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Everything posted by ICEBREAKER101010

  1. Se exagereaza cu aceste victime.Nu inteleg de ce kkt au ajuns sa fie facuti eroi.Eu nu imi amintesc ca astia sa fii luptat pentru tara sau sa fii facut ceva extraordinar pentru tara.Au fost niste tineri care s-au dus sa se distreze in club.Atat tot,nimic mai mult!Dar asta e efectul de turma.Probabil ca o sa imi sariti multi in cap si o sa imi aduceti jigniri sau tot felul de vorbe dar ideea e ca mi se rupe de turma...
  2. Salutare, Am o subscriptie pe un site: ine.com Cu subscriptia respectiva am acces la videouri pentru a le viziona si la workbooks.Problema e ca workbooks-urile sunt online(format html) si nu le pot downloada.Merge totusi sa intru pe fiecare pagina in parte si sa dau la pagina save as dar cartile au cel putin 1000 de pagini, deci ar dura o vesnicie pana as reusi sa copiez o carte intreaga.Am incercat cu diverse softuri dar fara succes: teleport pro, httrack si altele dar se pare ca nu merge sa downloadez tot.Am gasit un user pe un forum care stie sa downloadeze cartile respective chiar daca sunt in format html.Dar acesta nu vrea sa dea share la metoda respectiva.Daca stie careva vreo solutie, e binevenita.Multumesc!
  3. Multumesc de raspuns.Dar nu sunt atat de sigur ca toate sunt eficiente.Daca te uiti pe youtube, ai sa vezi ca sunt destui care testeaza asa ceva pe ei si nu au nimic.Adica se vede ca-i afecteaza cumva dar in niciun caz nu il lasa lat astfel incat sa ai timp sa fugi sau sa anunti politia...Eu vreau sa imi achizitionez un electrosoc si nu altceva(pistol sau alte chestii de autoaparare).
  4. Salutare. Are cineva de pe aici, modelul asta de electrosoc : UZI-SG-2M ? Este bun?Daca nu este eficient, ce electrosoc imi puteti recomanda?Nu vreau teaser gun. Multumesc.
  5. Linkuri valide: rapidgator.net/file/0ced46344fcda6b211c9bae2cb272b79/Offensive_Security_Wireless_Attacks_-_WiFu_v3.0.part1.rar.html rapidgator.net/file/70c32dd3163557b9412af135552fcd0d/Offensive_Security_Wireless_Attacks_-_WiFu_v3.0.part2.rar.html rapidgator.net/file/3e559407d94597bc11cd35fa668ed3ae/Offensive_Security_Wireless_Attacks_-_WiFu_v3.0.part3.rar.html rapidgator.net/file/8c605efda08b79217fa9c2a3e716c037/Offensive_Security_Wireless_Attacks_-_WiFu_v3.0.part4.rar.html rapidgator.net/file/115b1b9c0c402d98c974e94a54b5f70b/Offensive_Security_Wireless_Attacks_-_WiFu_v3.0.part5.rar.html rapidgator.net/file/6666b95cc8ce02ecfa24100d0c652f7a/Offensive_Security_Wireless_Attacks_-_WiFu_v3.0.part6.rar.html rapidgator.net/file/f45de580be51c0358dc173533f69f64e/Offensive_Security_Wireless_Attacks_-_WiFu_v3.0.part7.rar.html
  6. Metasploit video training by ITPROTV: https://openload.co/f/x23mknQ68OQ/ https://openload.co/f/HrzmA4sJS5U/ https://openload.co/f/12U4XqWOfIs/ https://openload.co/f/LYBicYJ1WL4/ https://openload.co/f/a8adfTVioBE/ https://openload.co/f/deIDGjG7Q9w/ Have Funk!
  7. Kali Linux video training by ITPROTV: http://mab.to/zYXX2pfrY http://itpro.tv/course-library/course/5594287247725807004cd96c/episode/559428eb51122107007bb264/ Have Funk!
  8. Da ce poza are curva la profil : scufitza modernizata ))))))))
  9. E cea mai mare porcarie ca un site de socializare sa ma oblige sa imi pun numele real.Mai au putin si incep sa ceara sa punem codul pin si cardurile de credit pe profil.Mai dai dracu.
