positions. Let’s start with a list of the 25 biggest losers: The table shows the domain, percentage loss, SISTRIX before and after the update as well as the number of keywords found from the one million dataset for this domain before and after the algorithm-change. It is sorted by the biggest absolut loss in SISTRIX VisibilityIndex. Comparing these results with the announcement from Google, they seem to have reached their goal: a whole lot of low-quality domains lost significant visibility in the US Google-SERPs. Let’s see in detail what Google did to the affected domains. The first conclusion is quite straightforward: the number of keywords these domains are ranking for dropped dramatically. Looking at mahalo.com as an example, it went from 33,875 keywords before the update to just 9,740 keywords after the update went public – a decrease of more than 70%. These were keywords like “zealand air“ (3), “digg“ (8) or “tax check“ (4) where the domain fell out of the top 100 results. The second outcome deals with the remaining keywords. Here is a chart on which Google result page the keywords of mahalo.com were to be found before and after the algorithm-update: It’s eye-catching that mahalo.com did not only lose more than 70% of their keywords – the remaining keywords are also ranking much worse than before. More than two third of all keywords for this domain could be found on result page 8, 9 and 10. That’s the reason the SISTRIX value fell even more than the raw count of found keywords. And how about Demand Media? Well, there is no sign that Google tried to downrank ehow.com. Ehow.com even gained SISTRIX value (from 270 to 310) and Keywords (from 317,320 to 324,021) during the algorithm-change. Looking at the SERP-Distribution chart from above for ehow.com, you’ll notice the difference. Quite a statement from Google regarding the quality of Demand Medias’ content, isn’t it? If you are interested in a full list of 100 Domains suffering from this update, please drop me a short notice. Source
  7. Geminoid F este primul android din istoria lumii care joac? într-o pies? de teatru. "Ea" a fost construit? de oameni de ?tiin?? de la Intelligent Robotics Laboratory din Universitatea Osaka. Creatorii androidului au dorit s? reu?easc? s? arate c? robo?ii umanoizi pot, într-o oarecare m?sur?, s? fie "sensibil". Tocmai de aceea, Geminoid F este foarte flexibil? ?i, spre deosebire de ceilal?i androizi, nu d? impresia c? ar fi f?r? via??. Cu atât mai mult cu cât este protagonista unei piese de teatru. Piesa se nume?te "Sayonara" iar androidul se joac? pe "ea" îns??i, în rolul unui robot care este destinat s? aib? grij? de o femeie pe moarte, c?reia îi cite?te poezii. Regizorul piesei sus?ine c? Geminoid F nu are rolul de a înlocui nicio persoan? uman?, în ciuda faptului c? accept? "comenzile" mult mai bine decât actorii umani. "Pentru mine nu exist? nimic mai substan?ial decât robo?ii actori. Toate problemele legate strict de actorie ale acestora pot fi foarte u?or remediate, iar publicul este mereu intrigat de felul în care ace?tia se comport? pe scen?" a declarat regizorul, potrivit Reuters. "Androizii actori arat? similar cu cei umani. Mai mult decât atât, putem crea un actor superior cu ajutorul androizilor" a declarat creatorul lui Geminoid F, Hiroshi Ishiguro. Video Source
  8. O cheama Clara, are un an si trei luni, abia a invatat sa mearga si este fascinata de iPad. Mai mult, micuta este atat de receptiva incat a invatat sa foloseasca singura iPad-ul, dupa ce si-a urmarit tatal verificandu-si mail-urile. Abia spune mama si tata, dar stie sa foloseasca iPad-ul singura. VIDEO - Stirileprotv.ro Mama Clarei recunoaste ca fetita abia spune mama sau tata si ca nu intelege cum micuta a invatat sa foloseasca gadget-ul de una singura. "Nu am invatat-o noi. Nu ne-am gandit ca ar putea fi receptiva la asa ceva. E prea devreme pentru ea sa foloseasca un computer", spune mama Clarei. Cand prinde iPadul, Clara cauta pe You Tube cantecele, iar daca unul din parinti e logat pe Facebook, micuta stie cum sa se uite la poze. In video alaturat puteti vedea cat de bine se descurca fetita de un an si trei lui cu iPadul.
  9. Fi8sVrs

    hellaw '

