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Everything posted by 0x416c6578

  1. 0x416c6578


    Da. Face plata. Asta nu inseamna ca plateste bine sau ca o sa te imbogatesti cu ei.
  2. Tiganii nu exista. Ei paraziteaza.
  3. Government says its Web sites have experienced 44 million hacking attempts but only one successful breach. Israel's government Web sites have been bombarded by hackers in the last couple of days, logging more than 44 million hacking attempts since Israel launched the Gaza air strikes on Wednesday. One of the attempts was successful, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz told Reuters, noting that an unidentified site was offline for about 10 minutes before being resurrected. Popular targets include defense-related sites, as well as those of Israel's prime minister, president, and Foreign Ministry. Most of the attacks have been traced to Israel and the Palestinian territories. "The ministry's computer division will continue to block the millions of cyber attacks," Steinitz said. "We are enjoying the fruits of our investment in recent years in developing computerized defense systems." The blitz was launched by the online hactivist collective Anonymous, which said it protesting the attacks taking place on Gaza. Dubbed OpIsrael, the hacking spree also targeted retail and business sites, allegedly resulting in the defacement or shut down of hundreds of sites through a variety of methods, including denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. According to the latest list, 663 sites have been affected. In a press release, Anonymous said, "the government of Israel publicly threatened to sever all Internet and other telecommunications into and out of Gaza they crossed a line in the sand. As the former dictator of Egypt Mubarack [sic] learned the hard way - we are ANONYMOUS and NO ONE shuts down the Internet on our watch." Sursa Copilasiii cu Loic-ul au impresia ca schimba lumea din 2 clickuri. Da-te mai asa ca-s periculosi.
  4. Asta-i ceva gluma proasta?
  5. Erau multe discutii (si inca sunt) legate de deep web si informatia care se poate afla pe-acolo. In realitate, e coltul ala de internet unde gasesti pr0n, droage si alte tampenii, dupa cum spunea si Xander. Sunt foarte convins ca, daca vrei si sti cum si unde sa cauti gasesti informatie pretioasa si aici si acolo.
  6. Troll of the year. Tu nu ai idee cum functioneaza 'virusii' sau cum poti sa te aperi impotriva lor, dar vi aici cu scripturi de cacat, cu o gramatica de cacat si ne explici noua ce cacat ai creat. (nu pot repeta indeajuns de mult termenul 'cacat' pentru a defini ce ai facut tu acolo).
  7. Blackberry peste Android? Symbian peste Android? Astea-s afirmatii nefondate. Sa nu vorbim de faptul ca Symbian e pe moarte de cand Nokia a ales Windows Mobile pentru noile device-uri. Windows Mobile care e inca in faza de incubator in comparatie cu Android sau iOS.
  8. India has surpassed the U.S. and taken the lead as the greatest spam-sending country in the world. One out of every six junk messages that litter users' e-mail inboxes are coming from India, according to a new report from SophosLabs. The security vendor's third-quarter "Dirty Dozen" report of spam-relaying countries found that India upped its percentage of global spam for the third quarter in a row and now accounts for more than 16 percent of all junk e-mails. What is important to note, however, is that this spam doesn't necessarily come directly from India's computers -- but rather from the country's "ill-protected machines" that "have been turned into spam-spitting zombies in botnets." So those people who are creating the spam could be originating from anywhere. According to Sophos, 5.3 percent of the world's Internet users are from India -- ranking it as the third most connected country after China and the U.S. -- but only 10.2 percent of the population has Internet accessibility. Sophos notes that this may be one of the reasons why there is a lack of security measures for the country's computers. The U.S. had been the number 1 spamming country for years, but was bumped by India in April. However, India has long maintained a top three spot. Other countries known for being top spam-senders are Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil. Security reports over the last year have shown that malware is on the rise. According to a report by McAfee last month, malware is multiplying at a faster pace now than any other time in the last four years. Worms, viruses, botnets, Trojans, and spam are increasingly attacking computers, laptops, and mobile devices. Top 12 spam-relaying countries for July to September 2012: 1. India 16.1% 2. Italy 9.4% 3. USA 6.5% 4. Saudi Arabia 5.1% 5. Brazil 4.0% 6. Turkey 3.8% 7. France 3.7% 8. South Korea 3.6% 9. Vietnam 3.4% 10. China 3.1% 11. Germany 2.7% 12. U.K. 2.1% Sursa
  9. Eu recomand Wordpress. E mai flexibil, gasesti plugin pentru orice, iar pe un CMS ca Wordpress e foarte usor sa implementezi orice tip de site.
  10. Amice, e ultimul comentariu la care-ti raspund. Tutorialele MySql de pe site-ul acela nu au nimic de-a face cu SQL Injection. Multumesc de intelegere, daca mai ai intrebari le gasesti raspunsul pe site.
  11. Te-ai uitat pe site? E structurat pe capitole, cu exemple, iar apoi sunt exercitii care te pun sa scri tu query-ul pentru a obtine rezultatul dorit.
  12. Multi de pe forum se joaca cu atacuri de tip SQL Injection, dar nu stiu cati dintre ei stiu ceea ce se intampla in spatele query-ului folosita, si cu siguranta foarte multi nu stiu alte query-uri SQL. SQLZoo este un website cu tutoriale interactive, impartit pe capitole, care pune la dispozitia voastra o baza de date cu tabele, etc. si ofera spre rezolvare anumite task-uri. Asa ca, daca sunteti interesati de a invata cat de cat, puteti accesa sqlzoo.net. Nu e site-ul meu, nu am nici o legatura cu el. Doar mi s-a parut interesant.
  13. The European Union, led by the French data protection commission, will take aim at Google's controversial privacy policy tomorrow, a new report claims. France's CNIL will hold a press conference tomorrow to charge Google with violating EU law with this year's privacy policy change, the Guardian is reporting today, citing sources. Google's move, which effectively combined all of its privacy policies into one, violates EU law because it doesn't offer an opt-out to customers, the Guardian's sources say. Google caught heat earlier this year for consolidating its many services under one privacy policy. In the move, the company also combined all of the individual information collected on each user across all of its services. In a statement attempting to quell unrest, Google said that the change, which has been implemented, would in no way harm users. "We're not collecting more data about you. Our new policy simply makes it clear that we use data to refine and improve your experience on Google--whichever products or services you use," Google said at the time. "This is something we have already been doing for a long time. We're making things simpler and we're trying to be upfront about it. Period." Soon after Google announced the change, privacy advocates pounced, saying that the move was designed to increase the company's advertising effectiveness. A collection of Google users also sued the search giant, saying that it should have been offered an opt-out. "Google is now aggregating consumers' personal information without consumers' consent; has failed to provide a simple, effective opt-out mechanism,..." the suit claimed. That lack of an opt-out has riled the CNIL as well. According to the Guardian's sources, the commission, on behalf of the EU, will request that Google go back to the old privacy policy. It's not immediately clear what would happen if Google rejects the request, though it likely wouldn't be good news for the search giant. As if that weren't enough, Reuters reported over the weekend that several "top decision-makers" at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission believe that the agency should launch an antitrust case against Google over the possibility of it using its dominant search position to hurt rivals. Reuters' sources said that a decision on the matter could come down late next month or early December. Doar nu o sa schimbe algoritmul din spatele adwords-ului/adsense-ului etc. doar pentru ca asa spune UE. Sursa
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