  10. Facebook si decenta ?)))))))))). Toti pustanii teribilisti sunt pe facebook si toate pitipoancele.
  11. https://openload.co/f/jfoEaKdQfwQ/tor_browser_handbook_masterson_s_k_.epub Have Funk!
  12. Link download: https://mega.co.nz/#!69U1kSZK!K2tv9BdikXunJLu1_etQdUTmeSs0HHzACfQn2bnzJjc This is the booklet used during Sourcefire's SNORT Certified Proffesional course called Snort IDS/IPS + Rule Writing This 4-day class includes Snort IDS/IPS Technology and Rule Writing Best Practices. Students will learn how to build and manage a Snort sensor using open source tools, plug-ins, and the Snort rule language to help manage, tune, and deliver feedback on suspicious network activity. Hands-on labs help students construct solid, secure Snort installations and write Snort rules using proper syntax and structure. Overview Sourcefire provides a path for interested candidates to distinguish themselves through an industry respected certification program. Choose to become a Sourcefire Certified Administrator (SFCA), a Sourcefire Certified Professional (SFCP), a Sourcefire Certified Expert (SFCE) or a Snort Certified Professional (SnortCP). Each certification requires passing an online exam. You can achieve the SFCE designation by passing the SFCE exam and become an expert on all of the products, or you can take a specific exam that targets FireAMP, the Sourcefire System or even Snort if you are focused on a specific technology. Have Funk!
  13. Linkuri de download: PAWebApplicationPentesting.…rar (800,00 MB) - uploaded.net PAWebApplicationPentesting.…rar (800,00 MB) - uploaded.net PAWebApplicationPentesting.…rar (800,00 MB) - uploaded.net PAWebApplicationPentesting.…rar (800,00 MB) - uploaded.net PAWebApplicationPentesting.…rar (800,00 MB) - uploaded.net http://uploaded.net/file/ljtia55p/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part06.rar http://uploaded.net/file/9hki5yse/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part07.rar http://uploaded.net/file/kbuirlat/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part08.rar Nitroflare http://www.nitroflare.com/view/DA3AE58CC0EDF7A/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part01.rar http://www.nitroflare.com/view/0F42A81AF7C6086/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part02.rar http://www.nitroflare.com/view/B91A675EF91FF68/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part03.rar http://www.nitroflare.com/view/190E48E3B98E082/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part04.rar http://www.nitroflare.com/view/EACB7F5C7A81B25/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part05.rar http://www.nitroflare.com/view/792EA8491E10F71/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part06.rar http://www.nitroflare.com/view/A9A6F62D84A1DAA/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part07.rar http://www.nitroflare.com/view/CEDA48AE5B6B5AC/PAWebApplicationPentesting.part08.rar Openload https://openload.io/f/anBoyFDtQGw/ https://openload.io/f/mCYYG6eogPM/ https://openload.io/f/lxqn4AcYXxc/ https://openload.io/f/TelFnXS84F4/ https://openload.io/f/HYPRz8vNFlk/ https://openload.io/f/MEu_QR5w6KE/ https://openload.io/f/XdoAHunM3Ts/ https://openload.io/f/fzPqV61EyA8/ https://openload.io/f/nM6qGG-kxV0/ https://openload.io/f/TGOC4lIye74/ https://openload.io/f/inWDnh3LGBw/ https://openload.io/f/PloXLIxTCqM/ https://openload.io/f/r4sidBfStz4/ https://openload.io/f/tM87Qj7afwI/ https://openload.io/f/HoOW9OQ_WcY/ https://openload.io/f/rC4NbeZqq7I/ https://openload.io/f/QNYtCeyDzYc/ https://openload.io/f/W5D8DgOCwUE/ https://openload.io/f/h6FboTxTnB0/ https://openload.io/f/pOaP5WvtL90/ https://openload.io/f/eAovugPvkMA/ https://openload.io/f/-dLKRMfNGIA/ https://openload.io/f/KG7VrmitQ7g/ https://openload.io/f/kC0y8WQdmwg/ https://openload.io/f/sYarrwTOqaA/ https://openload.io/f/t5lw1sK2R08/ Mai jos aveti un mic intro cu ce contine video trainingul: Course Description A non-exhaustive and continuously evolving list of topics to be covered include: •HTTP/HTTPS protocol basics •Understanding Web Application Architectures •Lab setup and tools of the trade •Converting your browser into an attack platform •Traffic Interception and Modification using Proxies •Cross Site Scripting •SQL Injection •Broken authentication and session management •Security misconfigurations •Insecure direct object reference •Cross-site Request Forgery •Insecure cryptographic storage •Clickjacking •File upload vulnerabilities •RFI and LFI •Web to Shell •Analyzing Web 2.0 applications •Attacking Caching servers •Non Relational Database Attacks •HTML5 Attack Vectors •Web Application firewalls • more additions will be made as course evolves Course Videos Select a Video 1 Course Introduction Free Video! 2 HTTP Basic 3 Netcat Lab for HTTP 1.1 and 1.0 4 HTTP Methods and Verb Tampering 5 HTTP Method Testing with Nmap and Metasploit 6 HTTP Verb Tampering Demo Free Video! 7 HTTP Verb Tampering Lab Exercise 8 HTTP Basic Authentication 9 Attacking HTTP Basic Authentication with Nmap and Metasploit 10 HTTP Digest Authentication RFC 2069 11 HTTP Digest Auth Hashing (RFC 2069) 12 HTTP Digest Authentication (RFC 2617) 13 HTTP Statelessness and Cookies 14 HTTP Set-Cookie with HTTPCookie 15 Session ID 16 SSL - Transport Layer Protection 17 SSL MITM using Proxies 18 File Extraction from HTTP Traffic 19 HTML Injection Basics 20 HTML Injection in Tag Parameters 21 HTML Injection using 3rd Party Data Source 22 HTML Injection - Bypass Filters Cgi.Escape 23 Command Injection 24 Command Injection - Filters Free Video! 25 Web to Shell on the Server 26 Web Shell: PHP Meterpreter Free Video! 27 Web Shell: Netcat Reverse Connects Web Shell: Netcat Reverse Connects 28 Web Shell: Using Python, PHP etc. Web Shell: Using Python, PHP etc. 29 Getting Beyond Alert(XSS) Getting Beyond Alert(XSS) 30 31 XSS: Cross Site Scripting XSS: Cross Site Scripting File Upload Vulnerability Basics File Upload Vulnerability Basics 53 Beating Content-Type Check in File Uploads Beating Content-Type Check in File Uploads 54 Bypassing Blacklists in File Upload Bypassing Blacklists in File Upload 55 Bypassing Blacklists using PHPx Bypassing Blacklists using PHPx 56 Bypassing Whitelists using Double Extensions in File Uploads Bypassing Whitelists using Double Extensions in File Uploads 57 Defeating Getimagesize() Checks in File Uploads Defeating Getimagesize() Checks in File Uploads Free Video! 58 Null Byte Injection in File Uploads Null Byte Injection in File Uploads 59 Exploiting File Uploads to get Meterpreter Exploiting File Uploads to get Meterpreter 60 Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability Basics Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability Basics 61 Exploiting RFI with Forced Extensions Exploiting RFI with Forced Extensions 62 RFI to Meterpreter RFI to Meterpreter 63 LFI Basics LFI Basics 64 LFI with Directory Prepends LFI with Directory Prepends 65 Remote Code Execution with LFI and File Upload Vulnerability Remote Code Execution with LFI and File Upload Vulnerability 66 LFI with File Extension Appended - Null Byte Injection 67 Remote Code Execution with LFI and Apache Log Poisoning Remote Code Execution with LFI and Apache Log Poisoning 68 Remote Code Execution with LFI and SSH Log Poisoning Remote Code Execution with LFI and SSH Log Poisoning 69 Unvalidated Redirects Unvalidated Redirects 70 Encoding Redirect Params Encoding Redirect Params 71 Open Redirects: Base64 Encoded Params Open Redirects: Base64 Encoded Params 72 Open Redirects: Beating Hash Checking Open Redirects: Beating Hash Checking Free Video! 73 Open Redirects: Hashing with Salt Open Redirects: Hashing with Salt 74 Securing Open Redirects Securing Open Redirects 75 Cross Site Request Forgery Basics Cross Site Request Forgery Basics Free Video! 76 Cross Site Request Forgery Trigger Tags Cross Site Request Forgery Trigger Tags Free Video! 77 CSRF Multi-Step Operation Handling CSRF Multi-Step Operation Handling Free Video! 78 Mitigating CSRF with Tokens Mitigating CSRF with Tokens 79 CSRF and XSS CSRF and XSS 80 CSRF Token Bypass with Hidden Iframes CSRF Token Bypass with Hidden Iframes Have Funk!