    Salut. Bine ai venit!
  10. A new cyberweapon could take down the entire internet – and there's not much that current defences can do to stop it. So say Max Schuchard at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and his colleagues, the masterminds who have created the digital ordnance. But thankfully they have no intention of destroying the net just yet. Instead, they are suggesting improvements to its defences. Schuchard's new attack pits the structure of the internet against itself. Hundreds of connection points in the net fall offline every minute, but we don't notice because the net routes around them. It can do this because the smaller networks that make up the internet, known as autonomous systems, communicate with each other through routers. When a communication path changes, nearby routers inform their neighbours through a system known as the border gateway protocol (BGP). These routers inform other neighbours in turn, eventually spreading knowledge of the new path throughout the internet. A previously discovered method of attack, dubbed ZMW – after its three creators Zhang, Mao and Wang, researchers in the US who came up with their version four years ago – disrupts the connection between two routers by interfering with BGP to make it appear that the link is offline. Schuchard and colleagues worked out how to spread this disruption to the entire internet and simulated its effects. Surgical strike The attack requires a large botnet – a network of computers infected with software that allows them to be externally controlled: Schuchard reckons 250,000 such machines would be enough to take down the internet. Botnets are often used to perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which bring web servers down by overloading them with traffic, but this new line of attack is different. "Normal DDoS is a hammer; this is more of a scalpel," says Schuchard. "If you cut in the wrong places then the attack won't work." An attacker deploying the Schuchard cyberweapon would send traffic between computers in their botnet to build a map of the paths between them. Then they would identify a link common to many different paths and launch a ZMW attack to bring it down. Neighbouring routers would respond by sending out BGP updates to reroute traffic elsewhere. A short time later, the two sundered routers would reconnect and send out their own BGP updates, upon which attack traffic would start flowing in again, causing them to disconnect once more. This cycle would repeat, with the single breaking and reforming link sending out waves of BGP updates to every router on the internet. Eventually each router in the world would be receiving more updates than it could handle – after 20 minutes of attacking, a queue requiring 100 minutes of processing would have built up. Clearly, that's a problem. "Routers under extreme computational load tend to do funny things," says Schuchard. With every router in the world preoccupied, natural routing outages wouldn't be fixed, and eventually the internet would be so full of holes that communication would become impossible. Shuchard thinks it would take days to recover. "Once this attack got launched, it wouldn't be solved by technical means, but by network operators actually talking to each other," he says. Each autonomous system would have to be taken down and rebooted to clear the BGP backlog. Meltdown not expected So is internet meltdown now inevitable? Perhaps not. The attack is unlikely to be launched by malicious hackers, because mapping the network to find a target link is a highly technical task, and anyone with a large enough botnet is more likely to be renting it out for a profit. An alternative scenario would be the nuclear option in a full-blown cyberwar – the last resort in retaliation to other forms of cyberattack. A nation state could pull up the digital drawbridge by adjusting its BGP to disconnect from the internet, just as Egypt did two weeks ago. An agent in another country could then launch the attack, bringing down the internet while preserving the attacking nation's internal network. Sitting duck Whoever launched the attack, there's little we could do about it. Schuchard's simulation shows that existing fail-safes built into BGP do little to protect against his attack – they weren't designed to. One solution is to send BGP updates via a separate network from other data, but this is impractical as it would essentially involve building a shadow internet. Another is to alter the BGP system to assume that links never go down, but this change would have to be made by at least 10 per cent of all autonomous systems on the internet, according to the researchers' model, and would require network operators to monitor the health of connections in other ways. Schuchard says that convincing enough independent operators to make the change could be difficult. "Nobody knows if it's possible to bring down the global internet routing system," says Mark Handley, an expert in networked systems at University College London. He suggests that the attack could cause "significant disruption" to the internet, with an effect greater than the Slammer worm of 2003, but it is unlikely to bring the whole thing down. "The simulations in the paper make a lot of simplifying assumptions, which is necessary to simulate on this scale," he explains. "I doubt the internet would behave as described." Schuchard and colleagues presented their findings at the Network and Distributed System Security Symposium in San Diego, California, on Tuesday. Source
  11. Fi8sVrs