  14. Salutare, Mai jos aveti programul full : Zippyshare.com - BS1.6.18.zip Have Funk!
  15. Am cautat sa vad daca a mai fost postat pe aici dar nu am gasit nimic.In cazul in care exista postat de altcineva, va rog sa stergeti acest post. http://mab.to/6gmOji715 Have Funk!
  16. Most Credit Card Readers Use Same Password According to Trustwave almost all credit card readers are currently use same password. The passcode, set by default on credit card machines since 1990, can be found with a quick Google search. It’s either 166816 or Z66816, depending on the machine. This password allows attacker to gain complete control of a credit car reader and steal customers payment data. According to Trustwave executive Charles Henderson, who explained his findings at RSA cybersecurity conference with a presentation called “That Point of Sale is a PoS.”:
  17. Cine are spatiu de sacrificat, aveti mai jos torrent al bazei de date Hacking Team.Are 500GB. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:51603bff88e0a1b3bad3962614978929c9d26955&dn=Hacked%20Team&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fcoppersurfer.tk%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F9.rarbg.me%3A2710%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fmgtracker.org%3A2710%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt.careland.com.cn%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.demonii.com%3A1337&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fexodus.desync.com%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.leechers-paradise.org%3A6969&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.pomf.se&tr=udp%3A%2%2Ftracker.blackunicorn.xyz%3A6969 Rog un admin sa stearga postarea.Am vazut ca a mai fost postat.Imi cer scuze pentru neatentie. Have Funk!
  18. O carte pentru pasionatii de hacking : Zippyshare.com - The_Hacker_Playbook_2_-_Peter_Kim.rar Have Funk!
  19. Linkurile pentru download cat si link pentru generator premium uploaded: Getdebrid | Premium link generator SANS SEC710 - Advanced Expl…rar (456,00 MB) - uploaded.net SANS SEC710 - Advanced Expl…rar (456,00 MB) - uploaded.net SANS SEC710 - Advanced Expl…rar (456,00 MB) - uploaded.net SANS SEC710 - Advanced Expl…rar (456,00 MB) - uploaded.net http://uploaded.net/file/csmba3nj/SANS%20SEC710%20-%20Advanced%20Exploit%20Development.part5.rar http://uploaded.net/file/knv0snmx/SANS%20SEC710%20-%20Advanced%20Exploit%20Development.part6.rar http://uploaded.net/file/cn1rdhmo/SANS%20SEC710%20-%20Advanced%20Exploit%20Development.part7.rar http://uploaded.net/file/ouvtnk70/SANS%20SEC710%20-%20Advanced%20Exploit%20Development.part8.rar http://rapidgator.net/file/d3cbe7807e3a99e1e48928d9495a0f4e/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part1.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/af9bbef55c7c64c682b8de124dfbf74c/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part2.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/797755f6cda92863e19df705956ce568/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part3.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/9dbcdb29c1f0b227611740059a58e051/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part4.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/e0e7b9cca6417f368f127fe1c007c02a/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part5.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/e52b67fc27c623bd0c6db85eba76bafa/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part6.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/467406f2498edfbaba367af96e3c44a0/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part7.rar.html http://rapidgator.net/file/64c2b4a80ab326a51f50f6f0c390792f/SANS_SEC710_-_Advanced_Exploit_Development.part8.rar.html E versiunea din 2011.Sper ca nu a mai fost postat. Have Funk!
  20. http://www.digitalmunition.me/2015/06/how-microsoft-can-spy-on-you-and-how-to-stop-it/
  21. Sper sa fie util cuiva, chiar daca sunt de pe udemy si probabil ca instructor e vreun indian: 125pm.ARP.spoofing.Man.In.T…rar (325,23 MB) - uploaded.net Have Funk!
  22. Video training : 7Kali.part1.rar (101,00 MB) - uploaded.net 7Kali.part2.rar (101,00 MB) - uploaded.net 7Kali.part3.rar (101,00 MB) - uploaded.net 7Kali.part4.rar (101,00 MB) - uploaded.net 7Kali.part5.rar (63,75 MB) - uploaded.net Have Funk!
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