    Cifre din PI

    In an astounding and record-breaking mathematical feat, a Japanese man has calculated the value of pi to 5 trillion decimal points using a home made computer. Shigeru Kondo, a 55-year-old systems engineer, calculated the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter - usually abbreviated to 3.14 - in 90 days and seven hours, reports The Telegraph. The whole project nearly came crashing down when his daughter tripped a circuit breaker when she turned a hair dryer on. The project was saved when the computer switched to an emergency 10-minute back-up power source. Kondo was also forced to remove casings from the computer and blow cool air onto the machine with fans as the temperature in his home rose to 40 degrees in the hottest Japanese summer since 1946. Kondo's computer costs 11,550 pounds and has a hard-drive capacity of 32 terabytes. Now, he intends to try to compute the value of Pi to 10 trillion digits, saying that he only used an estimated 60 percent of the machine's capacity. ANI http://www.numberworld.org/misc_runs/pi-5t/details.html
  12. A Comprehensive History of Computers [infographic] Lets sit back and think about what life was like before computers were everywhere. You actually had to send letters via the postal service, go to stores to buy things, and actually visit Uncle Larry at his house instead of at the prison where he is serving time for a hard drive full of illegal images. Any way, even though a mostly computerless world wasn’t that long ago it really is hard to explain to some of the younger generation what a pain it really was. So in honor of the great technology we use everyday I present to you ‘Computers – A Chronological Timeline’. Enjoy! Source
  13. Cosmote Romania lanseaza Frog - un nou brand dedicat tinerilor moderni si activi - ce le ofera un pachet avansat de comunicare. Cartela Frog este un produs prepaid adaptat tinerilor si nevoilor lor specifice de comunicare, oferind avantaje multiple de voce si servicii cu valoare adaugata foarte atragatoare. Aceasta este in prezent oferta cea mai avantajoasa pe piata pe segmentul prepaid. "Frog a fost conceput pentru tinerii moderni si activi, care folosesc telefonul mobil ca pe un portal de comunicare si divertisment si care apreciaza o solutie de comunicare inteligenta. Pe langa ofertele de voce si text, acestia primesc beneficii atractive si interesante, care le fac viata mai usoara, mai placuta. Cu Cartela Frog, oferim clientilor nostri, in premiera pentru piata de telecom din Romania, un pachet atractiv de comunicare, respectand-ne promisiunea de a oferi cele mai relevante solutii de comunicare, intr-un mod accesibil. Iar acesta este doar inceputul. Sub umbrela Frog vor mai fi lansate multe alte surprize incitante." a declarat Costas Kapetanopoulos, Director de Marketing si Comunicare, Cosmote Romania. Cartela Frog este activata cu o reincarcare de cel putin 4 euro. Prin intermediul Cartelei Frog, utilizatorii pot beneficia de un bonus de 48 de euro (1 euro bonus / luna pentru o perioada de 48 de luni, primit la prima reincarcare de minim 4 euro, in cadrul lunii respective). Odata ce Cartela Frog este achizitionata, utilizatorii pot activa extraoptiunea care merge dincolo de pachetele traditionale ce includ servicii de voce si SMS, oferind solutii avansate de comunicare, intr-un singur pachet. Astfel, cu extraoptiunea Frog, clientii vor beneficia de servicii cu valoare adaugata foarte atractive, cum ar fi: Navigare nelimitata pe Internet de pe telefonul mobil prin intermediul serviciului web'n'walk 15 MMS-uri incluse catre utilizatorii Frog si Cosmote Notificari gratuite atat de la cat si catre Twitter Serviciul Muziton Serviciile cu valoare adaugata vin in completarea unui pachet foarte generos de voce si SMS care include: Apeluri nelimitate de voce si SMS-uri in grupul Frog 1000 de minute si 1000 SMS-uri catre Cosmote 70 minute si 70 SMS-uri catre alte retele nationale Costul extraoptiunii este de 6 euro. De asemenea, pentru utilizatorii Frog a fost creat un nou serviciu gratuit si usor de utilizat - acestia vor putea verifica daca un anumit numar de telefon apartine Cartelei Frog, fie prin accesarea standard de canale Self Care (1234 / *100#) fie prin formarea numerelor scurte 777 / *777#. Utilizatorii Cartelei Frog vor avea acces la toate metodele si valorile de reincarcare, deja disponibile pentru Cartela Cosmote. Sursa
  14. e copie dupa british got talent Got Talent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia nimic original
  15. Trilulilu - Blanos Distruzos feat Vexxatu Vexx - Soldatul Vexx - Muzic? Diverse
  16. punele in fisier.txt sa nu se indexeze
  17. trimite lor mail cu detalii despre cont: mail-uri sent-inbox, data activarii, alte alea
  18. http://rstcenter.com/forum/31227-internet-cine-stie.rst
  19. PORT.ro - Ochi de vultur Jerry Shaw (LaBeouf) ?i Rachel Holloman (Michelle Monaghan) sunt doi str?ini aduna?i laolalt? de un apel telefonic misterios al unei femei. pe care niciunul dintre ei nu a cunoscut-o. Necunoscuta îi amenin?? pe Rachel ?i Jerry c? le ia via?a lor ?i familiilor lor, for?ându-i astfel s? intre în jocuri periculoase ?i în situa?ii limit?, urm?rindu-le fiecare mi?care prin intermediul unor dispozitive care ast?zi, fac parte din cotidian ?i se g?sesc pân? ?i în supermaket-uri. Vine momentul în care situa?ia escaladeaz?, iar cei doi oameni absolut obi?nui?i devin cei mai c?uta?i oameni din ?ar?, care acum trebuie s? descopere împreun? ce se întâmpl? cu adev?rat, ce este în spatele acestui joc . Luptându-se pentru via?a lor, cei doi devin pionii unui inamic f?r? chip ce pare s? dispun? de puteri nelimitate, ?i care manipuleaz? totul. Film distribuit de Ro Image. Data premierei: 24 octombrie 2008
  20. Fi8sVrs

    Un shell

    Nu sunt ale mele http://digilander.libero.it/giovanni_garulli/php/r57.php http://kair111.jino-net.ru/r57shell.php http://wwwnpo.moph.go.th/uc/files/c99shell.php
  21. Fi8sVrs

    Caut poster

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